Condoliar Rice


Active Member
Apr 15, 2004
Condoliar Rice
Perhaps with lies and delusions the Bush administration is looking for a mistrial.

by Knute Berger

The mess in Iraq gets messier, and so does the mess of how we got into this mess. Last week’s visual highlight: the pinched face of Bush’s national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, testifying under oath before the 9/11 commission, seeking to answer the questions: What did the president know, and why didn’t he give a rat’s ass?

Dubya couldn’t answer that question because he was bass fishing in Crawford, Texas.

Former Washington Sen. Slade Gorton predicted, prior to Rice’s testimony, that there would be nothing new in it. “At most, she will probably only add a little to what we already know,” the Republican told the Tri-City Herald.

Gorton should have known better, for it was he who had asked a key, unplanned question of former terrorism honcho Richard Clarke during earlier testimony. Gorton asked Clarke if “there was the remotest chance” that 9/11 could have been prevented if the administration had heeded Clarke’s recommendations from January 2001. “No,” Clarke said. It was an important admission from one of the administration’s most credible critics, an admission that could contribute to helping Bush and company wriggle off the 9/11 hook. Gorton, the scion of a seafood fortune, was delighted with the results of his fishing expedition.

But Rice did make news, even if it took the weekend for it to come out. In her testimony, she insisted that the infamous presidential daily intelligence briefing (PDB) from Aug. 6, 2001, contained only stuff of historical interest. No predictions, no call to action, no real news. This despite the fact that the commissioners already knew—and now we all know, since the document was declassified over the weekend—that it outlined Osama bin Laden’s intent to attack on American soil, possibly hijacking planes; that operatives were living in the United States; and that someone had been casing federal buildings in New York. (cont.)

Originally posted by nycflasher
Condoliar Rice
Perhaps with lies and delusions the Bush administration is looking for a mistrial.

by Knute Berger


The Seattle Weekly is our version of the Village Voice - a local leftie publication. Little wonder that something like this would appear here.
Originally posted by JIHADTHIS
Sorry, thought it was new flameware (and maybe your account got hijacked by spidey):laugh:

Lol, nope.

As I said in a thread yesterday, I like to vary my sources. Since no one else is posting villagevoice-ish ones, I thought I would.

Just as Bill O'Reilly makes a good point once in a while(when he is not overwhelmed by the pleasure of hearing himself talk), so does the Voice.;)
Originally posted by Sir Evil
no doubt bad timing for this post! I hope you had no intentions with this rubbish article!:confused:

My only intentions when I post an article are the sharing and discussion of information.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
I am right though in thinking that you lean a bit to the left?

I don't like to label myself, but if we must, you are correct. :whip:

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