Conservative Christians Were The Political Pawns Of 2018


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

This year, many have found themselves playing the role of political pawns, manipulated to perpetuate political agendas. And President Donald Trump has been the chess master.

From using asylum-seekers in the migrant caravans to push forward violent immigration policy to gathering Black pastors and people like Kanye West to appear sympathetic toward and popular in communities of color, the Trump administration seems to see all people as movable pieces on a game board serviceable to his political agendas.

While most have been forced into being pawns through circumstance and systemic oppression, conservative Christians have voluntarily chosen the role of being the most manipulatable people in the game. These Christians have been politically duped by Trump, who promised movement on their issues of deepest concern without actually following through in significantly measurable ways.

Some Christians will go to any length to gain and maintain political power, sacrificing Jesus’ values of inclusion and justice.

If 2017, the first year of Trump’s term, was a year of hype and of creating the illusion of a Christian nation, 2018 has been the year that Trump used his pawns to do his bidding, even at the expense of real Christian values. During his campaign, he promised to defund Planned Parenthood, and in doing so, solidified a conservative Christian base. “Every life is sacred, and . . . every child is a precious gift from God,” Trump declared. “We know that every life has meaning and that every life is totally worth protecting.”

Yet Trump’s administration has made it painfully clear that he doesn’t care about life at all; he simply cares about maintaining a base. He has put children in cages at the border, disregarded the value of Black lives, desecrated Native land with the Keystone XL pipeline, oppressed trans people in the military and regularly dehumanized people through his petulant Twitter tirades.

When Trump needed people to support militarization at the border, he manipulated the traditional values of protecting your family, when he needed to exclude people from predominantly Muslim countries, he leveraged Christian fear about freedom of all other religions. Culminating in the Religious Liberty Task Force introduced by former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the Trump administration has catered to its Christian constituency with a track record of either ignoring or demonizing other people of faith and simultaneously elevating and espousing (politicized) “Christian values.”

When he wanted to put Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court despite the sexual assault allegations the judge faced, Trump leaned on pro-life values that would appeal to his Christian base. And when he continuously violates all morals and ethics in his personal life, character and communication, he is able to rely on the notion of forgiveness, grace, or Christians choosing to put up with his lesser evils as long as their political motivations are legitimized and backed.

Trump will continue to be a chess master, moving Christians toward the death of their integrity and the increase of his own power.

More: Conservative Christians Were The Political Pawns Of 2018

How can Conservative Christians ever redeem themselves after selling their souls to a conman like Trump? They have sacrificed their so-called religious beliefs and values for political power. Evangelicals, especially, have lost all credibility. If they really believe in a supernatural God - wouldn't they assume they are being watched and judged? What do you think?
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This year, many have found themselves playing the role of political pawns, manipulated to perpetuate political agendas. And President Donald Trump has been the chess master.

From using asylum-seekers in the migrant caravans to push forward violent immigration policy to gathering Black pastors and people like Kanye West to appear sympathetic toward and popular in communities of color, the Trump administration seems to see all people as movable pieces on a game board serviceable to his political agendas.

While most have been forced into being pawns through circumstance and systemic oppression, conservative Christians have voluntarily chosen the role of being the most manipulatable people in the game. These Christians have been politically duped by Trump, who promised movement on their issues of deepest concern without actually following through in significantly measurable ways.

Some Christians will go to any length to gain and maintain political power, sacrificing Jesus’ values of inclusion and justice.

If 2017, the first year of Trump’s term, was a year of hype and of creating the illusion of a Christian nation, 2018 has been the year that Trump used his pawns to do his bidding, even at the expense of real Christian values. During his campaign, he promised to defund Planned Parenthood, and in doing so, solidified a conservative Christian base. “Every life is sacred, and . . . every child is a precious gift from God,” Trump declared. “We know that every life has meaning and that every life is totally worth protecting.”

Yet Trump’s administration has made it painfully clear that he doesn’t care about life at all; he simply cares about maintaining a base. He has put children in cages at the border, disregarded the value of Black lives, desecrated Native land with the Keystone XL pipeline, oppressed trans people in the military and regularly dehumanized people through his petulant Twitter tirades.

When Trump needed people to support militarization at the border, he manipulated the traditional values of protecting your family, when he needed to exclude people from predominantly Muslim countries, he leveraged Christian fear about freedom of all other religions. Culminating in the Religious Liberty Task Force introduced by former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the Trump administration has catered to its Christian constituency with a track record of either ignoring or demonizing other people of faith and simultaneously elevating and espousing (politicized) “Christian values.”

When he wanted to put Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court despite the sexual assault allegations the judge faced, Trump leaned on pro-life values that would appeal to his Christian base. And when he continuously violates all morals and ethics in his personal life, character and communication, he is able to rely on the notion of forgiveness, grace, or Christians choosing to put up with his lesser evils as long as their political motivations are legitimized and backed.

Trump will continue to be a chess master, moving Christians toward the death of their integrity and the increase of his own power.

More: Conservative Christians Were The Political Pawns Of 2018

How can Conservative Christians ever redeem themselves after selling their souls to a conman like Trump? They have sacrificed their so-called religious beliefs and values for political power. Evangelicals, especially, have lost all credibility. What do you think?

I think that was the largest pile of unsupported bullshit that I have seen today.

The Religious Right did not get their way in the primaries this time. Trump did build some bridges to them, and find some common ground.

All that shit about them being pawns or some such shit, is just spin and partisan bullshit.
Nazis hate Jews
Klan hates Blacks
Democrats hate Christians
The Democrats didn't always hate Christians.

The fact is, Democrats used to OWN the Catholic vote.

But since 1968, the Democrat party has been taking a baseball bat and beating Catholics into the arms of the Republican Party.
I love it when the man with absolutely no principles what so ever - other than perhaps his devotion to evil - Lakhota... lectures others on principles.

This is the most important vote the Christians ever cast.
Christianity may have been the biggest loser of 2018.

That may be the dumbest thing you've ever posted...and that's covering some ground

If you truly think that, then read some of his other posts. This is pretty much a normal, mediocre Lakhota level of dumbness. He often achieves much dumber than this.
Christianity may have been the biggest loser of 2018.

That may be the dumbest thing you've ever posted...and that's covering some ground

If you truly think that, then read some of his other posts. This is pretty much a normal, mediocre Lakhota level of dumbness. He often achieves much dumber than this.

He uses HuffingPaint to an extreme....that explains how ill informed and stupid he is
The so-called teachings of Jesus are the polar opposite of Trump and everything he stands for.
Jesus had no political agenda. He even said so to Pontius Pilate, which is why Pontius Pilate could find no fault against him.
Christianity may have been the biggest loser of 2018.

You think Jesus Christ was about politics. Do you want to know what Jesus Christ had to say to others in His day who thought similar things?

You don't begin to understand the Son of God who sits at the Right Hand of God the Father even now. He is not about politics, He is not about being USED for your YOUR political benefit...or MINE.

He transcends politics. If you don't understand that, you're not Christian. Sadly, it's the Leftists who misunderstand this most, and project that misunderstanding on evangelical Christians.
It's always hilarious when Democrats say Republicans are anti-Christian. Democrats actually booed God at their convention. I saw the video so I know this is true.

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