Competence versus Qualifications


Sep 23, 2010
Neither one is qualified as far as I am concerned:

In military parlance, Bernie Sanders accusing Hillary Clinton of not being qualified for the presidency is called a soft target. Bernie was never more than an obscure senator; so he does not have to prove he is qualified. He only has to offer free stuff to prove he is qualified. Hillary has to prove she is qualified.

Defending against incompetence —— based on the public record —— is another matter. That is why Hillary lapped up Bernie’s qualifications remark. Bernie made a mistake. He should have known Hillary would jump on the opportunity pick her own targets. Once Hillary’s qualifications were buried under he said she said, you could blindfold her, spin her around a few times, and she could sink a soft target with a hook shot.

Notice how she quickly moved to blame:

Hillary Clinton: "Beyond Absurd" To Blame My Policies For Rise Of ISIS; Caused By Assad, Iran And Russia
By Tim Hains
Posted on April 10, 2016

Hillary Clinton: "Beyond Absurd" To Blame My Policies For Rise Of ISIS; Caused By Assad, Iran And Russia

If Hillary’s incompetence is not the blame for ISIS-cum-Libya what the hell is she qualified for?

Incompetence is the target Hillary cannot defend against —— even with all of the help she gets from the media. Indeed, nobody can name a single success she can claim throughout her public life; at least not one that strengthened the country. Hell, the Blue Dress proves she was even incompetent hushing up bimbo eruptions.

Hillary’s Server, Monica’s Blue Dress, and History
Clinton DNA is always in play.
By R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. – 12.30.15

Hillary’s Server, Monica’s Blue Dress, and History

Make no mistake with definitions. Any woman with Hillary’s education and ambition who fails to control her own husband’s foolish appetites is too incompetent for the presidency. The fallout resulting from her own failure to rein in Bubba is still raining down on her own incompetence:

Stated Willey:​

I don’t understand why these [feminist] women will not address this. It’s a problem. It’s Hillary Clinton’s problem. It’s Bill Clinton’s problem. It’s Chelsea Clinton’s problem. Hillary Clinton chose to look the other way, to allow herself to be humiliated in front of the world and she enabled him to continue on with his behavior. And it has not stopped.

You know, if he has a consensual relationship with somebody and she doesn’t care and he doesn’t care, then I guess that’s none of our business. But when it crosses the line into rape and sexual harassment and sexual assault, well then that ought to be the business of the feminists.​

Exclusive: Kathleen Willey Blasts Feminists for Ignoring Bill Clinton’s ‘Rapes, Sexual Assaults,’ Says Hillary ‘Allowed Herself to Be Humiliated’
by Aaron Klein
10 Apr 2016

EXCLUSIVE - Kathleen Willey Blasts Feminists for Ignoring Bill Clinton’s Alleged Crimes Against Women While Hillary ‘Enabled’

Ultimately, Hillary Clinton & Surrogates behave as though justifying failed policies in the eyes of the Inside-The-Beltway crowd is the only qualification she needs to govern a free —— well-armed —— people.

Finally, why are TV networks passing off Hillary Clinton as qualified for the presidency? The strength of character necessary to make decisions that will not enrich you must be near or at the top of every list of presidential qualifications. I just cannot find it anywhere on Hillary’s scorecard.

Everything she has been involved in has been a disaster. I will not go into the long litany of Arkansas and White House scandals. It is much quicker to simply say that everything she touched has been a catastrophe. If her failures qualified her for the US Senate, and secretary of state, she will surely win the presidency in a walk. In the topsy-turvy world of contemporary presidential politics, incompetence became a résumé booster for Hillary Clinton.
If Hillary’s incompetence is not the blame for ISIS-cum-Libya what the hell is she qualified for?
Making Hillary Clinton and John Kerry secretaries of state has to rank up near the top of Taqiyya the Liar’s biggest mistakes.

The filthy liar calling the monster he created in the Middle East his biggest mistake was only said so President Hillary Clinton can pick up where he leaves off. It is worse if the guy believes it.

The Arab Spring was ONLY ONE OF HIS BIGGEST MISTAKES. The Arab Spring overthrow Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and Muammar Gaddafi in Libya. Neither dictator had expansionist capabilities, yet they were overthrown in the name of democracy:

. . . during an interview on Fox News on Sunday, Obama took a moment to reflect on his biggest mistake while Commander in Chief.

Speaking to host Chris Wallace, Obama said: 'Probably failing to plan for the day after what I think was the right thing to do in intervening in Libya.'

In 2011, a US-led NATO coalition began bombing forces loyal to Colonel Gaddafi as he threatened to slaughter the residents of Benghazi following rebellions there in the wake of the Arab Spring.

Obama admits that failing to plan for what would happen in Libya post-Gaddafi is his 'worst mistake as President'
By Chris Pleasance
Published: 22:19 EST, 10 April 2016 | Updated: 03:10 EST, 11 April 2016

Obama admits failure in Libya is his 'worst mistake' as President

NOTE: The sewer rat does not mention standing down in Benghazi while Americans were fighting for their lives. I assume he sees getting caught is the mistake.

Overthrowing Gaddafi belonged on every president’s list of no-nos. Nevertheless, that filthy piece of garbage in the White House engaged in democracy-building when he overthrow Gaddafi who was not an expansionist dictator. As I’ve said many times:

Dictators without expansionist ambitions are harmless. The choice is clear: Support dictators with no expansionist goals, or military capabilities, as opposed to supporting dictators like Ho Chi Minh, Stalin, Mao and so on.

Castro was supported by the American Left. Lacking military capabilities after he came to power he exported Communist revolutions to Latin America. That was reason enough to overthrow him. Today, America has a president sucking up to Communist dictators at the same time he deposes friendly dictators.

NOTE: Putin knew a good thing when he saw it. He jumped on the opportunity to support a dictator in Syria who was not a military threat to Russia —— or a threat to America until Putin stepped in. Basically, the Chicago sewer rat handed Putin a tried and true foreign policy in Syria. A foreign policy that had worked so well for this country. (I wonder where the asshole ranks the “gift” on his list of mistakes?)

Nothing will change until a few countries are willing to disarm every aggressive government that does have expansionist ambitions. The sewer rat believes the opposite. Obviously, neither he nor Hillary Clinton consider a nuclear Iran aggressive enough to worry about.
"Qualifications" are BS. Past performance is the only indicator of future success.
Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton have pursued aggressive policies of regime change that have opened the door for jihadist expansion. They have done so over and against the opposition and warnings not just of peace activists but also of top U.S. military analysts and officials.​

January 8, 2016
Regime Change Madness: Hillary, Obama and Murderous Mayhem in the Muslim World
by Paul Street

Regime Change Madness: Hillary, Obama and Murderous Mayhem in the Muslim World

It is ludicrous for Hillary Clinton to take pride in wanting Syria to become another Libya. She just doesn’t get it:
Dictators without expansionist ambitions are harmless. The choice is clear: Support dictators with no expansionist goals, or military capabilities, as opposed to supporting dictators like Ho Chi Minh, Stalin, Mao and so on.
Putin knew a good thing when he saw it. He jumped on the opportunity to support a dictator in Syria who was not a military threat to Russia —— or a threat to America until Putin stepped in.
It must be bizarre living in the führerbunker these days trying to dump Hillary while keeping her mouth shut.

Why Hillary thinks Obama, who is not very popular, will save her, God knows. He is not considered one of our best presidents except by racially homogenous blacks, liberal Jews, and the ideological blind.​

April 17, 2016
There is just so much wrong with Hillary
By David Lawrence

Blog: There is just so much wrong with Hillary

Life in Cuckooland is disintegrating so fast Hillary is falling back on the Nazi Defense: I was only following orders.


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