It's obvious the cop was in fear for his life. so he had to shoot him. Luckily he wasa good shot, or he might have hit someone inside that door he was shooting into.
Dude was armed and crazy.

Yeah he was. With some kind of knife. In a wheelchair. I'd feel like a real pussy if I couldn't beat this guy by simply disconnecting his battery cable! Or sticking a rock in front of his wheel. Or giving him a kick and knocking his wheelchair over.

At 1 mph speed, don't you think they might have tazed him first?

Many cops now are totally untrained and worthless pussies now who are a danger to the community because too many of the good cops all resigned over the 2020 Floyd / Defund bullshit so now cities will take anyone just desperate to find staff to fill jobs.
Yeah he was. With some kind of knife. In a wheelchair. I'd feel like a real pussy if I couldn't beat this guy by simply disconnecting his battery cable! Or sticking a rock in front of his wheel. Or giving him a kick and knocking his wheelchair over.

At 1 mph speed, don't you think they might have tazed him first?

Many cops now are totally untrained and worthless pussies now who are a danger to the community because too many of the good cops all resigned over the 2020 Floyd / Defund bullshit so now cities will take anyone just desperate to find staff to fill jobs.
Both of the cops in that video should have faced murder charges. Did they? Or were they "not guilty due to the victim being white?"
I would riot but that would cut into my bourbon/YouTube time. Also I am not going to riot in my own neighborhood because even the squirrels are armed here!
When they told the cops they had to stop killing so many people, it just took the fun right out of the job, and some of them quit.
Both of the cops in that video should have faced murder charges. Did they? Or were they "not guilty due to the victim being white?"

In my view, they were incompetent and presented a far greater danger to the store patrons with all that gunfire than one weird dude in a wheelchair with a knife. I can't begin to tell you how many ways I could think of to stop and disable that guy without emptying my service pistol into his back.

Imagine, this guy is gunned down for stealing a plastic Walmart toolbox worth $29.95 while elsewhere, blacks steal up to $1000 in store merchandise as store staff and police stand back and hold the door open for them.

This cop has one thing going in his favor: the deceased was white so he won't have half a million crazies rioting for your death or life in prison as in Chauvin.

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