Conservative Micro-Response


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
  • Focus on Covid 19 - This crisis is waning now, and the impact of the vaccinations will cascade so that in six months we will be nearly normal. Biden will have nothing to do with that, but it is guaranteed that he will take credit for it for the ensuing three years (Which is why he is emphasizing that it is his main focus). The STATES are generally doing a horrible job of distributing the vaccine, which is the best example in recent memory of how Government generally can't do anything serious competently.
  • Paris Climate Accords - This is a TREATY, and as such, it cannot be binding on the U.S. without Senate ratification. Saying that we are going to re-join is nonsense. The science behind the TREATY says that if every single country meets every single (non-binding commitment), the total impact on global temperatures in 2100 will be reduced by less than one degree C. Hardly an "existential crisis." A true leader who was pursuing "unity" would say that while we cannot join without Senate approval, "I" will commit to meeting the targets that were set for the U.S. during my term in office."
  • Immigration and "Illegals" - Biden falsely claimed that Trump was rounding up "innocent" illegals and deporting them, and that he would stop that practice. But his overall program for Illegals is a reasonable compromise between the competing camps.
  • World Health Organization - He is re-joining out of spite, claiming that without being a member of THIS ONE ORGANIZATION we could not participate in international dialog on health crises. This is nonsense. Trump withdrew because there was evidence that it was overly influenced by China, we were paying more than our fair share to support it, and that they were "cooking the books" on the Corona Virus. All of which were true.
  • Wearing masks - Basically nonsense. His power to enforce this decree is pathetically little. We all know when to wear masks, and people outside urban and suburban areas will continue to be less compliant. The true cause of today's "new cases" (99% of which do NOT result in death) is people living in clusters, such as nursing homes and neighborhoods with three families to an apartment, like Los Angeles and parts of NYC.
  • Inequality and racism - This is nothing but pandering to BIPOC's. Actual racism has become so rare that they have had to re-define it and turn it into something that the "racist" himself is not even aware of, in order to complain about it ("endemic" and "systemic" racism). As for racial "equality" that will never happen without government confiscation and redistribution because the races are not, in fact, equal.
  • ANWR and that God-damned pipeline - Again this is total nonsense. Canada's oil WILL GET TO MARKET, regardless of the revocation of these legally-issued permits. Making it more difficult and expensive for Canada (while costing a lot of good U.S. jobs!) is nothing but pandering to the environmental idiots.
  • "the LIES" - Both sides of political leadership lie their asses off. If Breitbart or another Right-wing organization decided to track all of Biden's lies they would number in the thousands by the end of the first year. So what? Claiming that HE is going to stop the lies is...a lie. Exhibit A: two minutes into the first press briefing, the redhead spoke of ending the "Muslim Ban." This is LIE. There never was a Muslim Ban; "Muslim Ban" is a false, disparaging descriptor applied to President Trump's stopping people from coming here when their country of origin lacked the infrastructure to give us reasonable complete and accurate information about them. It applied to EVERYONE coming from those countries (not just Muslims), and 80% of the world's Muslims were unaffected. Calling it a "Muslim Ban" is a lie.
Biden is a Democrat so he will raise taxes on some people and leave others alone. The idea that fiscal sanity can be restored by raising taxes on households making more than $400k per year is - dare I say it - a preposterous LIE.

On the positive side, Biden is not as insufferable as the last Democrat to hold that office.
  • Focus on Covid 19 - This crisis is waning now, and the impact of the vaccinations will cascade so that in six months we will be nearly normal. Biden will have nothing to do with that, but it is guaranteed that he will take credit for it for the ensuing three years (Which is why he is emphasizing that it is his main focus). The STATES are generally doing a horrible job of distributing the vaccine, which is the best example in recent memory of how Government generally can't do anything serious competently.
  • Paris Climate Accords - This is a TREATY, and as such, it cannot be binding on the U.S. without Senate ratification. Saying that we are going to re-join is nonsense. The science behind the TREATY says that if every single country meets every single (non-binding commitment), the total impact on global temperatures in 2100 will be reduced by less than one degree C. Hardly an "existential crisis." A true leader who was pursuing "unity" would say that while we cannot join without Senate approval, "I" will commit to meeting the targets that were set for the U.S. during my term in office."
  • Immigration and "Illegals" - Biden falsely claimed that Trump was rounding up "innocent" illegals and deporting them, and that he would stop that practice. But his overall program for Illegals is a reasonable compromise between the competing camps.
  • World Health Organization - He is re-joining out of spite, claiming that without being a member of THIS ONE ORGANIZATION we could not participate in international dialog on health crises. This is nonsense. Trump withdrew because there was evidence that it was overly influenced by China, we were paying more than our fair share to support it, and that they were "cooking the books" on the Corona Virus. All of which were true.
  • Wearing masks - Basically nonsense. His power to enforce this decree is pathetically little. We all know when to wear masks, and people outside urban and suburban areas will continue to be less compliant. The true cause of today's "new cases" (99% of which do NOT result in death) is people living in clusters, such as nursing homes and neighborhoods with three families to an apartment, like Los Angeles and parts of NYC.
  • Inequality and racism - This is nothing but pandering to BIPOC's. Actual racism has become so rare that they have had to re-define it and turn it into something that the "racist" himself is not even aware of, in order to complain about it ("endemic" and "systemic" racism). As for racial "equality" that will never happen without government confiscation and redistribution because the races are not, in fact, equal.
  • ANWR and that God-damned pipeline - Again this is total nonsense. Canada's oil WILL GET TO MARKET, regardless of the revocation of these legally-issued permits. Making it more difficult and expensive for Canada (while costing a lot of good U.S. jobs!) is nothing but pandering to the environmental idiots.
  • "the LIES" - Both sides of political leadership lie their asses off. If Breitbart or another Right-wing organization decided to track all of Biden's lies they would number in the thousands by the end of the first year. So what? Claiming that HE is going to stop the lies is...a lie. Exhibit A: two minutes into the first press briefing, the redhead spoke of ending the "Muslim Ban." This is LIE. There never was a Muslim Ban; "Muslim Ban" is a false, disparaging descriptor applied to President Trump's stopping people from coming here when their country of origin lacked the infrastructure to give us reasonable complete and accurate information about them. It applied to EVERYONE coming from those countries (not just Muslims), and 80% of the world's Muslims were unaffected. Calling it a "Muslim Ban" is a lie.
Biden is a Democrat so he will raise taxes on some people and leave others alone. The idea that fiscal sanity can be restored by raising taxes on households making more than $400k per year is - dare I say it - a preposterous LIE.

On the positive side, Biden is not as insufferable as the last Democrat to hold that office.

Zero idea of what "waning" reality you live in. But that virus? Is still killing people on a 9/11 scale..every day. Coordination for a response starts at the federal level. Something that appears to have been just about non-existent until yesterday. Here's an example of flat out incompetence. Something that is going to stick to Trump and his "administration" forever.
  • Focus on Covid 19 - This crisis is waning now, and the impact of the vaccinations will cascade so that in six months we will be nearly normal. Biden will have nothing to do with that, but it is guaranteed that he will take credit for it for the ensuing three years (Which is why he is emphasizing that it is his main focus). The STATES are generally doing a horrible job of distributing the vaccine, which is the best example in recent memory of how Government generally can't do anything serious competently.
  • Paris Climate Accords - This is a TREATY, and as such, it cannot be binding on the U.S. without Senate ratification. Saying that we are going to re-join is nonsense. The science behind the TREATY says that if every single country meets every single (non-binding commitment), the total impact on global temperatures in 2100 will be reduced by less than one degree C. Hardly an "existential crisis." A true leader who was pursuing "unity" would say that while we cannot join without Senate approval, "I" will commit to meeting the targets that were set for the U.S. during my term in office."
  • Immigration and "Illegals" - Biden falsely claimed that Trump was rounding up "innocent" illegals and deporting them, and that he would stop that practice. But his overall program for Illegals is a reasonable compromise between the competing camps.
  • World Health Organization - He is re-joining out of spite, claiming that without being a member of THIS ONE ORGANIZATION we could not participate in international dialog on health crises. This is nonsense. Trump withdrew because there was evidence that it was overly influenced by China, we were paying more than our fair share to support it, and that they were "cooking the books" on the Corona Virus. All of which were true.
  • Wearing masks - Basically nonsense. His power to enforce this decree is pathetically little. We all know when to wear masks, and people outside urban and suburban areas will continue to be less compliant. The true cause of today's "new cases" (99% of which do NOT result in death) is people living in clusters, such as nursing homes and neighborhoods with three families to an apartment, like Los Angeles and parts of NYC.
  • Inequality and racism - This is nothing but pandering to BIPOC's. Actual racism has become so rare that they have had to re-define it and turn it into something that the "racist" himself is not even aware of, in order to complain about it ("endemic" and "systemic" racism). As for racial "equality" that will never happen without government confiscation and redistribution because the races are not, in fact, equal.
  • ANWR and that God-damned pipeline - Again this is total nonsense. Canada's oil WILL GET TO MARKET, regardless of the revocation of these legally-issued permits. Making it more difficult and expensive for Canada (while costing a lot of good U.S. jobs!) is nothing but pandering to the environmental idiots.
  • "the LIES" - Both sides of political leadership lie their asses off. If Breitbart or another Right-wing organization decided to track all of Biden's lies they would number in the thousands by the end of the first year. So what? Claiming that HE is going to stop the lies is...a lie. Exhibit A: two minutes into the first press briefing, the redhead spoke of ending the "Muslim Ban." This is LIE. There never was a Muslim Ban; "Muslim Ban" is a false, disparaging descriptor applied to President Trump's stopping people from coming here when their country of origin lacked the infrastructure to give us reasonable complete and accurate information about them. It applied to EVERYONE coming from those countries (not just Muslims), and 80% of the world's Muslims were unaffected. Calling it a "Muslim Ban" is a lie.
Biden is a Democrat so he will raise taxes on some people and leave others alone. The idea that fiscal sanity can be restored by raising taxes on households making more than $400k per year is - dare I say it - a preposterous LIE.

On the positive side, Biden is not as insufferable as the last Democrat to hold that office.

Zero idea of what "waning" reality you live in. But that virus? Is still killing people on a 9/11 scale..every day. Coordination for a response starts at the federal level. Something that appears to have been just about non-existent until yesterday. Here's an example of flat out incompetence. Something that is going to stick to Trump and his "administration" forever.
So today with Bidens plan, all vaccines are going out rapidly without delay? I mean if the plan was the issue, surely he would have had a better plan to stop todays "9/11", right? Lets meet here tomorrow and see what difference he has made.
  • Focus on Covid 19 - This crisis is waning now, and the impact of the vaccinations will cascade so that in six months we will be nearly normal. Biden will have nothing to do with that, but it is guaranteed that he will take credit for it for the ensuing three years (Which is why he is emphasizing that it is his main focus). The STATES are generally doing a horrible job of distributing the vaccine, which is the best example in recent memory of how Government generally can't do anything serious competently.
  • Paris Climate Accords - This is a TREATY, and as such, it cannot be binding on the U.S. without Senate ratification. Saying that we are going to re-join is nonsense. The science behind the TREATY says that if every single country meets every single (non-binding commitment), the total impact on global temperatures in 2100 will be reduced by less than one degree C. Hardly an "existential crisis." A true leader who was pursuing "unity" would say that while we cannot join without Senate approval, "I" will commit to meeting the targets that were set for the U.S. during my term in office."
  • Immigration and "Illegals" - Biden falsely claimed that Trump was rounding up "innocent" illegals and deporting them, and that he would stop that practice. But his overall program for Illegals is a reasonable compromise between the competing camps.
  • World Health Organization - He is re-joining out of spite, claiming that without being a member of THIS ONE ORGANIZATION we could not participate in international dialog on health crises. This is nonsense. Trump withdrew because there was evidence that it was overly influenced by China, we were paying more than our fair share to support it, and that they were "cooking the books" on the Corona Virus. All of which were true.
  • Wearing masks - Basically nonsense. His power to enforce this decree is pathetically little. We all know when to wear masks, and people outside urban and suburban areas will continue to be less compliant. The true cause of today's "new cases" (99% of which do NOT result in death) is people living in clusters, such as nursing homes and neighborhoods with three families to an apartment, like Los Angeles and parts of NYC.
  • Inequality and racism - This is nothing but pandering to BIPOC's. Actual racism has become so rare that they have had to re-define it and turn it into something that the "racist" himself is not even aware of, in order to complain about it ("endemic" and "systemic" racism). As for racial "equality" that will never happen without government confiscation and redistribution because the races are not, in fact, equal.
  • ANWR and that God-damned pipeline - Again this is total nonsense. Canada's oil WILL GET TO MARKET, regardless of the revocation of these legally-issued permits. Making it more difficult and expensive for Canada (while costing a lot of good U.S. jobs!) is nothing but pandering to the environmental idiots.
  • "the LIES" - Both sides of political leadership lie their asses off. If Breitbart or another Right-wing organization decided to track all of Biden's lies they would number in the thousands by the end of the first year. So what? Claiming that HE is going to stop the lies is...a lie. Exhibit A: two minutes into the first press briefing, the redhead spoke of ending the "Muslim Ban." This is LIE. There never was a Muslim Ban; "Muslim Ban" is a false, disparaging descriptor applied to President Trump's stopping people from coming here when their country of origin lacked the infrastructure to give us reasonable complete and accurate information about them. It applied to EVERYONE coming from those countries (not just Muslims), and 80% of the world's Muslims were unaffected. Calling it a "Muslim Ban" is a lie.
Biden is a Democrat so he will raise taxes on some people and leave others alone. The idea that fiscal sanity can be restored by raising taxes on households making more than $400k per year is - dare I say it - a preposterous LIE.

On the positive side, Biden is not as insufferable as the last Democrat to hold that office.

While I disagree with much of what you are saying, I will say that you are the ONLY Party of the Rumper with the balls to actually place this up for discussion.
Yes, ‘cooking the books,’ as the other Catholic protection-racket puppet, Fauci, prepares to mingle at the next WHO meeting. Here is what you get for Fauci shirking his responsibility as an epidemiologist to bask in the media limelight of vaccine making:

’Hua Chunying called on the U.S. to open the Fort Detrick base and invite the WHO to investigate....The struggle is going to intensify now, no matter who is in the White House.’
(www. China’s Gift For The Biden Inauguration Is A Conspiracy Theory About COVID-19’s U.S. Origins)

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