Conservatives and the GOVERNMENT


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
"Get The GOVERNMENT out of our lives!" Get the GOVERNMENT off our backs!" Sound familiar?? We've been hearing this from Conservatives for 30+ years haven't we?? So, please explain to us....

* Why millions of GOD fearing conservatives line up every year for GOVERNMENT backed disaster relief (just like they're doing in Texas right now)

* Why millions of GOD fearing conservatives insist on GOVERNMENT backed deposit
insurance for their bank deposits

* Why there are just as many GOD fearing conservatives on welfare and food stamps as the liberals they detest for doing the same thing.

* Why millions of GOD fearing conservatives want GOVERNMENT troops to protect them from foreign enemies.

* Why millions of GOD fearing conservatives insist on state and federal GOVERNMENT law enforcement people to administer and enforce the law.

* Why millions of GOD fearing conservatives have no problem with GOVERNMENT backed loans so they can buy a home. i.e. VA and FHA

* Why conservative lawmakers talk about "smaller government" yet these same people spend their entire careers working in.....government!

* Why conservative business owners are the first to apply for GOVERNMENT grants, subsidies and other corporate welfare pork.

And the list goes on and on....Conservatives want the government out of their lives, but conservatives are the first ones to stick a straw in GOVERNMENT benefits and suckle them like little piggies. I wouldn't go so far as calling conservatives hypocritical ass hats, but it wouldn't be a stretch, now would it?? :bye1:
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"Get The GOVERNMENT out of our lives!" Get the GOVERNMENT off our backs!" Sound familiar?? We've been hearing this from Conservatives for 30+ years haven't we?? So, please explain to us....
But you have our words wrong, just like a lib, either can't hear or won't listen. Conservatives want government to do what they are mandated to do and nothing more. They are mandated to assist the people during a disaster. They are not mandated to hand out money to drug addicts, or tell us how to worship. They are not mandated to waste our hard earned tax dollars.
If they stuck to what their mandate states they would be able to do their job more efficiently with money left over for a rainy day no pun intended.
Conservatives want the government out of their lives, but conservatives are the first ones to stick a straw in GOVERNMENT benefits and suckle them like little piggies
That's ridiculous and wrong and obviously posted without thinking.
"Get The GOVERNMENT out of our lives!" Get the GOVERNMENT off our backs!" Sound familiar?? We've been hearing this from Conservatives for 30+ years haven't we?? So, please explain to us....

* Why millions of GOD fearing conservatives line up every year for GOVERNMENT backed disaster relief (just like they're doing in Texas right now)

Standard lefty who can't distinguish between the proper role of government and the over inflated nanny state that the left has built.

It is also telling that this lefty has managed to miss all the other times that some silly lefties has made this mistake and been viciously schooled by conservatives.
"Get The GOVERNMENT out of our lives!" Get the GOVERNMENT off our backs!" Sound familiar?? We've been hearing this from Conservatives for 30+ years haven't we?? So, please explain to us....

* Why millions of GOD fearing conservatives line up every year for GOVERNMENT backed disaster relief (just like they're doing in Texas right now)

* Why millions of GOD fearing conservatives insist on GOVERNMENT backed deposit
insurance for their bank deposits

* Why there are just as many GOD fearing conservatives on welfare and food stamps as the liberals they detest for doing the same thing.

* Why millions of GOD fearing conservatives want GOVERNMENT troops to protect them from foreign enemies.

* Why millions of GOD fearing conservatives insist on state and federal GOVERNMENT law enforcement people to administer and enforce the law.

* Why millions of GOD fearing conservatives have no problem with GOVERNMENT backed loans so they can buy a home. i.e. VA and FHA

* Why conservative lawmakers talk about "smaller government" yet these same people spend their entire careers working in.....government!

* Why conservative business owners are the first to apply for GOVERNMENT grants, subsidies and other corporate welfare pork.

And the list goes on and on....Conservatives want the government out of their lives, but conservatives are the first ones to stick a straw in GOVERNMENT benefits and suckle them like little piggies. I wouldn't go so far as calling conservatives hypocritical ass hats, but it wouldn't be a stretch, now would it?? :bye1:

* Why millions of GOD fearing conservatives line up every year for GOVERNMENT backed disaster relief (just like they're doing in Texas right now) I'm a hypocrite.

* Why millions of GOD fearing conservatives insist on GOVERNMENT backed deposit
insurance for their bank deposits I don't. Can't speak for anyone else because I've never heard anyone say that.

* Why there are just as many GOD fearing conservatives on welfare and food stamps as the liberals they detest for doing the same thing. Where are your statistics on that coming from?

* Why millions of GOD fearing conservatives want GOVERNMENT troops to protect them from foreign enemies. I was one of the troops, don't see the problem

* Why millions of GOD fearing conservatives insist on state and federal GOVERNMENT law enforcement people to administer and enforce the law. I don't. I'd like to see the DEA, ATF disolved and the FBI become more of a tool for state law enforcement and a entity that only prosecutes crimes committed by government officials

* Why millions of GOD fearing conservatives have no problem with GOVERNMENT backed loans so they can buy a home. i.e. VA and FHA I like the idea of the VA. I am a vet, and a hypocrite.

* Why conservative lawmakers talk about "smaller government" yet these same people spend their entire careers working in.....government! They're not conservatives. They're sociopaths.

* Why conservative business owners are the first to apply for GOVERNMENT grants, subsidies and other corporate welfare pork. They're not conservatives either then, or they're hypocrites.
"Get The GOVERNMENT out of our lives!" Get the GOVERNMENT off our backs!" Sound familiar?? We've been hearing this from Conservatives for 30+ years haven't we?? So, please explain to us....

* Why millions of GOD fearing conservatives line up every year for GOVERNMENT backed disaster relief (just like they're doing in Texas right now)

Standard lefty who can't distinguish between the proper role of government and the over inflated nanny state that the left has built.

It is also telling that this lefty has managed to miss all the other times that some silly lefties has made this mistake and been viciously schooled by conservatives.
More than 20 Texas representatives and senators voted against Sandy aid. How will they vote on Harvey?

The representatives, and Republican Sens. Ted Cruz and John Cornyn, all voted against a $50.5-billion relief package for victims of 2012’s Superstorm Sandy when it came before them in January 2013.
I'm not talking about pulling people off roofs . I'm thinking the aftermath. Where cons will be cashing hurricane relief welfare checks and getting free money loans .

Why? Because they talk big, but when reality hits, it's the pro lifer taking their 16 year old kid to get an abortion.
Damned Hypocrites!!!

That common defense/public safety mandate in the constitution is BULLSHIT!!!

The MILITARY is FUCKING WELFARE!!! I agree with this commie for once. No more military. It's fucking socialism. GET RID OF IT!!!

Same with police, fire, roads/transportation/utilities!!! ALL OF IT. I want 4-10 competing private military forces AND at least 15 competing FEMA-like disaster rescue service providers. Give me at least 10 privately-owned toll roads going to the same place. FUCK IT. The whole fucking nation should be nothing but toll roads and telephone lines.


Welcome, to the United Highways of America.

I'm not talking about pulling people off roofs . I'm thinking the aftermath. Where cons will be cashing hurricane relief welfare checks and getting free money loans .
Hey. You're right to call out conservatives. They are big government hypocrites.

Let's all agree to remove EVERY LAST PROGRAM OR DEPARTMENT not constitutionally mandated.

No more welfare.

No more disaster relief.

No more obamacare.

No more bogus, Ponzi scheme Social Security.

No more medicare/Medicaid.

Let's all stop being hypocrites.
I'm not talking about pulling people off roofs . I'm thinking the aftermath. Where cons will be cashing hurricane relief welfare checks and getting free money loans .

Why? Because they talk big, but when reality hits, it's the pro lifer taking their 16 year old kid to get an abortion.
Relief checks are not welfare checks and no one is getting free loans...stop making stuff up.

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