Compilation of Trump Sucking Up to Putin

Some Flashbacks of Appeasement​

As you all know, Trump’s fawning over Putin is nothing new. But let’s review the tape anyway.

Here’s a pre-presidential Trump in 2013, reacting to an op-ed piece that Putin had just published in The New York Times.

Trump tweeted: “Putin's letter is a masterpiece for Russia and a disaster for the U.S. He is lecturing to our president. Never has our country looked so weak."

Afterward he appeared on Fox News to expand on his praise.

TRUMP: Well, I think it makes Putin look extremely diplomatic. And you know, they talk all about his dogmatic ways and his toughness, but it actually makes him sound very reasoned and very reasoning. And frankly, I don't know that he wrote the letter. Certainly, there were his ideas. But the way it was crafted was very, very interesting. And it really is talking down to the president. There's no question about that.
And he had some thoughts about “American exceptionalism” even back then:

TRUMP: Well, absolutely amazing that he did that. And certainly, it's getting play all over the world. And it really makes him look like a great leader, frankly.
And when he criticizes the president for using the term "American exceptionalism," if you're in Russia, you don't want to hear that America is exceptional. And if you're in many other countries, whether it's Germany or other places, you don't want to hear about American exceptionalism because you think you're exceptional. So I can see that being very insulting to the world.
And that's basically what Putin was saying is that, you know, you use a term like "American exceptionalism," and frankly, the way our country is being treated right now by Russia and Syria and lots of other places and with all the mistakes we've made over the years, like Iraq and so many others, it's sort of a hard term to use.
But other nations and other countries don't want hear about American exceptionalism. They're insulted by it. And that's what Putin was saying.

And who could forget this, from 2017?

President Donald Trump appeared to equate US actions with the authoritarian regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin in an interview released Saturday, saying, “There are a lot of killers. You think our country’s so innocent?”
Trump made the remark during an interview with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly, saying he respected his Russian counterpart.
“But he’s a killer,” O’Reilly said to Trump.
“There are a lot of killers. You think our country’s so innocent?” Trump replied.

It was an unusual assertion coming from the President of the United States. Trump himself, however, has made similar points before.
“He’s running his country and at least he’s a leader, unlike what we have in this country,” Trump told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” in December 2015.
He continued, “I think our country does plenty of killing also, Joe, so you know. There’s a lot of stupidity going on in the world right now, a lot of killing, a lot of stupidity,” Trump said.

He also praised the Chinese crackdown in Tiananmen Square.

In 1990, during an interview with Playboy magazine he mentioned that he was "very unimpressed" with the Soviet Union, because its Communist rulers were not oppressive enough.

"Their system is a disaster," Trump said. "What you will see there soon is a revolution; the signs are all there with the demonstrations and picketing. Russia is out of control and the leadership knows it. That's my problem with [former Soviet President Mikhail] Gorbachev. Not a firm enough hand."
Trump was then asked if he meant "firm hand as in China."
"When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it. Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength," Trump replied. "That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now perceived as being spit on by the rest of the world."
As Business Insider noted: “On June 4, 1989, after several weeks of pro-democracy and pro-reform demonstrations, Chinese troops entered Tiananmen Square in Beijing and fired on unarmed people. Hundreds, possibly thousands, were killed.”

Exit take: We haven’t even talked about Helsinki.

As long as we have democrats, supporting Putin is the better choice. Better Russian than democrat is the better choice.

EXACTLY where today’s Republican Party is

When given the choice between supporting a Democratic President and supporting Putin……They take Putin
EXACTLY where today’s Republican Party is

When given the choice between supporting a Democratic President and supporting Putin……They take Putin
Of course! There isn't even a question. Democrats think they can tie Trump to Putin and save their dying party. That won't work. Democrats are already too despised. They are already cheek to jowls with Trudeau.
Putin is a great man and awesome leader.
He loves his country and its people.
And they adore him with a 95% approval rate.
Something an American politician can only dream of achieving. ... :cool-45:
Putin is a great man and awesome leader.
He loves his country and its people.
And they adore him with a 95% approval rate.
Something an American politician can only dream of achieving. ... :cool-45:
You are truly going to get trolled for that and let me tell you when holding a gun to someone head off camera they will claim they would love you also, so let be realistic…
As long as we have democrats, supporting Putin is the better choice. Better Russian than democrat is the better choice.
Not all Trump cultists are open traitors to the USA, but most are.

And they're so proud of being traitors. Just look at them bragging about it here.

No, it's not illegal for them to advocate treason, but anyone backing Putin like they do should be shunned by all decent and loyal Americans.

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