Conservatives and Liberals - Learn to compromise.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Conservatives and Liberals - It must be clear you folks by now that neither of you is going away so you may as well learn to live with each other. I know it's fun to hiss and spit at the other side, but that's not going to change anyone's mind. If you take the time to get to know each other, you'll discover you're not really that different.

Let's not forget that our United States Senate was forged by The Great Compromise of 1787. Neither side is going to get everything they want, so get used to working with the other side rather than antagonizing them.

P.S. It would help both sides in this situation to turn off your TV's and political websites, stop letting your media outlets do your thinking for you - and start thinking for yourselves. :bye1:
Conservatives and Liberals - It must be clear you folks by now that neither of you is going away so you may as well learn to live with each other. I know it's fun to hiss and spit at the other side, but that's not going to change anyone's mind. If you take the time to get to know each other, you'll discover you're not really that different.

Let's not forget that our United States Senate was forged by The Great Compromise of 1787, and well as many of our existing laws. Neither side is going to get everything they want, so get used to working with the other side rather than antagonizing them.

P.S. It would help both sides in this situation to turn off your TV's and political websites, stop letting your media outlets do your thinking for you - and start thinking for yourselves. :bye1:

There is no getting along anymore. The left made sure of that years ago. The left went from Democrat to liberal, from liberals to progressive, from progressive to Socialist/ Democrats, and their next step is Socialism and Communism even though my opinion is they are already there.

There is no middle-ground between constitutionalism and Communism. It's like trying to find middle-ground between Israel and the Palestinians. The only real solution is to divide this country in half and have two countries instead; one for each side.

Trump tried to work with the left when he first took office. He referred to himself as the great uniter. For his efforts he got impeached twice with no impeachable offenses, and they created a phony Russian collusion charge. Even when he lost the election they still went after him up to two years later; never done before in the history of our country.

This is what happens when you try to work with these people.

Trump tried to work with the left when he first took office. He referred to himself as the great uniter. For his efforts he got impeached twice with no impeachable offenses, and they created a phony Russian collusion charge. Even when he lost the election they still went after him up to two years later; never done before in the history of our country.
It's even worse than that.

When Trump floated an immigration bill in '17 that gave the left everything that they claimed to want just a mere six months prior, they turned him down without batting an eye.

They don't want "compromise", they want capitulation and supplication.
It's even worse than that.

When Trump floated an immigration bill in '17 that gave the left everything that they claimed to want just a mere six months prior, they turned him down without batting an eye.

They don't want "compromise", they want capitulation and supplication.

Exactly. The Democrat motto: My way or the highway.

One of the very first things Trump did after the election was invite the top Democrat leaders for a bowling match in the White House bowling ally. It takes two to tango. You can't make friends with people that don't want to be friends with you.
Conservatives and Liberals - It must be clear you folks by now that neither of you is going away so you may as well learn to live with each other. I know it's fun to hiss and spit at the other side, but that's not going to change anyone's mind. If you take the time to get to know each other, you'll discover you're not really that different.

Let's not forget that our United States Senate was forged by The Great Compromise of 1787. Neither side is going to get everything they want, so get used to working with the other side rather than antagonizing them.

P.S. It would help both sides in this situation to turn off your TV's and political websites, stop letting your media outlets do your thinking for you - and start thinking for yourselves. :bye1:
I’m fine with compromising with people that don’t hold disdain for the country’s existence. When there’s a large contingent of people on the left who believe:
- America is stained with the sin of slavery and must be forever defined with it, as well as with “taking” the land from “peaceful” natives.
- America is a racist, sexist, oppressive patriarchy that must be condemned and transformed.

… You can’t really work with these people. If they get angry if you dispute that you’re not the epitome of all evil.. they aren’t able to participate in any sort of collaboration or uniting.

They hate this place. As far as the USA, as someone who acknowledges it’s faults but is proud of it, I shouldn’t have to appease those who hold absolute contempt for its existence. If it’s so oppressive and evil, they should leave.
When we have a very limited view, every thing is twisted towards the goal of Never being open minded,
a problem occurs. The heart becomes hard, and the mind becomes closed. these are not good things in our daily life, much less our political thinking.
… You can’t really work with these people. If they get angry if you dispute that you’re not the epitome of all evil.. they aren’t able to participate in any sort of collaboration or uniting.

They hate this place

Which is why they are always trying to change it into Europe.
Liberty's only chance of survival is maintaining as much division as possible between those who would usurp it and those who would protect it.

I might compromise on what's for supper, though.
When Trump went ahead with the "Wall" he revealed the 'godawful' truth to both sides. I have coined a name for it; "The job is the boss". The border with its problems screamed for an effective barrier. Trump heard it and acted. Our politicians only hear each other screaming back and forth, which drowns out the pleadings of the 'job'.

Our locker storage rooms have been screaming for paint for years. I finally have time to answer their call. :)
Conservatives and Liberals - It must be clear you folks by now that neither of you is going away so you may as well learn to live with each other. I know it's fun to hiss and spit at the other side, but that's not going to change anyone's mind. If you take the time to get to know each other, you'll discover you're not really that different.

Let's not forget that our United States Senate was forged by The Great Compromise of 1787. Neither side is going to get everything they want, so get used to working with the other side rather than antagonizing them.

P.S. It would help both sides in this situation to turn off your TV's and political websites, stop letting your media outlets do your thinking for you - and start thinking for yourselves. :bye1:
We saw the near 100% that the Progs got in compromise with or without RINOS in Joe's first two years. A pothole has not een filled yet with the infrastructure act and Ukraine has a hundred billion dollars already.
Conservatives and Liberals - It must be clear you folks by now that neither of you is going away so you may as well learn to live with each other. I know it's fun to hiss and spit at the other side, but that's not going to change anyone's mind. If you take the time to get to know each other, you'll discover you're not really that different.

Let's not forget that our United States Senate was forged by The Great Compromise of 1787. Neither side is going to get everything they want, so get used to working with the other side rather than antagonizing them.

P.S. It would help both sides in this situation to turn off your TV's and political websites, stop letting your media outlets do your thinking for you - and start thinking for yourselves. :bye1:

Men on Women's sports teams, what is the compromise?

Forcing small business owners to participate in Same Sex Wedding Celebrations they find morally wrong, what's the compromise?

Abortion on Demand, what's the compromise?
Conservatives and Liberals - It must be clear you folks by now that neither of you is going away so you may as well learn to live with each other. I know it's fun to hiss and spit at the other side, but that's not going to change anyone's mind. If you take the time to get to know each other, you'll discover you're not really that different.

Let's not forget that our United States Senate was forged by The Great Compromise of 1787. Neither side is going to get everything they want, so get used to working with the other side rather than antagonizing them.

P.S. It would help both sides in this situation to turn off your TV's and political websites, stop letting your media outlets do your thinking for you - and start thinking for yourselves. :bye1:
And stay off of political debate boards, right?
Who? EXATCLY, names & numbers please.

Oh please: Disarm citizens or make it almost impossible to own a gun. Keep taking more money from the wealthy to give to those that failed in life. Government healthcare. Creating more government social programs or expanding the ones we have. You name it.
In politics it's not about Conservatism or Liberalism, it's all about power.

Do "Conservatives" balance the budget when they have power? No.

Do "Liberals" live up to their promises to minorities when they are in power? No.
Most people are center right or left. It's the fringe loudmouths from both sides who cause all the bet most working people don't know alot of our nations elected leadership because they frankly don't care enough. And that's NOT a bad thing.
Conservatives and Liberals - It must be clear you folks by now that neither of you is going away so you may as well learn to live with each other. I know it's fun to hiss and spit at the other side, but that's not going to change anyone's mind. If you take the time to get to know each other, you'll discover you're not really that different.

Let's not forget that our United States Senate was forged by The Great Compromise of 1787. Neither side is going to get everything they want, so get used to working with the other side rather than antagonizing them.

P.S. It would help both sides in this situation to turn off your TV's and political websites, stop letting your media outlets do your thinking for you - and start thinking for yourselves. :bye1:
Nice sentiments. Too bad no compromise has been reached in US gov't for over thirty years.

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