Concealed carry on college campuses and the anti-gunners failed predictions of violence and death.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yeah...everytime concealed carry is proposed anywhere, the anti-gun extremists screech about violence and death.........and every time the law passes.......nothing violence or death from concealed carry permit holders......

Will they ever get tired of being completely wrong?

the claim...

Faculty and staff worry that students who are angry about grades might shoot professors. The academic community, they argue, will be afraid to openly discuss issues for fear of harm. So it will be difficult to hire faculty, and students will be scared away.

The new law “targets our Montana University System students, and public education itself . . . This will not only kill students, but also the future of public education in Montana,” wrote University of Montana professor Doug Coffin. “Residence halls are incredibly dense living spaces, and by their nature they are an incredibly dangerous place for the possession of firearms,” assertedLindy Kolb, an Montana State University student.

The actual result...

But no permit holder has ever shot a faculty member. Among campuses that allow concealed carry, not one has ever experienced a violent shooting by someone who was legally carrying. There have been a few accidental discharges, but none were life-threatening.

Permit holders have been extremely law-abiding, with permits being revoked for firearms-related violations at rates of thousandths or tens-of-thousandths of one percentage point. Civilian permit holders are convicted of firearms violations at one-seventh the rate of police officers.

Texas’ public universities started allowing concealed carry in 2016, and enrollment has risen every year from the fall of 2015 to the fall of 2019(up by a total of 6% at four-year universities) %), and SAT scores rose by 7%. You will search in vain for any stories from the last few years of faculty leaving because of campus carry policies.


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