Conservatives Hoping Ohio Voters As Gullible As GOP Primary Voters

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Conservatives Hoping Ohio Voters As Gullible As GOP Primary Voters

We all observed the carnival atmosphere of the 2012 GOP primaries, which had Republican right wingers and conservatives in the GOP primaries selecting the least conservative candidate out of a field representative of the full spectrum of American conservatism. It was a wonderful look into the cognitive dissonance that lives in the hive-like mind of the GOP base today: "President Obama has done nothing, yet we must save the nation from all he has done, and is planning on doing. President Obama is a socialist intent on making America an European type nation, even though the President has an economic team in place that is anything but socialistic in word or action." and on and on...

Now we have the GOP Standard Bearer, Mitt the liberal, moderate Conservative feeding red meat to the people of Ring Wing World, by insisting that the road to winning the White House is to believe the good people of Ohio are as sick and demented as the GOP base is. I guess some people will believe anything if they have been fed a steady diet of horse manure for most of their life times.:eusa_eh:

Okay. Let me lay it all out for you: Mitt Romney won the GOP primaries by lying at every opportunity, about each and every Republican opponent, and was constantly upset that his integrity would be called into question. He also won by having his Citizens United Super PAC friends convince right wing world that black is white, up is down, and Romney was a true Christian Conservative on a White Horse that would rescue the American middle class that he personally helped push into the shitter.

Oh yeah, and Super Wealthy Billionaires and Millionaires have the best interests at heart of all the American middle class, The last economic crisis was just a bump in the road and they have the answers again. They even have a plan that they say they will not lay out before the election, because if they do it will be inspected and they will have to spend time defending their plan.


I doubt very much the good people of Ohio are buying this clunker of a campaign message. As a matter of fact I suspect many of them are getting angry at the ads Romney and friends are running in Ohio on the last few days. Unlike the whacky right wing hive, the people of Ohio know a road apple from a Delicious apple.

Hope and Change......:thup:

Many of us did not buy that in 2008, and it is surprising that people would buy it now.

How dumb do some of you guys think the good people of Ohio are? How crazy is it that people like you think others outside your bubble agree with your world view?

Paranoia and alarmist messages may keep chemicals in your brain pumping into your 'feel good' areas, but feeling good is no substitute for responsibility and duty.

Americans need to step up and do what we need to. Re-elect President Obama and keep the Super Wealthy Oligarchy from making further gains.

The voters in Ohio spoke in the 2010 mid-terms when they voted in a REPUBLICAN Governor and voted in more REPUBLICAN Congressmen.

Since that time, Ohio's unemployment rate is BELOW the national average, and Ohio has a balanced budget and job GROWTH.

Stick that in your crack pipe and smoke it, Inferno-boy.
Gee, Dante...did you ever stop to think that maybe the reason that Republicans selected a moderate like Mitt Romney is that they aren't as "extreme" as everyone at MSNBC, ThinkProgress and the Huffington Post would like you to believe? That what THEY were looking for was competence and someone who had the ability to work across the aisle to get things fixed?
Gee, Dante...did you ever stop to think that maybe the reason that Republicans selected a moderate like Mitt Romney is that they aren't as "extreme" as everyone at MSNBC, ThinkProgress and the Huffington Post would like you to believe? That what THEY were looking for was competence and someone who had the ability to work across the aisle to get things fixed?

Considering in every poll taken the GOP base preferred 'anyone but Romney' but ended up selecting Romney after Millions of Dollars in attack ads convinced them that romney was the most conservative candidate.

Stupid is as stupid does

Gee, Dante...did you ever stop to think that maybe the reason that Republicans selected a moderate like Mitt Romney is that they aren't as "extreme" as everyone at MSNBC, ThinkProgress and the Huffington Post would like you to believe? That what THEY were looking for was competence and someone who had the ability to work across the aisle to get things fixed?

Considering in every poll taken the GOP base preferred 'anyone but Romney' but ended up selecting Romney after Millions of Dollars in attack ads convinced them that romney was the most conservative candidate.

Stupid is as stupid does


Attack ads were flying everywhere, Dante. Why did conservatives choose the most moderate candidate? The truth only "think" you know what the GOP "base" is...and you've based that opinion on the propaganda that you're fed from sources like The New York Times, ThinkProgress and MSNBC.

Republicans chose Romney for their candidate because they thought he was the most competent choice of those running. They chose him because he has a history of success at fixing things that are broken...and MAN, is our country broken right now!
Now let's examine why Democrats are voting for someone with some of the worst economic numbers ever...who doesn't have a plan to fix the economy or put people back to work...and instead wants us to believe that raising taxes in the midst of this weak economy is the "cure" we need when in fact it will only worsen the weak recovery we now are experiencing.

What's up with THAT? Stupid is as stupid does?
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Now let's examine why Democrats are voting for someone with some of the worst economic numbers ever...who doesn't have a plan to fix the economy or put people back to work...and instead wants us to believe that raising taxes in the midst of this weak economy is the "cure" we need when in fact it will only worsen the weak recovery we now are experiencing.

What's up with THAT? Stupid is as stupid does?

According to Dante they would be thinking...

According to common sense they would be deaf, dumb and blind...

You pick...
Gee, Dante...did you ever stop to think that maybe the reason that Republicans selected a moderate like Mitt Romney is that they aren't as "extreme" as everyone at MSNBC, ThinkProgress and the Huffington Post would like you to believe? That what THEY were looking for was competence and someone who had the ability to work across the aisle to get things fixed?

Considering in every poll taken the GOP base preferred 'anyone but Romney' but ended up selecting Romney after Millions of Dollars in attack ads convinced them that romney was the most conservative candidate.

Stupid is as stupid does


Attack ads were flying everywhere, Dante. Why did conservatives choose the most moderate candidate? The truth only "think" you know what the GOP "base" is...and you've based that opinion on the propaganda that you're fed from sources like The New York Times, ThinkProgress and MSNBC.

Republicans chose Romney for their candidate because they thought he was the most competent choice of those running. They chose him because he has a history of success at fixing things that are broken...and MAN, is our country broken right now!

most everyone was unhappy with the pick. It is why the base got all excited after the first debate. before that it looked as if the right wing would have a collective nervous breakdown.

all Romney did was energize the wingnut base.

it was always thought to be a close race. Picking Romney was a gift to Obama
Now let's examine why Democrats are voting for someone with some of the worst economic numbers ever...who doesn't have a plan to fix the economy or put people back to work...and instead wants us to believe that raising taxes in the midst of this weak economy is the "cure" we need when in fact it will only worsen the weak recovery we now are experiencing.

What's up with THAT? Stupid is as stupid does?

Bad economic numbers because of a slow recovery from a few decades of conservative economic terrorism .. but things are improving.

By Stephen Stills
October 29, 2012 12:35 PM ET

Let's take a look at recent history. When was Black Friday? When did the Dow drop 800 points? When was the big heist when all the bank stimulus money was given out with no accountability? Watching Mitt Romney and the Republicans campaigning right now, you'd never know all these things happened during the Bush administration. They speak as if the economy collapsed the day Obama was sworn into office.

Right now, the Dow is at 13,000. It was below 8,000 when the president took office. Job growth is rising. Unemployment is dropping. We desperately need to stay the course with this president.

Read more: Stephen Stills on Mitt Romney: 'I Never Thought I'd See a Creepier Politician Than Nixon' | Music News | Rolling Stone
Hope and Change......:thup:

Many of us did not buy that in 2008, and it is surprising that people would buy it now.

How dumb do some of you guys think the good people of Ohio are? How crazy is it that people like you think others outside your bubble agree with your world view?

Paranoia and alarmist messages may keep chemicals in your brain pumping into your 'feel good' areas, but feeling good is no substitute for responsibility and duty.

Americans need to step up and do what we need to. Re-elect President Obama and keep the Super Wealthy Oligarchy from making further gains.


By "the Super Wealthy Oligarchy" are you referring to that one percent crowd who attended Obama's $35,000 per plate fundraiser in August, or are you only referring to super wealthy Republicans?
Hope and Change......:thup:

Many of us did not buy that in 2008, and it is surprising that people would buy it now.

How dumb do some of you guys think the good people of Ohio are? How crazy is it that people like you think others outside your bubble agree with your world view?

Paranoia and alarmist messages may keep chemicals in your brain pumping into your 'feel good' areas, but feeling good is no substitute for responsibility and duty.

Americans need to step up and do what we need to. Re-elect President Obama and keep the Super Wealthy Oligarchy from making further gains.


By "the Super Wealthy Oligarchy" are you referring to that one percent crowd who attended Obama's $35,000 per plate fundraiser in August, or are you only referring to super wealthy Republicans?

Some of them too, yep

But the Super PAC people that want to roll back financial regulations and more are not paying #35,000 for plates, they are giving $1,000,000 and $5,000,000 and $10,000,000 a shot to fund Super PACs

big difference, don't ya think?
Considering in every poll taken the GOP base preferred 'anyone but Romney' but ended up selecting Romney after Millions of Dollars in attack ads convinced them that romney was the most conservative candidate.

Stupid is as stupid does


Attack ads were flying everywhere, Dante. Why did conservatives choose the most moderate candidate? The truth only "think" you know what the GOP "base" is...and you've based that opinion on the propaganda that you're fed from sources like The New York Times, ThinkProgress and MSNBC.

Republicans chose Romney for their candidate because they thought he was the most competent choice of those running. They chose him because he has a history of success at fixing things that are broken...and MAN, is our country broken right now!

most everyone was unhappy with the pick. It is why the base got all excited after the first debate. before that it looked as if the right wing would have a collective nervous breakdown.

all Romney did was energize the wingnut base.

it was always thought to be a close race. Picking Romney was a gift to Obama

No offense, Dante but I don't think you're very savvy when it comes to politics. Romney was the Republican that Obama least wanted to run against because he had the most potential appeal to independent voters and you can tell that because the Obama camp was attacking Romney WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY back, trying to knock him out so as to end up with a more far right candidate. Having to run against Romney was in no way a "gift" to Obama.
Attack ads were flying everywhere, Dante. Why did conservatives choose the most moderate candidate? The truth only "think" you know what the GOP "base" is...and you've based that opinion on the propaganda that you're fed from sources like The New York Times, ThinkProgress and MSNBC.

Republicans chose Romney for their candidate because they thought he was the most competent choice of those running. They chose him because he has a history of success at fixing things that are broken...and MAN, is our country broken right now!

most everyone was unhappy with the pick. It is why the base got all excited after the first debate. before that it looked as if the right wing would have a collective nervous breakdown.

all Romney did was energize the wingnut base.

it was always thought to be a close race. Picking Romney was a gift to Obama

No offense, Dante but I don't think you're very savvy when it comes to politics. Romney was the Republican that Obama least wanted to run against because he had the most potential appeal to independent voters and you can tell that because the Obama camp was attacking Romney WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY back, trying to knock him out so as to end up with a more far right candidate. Having to run against Romney was in no way a "gift" to Obama.

The President's campaign was attacking Romney far back because it was evident to them, when others weren't so sure, that the Romney campaign and their Super PAC pals were going to lead the sheep to slaughter. They defined Romney before he had won the GOP primaries. Romney was a gift from the gods..

Romney was an unknown to many. The President was looking weak because the struggling recovery is so slow. Americans want instant gratification and this economic crisis we just went through is like no other in recent memory. No quick fixes like Americans demand. If he had had a strong challenger it is likely the race would have been over by now.

The Obama reelection machine that beat Hillary in 2008, and had a strategy to do so, had a strategy early on on how to beat Romney and the GOP.

Go back and read the headlines and news columns...reams written on what the President's campaign was doing waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back and why. Also reams written on why Romney just might be the weakest opponent Obama could face
Conservatives Hoping Ohio Voters As Gullible As GOP Primary Voters

We all observed the carnival atmosphere of the 2012 GOP primaries, which had Republican right wingers and conservatives in the GOP primaries selecting the least conservative candidate out of a field representative of the full spectrum of American conservatism. It was a wonderful look into the cognitive dissonance that lives in the hive-like mind of the GOP base today: "President Obama has done nothing, yet we must save the nation from all he has done, and is planning on doing. President Obama is a socialist intent on making America an European type nation, even though the President has an economic team in place that is anything but socialistic in word or action." and on and on...

Now we have the GOP Standard Bearer, Mitt the liberal, moderate Conservative feeding red meat to the people of Ring Wing World, by insisting that the road to winning the White House is to believe the good people of Ohio are as sick and demented as the GOP base is. I guess some people will believe anything if they have been fed a steady diet of horse manure for most of their life times.:eusa_eh:

Okay. Let me lay it all out for you: Mitt Romney won the GOP primaries by lying at every opportunity, about each and every Republican opponent, and was constantly upset that his integrity would be called into question. He also won by having his Citizens United Super PAC friends convince right wing world that black is white, up is down, and Romney was a true Christian Conservative on a White Horse that would rescue the American middle class that he personally helped push into the shitter.

Oh yeah, and Super Wealthy Billionaires and Millionaires have the best interests at heart of all the American middle class, The last economic crisis was just a bump in the road and they have the answers again. They even have a plan that they say they will not lay out before the election, because if they do it will be inspected and they will have to spend time defending their plan.


I doubt very much the good people of Ohio are buying this clunker of a campaign message. As a matter of fact I suspect many of them are getting angry at the ads Romney and friends are running in Ohio on the last few days. Unlike the whacky right wing hive, the people of Ohio know a road apple from a Delicious apple.


Well, at least you didn't pollute the Clean Debate Zone...
Conservatives Hoping Ohio Voters As Gullible As GOP Primary Voters

We all observed the carnival atmosphere of the 2012 GOP primaries, which had Republican right wingers and conservatives in the GOP primaries selecting the least conservative candidate out of a field representative of the full spectrum of American conservatism. It was a wonderful look into the cognitive dissonance that lives in the hive-like mind of the GOP base today: "President Obama has done nothing, yet we must save the nation from all he has done, and is planning on doing. President Obama is a socialist intent on making America an European type nation, even though the President has an economic team in place that is anything but socialistic in word or action." and on and on...

Now we have the GOP Standard Bearer, Mitt the liberal, moderate Conservative feeding red meat to the people of Ring Wing World, by insisting that the road to winning the White House is to believe the good people of Ohio are as sick and demented as the GOP base is. I guess some people will believe anything if they have been fed a steady diet of horse manure for most of their life times.:eusa_eh:

Okay. Let me lay it all out for you: Mitt Romney won the GOP primaries by lying at every opportunity, about each and every Republican opponent, and was constantly upset that his integrity would be called into question. He also won by having his Citizens United Super PAC friends convince right wing world that black is white, up is down, and Romney was a true Christian Conservative on a White Horse that would rescue the American middle class that he personally helped push into the shitter.

Oh yeah, and Super Wealthy Billionaires and Millionaires have the best interests at heart of all the American middle class, The last economic crisis was just a bump in the road and they have the answers again. They even have a plan that they say they will not lay out before the election, because if they do it will be inspected and they will have to spend time defending their plan.


I doubt very much the good people of Ohio are buying this clunker of a campaign message. As a matter of fact I suspect many of them are getting angry at the ads Romney and friends are running in Ohio on the last few days. Unlike the whacky right wing hive, the people of Ohio know a road apple from a Delicious apple.


Well, at least you didn't pollute the Clean Debate Zone...

Do people actually post there?

most everyone was unhappy with the pick. It is why the base got all excited after the first debate. before that it looked as if the right wing would have a collective nervous breakdown.

all Romney did was energize the wingnut base.

it was always thought to be a close race. Picking Romney was a gift to Obama

No offense, Dante but I don't think you're very savvy when it comes to politics. Romney was the Republican that Obama least wanted to run against because he had the most potential appeal to independent voters and you can tell that because the Obama camp was attacking Romney WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY back, trying to knock him out so as to end up with a more far right candidate. Having to run against Romney was in no way a "gift" to Obama.

The President's campaign was attacking Romney far back because it was evident to them, when others weren't so sure, that the Romney campaign and their Super PAC pals were going to lead the sheep to slaughter. They defined Romney before he had won the GOP primaries. Romney was a gift from the gods..

Romney was an unknown to many. The President was looking weak because the struggling recovery is so slow. Americans want instant gratification and this economic crisis we just went through is like no other in recent memory. No quick fixes like Americans demand. If he had had a strong challenger it is likely the race would have been over by now.

The Obama reelection machine that beat Hillary in 2008, and had a strategy to do so, had a strategy early on on how to beat Romney and the GOP.

Go back and read the headlines and news columns...reams written on what the President's campaign was doing waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back and why. Also reams written on why Romney just might be the weakest opponent Obama could face

You are right about one thing, Dante...the Obama "reelection machine" had a strategy on how to beat Romney. That strategy was to define him as a mean spirited person who only cared about his rich "extreme" candidate who hated the poor and the elderly...and make him defend himself against THAT narrative rather than defend Barack Obama's OWN record...because they KNEW that Obama's record was so bad that if they were running on that...that they didn't stand a chance.

The problem is that Romney ISN'T "extreme"...he's actually a moderate who governs from the center and works well with the other side while it's Obama that's "extreme" and does neither. Romney's the one with a proven track record of SUCCESS as an executive while Barry has never had ANY success being in charge.

The first debate highlighted that. They saw that Romney wasn't extreme. People started to ask what Obama's "plan" was to fix things. They wanted to know what he would do DIFFERENTLY this time than he'd done for the past four years and when they questioned him on that...all they got were more of the same vague ideas of "Hope & Change" that they got back in 2008...repackaged as "Move Forward" in 2012. The truth is...Barack Obama doesn't have a plan to fix the economy...nor does he have the ability to forge compromises with the opposition party. If we WERE to re-elect him what we would get is another four years just like the past four years, with unemployment hovering at around 7% and economic growth at a grinding 2%.

I know that "reams" of negative copy were written about Romney by a pro-Obama Main Stream Media. What's amazing is that the majority of Americans have ignored that and simply compared the two men on their plans to fix the economy. Since Obama has no's not surprising that Romney has picked up momentum and Obama has lost it.

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