Conservative Muslims are no match for progressives


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
You have to act as they do to out smart them ...

In our ongoing campaign against Islamophobic conservatives, self-styled civic patriots and those whose primary goal is protecting the interests of the Zionist entity, Nationalists are frequently accused of being “soft” on Islam.

We use the attack word, Islamophobia, in its proper context; that is to say that, in most cases, our enemies on the right are not capable of thinking clearly, nor of behaving rationally around the subject of Islam and Muslims.

It is a fact that the line pushed by these Zio-patriots has become the basis of an asocial internet cult for lonely, dysfunctional and depressed workers and marginalised people.

We hear often enough that it’s better to feel as though one belongs to something bigger than the sum of its parts, even if the whole program is flawed and most of the followers know that the emperor has no clothes.

As any frequent reader of our Nationalist media will observe, the main grievances against Islam expressed by the patriots are fear mongering of one sort or another, or ephemera and trivia gleaned from overseas news sources and conflated with events closer to home.

Nationalists really do not care about the inhabitants of, say Mauritania, Afghanistan or Bangladesh; it is none of our concern whether Islamic jurists push onerous Sharia laws upon the peasants of those regions; nor do we care about the status of women and minorities living under those regimes.

It is a fact that the line pushed by these Zio-patriots has become the basis of an asocial internet cult for lonely, dysfunctional and depressed workers and marginalised people.

We don’t feel the need to mention Islam in every single article we pen or to bring discussions of genital mutilation, halal slaughter or terrorism into our readers’ news feeds simply to shock and traumatise them into supporting a particular point of view.

Islam and Muslims in Australia are, as we see it, at a crossroads of sorts in that by allowing themselves to be manipulated into supporting progressive identity politics they have shackled themselves to a doomed project.

As any White Nationalist knows, the whole progressive programme is calculated to bring about absolute equality of all people, by any means necessary, up to and including waging wars of aggression and imperialist adventures.

Since the end of the great European fratricide of the 20th century, progressive subversion has been directed to the sole purpose of eradicating the national, spiritual and communal life of all the White groups across the globe.

It is to this project, genocide according to the rules laid down by progressives themselves, that the modern Australian Muslim, whether he agrees with it or not, finds himself shackled via the umbilical cord of identity politics.

As any White Nationalist knows, the whole progressive programme is calculated to bring about absolute equality of all people, by any means necessary, up to and including waging wars of aggression and imperialist adventures.
The patriots own rhetoric, addled as it is, clearly announces that their targets are Islam and the Left, whom they see as allies at least, co-conspirators at worst; Muslims are therefore held to be equally culpable for the actions of their progressive allies.

We already see Islam in Australia being re-defined by progressives and attempts made to philosophically and physically reconstruct that religion into something which, like the “reformed” Christian and Jewish movements, can be slaved to the globalist liberal project.
The Islamic State group, which all well-informed people regard as a literal manifestation of Mohammedan teachings, routinely berates Muslims in the west for their subservience to the progressive cause, after their duty to their god the main talking point expressed by these Jihadists is the desire to crush the decadent, degenerate and weakened progressive western nations.

As the progressives would have it, however, Islam’s inbuilt militancy and its demands for conquest can be simply sidestepped by liberal reforms to the faith; we see a desire among progressives to neuter Islam, to transform it into something like the Uniting Church.


Liberal insanity – unitednationalistsaustralia


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