Court: No Law Against Jewish Prayer on Temple Mount


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
A Jerusalem court on Sunday ordered the release of a Jewish youth who had been arrested on charges of praying on the Temple Mount. The youth was also cleared of charges that he attacked an Arab during his visit to the Mount.

The youth was ordered to stay away from the Temple Mount for 15 days. However, the court rejected a request by police that the youth be prohibited from entering the Old City altogether for 60 days. The court said that although Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount was a thorny political issue that required deep study, it was certainly not a crime – and preventing Jews from praying there was a restriction of their freedom to worship, guaranteed in Israel's Declaration of Independence and the Knesset's Basic Laws. A similar ruling regarding Jewish prayer on the Mount was made several months ago.

Court: No Law Against Jews Praying on Temple Mount - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News


1st post
As I said the other day, Israel is frightened of a riot from the Muslims which is the only reason why the Jews are prohibited from praying there.
As I said the other day, Israel is frightened of a riot from the Muslims which is the only reason why the Jews are prohibited from praying there.

Some rabbis say that Jews shouldn't pray on the Temple Mount since everyone is impure these days, and we might trespass on the Holy of Holies, where only Kohanim (priests) can enter.
I would say this is a desecration too.

A new video which was recently posted to YouTube depicts Arabs playing soccer on the Temple Mount, the Jewish people's holiest site as it is the place upon which stood the First and Second Holy Temples. The First Holy Temple was built by King Solomon as recounted in the Book of Kings and was destroyed in 586 B.C.E. by the Babylonian armies. The Second Holy Temple was built less than a hundred years later and stood until the Roman Legion destroyed it in 70 C.E.

The video goes on to show Arabs cursing the people who are filming them as they gather in the area.

[ame=]Filming Muslim children playing on Temple Mount police get angry - YouTube[/ame]

The individuals who uploaded the video clip to YouTube have issued an urgent call to the thousands of Jews who visit the Western Wall to go up to the Temple Mount and stop those Arabs who defile the place.

The call says that “a Jewish presence on the Temple Mount will help stop the desecration. Remember who sets the agenda on the Temple Mount: it is only the Israeli police. The more Jews that go up to the Temple Mount, the less Arabs that will be allowed to go up by the police.”

The call also noted that Muslim holy sites such as Mecca and Islam are treated respectfully by Arabs, and that only on the Temple Mount may one find Arab children playing ball or Arabs harvesting olives.

“This behavior may undermine the fact that the Muslims themselves believe the Temple Mount is a holy site for Islam,” reads the call. “And what they claim as Muslim holiness on the Temple Mount, might really be an excuse to harm the Jewish presence on the Temple Mount.”
As I said the other day, Israel is frightened of a riot from the Muslims which is the only reason why the Jews are prohibited from praying there.

Some rabbis say that Jews shouldn't pray on the Temple Mount since everyone is impure these days, and we might trespass on the Holy of Holies, where only Kohanim (priests) can enter.

That is something which is undecided by many Rabbis.

Some say that it should not be allowed by the Halacha, others say coming and praying at the temple mount is the purest form of Kiddush HaShem.

Anyway, it still is not the point, the court is not deciding according to religious disagreements, doesn't seem logical that Jews cannot go there simply for being Jews.
As I said the other day, Israel is frightened of a riot from the Muslims which is the only reason why the Jews are prohibited from praying there.

my thoughts exactly.

It was I believe, but am not sure, the trigger for the intafada.

The trigger was Sharon visiting the Temple Mount. .. Isn't that an excellent reason to send hundreds of suicide bombings into Israel to blow Jews into pieces ??

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