Congressional panel investigating the origins of Covid finds that the virus originated in a lab .

McCabe is your kind of guy Joe. corrupt to the core.
Hey I just downloaded a new book that you might be interested in. all about communist China. The more you know....
View attachment 1064720
Trusting China is an unreal thing, and it's because they are communist that allow their government to rule them and dictate to them. Dangerous thing to allow the communist to have influence in this country when they are totally opposed to our culture and type of government we have.

Taking bribes from the Chinese is tantamount to treason, and it's because it undermines our nation in so many ways that we can't count them.
Trusting China is an unreal thing, and it's because they are communist that allow their government to rule them and dictate to them. Dangerous thing to allow the communist to have influence in this country when they are totally opposed to our culture and type of government we have.

Taking bribes from the Chinese is tantamount to treason, and it's because it undermines our nation in so many ways that we can't count them.
General Millie called China to tell them he was going to give them advance warning of a US attack. Since when are our US generals supposed to take China's side in a conflict? China's goal is to take over the US from within using malcontents such as JoB131 among other methods.
Screenshot_20231009-121852_Samsung Internet.jpg
General Millie called China to tell them he was going to give them advance warning of a US attack. Since when are our US generals supposed to take China's side in a conflict? China's goal is to take over the US from within using malcontents such as JoB131 among other methods.View attachment 1064823
It's an amazing thing to watch going on.

It really just shows the amount of sell out our country has been involved in for too long now, and then it's about the propaganda network's that were created to lie if they have too, and all in order to make the average working class American think that it's all just a part of free trade, otherwise in a tip for tat type of thing involving addictive consumerism, otherwise consumerism that mainly just benefits the top in stable income and longevity.

They (the bad players) will say that it's a trickle down system created, otherwise one that eventually lifts all boats. Pffft. Yeah right !!

It's all about cheap goods, cheap labor making those goods somewhere cheap, and it all making the top here filthy rich, and the communist party and it's military super strong.
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Not according to proven left wing news sources.

Nice try.


McCabe announced his intent to retire.

Trump fired him before he could qualify for his pension in an act of extreme pettiness.

Wow Joe, backing up what you're saying, are you ill?

Now, I usually don't do links for a good reason.

1) The Wingnut will pretend they didn't see it.
2) The Wingnut will claim it's from a biased source.

So I will do links if I find something interesting, but I don't waste my time hunting them down.

McCabe is your kind of guy Joe. corrupt to the core.
Hey I just downloaded a new book that you might be interested in. all about communist China. The more you know....

If I want to know something about China, I just ask my wife.. She lived there for 55 years.

McCabe announced his intent to retire.

Trump fired him before he could qualify for his pension in an act of extreme pettiness.

Now, I usually don't do links for a good reason.

1) The Wingnut will pretend they didn't see it.
2) The Wingnut will claim it's from a biased source.

So I will do links if I find something interesting, but I don't waste my time hunting them down.

If I want to know something about China, I just ask my wife.. She lived there for 55 years.
Whatever, McCabe was a corrupt piece of shit and got away with treason

McCabe announced his intent to retire.

Trump fired him before he could qualify for his pension in an act of extreme pettiness.

Now, I usually don't do links for a good reason.

1) The Wingnut will pretend they didn't see it.
2) The Wingnut will claim it's from a
So I will do links if I find something interesting, but I don't waste my time hunting them down

If I want to know something about China, I just ask my wife.. She lived there for 55 years
Of course you don't use links because you are usually lying and all you look at is propaganda.

I would ask your wife why you guys don't appreciate living in the great country that you live in. MAGA
General Millie called China to tell them he was going to give them advance warning of a US attack. Since when are our US generals supposed to take China's side in a conflict? China's goal is to take over the US from within using malcontents such as JoB131 among other methods.

So General Milley (spell his name right) assured his Chinese counterpart that Trump wasn't planning a sneak attack on China.

Are you saying Trump was planning a sneak attack on China and Milley ruined it on him?

Or that in a point of unneeded turmoil caused by Trump's erratic action, he kept the Chinese from overreacting?
So General Milley (spell his name right) assured his Chinese counterpart that Trump wasn't planning a sneak attack on China.

Are you saying Trump was planning a sneak attack on China and Milley ruined it on him?

Or that in a point of unneeded turmoil caused by Trump's erratic action, he kept the Chinese from overreacting?
So Millie called the Chinese and warned them about Trump, and told them he would give them a heads up if the US was going to do anything of Retribution. Certainly not Millie's job description to second guess his leader. If you think of it in the context that China sent a killer virus onto our Shores, a regular person could call it treason. A buffoon like you Joe would make an excuse for it.
So General Milley (spell his name right) assured his Chinese counterpart that Trump wasn't planning a sneak attack on China.

Are you saying Trump was planning a sneak attack on China and Milley ruined it on him?

Or that in a point of unneeded turmoil caused by Trump's erratic action, he kept the Chinese from overreacting?
No matter what the reason, Milley had no authority to go over Trumps head at the time, and worse he might have done so in a treasonous, leftist biased (proven by his undying loyalty to the Democrats and Joe Biden who tried everything they could to destroy the man), in a manor or channel in which he chose his actions in favor of.

JoeB, is it that you work for someone in government ? This is basically my opinion, and it is that way because your rebuttals and/or answer's here are way too polished and seemingly part of a group think, so are you some sort of plant here by a Democrat leaned government and it's biased forces JoeB, otherwise part of the deep state maybe ?
So Millie called the Chinese and warned them about Trump, and told them he would give them a heads up if the US was going to do anything of Retribution. Certainly not Millie's job description to second guess his leader. If you think of it in the context that China sent a killer virus onto our Shores, a regular person could call it treason. A buffoon like you Joe would make an excuse for it.
It's his job I think to do exactly that (i.e.make excuses for). Good call...
You've gone from claiming he resigned, to claiming you never said that, to claiming that he did resign, even though he was fired.
Your own media claimed he resigned....... make that go away......................... :3:


McCabe announced his intent to retire.

Trump fired him before he could qualify for his pension in an act of extreme pettiness.
Any proof Trump fired him? Trump did fire Comey, so there's that.

So General Milley (spell his name right) assured his Chinese counterpart that Trump wasn't planning a sneak attack on China.
And what if they did respond?
of course .. its a well known fact the Dems are bought and paid for by the CCP...
See Eric Swawell right ? It's been alleged that he had relations with a so called Chinese spy or something to that effect right ?

If true, then how is he still in government, and I mean in any capacity what so ever ?

Do government officials shield each other from investigations and their outcomes if playing on the same team ? If so, then a non-biased DOJ is an absolute must, but how does the country get that if the main leadership is being chosen by an incoming administration of either stripe ?

The head of the DOJ should be an elected position that is by the people and for the people.

Administration's should not be able to control the department in a biased and/or weaponized way.
So Millie called the Chinese and warned them about Trump, and told them he would give them a heads up if the US was going to do anything of Retribution. Certainly not Millie's job description to second guess his leader. If you think of it in the context that China sent a killer virus onto our Shores, a regular person could call it treason. A buffoon like you Joe would make an excuse for it.

In retribution for what? China hadn't done anything. China had concerns that because we had an attempted coup, WE might launch an unprovoked attack.

Your argument only works if Trump had intended to launch an unprovoked attack on China (which, pretty much the end of the fucking world) and Miley stopped him from doing so. Then you have an argument. But that should have been grounds for impeachment #3, not a knock on Miley.

No matter what the reason, Milley had no authority to go over Trumps head at the time, and worse he might have done so in a treasonous, leftist biased (proven by his undying loyalty to the Democrats and Joe Biden who tried everything they could to destroy the man), in a manor or channel in which he chose his actions in favor of.

Except he didn't go over Trump's head, did he? Was Trump planning to launch an unprovoked attack on China?

The very fact we have to have these kinds of discussions at all is worrisome. Just like it's worrisome that he talks about using military force to take Greenland and the Panama Canal.

JoeB, is it that you work for someone in government ? This is basically my opinion, and it is that way because your rebuttals and/or answer's here are way too polished and seemingly part of a group think, so are you some sort of plant here by a Democrat leaned government and it's biased forces JoeB, otherwise part of the deep state maybe ?

Nope. Just happen to be a professional writer. And you guys don't even get my best work because I don't get paid for this.

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