Conservatives push their totalitarian excesses in the classroom

No one, whether they be liberal or conservative believes in rewarding laziness. But what is happening in America is hard working people are sinking.
The hard workers re sinking because the Democrats with their Socialist policies are placing too heavy a monkey on the backs of the hard workers. Just so they can garner votes from lazy people.

Who works harder? Takes a lot of hard work to become a "scientist". And what do those scientists do? Well, I mean besides medicine, engineering, agricultural, weapons for our armed forces, materials for everything from what we wear to what our houses are made out of.

And all of that hard work is 6% Republican? Yep, only 6%. And considering what Republicans think of education, it's probably work that had to be done over anyway. So who works harder? I would say in this case, it's a "slam dunk".


It's a shame that Republicans have to depend so much on Democrats to take care of them. Sad, really.

And I'll bet most lawyers are Democrats also. But on the other hand, Every Doctor that I know personally leans to the right. Hmmmm. Sorry rdean but your chart is still as meaningless as ever. Unless you are pointing out that all rich people aren't Republicans? But we've known that for years.
No one, whether they be liberal or conservative believes in rewarding laziness. But what is happening in America is hard working people are sinking.
The hard workers re sinking because the Democrats with their Socialist policies are placing too heavy a monkey on the backs of the hard workers. Just so they can garner votes from lazy people.

Sure, idiot. The fact that the very wealthy pay a much smaller portion of their income in taxes has nothing to do with it. The fact that you Repuklicans have been actively engaged in union busting for the last 50 years has nothing to do with it. Or the fact that you have actually gave tax incentatives to move industries overseas.

Guys like you are the enemy of the working man, people like myself.

What the hell? You don't read much do you? The richest 5% of the country pays over 60% of the taxes. That is fact and you can't spin it away.
The great crime: Parents today want to control the classroom curriculum

Good parents want their children to learn the "truth" and not simply be indoctrinated. There is a name for indoctrinated children. The name is "victim".

So......they should believe everything Glenn W. Smith writes?

What is Glen's Expertise?

He has spent the past 30 years in journalism and politics, where he’s "made a name for himself" as a writer, campaign manager, activist, think tank analyst and, as Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas says, a “legendary political consultant and all-around good guy.”

I see.:eusa_eh:

He has no credentials in history, no experience writing text books, and no teaching credentials. In fact, in reading his Bio, I don't see that he's received a degree in ANYTHING, worked a fucking honest day in his life, or knows diddly about anything practical.

AND...what 'expertise' do people like Cynthia Dunbar have? She is a Religious Right member on the board, who said that the Founding Fathers didn’t intend to separate church and state. Dunbar, a graduate of TV preacher Pat Robertson’s Regent University Law School, lectured the board that the Founders intended to promote religion.

Religious liberty was not the only casualty of the ultra-conservative board’s decision. Here are some of the board’s other historical rewrites:

* Thomas Jefferson was removed from a section on how Enlightenment philosophy influenced the founders; instead, students will be taught about theologians Thomas Aquinas and John Calvin.

* Students will now be required to learn about conservative heroes and icons such as Phyllis Schlafly, the Heritage Foundation and the Moral Majority. But they refuse to allow a similar standard requiring students to learn about “liberal” individuals and organizations.

* Study about the civil rights movement was rewritten to minimize efforts by ethnic minorities and women. Instead, students will learn that minorities owe thanks to men and “the majority” for receiving equal rights.

* When Texas students learn about Abraham Lincoln’s inaugural address, they will also learn about the ideas in Jefferson Davis’s address as president of the Confederacy during the Civil War.

* Students are barred from learning about the influence of hip hop on music because the board considers it too closely related to “gangsta rap.”
Conservatives Re-Write Declaration of Independence

The Civil Rights Movement created "unrealistic expectations of equal outcomes" among minorities, according to Texas conservatives trying to rewrite American history textbooks. They want students to learn that bit of undemocratic, phony history.

Imagine Thomas Jefferson opening the Declaration of Independence with, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, no one should have unrealistic expectations of human equality..."

The Texas State Board of Education, dominated by anti-evolution, authoritarian ideologues, has made news around the world for trying to rewrite history. They want Confederate President Jefferson Davis' words given equal treatment with President Abraham Lincoln's. Now there's an example of an unrealistic expectation of equality.

This is all taking place in the Texas textbook adoption process, a process that influences books studied by students around the country. Texas is big, and its schools order a lot of books. To keep costs down, textbook publishers push those books in other states.


I grew up in Texas. In the '60s conservatives were fond of teaching the dangers of Soviet communism. At the top of their list of abuses was the Soviet Union's rewriting of history and its ideological abuse of science. I happen to agree about these totalitarian excesses. But doesn't it sound familiar? There's no climate crisis, and Jefferson didn't mean it about the equality stuff. I guess it depends on who, exactly, is twisting science and history. That is just what conservatives once condemned as "situation ethics." Hypocrisy is a slippery slope.

Whole article...

If it isn't approved in Texass, it isn't populated to any other public K-12 schools in the nation. That's a little charter that needs to be revoked. Educational standards are one thing, ideological BS is something else.
This is another example of why we are becoming a dumb nation. Parents today want to control the classroom curriculum in the false belief that time and ideas do not change. Instead of granting their children the opportunity and freedom to think about all sorts of things, they want them controlled. Not sure how we resolve the reactionary aspect of conservatives. Progress is a snail.

How DARE the customer be so pretentious to know what they want to be served, and how they want it delivered?!?!???

Is it any wonder that collectivist-authoritarian drips like you are viewed as arrogant disconnected snobs?

At some point, you have to allow and trust the people that work for you to do the job for which you have hired them.

Do you stand over your mechanic's shoulder and critique every aspect of his work as he fixes your brakes? Do you tell you Doctor exactly how to do his job?

A really good teacher is up to date on the techniques, innovations, and ideas of their field. If they're doing something, its often for a reason.

As a parent, if you don't like the job a teacher is doing, you have the right to complain. But at some point you'll have to fish or cut bait. If the teachers don't hold a candle to your superior brain power, quit your job and teach your own kids.
Actually, Texas is right. 'Equal' does not equate to 'equal outcomes'. Everyone has the right to make of their life what they will. It does not mean that some dumbass with no education has the right to earn the same as someone who goes to college, works hard and achieves on their own.
Maybe the right wing morons in Texas can ban all photos of Mt. Rushmore... kids might ask why Thomas Jefferson was good enough for Mount Rushmore, but not for Texas conservatives.
This is another example of why we are becoming a dumb nation. Parents today want to control the classroom curriculum in the false belief that time and ideas do not change. Instead of granting their children the opportunity and freedom to think about all sorts of things, they want them controlled. Not sure how we resolve the reactionary aspect of conservatives. Progress is a snail.

Jonathan Haidt on the moral roots of liberals and conservatives | Video on

Robert Wright on optimism | Video on

First this is not an example as to why we are becoming a dumb nation, false premise period.

Evil parents want to control, Marxist and Communist demonized parents in the past.

Time and ideas change, really, how, explain yourselrf.

Liberals claim conservatives want control, seems this Liberal/Marxist wants complete control over how "others" children learn, and for what reason, what business is it of the Marxist/Liberal.

Yes, do not be reactionary, allow your children to be taught everything the Liberal demands.

Nice twisted wording.

And now a word or two from the good freind of President Obama, Bill Ayers.

World Education Forum Bill Ayers

This is my fourth visit to Venezuela, each time at the invitation of my comrade and friend Luis Bonilla, a brilliant educator and inspiring fighter for justice. Luis has taught me a great deal about the Bolivarian Revolution and about the profound educational reforms underway here in Venezuela under the leadership of President Chavez. We share the belief that education is the motor-force of revolution, and I’ve come to appreciate Luis as a major asset in both the Venezuelan and the international struggle—I look forward to seeing how he and all of you continue to overcome the failings of capitalist education as you seek to create something truly new and deeply humane. Thank you, Luis, for everything you’ve done.

Yes comrade, progress towards a Marxist dream is moving much to slow.
Maybe the right wing morons in Texas can ban all photos of Mt. Rushmore... kids might ask why Thomas Jefferson was good enough for Mount Rushmore, but not for Texas conservatives.

Maybe the left wing morons where you live can ban President's day. After all MLK was far more relevant than all the "White" presidents put together. Of course student's might ask why Obama's not colored enough to be black.

For the issue of the age of enlightenment perhaps YOU should read a little history. Unless you object because the White people were the source of said Enlightenment.
If it isn't approved in Texass, it isn't populated to any other public K-12 schools in the nation. That's a little charter that needs to be revoked. Educational standards are one thing, ideological BS is something else.



What on earth are you talking about?

There is no legal compulsion for public schools outside Texas to "populate" their K-12 schools with ANYTHING approved in Texas.
Maybe the right wing morons in Texas can ban all photos of Mt. Rushmore... kids might ask why Thomas Jefferson was good enough for Mount Rushmore, but not for Texas conservatives.

Maybe the left wing morons where you live can ban President's day. After all MLK was far more relevant than all the "White" presidents put together. Of course student's might ask why Obama's not colored enough to be black.

For the issue of the age of enlightenment perhaps YOU should read a little history. Unless you object because the White people were the source of said Enlightenment.

Really? Here's some 'enlightenment' for was also the white man that almost completed a genocide of the indigenous people of this country and it was the white man the carried out lynchings of the black man.
The hard workers re sinking because the Democrats with their Socialist policies are placing too heavy a monkey on the backs of the hard workers. Just so they can garner votes from lazy people.

Who works harder? Takes a lot of hard work to become a "scientist". And what do those scientists do? Well, I mean besides medicine, engineering, agricultural, weapons for our armed forces, materials for everything from what we wear to what our houses are made out of.

And all of that hard work is 6% Republican? Yep, only 6%. And considering what Republicans think of education, it's probably work that had to be done over anyway. So who works harder? I would say in this case, it's a "slam dunk".


It's a shame that Republicans have to depend so much on Democrats to take care of them. Sad, really.
My personal experience tells me your statistics are the third type (from Twain "there are three types of lies; lies, damn lies, and statistics).

The fact that the source of the "information" in the table is omitted pretty much destroys its credability.

I would omit "social scientists" from any poll of "scientists," e.g. Economists, Psychologists, Sociologists, Anthropologists, and Underwaterbasketweavingologists.

However, I'd still expect that many physists, chemists, biologists work as cogs in the bloated Federal Beaurocracy in various Depts: of Energy, EPA, NASA, Defense, Etc., and I'd be astonished if they would support anything but their continued employment in arguably "valuable" work.
Good parents want their children to learn the "truth" and not simply be indoctrinated. There is a name for indoctrinated children. The name is "victim".

So......they should believe everything Glenn W. Smith writes?

What is Glen's Expertise?

He has spent the past 30 years in journalism and politics, where he’s "made a name for himself" as a writer, campaign manager, activist, think tank analyst and, as Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas says, a “legendary political consultant and all-around good guy.”

I see.:eusa_eh:

He has no credentials in history, no experience writing text books, and no teaching credentials. In fact, in reading his Bio, I don't see that he's received a degree in ANYTHING, worked a fucking honest day in his life, or knows diddly about anything practical.

AND...what 'expertise' do people like Cynthia Dunbar have? She is a Religious Right member on the board, who said that the Founding Fathers didn’t intend to separate church and state. Dunbar, a graduate of TV preacher Pat Robertson’s Regent University Law School, lectured the board that the Founders intended to promote religion.

I got my bio info on Glen from the link in the OP.

Where did you get your info on Dunbar?

Nonetheless, your point is that if there is an idiot that you don't agree with, then you should believe an idiot you do agree with?


I'll rely on resources that have some training and a lot of experience about whatever the fuck they're talking about.
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So......they should believe everything Glenn W. Smith writes?

What is Glen's Expertise?

He has spent the past 30 years in journalism and politics, where he’s "made a name for himself" as a writer, campaign manager, activist, think tank analyst and, as Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas says, a “legendary political consultant and all-around good guy.”

I see.:eusa_eh:

He has no credentials in history, no experience writing text books, and no teaching credentials. In fact, in reading his Bio, I don't see that he's received a degree in ANYTHING, worked a fucking honest day in his life, or knows diddly about anything practical.

AND...what 'expertise' do people like Cynthia Dunbar have? She is a Religious Right member on the board, who said that the Founding Fathers didn’t intend to separate church and state. Dunbar, a graduate of TV preacher Pat Robertson’s Regent University Law School, lectured the board that the Founders intended to promote religion.

I got my bio info on Glen from the link in the OP.

Where did you get your info on Dunbar?

Nonetheless, your point is that if there is an idiot that you don't agree with, then you should believe an idiot you do agree with?


I'll rely on resources that have some training and a lot of experience about whatever the fuck they're talking about.

Cynthia Dunbar

A person with a definite right wing 'agenda'...

You remind me of a dog chasing it's tail...the facts of the Texas hearings have become public domain. Glenn W. Smith reported it...he is not involved in trying to rewrite American history...Dunbar IS...

It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.
Edmund Burke
For the issue of the age of enlightenment perhaps YOU should read a little history. Unless you object because the White people were the source of said Enlightenment.

Really? Here's some 'enlightenment' for was also the white man that almost completed a genocide of the indigenous people of this country and it was the white man the carried out lynchings of the black man.

There are always unenlightened people in any group. Given how unenlightened you sound it is unsurprising you don't realize that.
I am conversant in the actual truths surrounding the drop of indigenous population in North America; before any Pilgrims landed along the East Coast disease, brought by cattle and swine the Spaniards imported, had nearly obliterated the local population.

As for your "Lynching" nonsense - is it your claim that blacks never lynched anyone? Do you also claim Whites never lynched other whites? Obviously you are a product of either substandard schools or inferior intellect.
Or both.
For the issue of the age of enlightenment perhaps YOU should read a little history. Unless you object because the White people were the source of said Enlightenment.

Really? Here's some 'enlightenment' for was also the white man that almost completed a genocide of the indigenous people of this country and it was the white man the carried out lynchings of the black man.

There are always unenlightened people in any group. Given how unenlightened you sound it is unsurprising you don't realize that.
I am conversant in the actual truths surrounding the drop of indigenous population in North America; before any Pilgrims landed along the East Coast disease, brought by cattle and swine the Spaniards imported, had nearly obliterated the local population.

As for your "Lynching" nonsense - is it your claim that blacks never lynched anyone? Do you also claim Whites never lynched other whites? Obviously you are a product of either substandard schools or inferior intellect.
Or both.

Really? Please explain the form of 'enlightenment' that dismisses and/or ignores well documented injustices, abuses and murders fomented by racial and cultural prejudices in our history?
Really? Please explain the form of 'enlightenment' that dismisses and/or ignores well documented injustices, abuses and murders fomented by racial and cultural prejudices in our history?
Show your documentation and I'll explain.
No one, whether they be liberal or conservative believes in rewarding laziness. But what is happening in America is hard working people are sinking.
The hard workers re sinking because the Democrats with their Socialist policies are placing too heavy a monkey on the backs of the hard workers. Just so they can garner votes from lazy people.

Who works harder? Takes a lot of hard work to become a "scientist". And what do those scientists do? Well, I mean besides medicine, engineering, agricultural, weapons for our armed forces, materials for everything from what we wear to what our houses are made out of.

And all of that hard work is 6% Republican? Yep, only 6%. And considering what Republicans think of education, it's probably work that had to be done over anyway. So who works harder? I would say in this case, it's a "slam dunk".


put up your link for the chart rdean.


It's a shame that Republicans have to depend so much on Democrats to take care of them. Sad, really.

And of course you think that means anything, bonehead? Science is limited by man's intellect. Get over yourself, fool.
The premise of the title of this thread tells all.

Liberal/Marxist must demonize all things counter to the Marxist idealogy.

Its telling that a parents rights and ideals is considered excessive by the Liberal/Marxist.

The Liberal/Marxist will label the opposition to Marxism as Totalitarion, the Liberal calls any thought other than their own Totalitarion.

How come nobody is posting the text in question. I followed a couple of links that lead to articles, why cant we see the exsisting text and the text that will replace it.

Should be easy and is integral to the discussion.

I suspect this thread was just an oppurtunity by the liberal/marxist to bash and demonize conservatives hence the lack of links to the material in question.
AND...what 'expertise' do people like Cynthia Dunbar have? She is a Religious Right member on the board, who said that the Founding Fathers didn’t intend to separate church and state. Dunbar, a graduate of TV preacher Pat Robertson’s Regent University Law School, lectured the board that the Founders intended to promote religion.

I got my bio info on Glen from the link in the OP.

Where did you get your info on Dunbar?

Nonetheless, your point is that if there is an idiot that you don't agree with, then you should believe an idiot you do agree with?


I'll rely on resources that have some training and a lot of experience about whatever the fuck they're talking about.

Cynthia Dunbar

A person with a definite right wing 'agenda'...

You remind me of a dog chasing it's tail...the facts of the Texas hearings have become public domain. Glenn W. Smith reported it...he is not involved in trying to rewrite American history...Dunbar IS...

It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.
Edmund Burke

Well, I went to your linky and found that Dunbar is:

1. a practicing attorney
2. graduate of Regent University School of Law.
3. active in Texas politics
4. an author who has just released a new book entitled: "One Nation Under God".

The book takes a clear look at how the left is erasing what made this nation great and how far removed we, as Americans, have come from understanding the principles and philosophies that made us who we are.

Compared to Glen W. Smith, who has never held a public office, who has no degree, and has never studied law, and has never published, I think she's a much more credible source of information regarding what should or should not be included in text books.

Yes, I agree that her politics are "right wing." But, then Smith's politics are "left wing." His complaint about Dunbar is basically she hasn't the same POV that he has.

Clearly her POV is based on much experience and education, while his is based on being an "all-around good guy,” according to Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas.

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