Coronavirus Deniers


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Holocaust deniers. Climate change deniers. Now we have coronavirus deniers.

As with the other deniers, it is a waste of time to bother with them any more.

That's the thing about stupid people. They are like blank slates, and when a huckster like Trump writes on their simple minds first, that is what sticks and nothing can erase it, even when the facts become undeniable.

So don't bother with them any more, unless your intention is to document their claims this is all a hoax to be used against them later. ;)

Holocaust deniers. Climate change deniers. Now we have coronavirus deniers.

As with the other deniers, it is a waste of time to bother with them any more.

That's the thing about stupid people. They are like blank slates, and when a huckster like Trump writes on their simple minds first, that is what sticks and nothing can erase it, even when the facts become undeniable.

So don't bother with them any more, unless your intention is to document their claims this is all a hoax to be used against them later. ;)

Yes, please don't bother us any more.

Don't post to our threads and don't litter the board with your bullshit threads.

We'd be very grateful
Fuckwit OP used to be a descent poster.

But, since his underwear is now up his crack he's gotten a little cranky.

Also sees Trump headed for a second term...and that really has his broken mind in a tailspin.

And, as announced by his thread (which won't stay in politics, but belongs in the whiny wimps forum), he's no longer going to address anyone who does not see the world his way.

Good riddance.
Holocaust deniers. Climate change deniers. Now we have coronavirus deniers.

As with the other deniers, it is a waste of time to bother with them any more.

That's the thing about stupid people. They are like blank slates, and when a huckster like Trump writes on their simple minds first, that is what sticks and nothing can erase it, even when the facts become undeniable.

So don't bother with them any more, unless your intention is to document their claims this is all a hoax to be used against them later. ;)

You're just tired and beaten down, get some rest and lick your wounds and you will forget you even said this, and once monday rolls around and the tv starts the mantra back up you'll be right back on here repeating whatever it is they have for you to recite...good luck and get better soon bro
Holocaust deniers. Climate change deniers. Now we have coronavirus deniers.

As with the other deniers, it is a waste of time to bother with them any more.

That's the thing about stupid people. They are like blank slates, and when a huckster like Trump writes on their simple minds first, that is what sticks and nothing can erase it, even when the facts become undeniable.

So don't bother with them any more, unless your intention is to document their claims this is all a hoax to be used against them later. ;)

Yes, please don't bother us any more.

Don't post to our threads and don't litter the board with your bullshit threads.

We'd be very grateful
Holocaust deniers. Climate change deniers. Now we have coronavirus deniers.

As with the other deniers, it is a waste of time to bother with them any more.

That's the thing about stupid people. They are like blank slates, and when a huckster like Trump writes on their simple minds first, that is what sticks and nothing can erase it, even when the facts become undeniable.

So don't bother with them any more, unless your intention is to document their claims this is all a hoax to be used against them later. ;)

climate change, as in we're heading into spring.
We haven't had a day in the 60's yet here in Burley So far this year. And last year was one of the coldest on record.
,Dems deny Physics by saying the sun consumes masses amount of energy yet is making the earth hotter.
Dems deny the science of a sonogram.,
climate change, as in we're heading into spring.
We haven't had a day in the 60's yet here in Burley So far this year. And last year was one of the coldest on record.
,Dems deny Physics by saying the sun consumes masses amount of energy yet is making the earth hotter.
Dems deny the science of a sonogram.,

This is the kind of ignorance the OP is talking about.
Holocaust deniers. Climate change deniers. Now we have coronavirus deniers.

As with the other deniers, it is a waste of time to bother with them any more.

That's the thing about stupid people. They are like blank slates, and when a huckster like Trump writes on their simple minds first, that is what sticks and nothing can erase it, even when the facts become undeniable.

So don't bother with them any more, unless your intention is to document their claims this is all a hoax to be used against them later. ;)

Looks more like a confession to your psychiatrist. TDS is a powerful thing.
Holocaust deniers. Climate change deniers. Now we have coronavirus deniers.

As with the other deniers, it is a waste of time to bother with them any more.

That's the thing about stupid people. They are like blank slates, and when a huckster like Trump writes on their simple minds first, that is what sticks and nothing can erase it, even when the facts become undeniable.

So don't bother with them any more, unless your intention is to document their claims this is all a hoax to be used against them later.

Seems to be a relatively new tactic of the left wrong. Not brand new, but it seems like they've been using it for some years now. Put forth some greatly-exaggerated fear, or even a complete hoax as a premise to push some destructive LIbEral policy, and then brand opponents of the hoax or policy as “deniers”, trying to lump us all in with Nazi sympathizers who deny the Holocaust.

Fortunately, it seems that the only people who are stupid enough to fall for this tactic are other left wrong-wing cretins who were going to go for the bad policies anyway, with or without the hoax being used to promote these polices.

Sane people ought to take it as a compliment when left wrong-wing filth call us “deniers”.
Dems deny Physics by saying the sun consumes masses amount of energy yet is making the earth hotter.
Dems deny the science of a sonogram.,

Many of them even deny the obvious difference between men and women.

Modern LIbEralism truly is a mental disease. And in their madness, they convince themselves that their delusions make them superior to those of us who are sane.
Holocaust deniers. Climate change deniers. Now we have coronavirus deniers.

As with the other deniers, it is a waste of time to bother with them any more.

That's the thing about stupid people. They are like blank slates, and when a huckster like Trump writes on their simple minds first, that is what sticks and nothing can erase it, even when the facts become undeniable.

So don't bother with them any more, unless your intention is to document their claims this is all a hoax to be used against them later. ;)

I haven't seen any coronavirus deniers yet. Please post a link so I can see what you are talking about.
Holocaust deniers. Climate change deniers. Now we have coronavirus deniers.

As with the other deniers, it is a waste of time to bother with them any more.

That's the thing about stupid people. They are like blank slates, and when a huckster like Trump writes on their simple minds first, that is what sticks and nothing can erase it, even when the facts become undeniable.

So don't bother with them any more, unless your intention is to document their claims this is all a hoax to be used against them later. ;)

I haven't seen any coronavirus deniers yet. Please post a link so I can see what you are talking about.
They are you need new glasses?
Why is it called a pandemic, and not a panrepublic?
It's a Dempanic.
Your day is coming up.

“When the virus becomes political, journalism that is rooted in empirical data and science matters. It may even save lives. This administration has cleared out science and scientists across all departments. Donald Trump's daily coronavirus press briefings have become political rallies. He frequently spreads, at best, misinformation and, at worst, lies.” ibid


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