Conservative Media worried: The GOP can't govern


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
The gold standards of Conservative journalism, The National Review and The Weekly Standard are now saying this out loud. Republicans don’t have any legislative wins to show for their control of the House, Senate, and White House. Health care has failed miserably. Congress has barely begun to take up taxes. Legislation on infrastructure and the budget which the president has consistently described as priorities, does not exist. In addition, many Conservative media outlets and lawmakers openly worry that Robert Mueller's investigation will conclude with criminal prosecutions that will gut most of Donald Trump's administration.

Trump Supporters: I know it's fun to blame Liberals for everything, but it's time to face an ugly truth. Liberals have not controlled Congress for a long time now, and they certainly don't run the White House. It's becoming clear that Donald Trump and the GOP Congress simply don't know how to govern. If you don't believe me, or the (so called) Liberal media, than I'd suggest you believe the Conservative media in the links below, because they're saying the very same thing!

Why Can’t Republicans Get Anything Done?

The Right Question: Can Trump and the GOP Govern?

Republicans Abandon Conservatism

CNN: Mueller Subpoenas Two Associates of Paul Manafort

Mueller’s Grand Jury: What It Means

Mueller Investigation Ramps Up While Pence Lawyers Up
Actually the correct interpretation is that democrats can't govern but the GOP establishment seems unable or unwilling to confront the hatred and the anger on the left to effectively correct the mistakes of the previous administration
Why can't repugnacrats get anything done ? Because they were duped by the Demon-crats to follow the anti-Trump movement in the country. They became super scared of being put in an unpopular position against those whom they fear the most (the globalist), who run this country now. The Demon-crats are just useful idiot's of the globalist, and they have their own agenda's to follow. Between the Demon-crats and the globalist, the repugnacrats are scared crapless. They battle against the one who is trying to return America to what made her great... Go figure.
The problem for republicans and especially establishment republicans is that they aren't capable of the insane hatred that democrats exhibit every day. When you factor in the mainstream media and Hollywood and even the Comedy Channel's devotion to democrats it's no wonder that establishment republicans are a little timid. If it was a conservative comedian who gave the Nazi salute even in jest he would be fired on the spot but there is little outrage about Colbert's little stunt that ridiculed a U.S. Veteran. If establishment republicans aren't up the the challenge we need to drain the freaking swamp.
The problem for republicans and especially establishment republicans is that they aren't capable of the insane hatred that democrats exhibit every day. When you factor in the mainstream media and Hollywood and even the Comedy Channel's devotion to democrats it's no wonder that establishment republicans are a little timid. If it was a conservative comedian who gave the Nazi salute even in jest he would be fired on the spot but there is little outrage about Colbert's little stunt that ridiculed a U.S. Veteran. If establishment republicans aren't up the the challenge we need to drain the freaking swamp.
. And drain it fast. Start with all the idiots who have been fighting Trump's agenda, and move on to Hollywood by destroying their platforms used to launch so much bad bullcrap from.
Legislation on infrastructure ..., which the president has consistently described as priorities, does not exist.

That is among the most profound indications of the nature and extent of governance ineptitude within the GOP. Infrastructure legislation is, given the ostensibly working-class culture of the current GOP, would have been, were it the first thing tackled, a "lobbed playground ball" rather than a tricky-to-hit cutter. Now, however, "infrastructure" is looking like pitz, a game played by someone else.

I mean seriously. How hard could it be to pass a bill that provides for one or more of the following?
The simple fact is that there is plenty that needs doing, and though it's unlikely that we/Congress can fix it all at once, we/Congress should surely have been able to pass legislation that fixes some of the things listed above. Minimally, all Congress had to do was pick one or two of those them and pass binding legislation that ensures "the fix" gets done thoroughly and well, and done within a lustrum to decade. The only thing they needed to do was refrain from passing "half-assed" legislation that would have resulted in our taking on too much, too quickly and thereby doing an excellent job at nothing.
The system has been paralyzed because of Trump's unexpected win. He fucked up the rotation. The normal "puff puff give" that the Dems and Reps use to collectively blow smoke up the American people's asses has been interrupted. YOU might be a citizen and a voter but YOU dont run this MFer...they do. Trump, despite his wealth, is NOT one of the initiated. So, the body politic reacts as any organism does when infected with a foreign invader. It paralyzes (R congressional stagnation) forms a pustule (negative media) and develops a fever (Dem condemnation of every move/ANTIFA/BLM).

"The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you."
-G. Carlin
The system has been paralyzed because of Trump's unexpected win. He fucked up the rotation. The normal "puff puff give" that the Dems and Reps use to collectively blow smoke up the American people's asses has been interrupted. YOU might be a citizen and a voter but YOU dont run this MFer...they do. Trump, despite his wealth, is NOT one of the initiated. So, the body politic reacts as any organism does when infected with a foreign invader. It paralyzes (R congressional stagnation) forms a pustule (negative media) and develops a fever (Dem condemnation of every move/ANTIFA/BLM).

"The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you."
-G. Carlin

Well said...and probably right on point.
The system has been paralyzed because of Trump's unexpected win. He fucked up the rotation. The normal "puff puff give" that the Dems and Reps use to collectively blow smoke up the American people's asses has been interrupted. YOU might be a citizen and a voter but YOU dont run this MFer...they do. Trump, despite his wealth, is NOT one of the initiated. So, the body politic reacts as any organism does when infected with a foreign invader. It paralyzes (R congressional stagnation) forms a pustule (negative media) and develops a fever (Dem condemnation of every move/ANTIFA/BLM).

"The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you."
-G. Carlin

Well said...and probably right on point.
Thanks bud! That is also all I have to say about any of that HS. Arguing over political parties is like arguing over who would win in a fight...Superman or Batman. It is all a big, made up fantasy.

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