Confedrate history about race?

Yes it was...and the Founders would have been hung as traitors....IF....we had lost.

The doctrine of "might makes right" is utterly ridiculous. Either the right to secession exists, as our founders put forth in the Declaration of Independence, or it does not. It doesn't only exist so long as you win a war.

It does not. And winners make the rules....always. You'd be a fool to think otherwise.

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." - Declaration of Independence

Yes, winners make the rules. But that doesn't mean the rules they make are correct. We were a nation born from secession, our Constitution does not prohibit secession, and our Declaration of Independence declares there is a right to secession. Just because force is used to suppress a right does not mean that that right does not exist.
According to the resolution I linked to.

You point to a 2010 resolution and you think that somehow that refutes the actual 1860 census numbers. :lol:

Too funny.

Those weren't actual 1860 census numbers, they were approximations. Read the *note at the bottom.
I did.

"Note: These numbers should be considered a close approximation only of the percentage of free households that held slaves. While the normal case was that only one individual per household held title to all slaves, under special circumstances census takers sometimes counted more than one individual from a family as a separate slaveholder. On other occasions the census taker excluded out-of-state slaveholdings. Because slaves were taxed and census marshalls were government officials it is likely that under-reporting of the numbers of both slaves and slaveholders was higher than under-reporting of free families. On balance, therefore, these error sources should cancel out."

You point to a 2010 resolution and you think that somehow that refutes the actual 1860 census numbers. :lol:

Too funny.

Those weren't actual 1860 census numbers, they were approximations. Read the *note at the bottom.
I did.

"Note: These numbers should be considered a close approximation only of the percentage of free households that held slaves. While the normal case was that only one individual per household held title to all slaves, under special circumstances census takers sometimes counted more than one individual from a family as a separate slaveholder. On other occasions the census taker excluded out-of-state slaveholdings. Because slaves were taxed and census marshalls were government officials it is likely that under-reporting of the numbers of both slaves and slaveholders was higher than under-reporting of free families. On balance, therefore, these error sources should cancel out."

Key word is "should".
I see so everyone lied. Got it.:cuckoo:

No, only you.

I didn't lie about anything you stupid fuck. I got that figure from the reolution I linked to. Now if it's wrong, it's wrong. but I didn't lie. And it still doesn't disprove my claim that blacks fought for the south.

Military history of African Americans in the American Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You get upset because you get kicked in the face with the same thing that you did. That is called cowardice, son. Stop whining.
I see so everyone lied. Got it.:cuckoo:

No, only you.

I didn't lie about anything you stupid fuck. I got that figure from the reolution I linked to. Now if it's wrong, it's wrong. but I didn't lie. And it still doesn't disprove my claim that blacks fought for the south.

Military history of African Americans in the American Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Uh oh, you're a parasite. :(
I know. :lol: What Lonestar doesn't get is whatever the blacks did for the South was incredibly insignificant, simply at the bottom of the well. The comparisons L_L ignores? 500,000 slaves fled to northern lines. 185,000 blacks served in the northern forces. 33,000 blacks died as regulars in the army and navy.

How Lonestar and the others try to wriggle and wiggle around these figures amaze me.
No, only you.

I didn't lie about anything you stupid fuck. I got that figure from the reolution I linked to. Now if it's wrong, it's wrong. but I didn't lie. And it still doesn't disprove my claim that blacks fought for the south.

Military history of African Americans in the American Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You get upset because you get kicked in the face with the same thing that you did. That is called cowardice, son. Stop whining.

You have me confused with someone that actully gives a fuck what you think. Trust me I don't get uset with idiots like you and I never whine. I find you idiots very entertaining.

Your attitude is typical left wing lunacy when you realize you can't win the argument. Typical Alinsky tactic.
I know. :lol: What Lonestar doesn't get is whatever the blacks did for the South was incredibly insignificant, simply at the bottom of the well. The comparisons L_L ignores? 500,000 slaves fled to northern lines. 185,000 blacks served in the northern forces. 33,000 blacks died as regulars in the army and navy.

How Lonestar and the others try to wriggle and wiggle around these figures amaze me.

Hey stupid, I never said blacks role in the Confederacy was significant, I simply stated they had a role. Which has been adequately proven. It doesn't matter if two or two million blacks fought for the south, the fact remains that blacks fought for the south. Which was my original point. You're arguing a point that was never the main contention.
You and others implicated that somehow it was significant. I am glad you realize that it was not. I agree with you.
It's amazing how most people forget or are simply ignorant about the negroes that had also fought and died for the Southern cause.



Lonestar made this post because he thought black contributions to the Confederacy were not significant.
It's amazing how most people forget or are simply ignorant about the negroes that had also fought and died for the Southern cause.



Um, your second picture is Union soldiers. And the South began arming Blacks in the very last months of the war in an act of desparation.....and even then only a very few. That picture you have is probably more than half of those armed.....out of the millions of slaves in the South.

Wait a minute...I stand corrected...those are ALL Northern soldiers. Look at the uniforms. The South never had the wherewithall to kit out their white troops like that let alone their "colored" troops.

Sure that Yankees were in charge of the Lousiana National Guard.:cuckoo:

These are Confederate Soldiers. I challenge you to prove otherwise.

The Confederate black soldiers were really Union black soldiers : A Blog Around The Clock
Lonestar made this post because he wants to show that Confederate black troops were not significant.
See 7TC makes all sorts of unsubstantiated charges then wants others to prove him wrong.

Here are the facts: (1) slavery caused the war; (2) blacks overwhelmingly voted with their feet and ran for the northern lines; (3) more than 185,000 served in the north with 33,000 deaths. These are facts; they are verifiable. None of what 7TC is verifiable.

So, 7th, since you made the claims first, you have to support them first with evidence. Here, I will help you: being with wikipeida at Military history of African Americans in the American Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. It's not a great cite but it will get you started on a subject you truly know next to knothing about.

The war was caused over arguments about tarifs and state rights. Slavery was an underlying issue.

I said blacks fought for the South, I was right and you just proved it. Thanks.

Issues of the American Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Another post in Lonestar's quest to show that black participation in the Confederate army was not significant.
Obviously Lonestar believes that southern black troops' participation in the war was insignficant.

I agree with him.
See 7TC makes all sorts of unsubstantiated charges then wants others to prove him wrong.

Here are the facts: (1) slavery caused the war; (2) blacks overwhelmingly voted with their feet and ran for the northern lines; (3) more than 185,000 served in the north with 33,000 deaths. These are facts; they are verifiable. None of what 7TC is verifiable.

So, 7th, since you made the claims first, you have to support them first with evidence. Here, I will help you: being with wikipeida at Military history of African Americans in the American Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. It's not a great cite but it will get you started on a subject you truly know next to knothing about.

The war was caused over arguments about tarifs and state rights. Slavery was an underlying issue.

I said blacks fought for the South, I was right and you just proved it. Thanks.

Issues of the American Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Another post in Lonestar's quest to show that black participation in the Confederate army was not significant.

hey stupid, my main point was that blacks fought for the confederacy that is the only significance there is. The numbers which numbnuts presented were not significant. Damn are all retired military folk as dumb as you?
Lonestar_Logic now begins to melt down.

Son, you must be stupid, which has nothing to do with intelligence, but rather with your unwillingness to learn and to admit when you are wrong.

Now sit down, put on the dunce cap, and shut up.
Lonestar_Logic now begins to melt down.

Son, you must be stupid, which has nothing to do with intelligence, but rather with your unwillingness to learn and to admit when you are wrong.

Now sit down, put on the dunce cap, and shut up.

Wrong? Me? Hahahahaahahhahahahah damn that was funny. You know this all started when I said that blacks fought for the Confederacy. And I wasn't wrong.

You and the other dim-mitted asshole couldn't accept that fact so you both tried and tried to confuse the issue. You're just upset that I didn't buy into your lame ass tactics.

Oh I played around with you two for a while and it was quite enjoyable. But as they say "all good things must end" , so I'm not gonna play along with your trivial bullshit any longer.

The fact is I was right when I said that blacks fought for the south and neither of you have proven otherwise.

I bet it sucks to be you.

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