Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont Looked Like a Deer in the Headlights in His Latest Propaganda Presentation


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Ned "Toll Lament (his primary concern for years was to place dozens of tolls throughout Connecticut)" Lamont is way over his head on every topic. The lisping, limp wristed douchebag who many say got elected via voter fraud in Hartford County (lots of 3rd worlder criminals) But in regards to the Fauci Flu Hoax his advisers told him to assemble a bunch of half wit crooks of "diversity" as the committee to "reopen Connecticut."

In the vid, if you are able to watch without being annoyed by the ridiculous hand flinging sign language governors are apparently required to employ we have Indra Nooyi, a national from India who cannot speak English yet managed to get a degree from Yale in 1980 the same way Micheal Obama got a degree from Princeton in 1985 and was appointed CEO of Pepsi believe it or not. Stranger things have happened, like Barry Hussaine being President of the USA and then spying on President Trump seeking to have him impeached because he whooped Crooked Hillary's ass who in effect was Barry himself.

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I know, I just figured I would post it, just fast forward to random spots to get a feel of the madness that those of us in Connecticut feel watching this unbelievable bullshit. I suppose folks should just watch 1:06:55 to hear the creep Indra Nooyi considered by Ned as the "best and brightest" mention "red level 4"and that you should not leave your house or apartment without wearing a mask. Folks, there is nothing more toxic and virus infested than a mask. And the illiterate idiot than says Phase 2 cannot occur until 2 months after Phase 1 which currently is May 20. She really should use the millions Pepsi paid her and finance some septic treatment for the rivers in India.

The other funny theme throughout is that outdoor restaurants are the first to be allowed to open, yet they have closed beaches. So insane, so stupid.
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I know, I just figured I would post it, just fast forward to random spots to get a feel of the madness that those of us in Connecticut feel watching this unbelievable bullshit. I suppose folks should just watch 1:06:55 to hear the creep Indra Nooyi considered by Ned as the "best and brightest" mention "red level 4"and that you should not leave your house or apartment without wearing a mask. Folks, there is nothing more toxic and virus infested than a mask. And the illiterate idiot than says Phase 2 cannot occur until 2 months after Phase 1 which currently is May 20. She really should use the millions Pepsi paid her and finance some septic treatment for the rivers in India.

The other funny theme throughout is that outdoor restaurants are the first to be allowed to open, yet they have closed beaches. So insane, so stupid.

lol ... ned lamont is doing everything right. you're just one of them thar MAGATs ... did you go out in yer car with the other 50+/- looooooooosers that protested the other day? most of you deporables hide.

lol .... where in CT do you live? care to share a general geographical area?

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