Zone1 Bobby Lee gets an education

el midgetron

Platinum Member
Jun 21, 2023
I remember Bobby Lee from Mad TV. He is a funny guy. The below Tweet is totally right, this is what liberals think about slavery. That it was an American institution invented by white people. They believe that slavery never existed outside the US. The truth is the US has probably the one of the briefest histories of slavery ever documented. Unless of course you include slavery perpetrated by Native Americans.

* Slavery in the United States was a terrible thing no matter how "short" a time it existed.

* It started in that fateful year of 1619.

* And all of us in 2024 are still experiencing its consequences, viz., horrific violent crime in our cities.

The slaves also got their revenge during the Civil War: 800,000 young men slaughtered.)
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* Slavery in the United States was a terrible thing no matter how "short" a time it existed.

* It started in that fateful year of 1619.

* And all of us in 2024 are still experiencing its consequences, viz., horrific violent crime in our cities.

The slaves also got their revenge during the Civil War: 800,000 young men slaughtered.)
Slavery was a crime. Blacks fought in the Civil War. And whites lead in crime. You per capita people don't want to talk about the high per capita rural crime rate that exceeds many major cities. Its time whites like you stopped lying to yourself.
I remember Bobby Lee from Mad TV. He is a funny guy. The below Tweet is totally right, this is what liberals think about slavery. That it was an American institution invented by white people. They believe that slavery never existed outside the US. The truth is the US has probably the one of the briefest histories of slavery ever documented. Unless of course you include slavery perpetrated by Native Americans.

In America it did. And You can stop lying about it.

It's time whites like you stopped this shit. Native Americans could have cancelled your white asses in 1609. But they didn't. And what did they get back? Attempted genocide.
Slavery was a crime. Blacks fought in the Civil War. And whites lead in crime. You per capita people don't want to talk about the high per capita rural crime rate that exceeds many major cities. Its time whites like you stopped lying to yourself.
Slavery was not a “crime”, it was legal the world over.

The rural per capita mumbo-jumbo is just because black people live in the inner city. You openly and shamelessly just want it both ways. You want to both disregard per capita crime rates when they include black crime and also cite per capita crime rates when they don’t include black people. Your black privilege and entitlement if on display for all to see.
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In America it did. And You can stop lying about it.

It's time whites like you stopped this shit. Native Americans could have cancelled your white asses in 1609. But they didn't. And what did they get back? Attempted genocide.
The Native American were savages compared to the white European immigrants who conquered them. The majority of Native Americans were wiped out by diseases introduced by early European explorers. There were still many remaining who needed to be defeated because their violent and brutal culture of tribalistic warfare, slavery, cannibalism and ritual human sacrifice was incompatible with Western civilization.

The ”genocide” of Native Americans never happened. It’s a stupid bedtime story for childish liberals. What kind of “genocide” ends by giving Native Americans their own land and legally recognizing their sovereignty? Show me an example of Native Americans making such concessions to other Native Americans after defeating them.

Native American disease and epidemics - Wikipedia
Slavery in territories that would become today’s Canada may have begun as far as 1500 BC.[3] Among indigenous peoples of Canada, children of slaves could inherit the condition of enslavement.[4] In some tribes in the Pacific Northwest, about a quarter of the population consisted of enslaved people.[5] Enslavement of white people, while not common, took place until the 19th century.[6][7] Slavery in The Canadas was abolished in 1833.[8]

Amerindian slave ownership - Wikipedia

In her account of her life among the Comanche, Rachel wrote that six weeks after giving birth to a healthy son, the warriors decided she was slowed too much by childcare, and threw her son down on the ground. When he stopped moving, they left her to bury him. When she revived him, they returned and tied the infant to a rope, and dragged him through cactuses until the frail, tiny body was literally torn to pieces.[1]

Rachel Plummer - Wikipedia

In this case, the Nermernuh warriors staked out their victims, and began applying fire to each captive’s hands and feet until the nerves had been destroyed in each extremity. Then, they amputated the ruined extremities and began the fire torture again against the sensitive, bleeding flesh. All of the victims were scalped alive, so that they would know the full extent of their degradation. Finally, tiring of the business, the Nermernuh tore out the Tonkawas’ tongues to silence their cries, and heaped the writhing victims’ scrota and bellies with blazing coals. The Nermernuh then went to sleep around the torture fire.….

…..Most observers reported that the women were far more patient and vicious tormentors than the males. It may have been the exercise of vengeance against their lot in life, but at any rate, the females destroyed the captive by the most drawn-out and hideous means they could devise. They cut off his fingers and peeled his eyes; they stretched his tongue and charred his soles, and they invariably devoted fiendish attention to his penis and testicles. The torture went on for hours, even days, so long as the body survived.

Torture, Mutilation and Brutality (Comanche History) | Fort Tours

Slavery in the Pacific Northwest developed at some point between 500 B.C. and A.D. 500, long before European contact, and at contact, slaves were clearly set apart from the existing tribal ranking system and prestige-seeking in the region. Early indigenous peoples also possessed other practices that predated contact with the British and Europeans: cannibalism and the killing of slaves, the latter of which also occurred and for a variety of reasons: funeral feasts, the building of a new home, a new title, the erection of a totem pole, or as part of the ceremony at potlatches. A Russian Orthodox priest recounted how in one Sitka ceremony where a new clan chief was appointed, four slaves were strangled as part of the ritual.

On another occasion, among both the Mowachaht and the Clayoquot, a slave was killed to celebrate the first whale kill of the season. In Tlinglit folklore, a memorial potlatch was necessary so fellow spirits in the village of the dead would not despise the newly deceased. The memorial included the murder of a slave. Among the Nuu-cah-nulth, a wolf dance also occasioned the taking of a slave’s life. Lastly, in one account of a ceremony at Fort Rupert, British Columbia, two female slaves were burnt as part of a ceremonial display, though they volunteered in the belief they would be resurrected four days hence.

First Nations & Their Slaves

The Last Confederate General to Surrender Was Native American​

Stand Watie, a contentious Cherokee leader who signed away his ancestral lands, fought for the South in the Civil War, terrorizing many of his own people.

The Last Confederate General to Surrender Was Native American | HISTORY

Several different land routes and one riverine route were used by the various tribes and their slaves to reach the new land. The average distance of the routes was 5,000 miles. This forced movement and resettlement of people was collectively called the Trail of Tears. What is not widely known is that thousands of Black slaves, considered property by Indians, also suffered and died on the journey. Slaves who walked the Trail of Tears hunted, cooked, and cleaned for their masters. One prominent Cherokee, Joseph Vann, took 200 slaves with him. At least 175 Black slaves owned by Cherokees died in transit.

Trail of Tears (1831-1850) •.
* Slavery in the United States was a terrible thing no matter how "short" a time it existed.

* It started in that fateful year of 1619.

* And all of us in 2024 are still experiencing its consequences, viz., horrific violent crime in our cities.

The slaves also got their revenge during the Civil War: 800,000 young men slaughtered.)
World history is full of terrible things including slavery. The only reason it's still a thing here is the Democrats use it to keep their Black voting bloc scared and angry. THEY GONNA PUT Y'ALL BACK IN CHAINS.

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