Concerned Conservatives: Are you standing up or standing down to Democrat treason?


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
Unless you are a fool who believes the election is really over or you are unwilling to stand on principles, you must not allow this false narrative to take hold. Creepy Joe has won nothing except an embarrassing reckoning in court for all to see. Stand up now or stand by as better people do the work you refuse to do to save our Republic from the obvious and widespread subversion of our elections by the Democratic cheating machine.
Contact your reps at the state & local level & let them know you are paying attention. Here's an example of what you might want to say or email to them:

As a concerned citizen & voter in your district, I must tell you I am very alarmed over widespread evidence along with eyewitness reports of rampant election corruption from all over the country.
It's not only me, it's also my family, friends & many others I have heard from. We are extremely upset that this election was stolen from the American people in the worst case of voter fraud we have ever heard of.
This attack upon our Constitutional Republic is almost too brazen & obvious to believe. We know it has been aided & abetted by very powerful people & institutions designed to protect us from this banana-republic style subversion. This is sedition and treason.
We want to know what you are doing about this considering the much more powerful platform you have as our elected representative.
Have you been contacting anybody & speaking out about this or are you standing by while our electoral integrity is compromised?
Are you actively asking questions & raising our concerns with your colleagues at home & in other states?
Have you personally called for any investigations & used your voice (social media, press conferences, etc...) to let the country know we are watching & paying attention to what is going on?
Will you be a vocal supporter of whatever legal remedies are available to uncover the falsification of voting throughout the country?
We are watching to see what you do to protect us & we will not forget if you fail to stand for fair elections results RIGHT NOW!
I said we are upset but allow me rephrase that- we are ENRAGED & we will not accept the status quo of "all talk and no action" from anybody with the power you yield on our behalf.
We the People are fed up with lies, corruption & censorship of our views. We will not stand for it anymore & to think we will is a grave mistake that will lead to conflict we have not seen in this great country since the Civil War.
We will be paying attention to how you respond & fight for your constituents. We demand a strong condemnation of this criminal abuse of our electoral process.
Failure to do so would make you complicit in these deeds & I am sure that is the last thing you want.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

Sorry, I tend to get long winded when I'm pissed but feel free to use anything you want or not but contact them today and do not let up. Talk to your friends and family and make sure everybody you know & everybody they know will do the same. We must keep the pressure on them and show them we know better than to believe Obiden won this fair & square.
The future of our country is at stake.
Unless you are a fool who believes the election is really over or you are unwilling to stand on principles, you must not allow this false narrative to take hold. Creepy Joe has won nothing except an embarrassing reckoning in court for all to see. Stand up now or stand by as better people do the work you refuse to do to save our Republic from the obvious and widespread subversion of our elections by the Democratic cheating machine.
Contact your reps at the state & local level & let them know you are paying attention. Here's an example of what you might want to say or email to them:

As a concerned citizen & voter in your district, I must tell you I am very alarmed over widespread evidence along with eyewitness reports of rampant election corruption from all over the country.
It's not only me, it's also my family, friends & many others I have heard from. We are extremely upset that this election was stolen from the American people in the worst case of voter fraud we have ever heard of.
This attack upon our Constitutional Republic is almost too brazen & obvious to believe. We know it has been aided & abetted by very powerful people & institutions designed to protect us from this banana-republic style subversion. This is sedition and treason.
We want to know what you are doing about this considering the much more powerful platform you have as our elected representative.
Have you been contacting anybody & speaking out about this or are you standing by while our electoral integrity is compromised?
Are you actively asking questions & raising our concerns with your colleagues at home & in other states?
Have you personally called for any investigations & used your voice (social media, press conferences, etc...) to let the country know we are watching & paying attention to what is going on?
Will you be a vocal supporter of whatever legal remedies are available to uncover the falsification of voting throughout the country?
We are watching to see what you do to protect us & we will not forget if you fail to stand for fair elections results RIGHT NOW!
I said we are upset but allow me rephrase that- we are ENRAGED & we will not accept the status quo of "all talk and no action" from anybody with the power you yield on our behalf.
We the People are fed up with lies, corruption & censorship of our views. We will not stand for it anymore & to think we will is a grave mistake that will lead to conflict we have not seen in this great country since the Civil War.
We will be paying attention to how you respond & fight for your constituents. We demand a strong condemnation of this criminal abuse of our electoral process.
Failure to do so would make you complicit in these deeds & I am sure that is the last thing you want.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

Sorry, I tend to get long winded when I'm pissed but feel free to use anything you want or not but contact them today and do not let up. Talk to your friends and family and make sure everybody you know & everybody they know will do the same. We must keep the pressure on them and show them we know better than to believe Obiden won this fair & square.
The future of our country is at stake.

First we have to contend with the Traitorousness in our own party. Time to clean house in the GOP.
Unless you are a fool who believes the election is really over or you are unwilling to stand on principles, you must not allow this false narrative to take hold. Creepy Joe has won nothing except an embarrassing reckoning in court for all to see. Stand up now or stand by as better people do the work you refuse to do to save our Republic from the obvious and widespread subversion of our elections by the Democratic cheating machine.
Contact your reps at the state & local level & let them know you are paying attention. Here's an example of what you might want to say or email to them:

As a concerned citizen & voter in your district, I must tell you I am very alarmed over widespread evidence along with eyewitness reports of rampant election corruption from all over the country.
It's not only me, it's also my family, friends & many others I have heard from. We are extremely upset that this election was stolen from the American people in the worst case of voter fraud we have ever heard of.
This attack upon our Constitutional Republic is almost too brazen & obvious to believe. We know it has been aided & abetted by very powerful people & institutions designed to protect us from this banana-republic style subversion. This is sedition and treason.
We want to know what you are doing about this considering the much more powerful platform you have as our elected representative.
Have you been contacting anybody & speaking out about this or are you standing by while our electoral integrity is compromised?
Are you actively asking questions & raising our concerns with your colleagues at home & in other states?
Have you personally called for any investigations & used your voice (social media, press conferences, etc...) to let the country know we are watching & paying attention to what is going on?
Will you be a vocal supporter of whatever legal remedies are available to uncover the falsification of voting throughout the country?
We are watching to see what you do to protect us & we will not forget if you fail to stand for fair elections results RIGHT NOW!
I said we are upset but allow me rephrase that- we are ENRAGED & we will not accept the status quo of "all talk and no action" from anybody with the power you yield on our behalf.
We the People are fed up with lies, corruption & censorship of our views. We will not stand for it anymore & to think we will is a grave mistake that will lead to conflict we have not seen in this great country since the Civil War.
We will be paying attention to how you respond & fight for your constituents. We demand a strong condemnation of this criminal abuse of our electoral process.
Failure to do so would make you complicit in these deeds & I am sure that is the last thing you want.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

Sorry, I tend to get long winded when I'm pissed but feel free to use anything you want or not but contact them today and do not let up. Talk to your friends and family and make sure everybody you know & everybody they know will do the same. We must keep the pressure on them and show them we know better than to believe Obiden won this fair & square.
The future of our country is at stake.
The multiple lawsuits you are referring to concern dozens or at best hundreds of votes. At the moment ten of them have been already shot down by the courts as merritless. What pray tell are you even talking about? NO I repeat ZERO evidence has been presented by ANYONE that would suggests widespread voter fraud.
Unless you are a fool who believes the election is really over or you are unwilling to stand on principles, you must not allow this false narrative to take hold. Creepy Joe has won nothing except an embarrassing reckoning in court for all to see. Stand up now or stand by as better people do the work you refuse to do to save our Republic from the obvious and widespread subversion of our elections by the Democratic cheating machine.
Contact your reps at the state & local level & let them know you are paying attention. Here's an example of what you might want to say or email to them:

As a concerned citizen & voter in your district, I must tell you I am very alarmed over widespread evidence along with eyewitness reports of rampant election corruption from all over the country.
It's not only me, it's also my family, friends & many others I have heard from. We are extremely upset that this election was stolen from the American people in the worst case of voter fraud we have ever heard of.
This attack upon our Constitutional Republic is almost too brazen & obvious to believe. We know it has been aided & abetted by very powerful people & institutions designed to protect us from this banana-republic style subversion. This is sedition and treason.
We want to know what you are doing about this considering the much more powerful platform you have as our elected representative.
Have you been contacting anybody & speaking out about this or are you standing by while our electoral integrity is compromised?
Are you actively asking questions & raising our concerns with your colleagues at home & in other states?
Have you personally called for any investigations & used your voice (social media, press conferences, etc...) to let the country know we are watching & paying attention to what is going on?
Will you be a vocal supporter of whatever legal remedies are available to uncover the falsification of voting throughout the country?
We are watching to see what you do to protect us & we will not forget if you fail to stand for fair elections results RIGHT NOW!
I said we are upset but allow me rephrase that- we are ENRAGED & we will not accept the status quo of "all talk and no action" from anybody with the power you yield on our behalf.
We the People are fed up with lies, corruption & censorship of our views. We will not stand for it anymore & to think we will is a grave mistake that will lead to conflict we have not seen in this great country since the Civil War.
We will be paying attention to how you respond & fight for your constituents. We demand a strong condemnation of this criminal abuse of our electoral process.
Failure to do so would make you complicit in these deeds & I am sure that is the last thing you want.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

Sorry, I tend to get long winded when I'm pissed but feel free to use anything you want or not but contact them today and do not let up. Talk to your friends and family and make sure everybody you know & everybody they know will do the same. We must keep the pressure on them and show them we know better than to believe Obiden won this fair & square.
The future of our country is at stake.
Sorry. The election is over. Y’all sound so desperate right now, had I not seen so much douchebagery from Trump and his minions over the years I’d actually feel sorry for you. But as things stand it is a well deserved loss.
Who did they collude with to create a situation of treason?

Unless you are a fool who believes the election is really over or you are unwilling to stand on principles, you must not allow this false narrative to take hold. Creepy Joe has won nothing except an embarrassing reckoning in court for all to see. Stand up now or stand by as better people do the work you refuse to do to save our Republic from the obvious and widespread subversion of our elections by the Democratic cheating machine.
Contact your reps at the state & local level & let them know you are paying attention. Here's an example of what you might want to say or email to them:

As a concerned citizen & voter in your district, I must tell you I am very alarmed over widespread evidence along with eyewitness reports of rampant election corruption from all over the country.
It's not only me, it's also my family, friends & many others I have heard from. We are extremely upset that this election was stolen from the American people in the worst case of voter fraud we have ever heard of.
This attack upon our Constitutional Republic is almost too brazen & obvious to believe. We know it has been aided & abetted by very powerful people & institutions designed to protect us from this banana-republic style subversion. This is sedition and treason.
We want to know what you are doing about this considering the much more powerful platform you have as our elected representative.
Have you been contacting anybody & speaking out about this or are you standing by while our electoral integrity is compromised?
Are you actively asking questions & raising our concerns with your colleagues at home & in other states?
Have you personally called for any investigations & used your voice (social media, press conferences, etc...) to let the country know we are watching & paying attention to what is going on?
Will you be a vocal supporter of whatever legal remedies are available to uncover the falsification of voting throughout the country?
We are watching to see what you do to protect us & we will not forget if you fail to stand for fair elections results RIGHT NOW!
I said we are upset but allow me rephrase that- we are ENRAGED & we will not accept the status quo of "all talk and no action" from anybody with the power you yield on our behalf.
We the People are fed up with lies, corruption & censorship of our views. We will not stand for it anymore & to think we will is a grave mistake that will lead to conflict we have not seen in this great country since the Civil War.
We will be paying attention to how you respond & fight for your constituents. We demand a strong condemnation of this criminal abuse of our electoral process.
Failure to do so would make you complicit in these deeds & I am sure that is the last thing you want.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

Sorry, I tend to get long winded when I'm pissed but feel free to use anything you want or not but contact them today and do not let up. Talk to your friends and family and make sure everybody you know & everybody they know will do the same. We must keep the pressure on them and show them we know better than to believe Obiden won this fair & square.
The future of our country is at stake.

First we have to contend with the Traitorousness in our own party. Time to clean house in the GOP.
If you mean Rinos like Romney, Collins & many others, you bet. The mainstream Repubs are only marginally better than the avg Dem.
Time to rebuild the party with the people wise enough to know what DT does actually works
Unless you are a fool who believes the election is really over or you are unwilling to stand on principles, you must not allow this false narrative to take hold. Creepy Joe has won nothing except an embarrassing reckoning in court for all to see. Stand up now or stand by as better people do the work you refuse to do to save our Republic from the obvious and widespread subversion of our elections by the Democratic cheating machine.
Contact your reps at the state & local level & let them know you are paying attention. Here's an example of what you might want to say or email to them:

As a concerned citizen & voter in your district, I must tell you I am very alarmed over widespread evidence along with eyewitness reports of rampant election corruption from all over the country.
It's not only me, it's also my family, friends & many others I have heard from. We are extremely upset that this election was stolen from the American people in the worst case of voter fraud we have ever heard of.
This attack upon our Constitutional Republic is almost too brazen & obvious to believe. We know it has been aided & abetted by very powerful people & institutions designed to protect us from this banana-republic style subversion. This is sedition and treason.
We want to know what you are doing about this considering the much more powerful platform you have as our elected representative.
Have you been contacting anybody & speaking out about this or are you standing by while our electoral integrity is compromised?
Are you actively asking questions & raising our concerns with your colleagues at home & in other states?
Have you personally called for any investigations & used your voice (social media, press conferences, etc...) to let the country know we are watching & paying attention to what is going on?
Will you be a vocal supporter of whatever legal remedies are available to uncover the falsification of voting throughout the country?
We are watching to see what you do to protect us & we will not forget if you fail to stand for fair elections results RIGHT NOW!
I said we are upset but allow me rephrase that- we are ENRAGED & we will not accept the status quo of "all talk and no action" from anybody with the power you yield on our behalf.
We the People are fed up with lies, corruption & censorship of our views. We will not stand for it anymore & to think we will is a grave mistake that will lead to conflict we have not seen in this great country since the Civil War.
We will be paying attention to how you respond & fight for your constituents. We demand a strong condemnation of this criminal abuse of our electoral process.
Failure to do so would make you complicit in these deeds & I am sure that is the last thing you want.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

Sorry, I tend to get long winded when I'm pissed but feel free to use anything you want or not but contact them today and do not let up. Talk to your friends and family and make sure everybody you know & everybody they know will do the same. We must keep the pressure on them and show them we know better than to believe Obiden won this fair & square.
The future of our country is at stake.

Are you ready to pick up a weapon? Mine has been cleaned several times over the last few days
Unless you are a fool who believes the election is really over or you are unwilling to stand on principles, you must not allow this false narrative to take hold. Creepy Joe has won nothing except an embarrassing reckoning in court for all to see. Stand up now or stand by as better people do the work you refuse to do to save our Republic from the obvious and widespread subversion of our elections by the Democratic cheating machine.
Contact your reps at the state & local level & let them know you are paying attention. Here's an example of what you might want to say or email to them:

As a concerned citizen & voter in your district, I must tell you I am very alarmed over widespread evidence along with eyewitness reports of rampant election corruption from all over the country.
It's not only me, it's also my family, friends & many others I have heard from. We are extremely upset that this election was stolen from the American people in the worst case of voter fraud we have ever heard of.
This attack upon our Constitutional Republic is almost too brazen & obvious to believe. We know it has been aided & abetted by very powerful people & institutions designed to protect us from this banana-republic style subversion. This is sedition and treason.
We want to know what you are doing about this considering the much more powerful platform you have as our elected representative.
Have you been contacting anybody & speaking out about this or are you standing by while our electoral integrity is compromised?
Are you actively asking questions & raising our concerns with your colleagues at home & in other states?
Have you personally called for any investigations & used your voice (social media, press conferences, etc...) to let the country know we are watching & paying attention to what is going on?
Will you be a vocal supporter of whatever legal remedies are available to uncover the falsification of voting throughout the country?
We are watching to see what you do to protect us & we will not forget if you fail to stand for fair elections results RIGHT NOW!
I said we are upset but allow me rephrase that- we are ENRAGED & we will not accept the status quo of "all talk and no action" from anybody with the power you yield on our behalf.
We the People are fed up with lies, corruption & censorship of our views. We will not stand for it anymore & to think we will is a grave mistake that will lead to conflict we have not seen in this great country since the Civil War.
We will be paying attention to how you respond & fight for your constituents. We demand a strong condemnation of this criminal abuse of our electoral process.
Failure to do so would make you complicit in these deeds & I am sure that is the last thing you want.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

Sorry, I tend to get long winded when I'm pissed but feel free to use anything you want or not but contact them today and do not let up. Talk to your friends and family and make sure everybody you know & everybody they know will do the same. We must keep the pressure on them and show them we know better than to believe Obiden won this fair & square.
The future of our country is at stake.
The multiple lawsuits you are referring to concern dozens or at best hundreds of votes. At the moment ten of them have been already shot down by the courts as merritless. What pray tell are you even talking about? NO I repeat ZERO evidence has been presented by ANYONE that would suggests widespread voter fraud.
Wishful thinking not grounded in reality. Will you keep telling yourself that as the courts uncover the widespread abuse by the Dem cheating machine?
It's gonna get ugly for your side now
The multiple lawsuits you are referring to concern dozens or at best hundreds of votes. At the moment ten of them have been already shot down by the courts as merritless. What pray tell are you even talking about? NO I repeat ZERO evidence has been presented by ANYONE that would suggests widespread voter fraud


UPDATE 4/11/20 15:00: Are these signs of potential electoral fraud?

Early in the morning CNN’s rolling coverage map suddenly attributed 138,339 votes to Biden in Michigan, without recording a single vote Trump or any of three independent candidates:

Nate Silver’s statistics and analysis website has been plotting the votes on graphs. Both Wisconsin and Michigan have sudden, vertical jumps for Biden at around 4am:

Unless you are a fool who believes the election is really over or you are unwilling to stand on principles, you must not allow this false narrative to take hold. Creepy Joe has won nothing except an embarrassing reckoning in court for all to see. Stand up now or stand by as better people do the work you refuse to do to save our Republic from the obvious and widespread subversion of our elections by the Democratic cheating machine.
Contact your reps at the state & local level & let them know you are paying attention. Here's an example of what you might want to say or email to them:

As a concerned citizen & voter in your district, I must tell you I am very alarmed over widespread evidence along with eyewitness reports of rampant election corruption from all over the country.
It's not only me, it's also my family, friends & many others I have heard from. We are extremely upset that this election was stolen from the American people in the worst case of voter fraud we have ever heard of.
This attack upon our Constitutional Republic is almost too brazen & obvious to believe. We know it has been aided & abetted by very powerful people & institutions designed to protect us from this banana-republic style subversion. This is sedition and treason.
We want to know what you are doing about this considering the much more powerful platform you have as our elected representative.
Have you been contacting anybody & speaking out about this or are you standing by while our electoral integrity is compromised?
Are you actively asking questions & raising our concerns with your colleagues at home & in other states?
Have you personally called for any investigations & used your voice (social media, press conferences, etc...) to let the country know we are watching & paying attention to what is going on?
Will you be a vocal supporter of whatever legal remedies are available to uncover the falsification of voting throughout the country?
We are watching to see what you do to protect us & we will not forget if you fail to stand for fair elections results RIGHT NOW!
I said we are upset but allow me rephrase that- we are ENRAGED & we will not accept the status quo of "all talk and no action" from anybody with the power you yield on our behalf.
We the People are fed up with lies, corruption & censorship of our views. We will not stand for it anymore & to think we will is a grave mistake that will lead to conflict we have not seen in this great country since the Civil War.
We will be paying attention to how you respond & fight for your constituents. We demand a strong condemnation of this criminal abuse of our electoral process.
Failure to do so would make you complicit in these deeds & I am sure that is the last thing you want.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

Sorry, I tend to get long winded when I'm pissed but feel free to use anything you want or not but contact them today and do not let up. Talk to your friends and family and make sure everybody you know & everybody they know will do the same. We must keep the pressure on them and show them we know better than to believe Obiden won this fair & square.
The future of our country is at stake.
Sorry. The election is over. Y’all sound so desperate right now, had I not seen so much douchebagery from Trump and his minions over the years I’d actually feel sorry for you. But as things stand it is a well deserved loss.
You misunderstand election laws. MSM does not declare the winner.
It's OK. You all went overboard with your constant cheating, you got caught & now you're gonna get pantsed for the world to see
Unless you are a fool who believes the election is really over or you are unwilling to stand on principles, you must not allow this false narrative to take hold. Creepy Joe has won nothing except an embarrassing reckoning in court for all to see. Stand up now or stand by as better people do the work you refuse to do to save our Republic from the obvious and widespread subversion of our elections by the Democratic cheating machine.
Contact your reps at the state & local level & let them know you are paying attention. Here's an example of what you might want to say or email to them:

As a concerned citizen & voter in your district, I must tell you I am very alarmed over widespread evidence along with eyewitness reports of rampant election corruption from all over the country.
It's not only me, it's also my family, friends & many others I have heard from. We are extremely upset that this election was stolen from the American people in the worst case of voter fraud we have ever heard of.
This attack upon our Constitutional Republic is almost too brazen & obvious to believe. We know it has been aided & abetted by very powerful people & institutions designed to protect us from this banana-republic style subversion. This is sedition and treason.
We want to know what you are doing about this considering the much more powerful platform you have as our elected representative.
Have you been contacting anybody & speaking out about this or are you standing by while our electoral integrity is compromised?
Are you actively asking questions & raising our concerns with your colleagues at home & in other states?
Have you personally called for any investigations & used your voice (social media, press conferences, etc...) to let the country know we are watching & paying attention to what is going on?
Will you be a vocal supporter of whatever legal remedies are available to uncover the falsification of voting throughout the country?
We are watching to see what you do to protect us & we will not forget if you fail to stand for fair elections results RIGHT NOW!
I said we are upset but allow me rephrase that- we are ENRAGED & we will not accept the status quo of "all talk and no action" from anybody with the power you yield on our behalf.
We the People are fed up with lies, corruption & censorship of our views. We will not stand for it anymore & to think we will is a grave mistake that will lead to conflict we have not seen in this great country since the Civil War.
We will be paying attention to how you respond & fight for your constituents. We demand a strong condemnation of this criminal abuse of our electoral process.
Failure to do so would make you complicit in these deeds & I am sure that is the last thing you want.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

Sorry, I tend to get long winded when I'm pissed but feel free to use anything you want or not but contact them today and do not let up. Talk to your friends and family and make sure everybody you know & everybody they know will do the same. We must keep the pressure on them and show them we know better than to believe Obiden won this fair & square.
The future of our country is at stake.
Let it work its way through the courts first. Nothing has been certified and take heart in the fact that the media does not determine who gets to become President.
I voted. I will go to work each day just as I did before the election. If Joe Biden becomes president, I might have to wear my mask while driving my truck so that I don't get pulled over and ticketed.
Unless you are a fool who believes the election is really over or you are unwilling to stand on principles, you must not allow this false narrative to take hold. Creepy Joe has won nothing except an embarrassing reckoning in court for all to see. Stand up now or stand by as better people do the work you refuse to do to save our Republic from the obvious and widespread subversion of our elections by the Democratic cheating machine.
Contact your reps at the state & local level & let them know you are paying attention. Here's an example of what you might want to say or email to them:

As a concerned citizen & voter in your district, I must tell you I am very alarmed over widespread evidence along with eyewitness reports of rampant election corruption from all over the country.
It's not only me, it's also my family, friends & many others I have heard from. We are extremely upset that this election was stolen from the American people in the worst case of voter fraud we have ever heard of.
This attack upon our Constitutional Republic is almost too brazen & obvious to believe. We know it has been aided & abetted by very powerful people & institutions designed to protect us from this banana-republic style subversion. This is sedition and treason.
We want to know what you are doing about this considering the much more powerful platform you have as our elected representative.
Have you been contacting anybody & speaking out about this or are you standing by while our electoral integrity is compromised?
Are you actively asking questions & raising our concerns with your colleagues at home & in other states?
Have you personally called for any investigations & used your voice (social media, press conferences, etc...) to let the country know we are watching & paying attention to what is going on?
Will you be a vocal supporter of whatever legal remedies are available to uncover the falsification of voting throughout the country?
We are watching to see what you do to protect us & we will not forget if you fail to stand for fair elections results RIGHT NOW!
I said we are upset but allow me rephrase that- we are ENRAGED & we will not accept the status quo of "all talk and no action" from anybody with the power you yield on our behalf.
We the People are fed up with lies, corruption & censorship of our views. We will not stand for it anymore & to think we will is a grave mistake that will lead to conflict we have not seen in this great country since the Civil War.
We will be paying attention to how you respond & fight for your constituents. We demand a strong condemnation of this criminal abuse of our electoral process.
Failure to do so would make you complicit in these deeds & I am sure that is the last thing you want.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

Sorry, I tend to get long winded when I'm pissed but feel free to use anything you want or not but contact them today and do not let up. Talk to your friends and family and make sure everybody you know & everybody they know will do the same. We must keep the pressure on them and show them we know better than to believe Obiden won this fair & square.
The future of our country is at stake.

First we have to contend with the Traitorousness in our own party. Time to clean house in the GOP.
They all belong to the Lincoln project so...
The multiple lawsuits you are referring to concern dozens or at best hundreds of votes. At the moment ten of them have been already shot down by the courts as merritless. What pray tell are you even talking about? NO I repeat ZERO evidence has been presented by ANYONE that would suggests widespread voter fraud


UPDATE 4/11/20 15:00: Are these signs of potential electoral fraud?

Early in the morning CNN’s rolling coverage map suddenly attributed 138,339 votes to Biden in Michigan, without recording a single vote Trump or any of three independent candidates:

Nate Silver’s statistics and analysis website has been plotting the votes on graphs. Both Wisconsin and Michigan have sudden, vertical jumps for Biden at around 4am:

View attachment 413600
And yet none of this "proof" has found it's way into litigation. Again NONE of the current lawsuits even allege wide spread voter fraud. If there is actual hard evidence of wrongdoing it would be included yet it is not. Several have already been dismissed. I will post links to this if you require them. On my phone at the moment so it's hard now.

Do you want me to do that?
I'm not sure which was more pathetic... .

All of the Democrats crying and throwing tantrums in 2016 because Hillary lost.
Or all of the Republicans crying and throwing tantrums in 2020 because Donny lost.

No wonder the rest of the Planet thinks Americans are nothing but spoiled infants with no self respect.
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