Cortez the darling of the liberal press before anyone get the simple minded opnion that im anti green

Im not im all for it. But lets be real goverment isnt the answer.
It can help no doubt.
But private companies will be the answer. As they develope Affordable technology in the green energy industry slowly in can be implemented.

Alternative lubricants must be developed high efficiency solar panels .
Wind power wave power .
More research into cold fusion .
Geo thermal power but with caution over development of it and hydroelectric power could have extreme effects on our environment.
Nuke power .
Alternative power for our transportation thats keeps us capable of long range travel just like our present cars.electric is fine if you can develope a car with a 500 to 600 mile range with a 1 hour charge to full or less.
Cortez and her followers are morons if they think goverment can tax the rich enough to do this. AND do it in 10 years.
Cold fusion is the base answer to all of this and were probally decades away from it .

Now she also wants free college education for all including illegals

Free health care
A guaranteed job and place for all to live
Well all of her great socialist neo communist plans should not cost more then 70 to 90 trillion and totally destroy the nation

Hey dude hers your . hope you like it

Free education, healthcare and a job?

The Bitch
/——/ There is nothing free about free healthcare and education. And Trump has created so many jobs they can’t fill them all. So what is so great about those fake promises?
Are our armed forces free?

Talking about healthcare, what happened to that great healthcare plan that Trump claimed he had?
What is even more amazing is how there will be 10 to 12 threads on this forum about her daily, 95% of which are started by Repubs that are obsessed with her.
And you Leftists always jump in to defend the train wreck.

Of all the members of Congress the cameras at the SOTU went to her at least a dozen times.
She is turning into a rock star

How many other Freshman Congressmen do you hear about?
"Dude" is pretty much considered gender neutral these days dude, and I didn't say I used spell check, I said you should.

Read, comprehend, then comment. The order is important.
Dude is a word a low Iq moron would use instead of guy or chick or sir or ma'am .

You sound like you should be using mouthwash for a enema to get high while eating tide pods and cheese whiz you used your food stamps to pay for as you and your so called dudes played video games on a x box your mommy gave you. And your excited about getting your unemployment check tomarrow so you can buy a dime bag of seeds and stems to smoke in your moms basement where you live
Sounds like you've got some personal experience there my uneducated friend. Why don't you tell us all how it's done?

By the way, don't strain yourself trying to come up with original insults or anything. I'd hate for you to hurt yourself.
Well first im not your freind. Second I own my own business and my man works in Aerospace .
Theres a thing called common sense that sadly you seem to lack.

Next you are semi right I only got past high school I was adopted along with several others and had to work we were not a high income family or supported by the goverment.

Fear not its not a strain to come up with orginal insults for a dude like you
You do all the work every time you open your mouth
I just wonder if when you were in school and got in a fight if you pit your own foot up your rump or did the other guy

Again heres you .and ! mark you can place them where your foot had been placed time and time again by not only yourself but others

Lol, because all conservitards are independently wealthy job creating real estate mogul snipers.

We've heard that one before kiddo.

Your grammar and diction (not to mention spelling and punctuation) indicate you are an under-educated pre- teen, possibly with a learning disability.

Seriously, what sort of business could you possibly run when you can't write a readable invoice?
no because I decided to strip moron I was blessed with a pretty face and a great body and so you know my first try as a business owner failed. So I went back to stripping in a couple of high end clubs in south florida making 500 to a couple grand a night and saved more money and went into business with a guy I knew. Now we have 36 employees. Its a cleaning business mostly offices but some industral and homes.
I get half the profits about 150 g a year on average and I mostly work evenings and night. Im not rich but the two of us do make over 200 g a year he works 40 hours on average i work 20 to 80 hours a week. My home is paid for and all our vechicles . its hard work moron
Im over 30 and plan to retire at 50 and let my kids run our company and keep me on as a consultant.
All joking aside I worked my ass off for what i have.
I made a mistake and had a child with a lying bastard who promised to care for us but left before i had the baby. My choices were simple work at a low paying job put my self in debt and go back to school go on welfare or suck up my pride and go make so big bucks.
I have a petite hard body from always staying in shape I run and lift weights and do arobics almost every day. I was born a diebetic and have to watch my weight.
God blessed me with a pretty face. Im mixed blood white and shawnee brown skin and look look like a mix of Asia and black . im considered to be very attractive. So I used what i had to make great money of guys like know MORONS.
I failed my first attempt at starting a business but the second attempt was a success.
Were not rich creep but make a good living.we both work hard and party hard and take vacations when we want.
We have atarted college funds for our kids .
Were only doing well because we worked for it.
If being a republican and working to better ourselfs and that bother you perhaps you should should go sign up for cortezs socialist plan where even those who dont work because they dont wont to will be taken care of.
Honey you might consider taking that pathic little thing out you use for a brain and see if it will work .
Or do you need one of those guys who use the womens restrooms to strighten you out

RE: Seriously, what sort of business could you possibly run when you can't write a readable invoice?

Dear Aponi
I think you have the right idea and direction it takes to make it independently
and lead a business. The most important things, you have: the willingness to
push and try different things until you succeed and find what works, and the
ability to reassess when it doesn't and learn and improve, and get help to do it right.

If you are open to the idea of managing a business network and/or coop,
you can start one in your district with other GOP who would rather
build and run programs and businesses yourselves.

Here are some examples you could replicate or adapt so
you can be head of your own business association and
make a full time career managing this with other small business owners:
how to run your own network of business that
issue and circulate local currency to develop your economic community.
Ithaca organized enough labor union workers and small businesses
to accumulate enough capital to build their own center based on their local currency.
Paul Glover who founded that group went on to mentor other small towns
to become financially independent based on their own labor to back their own currency.

If you can understand that, you are probably either
an independent conservative or independent progressive.
Usually the people on either left or right depending on party and govt
to fix everything don't get this concept of DIY.
But the people prepared to do all the work themselves at the grassroots level
can appreciate it and understand how empowering it is.

As for health care cooperatives, Sean Hannity
promotes Dr. Umbehr and Atlas MD in Wichita KS,
and I just met with a founder and board member of
PPC in Kingwood that already has direct care
cooperatives in Portland and is organizing another
region of 1500 members to set up networks in Houston.

Specialized Direct Primary Care Physicians in Wichita » Atlas MD | Wichita’s Leading Direct Care Family Practice
Paul Glover also issues a short handbook explaining
the overview of what it takes to set up a health care coop.
but the team with PPC actually works with community
members and leaders to organize and lead their own networks
so they create paid jobs for the coordinators of member services.

So if you think you and your husband could head up a men's
team and women's team to organize a pool of 1500 in your
immediate region, this same model could be adapted to work in your area
to create a full time job for you and/or your husband:
Patient/Physician Cooperatives Healthcare | CooperativePlus

We need these health care networks of service providers
in EVERY district to make medical resources accessible and affordable for everyone.

I suggested to Don McCormick to work with political party precincts
to organize people by region where the jobs and relations help
invest in their communities organized by party anyway. That way,
people of likeminded values can focus on making their health
care association SUCCEED and sustain effectively like any good business
or nonprofit, instead of fighting and dividing over politics.

I am going to suggest to Paul Glover and the Green Party to
work with the PPC model and try to help more local populations
organize business and community members in health care associations
to pool resources and services so they cut out the middle man of insurance or govt messing it up.

If you are into building your own business,
you can probably head up and lead such an effort
in your community as Paul Glover started and now
teaches others to organize for their local business.
"If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich" John F. Kennedy

In the meantime, on this and other forums, another day of working class white folk, a paycheck or two from living in the streets, defending this born on third base corrupt rich white man trump. The older and great generation people of the past probably rolling over in their graves.
/——/ if you are 2 paychecks from living in the streets in this economy then you need to learn how to better manage your money and find a better paying job.

Dear Cellblock2429
Reminds me of the clause in the New Green Deal
about guaranteeing security for people unable or unwilling to work.

Has any of the people supporting that standard
ever tried paying rent and food for a roommate or
a neighbor who wasn't working?

Maybe Trump can afford to feed and house
a poor woman he took in at his Trump Tower.
but he does that by choice.

Anyone who has chosen to do this knows
the limits, of what they are willing and able to offer
and what they cannot.

Forcing it through govt raises questions from
1. how is this ensuring people get help to solve their problems
2. who is required to provide this help, is it guaranteeing funds
to nonprofits that take care of people WHILE they are solving the problems,
or only paying them to do the minimum just to get that contract or grant money.
What is the incentive to ensure services are provided by reputable
groups that aren't just enabling problems to make money off govt exploiting the poor?
NOTE: we already have this problem in public housing and prisons
why would we want to guarantee more ability to get paid to keep people in poverty?
3. And the question I ask:
Have any of these people tried taking on the cost
of people freeloading without conditions?

It just seems telling that the people and programs I know
which are most successful in helping people out of these problems
don't expect to provide care for them without condition.
The condition is that they cooperate with advice, counseling
and training to improve their situations and resolve their problems.

This isn't blindly guaranteed but only works
if people are willing to make things work.
Nobody can afford to create more problems
and costs beyond the ability to pay.

Would people change their minds if they tried
this policy of guaranteed support, then compared it to successful groups
that work effectively?
A 29 year old managed to get herself elected to Congress. And she had to bump off a very powerful ten term Congressman to do it.

She also manages to keep her message on the front page.

So in some ways, she's not stupid. At least no dumber than Trump, which I admit is not saying much.

She and Trump have a lot in common in that they are both not very intelligent except when it comes to knowing how to keep the spotlight on themselves at all times.
She now clains latinos should not have to be subject to immigration laws as they are native to the us.

Perhaps one of her supporters can explain how some one from Honduras is native to America.
And democrats elected the horse faced ding bat nut bar.
I always hated pelosi because she was a radical moron but cortez is the queen god of morons
She now clains latinos should not have to be subject to immigration laws as they are native to the us.

Perhaps one of her supporters can explain how some one from Honduras is native to America.
And democrats elected the horse faced ding bat nut bar.
I always hated pelosi because she was a radical moron but cortez is the queen god of morons
The more I think about it, the more I realize how much alike Trump and Cortez are.

She went up against a ten term Establishment Democrat and bumped him off.

He went up against Establishment Republicans and bumped them off.

She makes crazy, outrageous statements which continually keep her on the front page.

He made crazy, outrageous statements which continually kept him on the front page.

She tells gigantic whoppers without a twinge of guilt.

He tells gigantic whoppers without a twinge of guilt.

She's dumber than a box of rocks.

He's dumber than a box of rocks.

She's a lifelong New Yorker.

He's a lifelong New Yorker.

She was opposed to the war in Iraq and says there were no WMDs in Iraq.

He was opposed to the war in Iraq and says there were no WMDs in Iraq.
O’crazyO O’commieO……………..

Never before have we seen someone of

her stature spout ignorance with such confidence…


Wait a minute….

I forgot about hank johnson thinking Guam would

Tump over if too many people were on it….

Ah Shit, I forgot about sheila jackson lee

asking about that American flag on Mars…..

Well son of a Bitch, I just thought of some more…

Well anyway, libtards say a lot of Stupid Shit….
Yes they do and the worst is, Mexico is gonna pay for the wall..

"If you like your doctor" you can let him butt bone you,

Said the libtard…….
I kept my doctor

Did Mexico pay for your wall

The Vast majority couldn’t keep their doctor….

The story of the wall ain’t over…………..
O’crazyO O’commieO……………..

Never before have we seen someone of

her stature spout ignorance with such confidence…


Wait a minute….

I forgot about hank johnson thinking Guam would

Tump over if too many people were on it….

Ah Shit, I forgot about sheila jackson lee

asking about that American flag on Mars…..

Well son of a Bitch, I just thought of some more…

Well anyway, libtards say a lot of Stupid Shit….
Yes they do and the worst is, Mexico is gonna pay for the wall..

"If you like your doctor" you can let him butt bone you,

Said the libtard…….
ah role playing with yer husband..


That was about you playing Doctors...

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