Conservatism is an ugly beast

A Regressive and a Trumpster.

The first line of my sig, illustrated beautifully, for the zillionth time.

Thanks very much.
You stand in the middle claiming SAINTHOOD............You aren't a Saint.........and you never offer specifics to your views........

Only dogma to Political Correctness..............My points stand.....I refuse to stand down..........when the other side has used the tactics they employ.
Silent no more............and this is an Ugly fight.............Willing to stand up to what I believe in...............That is how it works and why politics are always ugly.

One day you will give us opinions on matters with day. LOL
My positions on the issues are specifically listed in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

Thanks for trying, though.
On specific debates on issues you hide under the rug ........refusing to engage and let your position be known most of the time. You lean left and when I point that out you usually get mad...............LOL............Because I ask you to state specifically to give your positions........ideas for fixing problems............and you DANCE.........never committing to anything but DOGMA.
You must not have clicked on the link.

Not everyone is a blind, obedient, narcissistic, hyperbolic winger like you.

Not all of us suffer from atrophic cognitive myopia.

True story.
Psychology Hog Wash..........which is what you post all the time.

Compromise is offered to the other side all the time.........they reject......reject.....reject..........then DEMAND we pass bills to fix it.........then after the bills and ideas are put to them.........complain about them while offering no fixes in return.........

In the immigration's always give us DACA............give us Dreamers.............that's it.............then use activist groups to challenge any law that simply doesn't turn them loose..............Under Obama they claimed how tough he was on illegals...........when after apprehending them they were turned loose......Catch and Release...........A complete Joke.........just as DACA and the Dreamers were a joke.........He didn't go through congress to get it done...........found loop holes and E.O's to get it done................

How do we negotiate with that crap..........Simple.....WE DON'T...........why the gov't is shutdown now..........when they give you no other options but to fight it out.
Great. As I keep telling you, do what you want.
You stand in the middle claiming SAINTHOOD............You aren't a Saint.........and you never offer specifics to your views........

Only dogma to Political Correctness..............My points stand.....I refuse to stand down..........when the other side has used the tactics they employ.
Silent no more............and this is an Ugly fight.............Willing to stand up to what I believe in...............That is how it works and why politics are always ugly.

One day you will give us opinions on matters with day. LOL
My positions on the issues are specifically listed in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

Thanks for trying, though.
On specific debates on issues you hide under the rug ........refusing to engage and let your position be known most of the time. You lean left and when I point that out you usually get mad...............LOL............Because I ask you to state specifically to give your positions........ideas for fixing problems............and you DANCE.........never committing to anything but DOGMA.
You must not have clicked on the link.

Not everyone is a blind, obedient, narcissistic, hyperbolic winger like you.

Not all of us suffer from atrophic cognitive myopia.

True story.
Psychology Hog Wash..........which is what you post all the time.

Compromise is offered to the other side all the time.........they reject......reject.....reject..........then DEMAND we pass bills to fix it.........then after the bills and ideas are put to them.........complain about them while offering no fixes in return.........

In the immigration's always give us DACA............give us Dreamers.............that's it.............then use activist groups to challenge any law that simply doesn't turn them loose..............Under Obama they claimed how tough he was on illegals...........when after apprehending them they were turned loose......Catch and Release...........A complete Joke.........just as DACA and the Dreamers were a joke.........He didn't go through congress to get it done...........found loop holes and E.O's to get it done................

How do we negotiate with that crap..........Simple.....WE DON'T...........why the gov't is shutdown now..........when they give you no other options but to fight it out.
/——/ Here is some liberal compassion for women, Tommy: 7 Desperate Liberal Lies About Trump's Education Pick Betsy DeVos
They will attack and smear anything that gets in their way for political power............The Ford issue being a Great Example of how far they are willing to go to get their way.............Character assassinations of people for political gain............same with DeVos.................and why we can not play nice Mac the Liberal wants us to do...................They want us to ignore it again.........

Not happening.

They want us to be they do this shit.

Not happening.....

Just the way it is.
I started a thread earlier about Republican hatred for women. I started looking for examples of this on this board. I quickly realised that it is not just women that Republicans hate. They pretty much hate everyone.

Time is against this party when they comprise angry white guys.

This is why Republicans are doomed.

'hijab' wearing 'muslim' women in 'congress'

Since I believe that Islam is actually Satanism, I am opposed to All forms of Islam. I'd compare it most with Nazism as a Social and Political Paradigm, and with Satanism as a religion.
The Original Tree

We are on our way to an oppressive theocracy with PC culture and Sharia Law on the Horizon as The Law of the land if we do not continue to be vigilant.
The Original Tree

as i said in my opening post . if you are stupid enough to import them then you will have to deal with them and i think that importation of 'muslims' is a huge mistake

it starts out with "I'm happy to be able to wear the hijab. " it ends with "You slut, wear the hijab or go to prison".

USA or America was founded by Westerners . Thats White Male Westerners from a very small location in the English Isles . It is my thinking that USA will be lost eventually because of these ' third worlders' like these 'muslim' women in 'congress' but probably not in my lifetime

Moronic Muslim Congresscritter Sworn in Using Thomas Jefferson’s Quran

Muslims crashed jumbo jets into the World Trade Centre. We should deport them all.

It will be a sad, sad day in America, if we are electing a possible undermining force into our governing body now.

Lets hear it for the girls!!

When their periods sync up Dem's won't get anything passed.
Blues Legend

Ilhan Omar Sworn In - Immediately Engages In Identity Politics

This post literally had nothing to do with her "scarf" but since you mentioned it I'll point that out too, and emphatically state this right now: Islam has NO PLACE in Western governments.
Now go on, call me a racist.

I will judge people on whatever the fuck I want to judge them about, your approval is not required. And that being said: Fuck Islam and every single adherent to that murderous despotic ideology masquerading as a "religion of peace".

I checked the Somalian's bio and the timing makes no sense. The Muzzie allegedly learned English in one year (1995?) and taught her creepy relatives English prior to that.
Either way, again Congress needs to pass legislation that all candidates take a college level test in the English language, American history, and American government and be born of American taxpaying citizens.

Photos of Alexander Cortez or Sandy as she was known at her elites high school in Yorktown not in

I know it’s hard for some black people to understand certain things.
Tycho 1572

Is she saying she wants Trump to grab her snatch?
Pete 7469

Are there any nude pictures of her out there ?
Wanna buy some ?
Digital Drifter

HYPOCRISY...Ocasio-Cortez won’t say if she’s taking a salary during shutdown

She's part of the democrat Party's Murderer's Row: complete ignoramus Freshman, Stolen Valor Senator, Fake Indian Senator, Chinese Spy Senator, I could go on
Crusader Frank

Poll: 6 in 7 American voters say minorities are favored over Americans

And then the dipshit moderates and liberals(if they didnt recount the elections) voted in the bat shit crazy Nan from San Fran again. Boy the stock market didnt like that, as we have seen the drop just like it did when she took the gavel in 2007.. If the stock market crashes again, it wont be Bush's fault, it will be Nancy Pelosi, because she once again is holding the purse strings…

Open border globalists want to replace white people with more a docile, uneducated darker crowd that they can manipulate more easily. That's why White people are discriminated against.

WHITE BASHING is the mongrel democrats new favorite past time. But have you noticed, who RUNS the democrat party? Why... OLD WHITE PEOPLE of course. But mongrel demtards are too STUPID to see the irony, the double standard, the hypocrisy. Yes the new radical democrat party has ABANDONED it's support for the vast majority of normal, legal, born and bred here, Americans, who just happen to be the majority of are WHITE. The new radical democrap party believes that this is a winning solution. Take up with the minorities and illegal aliens flooding America in hopes that they will get enough votes from them to stay in power. It's all about power. Turn their back on and even trash REAL Americans over illegal aliens, and the blacks they've bamboozled into voting for them by promising them table scraps to sit on their ass and not work, to keep them lazy and stupid and hooked on freebies and voting for dems for decades

You are NOT white,you are a JEW!

Most Anti Whites are white themselves. They HATE themselves for being white so they do everything they can to destroy the White Race.They race mix,ally themselves with nonwhites,advocate against white interests.

The white race IS superior but you miss one BIG thing when it comes to White Supremacy. I don't advocate White Supremacy because that means we would RULE over another race. My ultimate goal is a 100% completely white world....there would be no need for "white supremacy" other than the fact Whites ARE a superior race especially compared to Negro's and Latino's.

I believe in the USA that my founding fathers wanted which if you read the naturalization acts of the 1790's you would understand meant FREE WHITE PEOPLE plain and simple in English for all to understand. YOU are a piece of leftist commie scum who deserves the ultimate penalty.Funny how someone from Poland/Russia is a communist in disguise still believes in the same ideology that your ancestors tried to get away from. What a pathetic excuse for a human spit on their graves.

The War on women

women just need to shut up and be thankful that men exist to do the hard work that makes their life so easy,,,
Progressive hunter

If you have better examples please post here. I doubt that I have scratched the surface, particularly in respect of LGBT.
/——/ How liberals treat women who dare disagree with them. Ugly enough for you Tommy?
The New York Times on Saturday evening published an op-ed titled “White Women, Come Get Your People.” The op-ed’s author, Alexis Grenell, attacked Republican women who supported Kavanaugh as “gender traitors” in league with the “patriarchy.”

Grenell claimed that “white women benefit from patriarchy by trading on their whiteness to monopolize resources for mutual gain.”

White women “are expected to support the patriarchy by marrying within their racial group, reproducing whiteness and even minimizing violence against their own bodies,” the liberal writer asserted.
You stand in the middle claiming SAINTHOOD............You aren't a Saint.........and you never offer specifics to your views........

Only dogma to Political Correctness..............My points stand.....I refuse to stand down..........when the other side has used the tactics they employ.
Silent no more............and this is an Ugly fight.............Willing to stand up to what I believe in...............That is how it works and why politics are always ugly.

One day you will give us opinions on matters with day. LOL
My positions on the issues are specifically listed in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

Thanks for trying, though.
On specific debates on issues you hide under the rug ........refusing to engage and let your position be known most of the time. You lean left and when I point that out you usually get mad...............LOL............Because I ask you to state specifically to give your positions........ideas for fixing problems............and you DANCE.........never committing to anything but DOGMA.
You must not have clicked on the link.

Not everyone is a blind, obedient, narcissistic, hyperbolic winger like you.

Not all of us suffer from atrophic cognitive myopia.

True story.
Psychology Hog Wash..........which is what you post all the time.

Compromise is offered to the other side all the time.........they reject......reject.....reject..........then DEMAND we pass bills to fix it.........then after the bills and ideas are put to them.........complain about them while offering no fixes in return.........

In the immigration's always give us DACA............give us Dreamers.............that's it.............then use activist groups to challenge any law that simply doesn't turn them loose..............Under Obama they claimed how tough he was on illegals...........when after apprehending them they were turned loose......Catch and Release...........A complete Joke.........just as DACA and the Dreamers were a joke.........He didn't go through congress to get it done...........found loop holes and E.O's to get it done................

How do we negotiate with that crap..........Simple.....WE DON'T...........why the gov't is shutdown now..........when they give you no other options but to fight it out.
Great. As I keep telling you, do what you want.
I always do..........and state it day you'll stop dancing on topics and actually put your views up backed with facts.......I will not hold my breath on that one.
I started a thread earlier about Republican hatred for women. I started looking for examples of this on this board. I quickly realised that it is not just women that Republicans hate. They pretty much hate everyone.

Time is against this party when they comprise angry white guys.

This is why Republicans are doomed.

'hijab' wearing 'muslim' women in 'congress'

Since I believe that Islam is actually Satanism, I am opposed to All forms of Islam. I'd compare it most with Nazism as a Social and Political Paradigm, and with Satanism as a religion.
The Original Tree

We are on our way to an oppressive theocracy with PC culture and Sharia Law on the Horizon as The Law of the land if we do not continue to be vigilant.
The Original Tree

as i said in my opening post . if you are stupid enough to import them then you will have to deal with them and i think that importation of 'muslims' is a huge mistake

it starts out with "I'm happy to be able to wear the hijab. " it ends with "You slut, wear the hijab or go to prison".

USA or America was founded by Westerners . Thats White Male Westerners from a very small location in the English Isles . It is my thinking that USA will be lost eventually because of these ' third worlders' like these 'muslim' women in 'congress' but probably not in my lifetime

Moronic Muslim Congresscritter Sworn in Using Thomas Jefferson’s Quran

Muslims crashed jumbo jets into the World Trade Centre. We should deport them all.

It will be a sad, sad day in America, if we are electing a possible undermining force into our governing body now.

Lets hear it for the girls!!

When their periods sync up Dem's won't get anything passed.
Blues Legend

Ilhan Omar Sworn In - Immediately Engages In Identity Politics

This post literally had nothing to do with her "scarf" but since you mentioned it I'll point that out too, and emphatically state this right now: Islam has NO PLACE in Western governments.
Now go on, call me a racist.

I will judge people on whatever the fuck I want to judge them about, your approval is not required. And that being said: Fuck Islam and every single adherent to that murderous despotic ideology masquerading as a "religion of peace".

I checked the Somalian's bio and the timing makes no sense. The Muzzie allegedly learned English in one year (1995?) and taught her creepy relatives English prior to that.
Either way, again Congress needs to pass legislation that all candidates take a college level test in the English language, American history, and American government and be born of American taxpaying citizens.

Photos of Alexander Cortez or Sandy as she was known at her elites high school in Yorktown not in

I know it’s hard for some black people to understand certain things.
Tycho 1572

Is she saying she wants Trump to grab her snatch?
Pete 7469

Are there any nude pictures of her out there ?
Wanna buy some ?
Digital Drifter

HYPOCRISY...Ocasio-Cortez won’t say if she’s taking a salary during shutdown

She's part of the democrat Party's Murderer's Row: complete ignoramus Freshman, Stolen Valor Senator, Fake Indian Senator, Chinese Spy Senator, I could go on
Crusader Frank

Poll: 6 in 7 American voters say minorities are favored over Americans

And then the dipshit moderates and liberals(if they didnt recount the elections) voted in the bat shit crazy Nan from San Fran again. Boy the stock market didnt like that, as we have seen the drop just like it did when she took the gavel in 2007.. If the stock market crashes again, it wont be Bush's fault, it will be Nancy Pelosi, because she once again is holding the purse strings…

Open border globalists want to replace white people with more a docile, uneducated darker crowd that they can manipulate more easily. That's why White people are discriminated against.

WHITE BASHING is the mongrel democrats new favorite past time. But have you noticed, who RUNS the democrat party? Why... OLD WHITE PEOPLE of course. But mongrel demtards are too STUPID to see the irony, the double standard, the hypocrisy. Yes the new radical democrat party has ABANDONED it's support for the vast majority of normal, legal, born and bred here, Americans, who just happen to be the majority of are WHITE. The new radical democrap party believes that this is a winning solution. Take up with the minorities and illegal aliens flooding America in hopes that they will get enough votes from them to stay in power. It's all about power. Turn their back on and even trash REAL Americans over illegal aliens, and the blacks they've bamboozled into voting for them by promising them table scraps to sit on their ass and not work, to keep them lazy and stupid and hooked on freebies and voting for dems for decades

You are NOT white,you are a JEW!

Most Anti Whites are white themselves. They HATE themselves for being white so they do everything they can to destroy the White Race.They race mix,ally themselves with nonwhites,advocate against white interests.

The white race IS superior but you miss one BIG thing when it comes to White Supremacy. I don't advocate White Supremacy because that means we would RULE over another race. My ultimate goal is a 100% completely white world....there would be no need for "white supremacy" other than the fact Whites ARE a superior race especially compared to Negro's and Latino's.

I believe in the USA that my founding fathers wanted which if you read the naturalization acts of the 1790's you would understand meant FREE WHITE PEOPLE plain and simple in English for all to understand. YOU are a piece of leftist commie scum who deserves the ultimate penalty.Funny how someone from Poland/Russia is a communist in disguise still believes in the same ideology that your ancestors tried to get away from. What a pathetic excuse for a human spit on their graves.

The War on women

women just need to shut up and be thankful that men exist to do the hard work that makes their life so easy,,,
Progressive hunter

If you have better examples please post here. I doubt that I have scratched the surface, particularly in respect of LGBT.
/——/ Hey Tommy, any predictions on how democRATs will treat Trumps USSC pick to replace Ruth Ginsburgh?
Amy Coney Barrett of Indiana, U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit: Barrett is a relatively new appeals court judge in Chicago, having been confirmed last year after a bruising confirmation fight. Democrats questioned whether Barrett, then a law professor at the University of Notre Dame, let her Catholic faith play too big a role in her legal thinking. That line of questions angered religious conservatives, who rallied to support her. She insisted her faith would not interfere with her role as a judge, and was confirmed.
I read your first post lacked the attention you had hoped for, so you thought you'd try it again.

If you ever want to know what progs are up to, they simply cast blame on someone else. A grade schooler could find where progs. do what you're suggesting and worse. Your brain development would be about equal. The difference is you've been corrupted.

At the end of the day progs project, tell tall tells, which are emotionally driven, and they're the enemy of rational thought and normal behavior.
I started a thread earlier about Republican hatred for women. I started looking for examples of this on this board. I quickly realised that it is not just women that Republicans hate. They pretty much hate everyone.

Time is against this party when they comprise angry white guys.

This is why Republicans are doomed.

'hijab' wearing 'muslim' women in 'congress'

Since I believe that Islam is actually Satanism, I am opposed to All forms of Islam. I'd compare it most with Nazism as a Social and Political Paradigm, and with Satanism as a religion.
The Original Tree

We are on our way to an oppressive theocracy with PC culture and Sharia Law on the Horizon as The Law of the land if we do not continue to be vigilant.
The Original Tree

as i said in my opening post . if you are stupid enough to import them then you will have to deal with them and i think that importation of 'muslims' is a huge mistake

it starts out with "I'm happy to be able to wear the hijab. " it ends with "You slut, wear the hijab or go to prison".

USA or America was founded by Westerners . Thats White Male Westerners from a very small location in the English Isles . It is my thinking that USA will be lost eventually because of these ' third worlders' like these 'muslim' women in 'congress' but probably not in my lifetime

Moronic Muslim Congresscritter Sworn in Using Thomas Jefferson’s Quran

Muslims crashed jumbo jets into the World Trade Centre. We should deport them all.

It will be a sad, sad day in America, if we are electing a possible undermining force into our governing body now.

Lets hear it for the girls!!

When their periods sync up Dem's won't get anything passed.
Blues Legend

Ilhan Omar Sworn In - Immediately Engages In Identity Politics

This post literally had nothing to do with her "scarf" but since you mentioned it I'll point that out too, and emphatically state this right now: Islam has NO PLACE in Western governments.
Now go on, call me a racist.

I will judge people on whatever the fuck I want to judge them about, your approval is not required. And that being said: Fuck Islam and every single adherent to that murderous despotic ideology masquerading as a "religion of peace".

I checked the Somalian's bio and the timing makes no sense. The Muzzie allegedly learned English in one year (1995?) and taught her creepy relatives English prior to that.
Either way, again Congress needs to pass legislation that all candidates take a college level test in the English language, American history, and American government and be born of American taxpaying citizens.

Photos of Alexander Cortez or Sandy as she was known at her elites high school in Yorktown not in

I know it’s hard for some black people to understand certain things.
Tycho 1572

Is she saying she wants Trump to grab her snatch?
Pete 7469

Are there any nude pictures of her out there ?
Wanna buy some ?
Digital Drifter

HYPOCRISY...Ocasio-Cortez won’t say if she’s taking a salary during shutdown

She's part of the democrat Party's Murderer's Row: complete ignoramus Freshman, Stolen Valor Senator, Fake Indian Senator, Chinese Spy Senator, I could go on
Crusader Frank

Poll: 6 in 7 American voters say minorities are favored over Americans

And then the dipshit moderates and liberals(if they didnt recount the elections) voted in the bat shit crazy Nan from San Fran again. Boy the stock market didnt like that, as we have seen the drop just like it did when she took the gavel in 2007.. If the stock market crashes again, it wont be Bush's fault, it will be Nancy Pelosi, because she once again is holding the purse strings…

Open border globalists want to replace white people with more a docile, uneducated darker crowd that they can manipulate more easily. That's why White people are discriminated against.

WHITE BASHING is the mongrel democrats new favorite past time. But have you noticed, who RUNS the democrat party? Why... OLD WHITE PEOPLE of course. But mongrel demtards are too STUPID to see the irony, the double standard, the hypocrisy. Yes the new radical democrat party has ABANDONED it's support for the vast majority of normal, legal, born and bred here, Americans, who just happen to be the majority of are WHITE. The new radical democrap party believes that this is a winning solution. Take up with the minorities and illegal aliens flooding America in hopes that they will get enough votes from them to stay in power. It's all about power. Turn their back on and even trash REAL Americans over illegal aliens, and the blacks they've bamboozled into voting for them by promising them table scraps to sit on their ass and not work, to keep them lazy and stupid and hooked on freebies and voting for dems for decades

You are NOT white,you are a JEW!

Most Anti Whites are white themselves. They HATE themselves for being white so they do everything they can to destroy the White Race.They race mix,ally themselves with nonwhites,advocate against white interests.

The white race IS superior but you miss one BIG thing when it comes to White Supremacy. I don't advocate White Supremacy because that means we would RULE over another race. My ultimate goal is a 100% completely white world....there would be no need for "white supremacy" other than the fact Whites ARE a superior race especially compared to Negro's and Latino's.

I believe in the USA that my founding fathers wanted which if you read the naturalization acts of the 1790's you would understand meant FREE WHITE PEOPLE plain and simple in English for all to understand. YOU are a piece of leftist commie scum who deserves the ultimate penalty.Funny how someone from Poland/Russia is a communist in disguise still believes in the same ideology that your ancestors tried to get away from. What a pathetic excuse for a human spit on their graves.

The War on women

women just need to shut up and be thankful that men exist to do the hard work that makes their life so easy,,,
Progressive hunter

If you have better examples please post here. I doubt that I have scratched the surface, particularly in respect of LGBT.
/——/ How liberals treat women who dare disagree with them. Ugly enough for you Tommy?
The New York Times on Saturday evening published an op-ed titled “White Women, Come Get Your People.” The op-ed’s author, Alexis Grenell, attacked Republican women who supported Kavanaugh as “gender traitors” in league with the “patriarchy.”

Grenell claimed that “white women benefit from patriarchy by trading on their whiteness to monopolize resources for mutual gain.”

White women “are expected to support the patriarchy by marrying within their racial group, reproducing whiteness and even minimizing violence against their own bodies,” the liberal writer asserted.

Its an interesting article. Did you read it ?
It's people, not ideologies, that make things ugly.

People create and distort ideologies.
And when our opinions and beliefs come under this thread..........we are supposed to play nice...........hmmm

We are giving our opinions and they are most certainly against the side that attacks us...........Self defense of your beliefs..........makes you a child speech again Mac................LOL

To the OP.........up yours......there is another example of our DISTORTION.

Dont you think that the attitudes and opinions in those quotes deserve to be called out ? Do you think Mrs Obama is a man ?
It's people, not ideologies, that make things ugly.

People create and distort ideologies.
And when our opinions and beliefs come under this thread..........we are supposed to play nice...........hmmm

We are giving our opinions and they are most certainly against the side that attacks us...........Self defense of your beliefs..........makes you a child speech again Mac................LOL

To the OP.........up yours......there is another example of our DISTORTION.

Dont you think that the attitudes and opinions in those quotes deserve to be called out ? Do you think Mrs Obama is a man ?
I never stated Mrs. Obama is a man............LOL

Should those with attitudes and opinions like calling me a Nazi and a Racist all the time..............Damned Skippy they should and I do..........

This is an attack thread on Conservative values and nothing more...........all the hell it is.
A Regressive and a Trumpster.

Yep. Who needs an argument, when affixing a label to all you need to denigrate and dismiss, does the trick just as well?

But thanks, your failure to contribute anything constructive was confirmed quite nicely.
I see it manifested in the Republican Party. No women,no blacks,no gays. Hypocrite "Christians" who are anything but. Its the nasty party.
Niki Hayley, Sarah Palin, Susan Collins et. al. are guys.
J.C. Watts, Tim Scott, Allen West, & Herman Cain are crackers.
Log Cabin Republicans are really closeted straight guys.

I'd ask if you could embarrass yourself some more, but all that has to happen is wait around awhile and you'll manage.
If these log cabin republicans had any weight we would not see republican politicians oppose gay rights at every opportunity. They are about 50 years behind the democrats. Are you saying that the Republicans are a gay friendly party ?
You cast the wide net and failed....Best STFU and cease further humiliation.
Are you saying that the Republicans are a gay friendly party ?

Ask Milo. We’re the ones trying to get rid of Islamists, who like to execute gays. The Dems are the ones that like importing them and make excuses for them when they murder gays, women, and children.
It's people, not ideologies, that make things ugly.

People create and distort ideologies.
And when our opinions and beliefs come under this thread..........we are supposed to play nice...........hmmm

We are giving our opinions and they are most certainly against the side that attacks us...........Self defense of your beliefs..........makes you a child speech again Mac................LOL

To the OP.........up yours......there is another example of our DISTORTION.

Dont you think that the attitudes and opinions in those quotes deserve to be called out ? Do you think Mrs Obama is a man ?
I never stated Mrs. Obama is a man............LOL

Should those with attitudes and opinions like calling me a Nazi and a Racist all the time..............Damned Skippy they should and I do..........

This is an attack thread on Conservative values and nothing more...........all the hell it is.
Is this opinion a Conservative Value ?

Muslims crashed jumbo jets into the World Trade Centre. We should deport them all.

If it is then it deserves calling out.
Is this opinion a Conservative Value ?

Muslims crashed jumbo jets into the World Trade Centre. We should deport them all.

If it is then it deserves calling out.

Taz meant that all jumbo jets should be deported. He ain't no racist, sir!
Last edited:
It's people, not ideologies, that make things ugly.

People create and distort ideologies.
And when our opinions and beliefs come under this thread..........we are supposed to play nice...........hmmm

We are giving our opinions and they are most certainly against the side that attacks us...........Self defense of your beliefs..........makes you a child speech again Mac................LOL

To the OP.........up yours......there is another example of our DISTORTION.

Dont you think that the attitudes and opinions in those quotes deserve to be called out ? Do you think Mrs Obama is a man ?
I never stated Mrs. Obama is a man............LOL

Should those with attitudes and opinions like calling me a Nazi and a Racist all the time..............Damned Skippy they should and I do..........

This is an attack thread on Conservative values and nothing more...........all the hell it is.
Is this opinion a Conservative Value ?

Muslims crashed jumbo jets into the World Trade Centre. We should deport them all.

If it is then it deserves calling out.
She stated her opinion and you called her out...........that is how it works..........

Should we deport them my question is how many here are going to the Dark Side of Islam and given that possibility why should we let more in................

Of course you will see that as Racist.................who cares.......Europe is up in arms over those coming there...........with the problems there from allowing so many there. I say you were stupid to do so.............and now are paying a price for it.
I started a thread earlier about Republican hatred for women. I started looking for examples of this on this board. I quickly realised that it is not just women that Republicans hate. They pretty much hate everyone.

Time is against this party when they comprise angry white guys.

This is why Republicans are doomed.

'hijab' wearing 'muslim' women in 'congress'

Since I believe that Islam is actually Satanism, I am opposed to All forms of Islam. I'd compare it most with Nazism as a Social and Political Paradigm, and with Satanism as a religion.
The Original Tree

We are on our way to an oppressive theocracy with PC culture and Sharia Law on the Horizon as The Law of the land if we do not continue to be vigilant.
The Original Tree

as i said in my opening post . if you are stupid enough to import them then you will have to deal with them and i think that importation of 'muslims' is a huge mistake

it starts out with "I'm happy to be able to wear the hijab. " it ends with "You slut, wear the hijab or go to prison".

USA or America was founded by Westerners . Thats White Male Westerners from a very small location in the English Isles . It is my thinking that USA will be lost eventually because of these ' third worlders' like these 'muslim' women in 'congress' but probably not in my lifetime

Moronic Muslim Congresscritter Sworn in Using Thomas Jefferson’s Quran

Muslims crashed jumbo jets into the World Trade Centre. We should deport them all.

It will be a sad, sad day in America, if we are electing a possible undermining force into our governing body now.

Lets hear it for the girls!!

When their periods sync up Dem's won't get anything passed.
Blues Legend

Ilhan Omar Sworn In - Immediately Engages In Identity Politics

This post literally had nothing to do with her "scarf" but since you mentioned it I'll point that out too, and emphatically state this right now: Islam has NO PLACE in Western governments.
Now go on, call me a racist.

I will judge people on whatever the fuck I want to judge them about, your approval is not required. And that being said: Fuck Islam and every single adherent to that murderous despotic ideology masquerading as a "religion of peace".

I checked the Somalian's bio and the timing makes no sense. The Muzzie allegedly learned English in one year (1995?) and taught her creepy relatives English prior to that.
Either way, again Congress needs to pass legislation that all candidates take a college level test in the English language, American history, and American government and be born of American taxpaying citizens.

Photos of Alexander Cortez or Sandy as she was known at her elites high school in Yorktown not in

I know it’s hard for some black people to understand certain things.
Tycho 1572

Is she saying she wants Trump to grab her snatch?
Pete 7469

Are there any nude pictures of her out there ?
Wanna buy some ?
Digital Drifter

HYPOCRISY...Ocasio-Cortez won’t say if she’s taking a salary during shutdown

She's part of the democrat Party's Murderer's Row: complete ignoramus Freshman, Stolen Valor Senator, Fake Indian Senator, Chinese Spy Senator, I could go on
Crusader Frank

Poll: 6 in 7 American voters say minorities are favored over Americans

And then the dipshit moderates and liberals(if they didnt recount the elections) voted in the bat shit crazy Nan from San Fran again. Boy the stock market didnt like that, as we have seen the drop just like it did when she took the gavel in 2007.. If the stock market crashes again, it wont be Bush's fault, it will be Nancy Pelosi, because she once again is holding the purse strings…

Open border globalists want to replace white people with more a docile, uneducated darker crowd that they can manipulate more easily. That's why White people are discriminated against.

WHITE BASHING is the mongrel democrats new favorite past time. But have you noticed, who RUNS the democrat party? Why... OLD WHITE PEOPLE of course. But mongrel demtards are too STUPID to see the irony, the double standard, the hypocrisy. Yes the new radical democrat party has ABANDONED it's support for the vast majority of normal, legal, born and bred here, Americans, who just happen to be the majority of are WHITE. The new radical democrap party believes that this is a winning solution. Take up with the minorities and illegal aliens flooding America in hopes that they will get enough votes from them to stay in power. It's all about power. Turn their back on and even trash REAL Americans over illegal aliens, and the blacks they've bamboozled into voting for them by promising them table scraps to sit on their ass and not work, to keep them lazy and stupid and hooked on freebies and voting for dems for decades

You are NOT white,you are a JEW!

Most Anti Whites are white themselves. They HATE themselves for being white so they do everything they can to destroy the White Race.They race mix,ally themselves with nonwhites,advocate against white interests.

The white race IS superior but you miss one BIG thing when it comes to White Supremacy. I don't advocate White Supremacy because that means we would RULE over another race. My ultimate goal is a 100% completely white world....there would be no need for "white supremacy" other than the fact Whites ARE a superior race especially compared to Negro's and Latino's.

I believe in the USA that my founding fathers wanted which if you read the naturalization acts of the 1790's you would understand meant FREE WHITE PEOPLE plain and simple in English for all to understand. YOU are a piece of leftist commie scum who deserves the ultimate penalty.Funny how someone from Poland/Russia is a communist in disguise still believes in the same ideology that your ancestors tried to get away from. What a pathetic excuse for a human spit on their graves.

The War on women

women just need to shut up and be thankful that men exist to do the hard work that makes their life so easy,,,
Progressive hunter

If you have better examples please post here. I doubt that I have scratched the surface, particularly in respect of LGBT.
Case in Point that the UK is a caliphate. Thank you.
It's people, not ideologies, that make things ugly.

People create and distort ideologies.
And when our opinions and beliefs come under this thread..........we are supposed to play nice...........hmmm

We are giving our opinions and they are most certainly against the side that attacks us...........Self defense of your beliefs..........makes you a child speech again Mac................LOL

To the OP.........up yours......there is another example of our DISTORTION.

Dont you think that the attitudes and opinions in those quotes deserve to be called out ? Do you think Mrs Obama is a man ?
I never stated Mrs. Obama is a man............LOL

Should those with attitudes and opinions like calling me a Nazi and a Racist all the time..............Damned Skippy they should and I do..........

This is an attack thread on Conservative values and nothing more...........all the hell it is.
Is this opinion a Conservative Value ?

Muslims crashed jumbo jets into the World Trade Centre. We should deport them all.

If it is then it deserves calling out.

LMAO. It is an extremist value. But turning a blind eye is an idiotic value.

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