Commutation Power Can Not Be Interfered With Or Overriden by Legislative or Judicial Branch


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Commutation is a form of clemency that reduces the punishment for a crime. It usually takes the form of a reduced (“commuted”) prison term, but can also reduce court-ordered fines.

A commuted sentence replaces the original, court-ordered sentence. A controversial example is ex-President Bush’s 2007 decision to commute Scooter Libby’s 30-month prison sentence.

Compared to Pardons
Like the pardoning power, the power to commute sentences is in the executive’s discretion; neither the legislative nor judicial branch can interfere with or override that power.

Although commutation is considered part of the pardoning power, there are significant differences between commutations and pardons.

  • Forgiveness vs. reduction. Pardons forgive the defendant for the crime, while commutation only reduces the sentence.
  • Acceptance. Prisoners must accept pardons, but some states allow commuted sentences without the prisoner’s consent.
  • Civil rights. Unlike pardons, commutations don’t restore the civil rights lost with the criminal conviction.
  • Basis. Prisoners usually earn commutation through good behavior, while pardons can be issued for a wide variety of reasons, some of which may be purely political.

Commutation Basics
Commutation is part of the pardoning power, so the person (or board) with the pardoning power usually also exercises the power to commute sentences. Only the President may commute federal sentences; in most states, only the governor can commute a sentence. "

FACT, Constitution, and Law override LPSD emotion....

And yet 26 states have enacted unconstitutional infringements on our 2nd amendment rights.
How does that even happen if the Constitution forbids it?

Simple: All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing
"The Law" means absolutely NADA if evil people ignore it and no one objects.

Somehow you have always maintained that the Law will always protect us. All the while not realizing that the Constitution DOES NOT protect you, YOU must protect it.
Somehow you have always maintained that the Law will always protect us. All the while not realizing that the Constitution DOES NOT protect you, YOU must protect it.

The Founding Fathers created a government composed of 3 separate branches of government tasked with, among other things, to act as 'checks and balances' of the other.

When those 3 branches have become corrupted, as we have seen, the govt / system as created by the Founding fathers breaks down....'fundamental change of the US'.
With political opponents of the President going bat-shit crazy over the President's commutation of Stone's sentence, how can this topic NOT be considered 'political'?

Just curious...
Somehow you have always maintained that the Law will always protect us. All the while not realizing that the Constitution DOES NOT protect you, YOU must protect it.

The Founding Fathers created a government composed of 3 separate branches of government tasked with, among other things, to act as 'checks and balances' of the other.

When those 3 branches have become corrupted, as we have seen, the govt / system as created by the Founding fathers breaks down....'fundamental change of the US'.

Yes, indeed. The radical left is now using our three branch system of government to enslave us and recreate our governmental systems, culture and society in the image of a postmodernist empire. They are succeeding handsomely only because they know (correctly so) that good, law-abiding American citizens will never openly defy either the laws, no matter how psychotic they become, or court decisions, no matter how anti-American they might be. The only way to stop this highly visible ongoing takeover of our America is to physically fight back, which involves breaking laws and defying courts. However, even if the authorities agree with us, agree that America is on the verge of collapse into medievalism, they will still prosecute us with extreme prejudice for breaking laws and defying court orders.

For the moment, millions of Americans are caught in an inescapable catch 22, doomed to watch live in their neighborhoods and on national television, hordes of fucking barbarians tear their nation down around them. If any of them are courageous enough to fight back, then the same government by the people, for the people created to protect them will crush them instantly. All because our system is precisely designed to destroy all threats to it even when those threats arise from the government itself.
Somehow you have always maintained that the Law will always protect us. All the while not realizing that the Constitution DOES NOT protect you, YOU must protect it.

The Founding Fathers created a government composed of 3 separate branches of government tasked with, among other things, to act as 'checks and balances' of the other.

When those 3 branches have become corrupted, as we have seen, the govt / system as created by the Founding fathers breaks down....'fundamental change of the US'.

Yes, indeed. The radical left is now using our three branch system of government to enslave us and recreate our governmental systems, culture and society in the image of a postmodernist empire. They are succeeding handsomely only because they know (correctly so) that good, law-abiding American citizens will never openly defy either the laws, no matter how psychotic they become, or court decisions, no matter how anti-American they might be. The only way to stop this highly visible ongoing takeover of our America is to physically fight back, which involves breaking laws and defying courts. However, even if the authorities agree with us, agree that America is on the verge of collapse into medievalism, they will still prosecute us with extreme prejudice for breaking laws and defying court orders.

For the moment, millions of Americans are caught in an inescapable catch 22, doomed to watch live in their neighborhoods and on national television, hordes of fucking barbarians tear their nation down around them. If any of them are courageous enough to fight back, then the same government by the people, for the people created to protect them will crush them instantly. All because our system is precisely designed to destroy all threats to it even when those threats arise from the government itself.

Agreed, but easyt65 has reprimanded me for suggesting that our laws alone would not be enough.
He told me basically to stop suggestion any kind of action and instead, work through our Justice System and Laws to cure any problems with the Left.

My opinion is he is naive to believe that criminals will respect the law.
Somehow you have always maintained that the Law will always protect us. All the while not realizing that the Constitution DOES NOT protect you, YOU must protect it.

The Founding Fathers created a government composed of 3 separate branches of government tasked with, among other things, to act as 'checks and balances' of the other.

When those 3 branches have become corrupted, as we have seen, the govt / system as created by the Founding fathers breaks down....'fundamental change of the US'.

Yes, indeed. The radical left is now using our three branch system of government to enslave us and recreate our governmental systems, culture and society in the image of a postmodernist empire. They are succeeding handsomely only because they know (correctly so) that good, law-abiding American citizens will never openly defy either the laws, no matter how psychotic they become, or court decisions, no matter how anti-American they might be. The only way to stop this highly visible ongoing takeover of our America is to physically fight back, which involves breaking laws and defying courts. However, even if the authorities agree with us, agree that America is on the verge of collapse into medievalism, they will still prosecute us with extreme prejudice for breaking laws and defying court orders.

For the moment, millions of Americans are caught in an inescapable catch 22, doomed to watch live in their neighborhoods and on national television, hordes of fucking barbarians tear their nation down around them. If any of them are courageous enough to fight back, then the same government by the people, for the people created to protect them will crush them instantly. All because our system is precisely designed to destroy all threats to it even when those threats arise from the government itself.

Agreed, but easyt65 has reprimanded me for suggesting that our laws alone would not be enough.
He told me basically to stop suggestion any kind of action and instead, work through our Justice System and Laws to cure any problems with the Left.

My opinion is he is naive to believe that criminals will respect the law.
I have told you no such thing.

I pointed / asked out what good are laws when those entrusted with enforcing them have elevated themselves above the law, have refuse to enforce equal justice, and refuse to held each other accountable as per the Constitution and Rule of Law...are the ones breaking the law.

I stated that we are in the position we are now because the Democrat traitorous criminals have ignored the law and have not been held accountable...because they are the ones who are supposed to be doing so.

Were I you, I would stick to declaring what YOU think / say because it appears you suck attempting to do so for me.

Somehow you have always maintained that the Law will always protect us. All the while not realizing that the Constitution DOES NOT protect you, YOU must protect it.

The Founding Fathers created a government composed of 3 separate branches of government tasked with, among other things, to act as 'checks and balances' of the other.

When those 3 branches have become corrupted, as we have seen, the govt / system as created by the Founding fathers breaks down....'fundamental change of the US'.

Yes, indeed. The radical left is now using our three branch system of government to enslave us and recreate our governmental systems, culture and society in the image of a postmodernist empire. They are succeeding handsomely only because they know (correctly so) that good, law-abiding American citizens will never openly defy either the laws, no matter how psychotic they become, or court decisions, no matter how anti-American they might be. The only way to stop this highly visible ongoing takeover of our America is to physically fight back, which involves breaking laws and defying courts. However, even if the authorities agree with us, agree that America is on the verge of collapse into medievalism, they will still prosecute us with extreme prejudice for breaking laws and defying court orders.

For the moment, millions of Americans are caught in an inescapable catch 22, doomed to watch live in their neighborhoods and on national television, hordes of fucking barbarians tear their nation down around them. If any of them are courageous enough to fight back, then the same government by the people, for the people created to protect them will crush them instantly. All because our system is precisely designed to destroy all threats to it even when those threats arise from the government itself.

Agreed, but easyt65 has reprimanded me for suggesting that our laws alone would not be enough.
He told me basically to stop suggestion any kind of action and instead, work through our Justice System and Laws to cure any problems with the Left.

My opinion is he is naive to believe that criminals will respect the law.
I have told you no such thing.

I pointed / asked out what good are laws when those entrusted with enforcing them have elevated themselves above the law, have refuse to enforce equal justice, and refuse to held each other accountable as per the Constitution and Rule of Law...are the ones breaking the law.

I stated that we are in the position we are now because the Democrat traitorous criminals have ignored the law and have not been held accountable...because they are the ones who are supposed to be doing so.

Were I you, I would stick to declaring what YOU think / say because it appears you suck attempting to do so for me.


I'm going to find YOUR post and then you can enjoy eating some crow.

My suspicion is that like another poster said, you are a Leftard posing as a right winger.
Somehow you have always maintained that the Law will always protect us. All the while not realizing that the Constitution DOES NOT protect you, YOU must protect it.

The Founding Fathers created a government composed of 3 separate branches of government tasked with, among other things, to act as 'checks and balances' of the other.

When those 3 branches have become corrupted, as we have seen, the govt / system as created by the Founding fathers breaks down....'fundamental change of the US'.

Yes, indeed. The radical left is now using our three branch system of government to enslave us and recreate our governmental systems, culture and society in the image of a postmodernist empire. They are succeeding handsomely only because they know (correctly so) that good, law-abiding American citizens will never openly defy either the laws, no matter how psychotic they become, or court decisions, no matter how anti-American they might be. The only way to stop this highly visible ongoing takeover of our America is to physically fight back, which involves breaking laws and defying courts. However, even if the authorities agree with us, agree that America is on the verge of collapse into medievalism, they will still prosecute us with extreme prejudice for breaking laws and defying court orders.

For the moment, millions of Americans are caught in an inescapable catch 22, doomed to watch live in their neighborhoods and on national television, hordes of fucking barbarians tear their nation down around them. If any of them are courageous enough to fight back, then the same government by the people, for the people created to protect them will crush them instantly. All because our system is precisely designed to destroy all threats to it even when those threats arise from the government itself.

Agreed, but easyt65 has reprimanded me for suggesting that our laws alone would not be enough.
He told me basically to stop suggestion any kind of action and instead, work through our Justice System and Laws to cure any problems with the Left.

My opinion is he is naive to believe that criminals will respect the law.
I have told you no such thing.

I pointed / asked out what good are laws when those entrusted with enforcing them have elevated themselves above the law, have refuse to enforce equal justice, and refuse to held each other accountable as per the Constitution and Rule of Law...are the ones breaking the law.

I stated that we are in the position we are now because the Democrat traitorous criminals have ignored the law and have not been held accountable...because they are the ones who are supposed to be doing so.

Were I you, I would stick to declaring what YOU think / say because it appears you suck attempting to do so for me.


I'm going to find YOUR post and then you can enjoy eating some crow.

My suspicion is that like another poster said, you are a Leftard posing as a right winger.
'I call you a liar....and THEN will try to find / manufacture the evidence to prove it....'

Speaking of sounding like a Libtard trying to pretend to be a Conservative....



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