Could mRNA Vaccines Permanently Alter DNA? Recent Science Suggests They Might.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
The true meaning of it you gonna die if you accept the 'jab' of Gates. Schwab & Co

Research on SARS-CoV-2 RNA by scientists at Harvard and MIT has implications for how mRNA vaccines could permanently alter genomic DNA, according to Doug Corrigan, Ph.D., a biochemist-molecular biologist who says more research is needed.

Once again, these people used a wild-type coronavirus to argue for credibility in a non-natural host, while disregarding the biology of the wild host in nature.
The true meaning of it you gonna die if you accept the 'jab' of Gates. Schwab & Co

Research on SARS-CoV-2 RNA by scientists at Harvard and MIT has implications for how mRNA vaccines could permanently alter genomic DNA, according to Doug Corrigan, Ph.D., a biochemist-molecular biologist who says more research is needed.

I just read Doug Corrigan's work while looking at another thread made by another poster in a different forum here. Very good work in my view. The other thread I speak of is here:
Once again, these people used a wild-type coronavirus to argue for credibility in a non-natural host, while disregarding the biology of the wild host in nature.

I really don't understand what you're saying here- could you elaborate a bit?
These authors use wild coronavirus on which to base their argument. Then the dumb c.u.n.t.s disregard the biochemistry of the wild host of the virus, and violently force an argumentative bias for a non-natural host, Homo sapiens. They know they can milk the situation for years in the media, because there are at least two evolving populations of COVID-19: that in non-natural hosts (a very short evolutionary history, humans, Danish minks, etc.), and that in the natural host-reservoir (a much longer and consistent evolutionary history).
OP’s article states: ‘the SARS-CoV-2 virus is not a retrovirus, so this will not be an issue....this study has to do with the effects of the “wild” Covid virus on unvaxxed people.’

The first part of the statement is misleading. On 8 Feb 2020 we mentioned the integration of retroviral elements into the coronavirus genome, and post the citation, on the Did the Coronavirus Start As a Bioweapon? thread, referenced on the Snake Meat thread, post # 1,016:

The second part of the excerpt shows that they specifically used wild coronavirus, though importantly, left out the natural host/reservoir. How long did they think they could get away with such unscientific bullshit?
Explain wild coronavirus is that opposed to a lab created coronavirus ?
Wild certainly is opposed to a lab virus. The damning position on the spike protein is 484 (i.e., E484K mutation) which was not manipulated by man.
Edward Hendrie, The COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacturers are Violating Federal Law by Concealing the Known Dangers from Vaccine Recipients
Dr. Joseph Mercola, DO, FACN, wrote an article on or about November 12, 2020, which was prior to the FDA Emergency Use Authorization of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines. But what Dr. Mercola wrote at that time is as topical today as it was when he wrote it. He explained how the (then proposed) COVID-19 vaccines were being administered to trial subjects without informing them of the known and very real danger of a debilitating and potentially deadly side effect called “antibody-dependent enhancement” (ADE).

Dr. Mercola cited a study that revealed the startling facts that:

COVID 19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralizing antibodies may sensitize vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated. Vaccines for SARS, MERS and RSV have never been approved, and the data generated in the development and testing of these vaccines suggest a serious mechanistic concern: that vaccines designed empirically using the traditional approach (consisting of the unmodified or minimally modified coronavirus viral spike to elicit neutralizing antibodies), be they composed of protein, viral vector, DNA or RNA and irrespective of delivery method, may worsen COVID-19 disease via antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).
The study found that COVID-19 vaccine trial study subjects were not adequately informed of the ADE risk.

The specific and significant COVID-19 risk of ADE should have been and should be prominently and independently disclosed to research subjects currently in vaccine trials, as well as those being recruited for the trials and future patients after vaccine approval, in order to meet the medical ethics standard of patient comprehension for informed consent.

What is ADE? Dr. Mercola explains:

In a nutshell, it means that rather than enhance your immunity against the infection, the vaccine actually enhances the virus’ ability to enter and infect your cells, resulting in more severe disease than had you not been vaccinated. This is the exact opposite of what a vaccine is supposed to do, and a significant problem that has been pointed out from the very beginning of this push for a COVID-19 vaccine.
The ADE can be deadly. Dr. Mercola explains that on or about 2002 four COVID vaccines were tested. “Of those, the four best vaccine candidates were then given to ferrets, which are the closest analogue to human lung infections. … While the ferrets displayed robust antibody response, which is the metric used for vaccine licensing, once they were challenged with the wild virus, they all became severely ill and died.” That unsuccessful outcome is a rather ominous harbinger of things to come for those who have received the COVID-19 vaccine.

Studies of SARS-CoV vaccines have demonstrated that COVID-19 vaccines will likely make people more prone to severe SARS-CoV-2 infection.

The graphic below is from one such study. It illustrates the two ways enhancement of disease can occur.

The ferret model is well known. Less known is lung complications in Marfan syndrome, because the French variant, Henri Mondor, has brought the investigation to Ehlers-Danlos and Marfan syndromes on another thread. In addition, we’ve already mentioned ADE in post #854 of the Snake Meat thread.

Here are three entries for ADE:

It is Too Soon to Attribute ADE to COVID-19
’Improper attribution of ADE in the absence of robust demonstration in animal models may hinder/scuttle the efforts to develop effective vaccines.’

’Although prior SARS-CoV exposure or infection may play a role in ADE, it likely is not the predominant priming virus. Seroprevalence studies have shown a very low level of seroconversion in the population apart from workers with direct contact with animals such as traders.’

’To study the immunopathology, the experimental animal model for SARS-CoV-2 needs to be identified and further studies can elucidate the role of ADE.’

In order to nail down ADE ambiguities, the natural reservoir/intermediate host of COVID-19 is the perfect model. COVID-19 has not been found in bats.
It wouldn't surprise me as much as the media is lying about these modified RNA drugs. Its new technology. They have no idea. Some people are having more than their dna altered though.

This is starting to happen. Three months out.

My wifes friend called last night and her boss just died, three months after taking the second shot. Perfectly healthy. Now J and J has been told to stop injecting people due to thousands of blood clot reports. All of these shots are extremely dangerous.
It wouldn't surprise me as much as the media is lying about these modified RNA drugs. Its new technology. They have no idea. Some people are having more than their dna altered though.

This is starting to happen. Three months out.

My wifes friend called last night and her boss just died, three months after taking the second shot. Perfectly healthy. Now J and J has been told to stop injecting people due to thousands of blood clot reports. All of these shots are extremely dangerous.

Agreed. I just finished reading an article from a doctor who explained why he won't be taking the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. He says a fair amount about the other covid vaccines as well. My favourite part is his conclusion:
...we’re all being pressured into taking hastily prepared genetic vaccines, which are likely to transform our heredity, permanently. Is there any reason for this, other than countless billions of dollars in windfall profits?

It is my view that the massive and barely studied global human genetic experiment going on right now is the biological equivalent of a drunk driver, speeding down the highway with impunity at 60 mph — at night without headlights — because he says that “he knows the road.”

Most sensible people are wary about “GMO,” even in food. Now we’re going to genetically modify ourselves? Why? What madness is this?

It wouldn't surprise me as much as the media is lying about these modified RNA drugs. Its new technology. They have no idea. Some people are having more than their dna altered though.

This is starting to happen. Three months out.

My wifes friend called last night and her boss just died, three months after taking the second shot. Perfectly healthy. Now J and J has been told to stop injecting people due to thousands of blood clot reports. All of these shots are extremely dangerous.

Agreed. I just finished reading an article from a doctor who explained why he won't be taking the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. He says a fair amount about the other covid vaccines as well. My favourite part is his conclusion:
...we’re all being pressured into taking hastily prepared genetic vaccines, which are likely to transform our heredity, permanently. Is there any reason for this, other than countless billions of dollars in windfall profits?

It is my view that the massive and barely studied global human genetic experiment going on right now is the biological equivalent of a drunk driver, speeding down the highway with impunity at 60 mph — at night without headlights — because he says that “he knows the road.”

Most sensible people are wary about “GMO,” even in food. Now we’re going to genetically modify ourselves? Why? What madness is this?


Thanks for that article. Im sending it out to the masses.

Then there is this, and I wonder if DNA is altered, will there be effects with the children born?
So much still remains to be seen here.

Exactly. I for one don't want to be a guinea pig.
The true meaning of it you gonna die if you accept the 'jab' of Gates. Schwab & Co

Research on SARS-CoV-2 RNA by scientists at Harvard and MIT has implications for how mRNA vaccines could permanently alter genomic DNA, according to Doug Corrigan, Ph.D., a biochemist-molecular biologist who says more research is needed.

Of course they can, that's what they were designed to do. Couple tha with fetal cell line and ethylene glycol (anti freeze) what could go wrong?
The true meaning of it you gonna die if you accept the 'jab' of Gates. Schwab & Co

Research on SARS-CoV-2 RNA by scientists at Harvard and MIT has implications for how mRNA vaccines could permanently alter genomic DNA, according to Doug Corrigan, Ph.D., a biochemist-molecular biologist who says more research is needed.

Of course they can, that's what they were designed to do. Couple tha with fetal cell line and ethylene glycol (anti freeze) what could go wrong?

I don't know about them being -designed- to injure and even kill people, but I think there is a lot of evidence that this is happening to some of them. I am relieved that AstraZeneca was never approved in the U.S. and is now suspended in around 20 countries last I checked, and that the U.S. now recommends that Johnson and Johnson be stopped as well, but that still leaves Pfirzer and Moderna to wreck havock. Hopefully it won't be too much longer before they're suspended as well.
The ferret model is well known. Less known is lung complications in Marfan syndrome, because the French variant, Henri Mondor, has brought the investigation to Ehlers-Danlos and Marfan syndromes on another thread. In addition, we’ve already mentioned ADE in post #854 of the Snake Meat thread.

Hello badger2 and everybody else.
The variant called "Henri Mondor" carries 18 mutations. Seven of them are located on the "Spike" protein and suggest that this variant could be more transmissible, and perhaps more resistant.
Professor Jean-Michel Pawlotsky is a virologist, his team has identified the variant: "We have identified two mutations that are interesting: the 501Y mutation, which seems to be associated with better transmission of the virus. And another mutation in position 452, which it has been suggested may decrease sensitivity to the effect of vaccination."What is worrying is that they are not limited to the Ile-de-France. After the first four cases of Créteil, there were about thirty cases in the south, in the Dordogne, in Pontivy. We then went up to 190 cases. At the beginning of March, this new variant corresponded in France to almost 2% of the contaminations, compared with 63% for the English variant, 5.3% for South Africa and 0.1% for the Brazilian.
And what is even more worrying is that Macaroni said on CBS that will open the terraces, museums, schools on May 2 even if the danger is here with the different variants that circulate in France.
And to date in France only 12,508,863 people have received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine of 67.1 million inhabitants
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