Conservative Patriot & Election Fraud Lawyer Lin Wood Being Investigated For Election Fraud


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"A pro-Trump attorney who pushed conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election, including allegations of voter fraud, is reportedly under investigation for illegal voting. CBS Atlanta affiliate WGCL-TV cites a high-level source in the Georgia Secretary of State's office as saying that office is investigating whether Wood voted "out of state" — in Georgia even though he was actually a resident of South Carolina at the time of the November election. In a statement sent to CBS News, Wood said he has "been a resident of the State of Georgia since 1955. I changed my residency to South Carolina yesterday [February 1, 2021] -- He added, "This is pure harassment by the Georgia Secretary of State because I have revealed credible evidence of election fraud on the part of Brad Raffensperger"

He seems to have clear proof that he did not vote illegally -- so this is obviously liberal harassment being carried out by a disgruntled Deep State Dem governor and Sec of State working with Soros and Venezuela to hide their role in stealing the election. He is also under investigation by the Georgia State Bar; and we all know how all bar associations are run by globalist Jews with advanced space laser capabilities....
How do they know that is was really Lin Wood who cast the vote when their Mail-In Ballot System is wide open for voter fraud?
This is called political assassination.

Anyone who used the courts and the system to attempt -- not succeed, just attempt -- to stop the steal will now face a barrage of frivolous criminal charges. These charges do not need to stick -- they won't -- but they will then have a public record to use in upcoming political ads and conservative suppression.
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How do they know that is was really Lin Wood who cast the vote when their Mail-In Ballot System is wide open for voter fraud?
This is called political assassination.

Anyone who used the courts and the system to attempt -- not succeed, just attempt -- to stop the steal will now face a barrage of frivolous criminal charges. These charges do not need to stick -- they won't -- but they will then have a public record to use in upcoming political ads and conservative suppression.
Anyone who tries to use the court to introduce fake evidence of voter fraud will be charged with perjury before a federal judge and sanctioned by their state's bar.....

Luckily for Lin Wood; even he wasn't stupid enough to do that....since you STILL haven't seen him introduce a single piece of evidence before a judge.....

"A pro-Trump attorney who pushed conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election, including allegations of voter fraud, is reportedly under investigation for illegal voting. CBS Atlanta affiliate WGCL-TV cites a high-level source in the Georgia Secretary of State's office as saying that office is investigating whether Wood voted "out of state" — in Georgia even though he was actually a resident of South Carolina at the time of the November election. In a statement sent to CBS News, Wood said he has "been a resident of the State of Georgia since 1955. I changed my residency to South Carolina yesterday [February 1, 2021] -- He added, "This is pure harassment by the Georgia Secretary of State because I have revealed credible evidence of election fraud on the part of Brad Raffensperger"

He seems to have clear proof that he did not vote illegally -- so this is obviously liberal harassment being carried out by a disgruntled Deep State Dem governor and Sec of State working with Soros and Venezuela to hide their role in stealing the election. He is also under investigation by the Georgia State Bar; and we all know how all bar associations are run by globalist Jews with advanced space laser capabilities....
I've been saying all along that we should be concerned that Republicans are so sure it's possible for people to vote more than once. For dead people to vote. Throwing out votes. Republicans seem awfully sure these things are happening. So sure I get the feeling they are doing it themselves. Maybe in Florida. Maybe in Red states to make sure they appear Redder than they actually are.
"A pro-Trump attorney who pushed conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election, including allegations of voter fraud, is reportedly under investigation for illegal voting. CBS Atlanta affiliate WGCL-TV cites a high-level source in the Georgia Secretary of State's office as saying that office is investigating whether Wood voted "out of state" — in Georgia even though he was actually a resident of South Carolina at the time of the November election. In a statement sent to CBS News, Wood said he has "been a resident of the State of Georgia since 1955. I changed my residency to South Carolina yesterday [February 1, 2021] -- He added, "This is pure harassment by the Georgia Secretary of State because I have revealed credible evidence of election fraud on the part of Brad Raffensperger"

He seems to have clear proof that he did not vote illegally -- so this is obviously liberal harassment being carried out by a disgruntled Deep State Dem governor and Sec of State working with Soros and Venezuela to hide their role in stealing the election. He is also under investigation by the Georgia State Bar; and we all know how all bar associations are run by globalist Jews with advanced space laser capabilities....

Well God Bless Lin Wood! :laughing0301:
"A pro-Trump attorney who pushed conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election, including allegations of voter fraud, is reportedly under investigation for illegal voting. CBS Atlanta affiliate WGCL-TV cites a high-level source in the Georgia Secretary of State's office as saying that office is investigating whether Wood voted "out of state" — in Georgia even though he was actually a resident of South Carolina at the time of the November election. In a statement sent to CBS News, Wood said he has "been a resident of the State of Georgia since 1955. I changed my residency to South Carolina yesterday [February 1, 2021] -- He added, "This is pure harassment by the Georgia Secretary of State because I have revealed credible evidence of election fraud on the part of Brad Raffensperger"

He seems to have clear proof that he did not vote illegally -- so this is obviously liberal harassment being carried out by a disgruntled Deep State Dem governor and Sec of State working with Soros and Venezuela to hide their role in stealing the election. He is also under investigation by the Georgia State Bar; and we all know how all bar associations are run by globalist Jews with advanced space laser capabilities....

Well God Bless Lin Wood! :laughing0301:
Which Lin Wood? The one who votes in S. Carolina or the one who votes in Georgia?

I knew Republicans were doing this. They were so sure it's possible to vote twice it's almost like they knew
How do they know that is was really Lin Wood who cast the vote when their Mail-In Ballot System is wide open for voter fraud?
Why did Lin Wood vote by mail??

Does that mean he worships Satan and eats babies?

Hey - Where everybody go? :laugh:
Is Wood mentally competent enough to stand trail? Is he doing drugs?? These seem to be among many questions!

Wood: "This is pure harassment by the Georgia Secretary of State because I have revealed credible evidence of election fraud on the part of Brad Raffensperger" — the Georgia secretary of state.​
Wood told NPR he "was domiciled in Atlanta in October of 2020 and was a resident of Georgia at that time. ... I own properties in Georgia and South Carolina."​
The prominent pro-Trump figure sued Raffensperger in one of a series of unsuccessful lawsuits alleging election fraud in the 2020 election. Wood, along with Sidney Powell, filed the suits in battleground states to try to overturn election results.​
Wood spoke at far-right rallies about his claims, including a December 2 "Stop The Steal" event in Georgia.​
A "Stop The Steal" rally in Washington, D.C. preceded the January 6 assault on the Capitol.​
The 68-year-old was permanently suspended by Twitter for pushing conspiracy theories and promoting the Capitol attack. He was temporarily suspended, then banned for saying he'd use a second account to get around the suspension, according to Buzzfeed News.​
Recently, the State Bar of Georgia opened an investigation into Wood's competence. According to The Associated Press, the inquiry falls "under the bar rule that has to do with mental incapacity or substance abuse."


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