Confederate constitution legalized slavery

The United States Constitution defines the structure of the national government and dictates the scope and limitation of its powers. The Constitution is known as “the supreme Law of the Land” and all other laws are measured against it. The application of the articles and amendments of the Constitution comprise constitutional law.

In addition to the United States Constitution, each state has its own constitution and therefore, its own body of constitutional law as well. State constitutions resemble the federal Constitution in that they outline the state government’s structure of legislative, executive and judicial branches as well as contain a bill of rights.

But there are various ways state constitutions differ from the federal Constitution. Often, state constitutions are much longer and more detailed than the federal Constitution. State constitutions focus more on limiting rather than granting power since its general authority has already been established. As a result, the constitution of Alabama is six hundred pages long whereas the federal Constitution can be easily read in one sitting front to back.

The details in state constitutions are not particularly “constitutional” in nature.

State Constitutions vs. The United States Constitution What is a Paralegal What does a Paralegal do
Remember that when the nutters try to claim that the Civil War wasn't about slavery.
Remember when the asshole lying POS OPs knew what the word only meant? The civil war wasn't only about slavery, dumb ass.
No we would rathered the constitution outlaw slavery from the beginning.

They tried but they had to do a compromise with the South so we have the Three Fifths compromise.
They didnt try. They gave it lip service because they were all hypocrites with the exception of a few that didnt own slaves themsleves.

Then why did they pass a bill for all new states to be slave free?
Where did you get that idea?

The Northwest Ordinance
American History USA
The Northwest Ordinance laid out the details of the admission process. When a territory reached 60,000 people it could create a constitution and apply for statehood. This procedure was first applied to Ohio in 1803, and served as a continuing model for the remainder of the United States.

Slavery and involuntary servitude were forbidden in the Northwest Territory, thereby making the Ohio River a natural dividing line between the free and slave states of the country.
Slavery existed in Northern States well beyond 1803, and the Northwest ordinance was not the U.S. CONstitution which did not make slavery illegal hence allowed its legal existence.
Hey, idiot....
The thread is not about the CSA Constitution, it is about Slavery within, hence it is a point to the mistreatment of fellow man, of which the Yankee has plenty to atone for, without pointing elsewhere. Face your own evils before you point to others.
Says right in the title what the OP is about. Matter of fact you dont look too intelligent trying to tell the author of the thread what her thread is about.
Her thread states (And she is the same idiot that I have bitch slapped around several times before) that it is about slavery within the CSA Constitution, hence we may point to the Immorality of the North. You don't set to sit in an ivory tower, you don't have the right to that position.
The thread is a gratuitous attempt to slap the Southern people around with a stick of guilt to deflect from the Yankees own immorality. The idiot opened the door, I just stepped it to bitch slap her and every other pious Yankee.
When have you ever bitch slapped anyone, let alone me?

Southern people for the most part are not as stupid as you are and most of them realize that the Civil War was about slavery. This thread was intended to point out to the few idiots left in the South (the ones that enjoy making asses of themselves on messageboards) that they are absolutely incorrect about the intent of the Confederacy.

You are invited to stop deflecting and prove that the Confederacy didn't legalize slavery.

On other related threads, that's where.
Again, slavery is an irrelevant issue when it comes to the issue of secession. The law is what matters, and there was no law against secession, and at that time, there was no law passed by congress making slavery illegal, that's a sad fact.
The question has nothing to do with slavery. The U.S. CONstitution didn't address slavery, the U.S. Congress never produced a bill, and a U.S. President never signed such into law, therefore the U.S. CONstitution via not addressing the issue of slavery, allowed such hence made it legal until the 13th.
The questions are .....
When Lincoln and the North rebelled against the lawful authority of their U.S. CONstitition what was their reason?
If it was to end Slavery in the U.S., that was accomplished with the secessions of the Southern States, at that point, there was nothing standing in the way of a constitutional amendment making slavery illegal in the U.S.
If it was to preserve the union, that is a fallacy because the union remained after the Southern States seceded, or there would have been no United States to go to war with the Confederate States.
So, what exactly is your point that slavery was legal in our CSA Constitution? It was just as legal under your U.S. CONstitution since it's RATification, else it would have stated such within. Why don't you just stick to concerns about your own government?
Yes, it is revolting that slavery was ever allowed. But this thread is about how the confederates made it legal in their constitution.
It was also legal under YOUR U.S. CONstitution as well. Slavery was around far longer under YOUR U.S. CONstitution than the four years of the CSA Constitution.
Just primarily about slavery.

It was the cornerstone.
Again, Slavery is irrelevant to the legality of secession. Slavery was legal under YOUR U.S. CONstitution far longer than under our CSA Constitution. Hence your cornerstone reference is basically just chatter. And YOUR U.S. was built on the bodies of the Native American Indian that your Government made a practice of exterminating.
Her thread states (And she is the same idiot that I have bitch slapped around several times before) that it is about slavery within the CSA Constitution, hence we may point to the Immorality of the North. You don't set to sit in an ivory tower, you don't have the right to that position.
The thread is a gratuitous attempt to slap the Southern people around with a stick of guilt to deflect from the Yankees own immorality. The idiot opened the door, I just stepped it to bitch slap her and every other pious Yankee.
When have you ever bitch slapped anyone, let alone me?

Southern people for the most part are not as stupid as you are and most of them realize that the Civil War was about slavery. This thread was intended to point out to the few idiots left in the South (the ones that enjoy making asses of themselves on messageboards) that they are absolutely incorrect about the intent of the Confederacy.

You are invited to stop deflecting and prove that the Confederacy didn't legalize slavery.

On other related threads, that's where.
Again, slavery is an irrelevant issue when it comes to the issue of secession. The law is what matters, and there was no law against secession, and at that time, there was no law passed by congress making slavery illegal, that's a sad fact.
The question has nothing to do with slavery. The U.S. CONstitution didn't address slavery, the U.S. Congress never produced a bill, and a U.S. President never signed such into law, therefore the U.S. CONstitution via not addressing the issue of slavery, allowed such hence made it legal until the 13th.
The questions are .....
When Lincoln and the North rebelled against the lawful authority of their U.S. CONstitition what was their reason?
If it was to end Slavery in the U.S., that was accomplished with the secessions of the Southern States, at that point, there was nothing standing in the way of a constitutional amendment making slavery illegal in the U.S.
If it was to preserve the union, that is a fallacy because the union remained after the Southern States seceded, or there would have been no United States to go to war with the Confederate States.
So, what exactly is your point that slavery was legal in our CSA Constitution? It was just as legal under your U.S. CONstitution since it's RATification, else it would have stated such within. Why don't you just stick to concerns about your own government?
Yes, it is revolting that slavery was ever allowed. But this thread is about how the confederates made it legal in their constitution.
While conveniently omitting how Lincoln would have made it permanently legal for all states in a lame attempt to lure the CSA back into the Union
Another deflection. Did the loser confederates legalize slavery in their constitution and go to war over slavery or not?
The Southern Confederate States were forced to defend themselves against the hegemony of the U.S.
When have you ever bitch slapped anyone, let alone me?

Southern people for the most part are not as stupid as you are and most of them realize that the Civil War was about slavery. This thread was intended to point out to the few idiots left in the South (the ones that enjoy making asses of themselves on messageboards) that they are absolutely incorrect about the intent of the Confederacy.

You are invited to stop deflecting and prove that the Confederacy didn't legalize slavery.

On other related threads, that's where.
Again, slavery is an irrelevant issue when it comes to the issue of secession. The law is what matters, and there was no law against secession, and at that time, there was no law passed by congress making slavery illegal, that's a sad fact.
The question has nothing to do with slavery. The U.S. CONstitution didn't address slavery, the U.S. Congress never produced a bill, and a U.S. President never signed such into law, therefore the U.S. CONstitution via not addressing the issue of slavery, allowed such hence made it legal until the 13th.
The questions are .....
When Lincoln and the North rebelled against the lawful authority of their U.S. CONstitition what was their reason?
If it was to end Slavery in the U.S., that was accomplished with the secessions of the Southern States, at that point, there was nothing standing in the way of a constitutional amendment making slavery illegal in the U.S.
If it was to preserve the union, that is a fallacy because the union remained after the Southern States seceded, or there would have been no United States to go to war with the Confederate States.
So, what exactly is your point that slavery was legal in our CSA Constitution? It was just as legal under your U.S. CONstitution since it's RATification, else it would have stated such within. Why don't you just stick to concerns about your own government?
Yes, it is revolting that slavery was ever allowed. But this thread is about how the confederates made it legal in their constitution.
While conveniently omitting how Lincoln would have made it permanently legal for all states in a lame attempt to lure the CSA back into the Union
Another deflection. Did the loser confederates legalize slavery in their constitution and go to war over slavery or not?
No deflection.
Never denied slavery wasn't legal.
But it wasn't the sole reason for secession.....unless you can show that slave ownership is the only issue mentioned in the constitution of the CSA
Slavery nor any reason was mentioned in the CSA Constitution. You are confusing the ordinances of secession with our CSA Constitution.
On other related threads, that's where.
Again, slavery is an irrelevant issue when it comes to the issue of secession. The law is what matters, and there was no law against secession, and at that time, there was no law passed by congress making slavery illegal, that's a sad fact.
The question has nothing to do with slavery. The U.S. CONstitution didn't address slavery, the U.S. Congress never produced a bill, and a U.S. President never signed such into law, therefore the U.S. CONstitution via not addressing the issue of slavery, allowed such hence made it legal until the 13th.
The questions are .....
When Lincoln and the North rebelled against the lawful authority of their U.S. CONstitition what was their reason?
If it was to end Slavery in the U.S., that was accomplished with the secessions of the Southern States, at that point, there was nothing standing in the way of a constitutional amendment making slavery illegal in the U.S.
If it was to preserve the union, that is a fallacy because the union remained after the Southern States seceded, or there would have been no United States to go to war with the Confederate States.
So, what exactly is your point that slavery was legal in our CSA Constitution? It was just as legal under your U.S. CONstitution since it's RATification, else it would have stated such within. Why don't you just stick to concerns about your own government?
Yes, it is revolting that slavery was ever allowed. But this thread is about how the confederates made it legal in their constitution.
While conveniently omitting how Lincoln would have made it permanently legal for all states in a lame attempt to lure the CSA back into the Union
Another deflection. Did the loser confederates legalize slavery in their constitution and go to war over slavery or not?
No deflection.
Never denied slavery wasn't legal.
But it wasn't the sole reason for secession.....unless you can show that slave ownership is the only issue mentioned in the constitution of the CSA
Constitutionally, slavery was never legal. The confederacy made it legal. Connect the dots.
Nothing is illegal unless a law is passed making something illegal. Slavery was NOT illegal under YOUR U.S. CONstitution, because NO LAW or amendment was passed until the 13th amendment which was after the occupation began in 1865. Slavery was legal in YOUR U.S. until then.
While conveniently omitting how Lincoln would have made it permanently legal for all states in a lame attempt to lure the CSA back into the Union
Another deflection. Did the loser confederates legalize slavery in their constitution and go to war over slavery or not?
No deflection.
Never denied slavery wasn't legal.
But it wasn't the sole reason for secession.....unless you can show that slave ownership is the only issue mentioned in the constitution of the CSA
Constitutionally, slavery was never legal. The confederacy made it legal. Connect the dots.
In the US, Constitutionally, it was legal.
No. All are created equal. The interpretation pretended it was legal but it was not.
That's not YOUR U.S. CONstitution, that you are quoting, that is OUR Declaration of Independence.
The Confederacy only existed for a couple of years in American history but it gives low information idiots a target for hatred. The Confederacy never funded a slave ship or captured a Negro in Africa. The sad truth about the 200 years of international slavery is that the ensign that flew off slave ships wasn't the Confederate battle flag that mostly inner city northern idiots grew up hating. The flag that flew from the stern of slave ships was the British union jack and the French and Spanish flags and the Stars and Stripes. The industrial revolution would have put slavery out of business but the inept Lincoln administration couldn't wait. Innocent Southern people who had nothing to do with slavery died because Lincoln hired a drunk and a maniac to kill civilians.

No such thing as innocent white Southern people. If they supported the confederacy either actively or passively they supported slavery primarily for economic reasons.

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition."
And there were no innocent Yankees as they were fully aware that their U.S. government was exterminating Native American Indian women and children. You hold no moral superiority so give that one up.
That only works if we are talking about NA's instead of slavery as presented by the OP. The fact you had to deflect to feel just as dirty as the Yankees is amusing.
The fact is.....
The two are related as they relate to the treatment of fellow man, hence the Yankee, has no right to point to the immorality of the enslavement of the Black man when their ancestors did worse to the Native American Indian to whom you disrespect in your abbreviation. It is always the Yankee tactic to deflect from its immoral past by pointing a crooked finger South and screaming slavery. I wont fly.
BS. The south engaged in the slaughter of NA's as well. The difference is that the south fought a war to keep Black people enslaved. Sorry but you loose despite thinking you are educating someone.
You are ignorant, because you confuse the SOUTH under YOUR U.S. CONstitution,with the Confederate States of America. Your U.S. government continued its extermination of the Native American Indian for many, MANY years after the occupation of our Southern Confederate States began.
The Confederacy only existed for a couple of years in American history but it gives low information idiots a target for hatred. The Confederacy never funded a slave ship or captured a Negro in Africa. The sad truth about the 200 years of international slavery is that the ensign that flew off slave ships wasn't the Confederate battle flag that mostly inner city northern idiots grew up hating. The flag that flew from the stern of slave ships was the British union jack and the French and Spanish flags and the Stars and Stripes. The industrial revolution would have put slavery out of business but the inept Lincoln administration couldn't wait. Innocent Southern people who had nothing to do with slavery died because Lincoln hired a drunk and a maniac to kill civilians.

No such thing as innocent white Southern people. If they supported the confederacy either actively or passively they supported slavery primarily for economic reasons.

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition."
And there were no innocent Yankees as they were fully aware that their U.S. government was exterminating Native American Indian women and children. You hold no moral superiority so give that one up.
That only works if we are talking about NA's instead of slavery as presented by the OP. The fact you had to deflect to feel just as dirty as the Yankees is amusing.
The fact is.....
The two are related as they relate to the treatment of fellow man, hence the Yankee, has no right to point to the immorality of the enslavement of the Black man when their ancestors did worse to the Native American Indian to whom you disrespect in your abbreviation. It is always the Yankee tactic to deflect from its immoral past by pointing a crooked finger South and screaming slavery. I wont fly.
Hey, Bozo. This thread is about the Confederate constitution. Why the deflection?
This thread opened the door to ridicule Hypocrites, I just stepped in to ridicule and set the record straight. Makes you uncomfortable huh?
No such thing as innocent white Southern people. If they supported the confederacy either actively or passively they supported slavery primarily for economic reasons.

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and moral condition."
And there were no innocent Yankees as they were fully aware that their U.S. government was exterminating Native American Indian women and children. You hold no moral superiority so give that one up.
That only works if we are talking about NA's instead of slavery as presented by the OP. The fact you had to deflect to feel just as dirty as the Yankees is amusing.
The fact is.....
The two are related as they relate to the treatment of fellow man, hence the Yankee, has no right to point to the immorality of the enslavement of the Black man when their ancestors did worse to the Native American Indian to whom you disrespect in your abbreviation. It is always the Yankee tactic to deflect from its immoral past by pointing a crooked finger South and screaming slavery. I wont fly.
Hey, Bozo. This thread is about the Confederate constitution. Why the deflection?
People deflect once they find out they are wrong but lack the capacity to just learn from it.
You have not shewn me to be wrong about anything. I doubt I could learn much from the ignorant Yankee.
That only works if we are talking about NA's instead of slavery as presented by the OP. The fact you had to deflect to feel just as dirty as the Yankees is amusing.
The fact is.....
The two are related as they relate to the treatment of fellow man, hence the Yankee, has no right to point to the immorality of the enslavement of the Black man when their ancestors did worse to the Native American Indian to whom you disrespect in your abbreviation. It is always the Yankee tactic to deflect from its immoral past by pointing a crooked finger South and screaming slavery. I wont fly.
Hey, Bozo. This thread is about the Confederate constitution. Why the deflection?
People deflect once they find out they are wrong but lack the capacity to just learn from it.
Oh everyone knows that slavery is wrong, yet Yankees still will not face the immorality of their past and present.
They prefer to point to others rather than look in the mirror.
Thats what happens when the subject is about the losers called the confederates. They fought to keep Blacks enslaved. They lost. That has nothing to do with NA's.
The U.S. exterminated the Native American Indian, and yes it has a lot to do with Slavery, as it shows the hypocrisy of the Yankee. Save the Black man Murder the red man. Yeah, a bit hypocritical.
Oh everyone knows that slavery is wrong, yet Yankees still will not face the immorality of their past and present.
They prefer to point to others rather than look in the mirror.
Thats what happens when the subject is about the losers called the confederates. They fought to keep Blacks enslaved. They lost. That has nothing to do with NA's.
You have your own Yankee misdeeds to atone for. You deal with yours, and we will deal with ours. In other words, IF YOU ARE NOT A SOUTHERN CONFEDERATE, MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, AND ATONE FOR THE SINS OF YOUR GOVERNMENT.
Sorry but I will mock you loser confederates as much as I want to. Getting emotional and typing in all caps wont stop me.
Oh, were you mocking me?
It didn't have the affect that you sought it seems.
I always stand toe to toe with pseudo intellectual idiots. It is such wonderful fun, witnessing the squirming that you all do when smacked with the facts and truth.
Yes I was mocking your delusions that you were making some grand point no one could recover from. Your premise is weak and off topic. You are right about standing at the height of my toe. You are an intellectual midget.
Grand Point? The Grand point is that YOU YANKEES are hypocrites. Slavery was legal in YOUR U.S. from 1787 until 1865, a bit longer than the four years it was legal in the CSA. Yeah, I'd say its a fairly GRAND point. Squirm a lil more for me Yankee.

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