Comey LIED...

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
From the article:

"...Comey on Friday asked us all to believe that the man who remembered enough to write a book suddenly had total memory loss, saying “I don’t know” or the equivalent some 245 times. Comey claimed little knowledge of the Steele dossier yet he signed a FISA warrant based on it to spy on candidate and then President Trump all while he knew it was a fraud. His defense in front of Congress on Friday was that he didn’t know it was a fraud or he forgot..."

What can one say about a man who claims a photographic memory!???

In the normal course of events, one could understand the hundreds of “I don’t knows” and “I don’t recalls” former FBI Director James Comey during Friday’s testimony. Most FBI investigations are handled out of the field office in which the illegality allegedly occurred with the FBI Director not privy to all the details. But it was Comey who decided to run the whole Trump collusion and obstruction investigation out of FBI headquarters. He should have known and remembered every detail of his actions and those under him. He did.

Don’t count the “I can’t recalls” Just counting the contradictions and the lies would make quite a drinking game, starting the case which started it all -- Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn’s “process lie” about his legitimate contacts with his Russian counterparts as a national security adviser designate:

On Friday May 11, 2018, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein stating Comey testified the FBI didn’t think General Flynn lied.

In a March 2017 briefing then-FBI Director James Comey had with the House Intel Committee, he told members that the FBI agents who interviewed General Flynn “saw nothing that indicated to them that [General Flynn] knew he was lying to them.”

Read more at .
Trump is still an unindicted co-conspirator on two felony counts.
Perjurer Comey Lied About Flynn, FISA, Long-standing Lucrative Mueller Friendship

In the normal course of events, one could understand the hundreds of “I don’t knows” and “I don’t recalls” former FBI Director James Comey during Friday’s testimony. Most FBI investigations are handled out of the field office in which the illegality allegedly occurred with the FBI Director not privy to all the details. But it was Comey who decided to run the whole Trump collusion and obstruction investigation out of FBI headquarters. He should have known ad remembered every detail of his actions and those under him. He did.

Don’t count the “I can’t recalls” Just counting the contradictions and the lies would make quite a drinking game, starting the case which started it all – Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn’s “process lie” about his legitimate contacts with his Russian counterparts as a national security adviser designate:

On Friday May 11, 2018, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a letterto FBI Director Christopher Wray and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein stating Comey testified the FBI didn’t think General Flynn lied.
In a March 2017 briefing then-FBI Director James Comey had with the House Intel Committee, he told members that the FBI agents who interviewed General Flynn “saw nothing that indicated to them that [General Flynn] knew he was lying to them.” …

The unredacted portion of the House Intel report revealed Comey testified to House Intel members the FBI agents who ambushed Flynn did not detect any deception. The report also revealed the illegal leak of Flynn’s phone call with Kislyak is what allowed the FBI/DOJ to keep a counterintel operation open on General Flynn.

The Obama-Comey deep state opened an investigation on Flynn and leaked information on his discussion with his Russian counterpart. This was during the Trump transition period. This was Flynn’s job. The FBI under Comey opened an investigation on Flynn for DOING HIS JOB! On Friday James Comey testified behind closed doors with Congressional investigators.Comey told Congress on Friday that Flynn did lie.

So which is it Mr. Comey? Was Flynn lying or not and if you were so far above the fray, how could you know? Or are you the only liar in this scenario? Why was Gen. Flynn punished for making false statements but you are not in the dock for doing so repeatedly? Why is Flynn’s leaker and those responsible for his politically motivated unmasking not under indictment? Why are you, whose leak of a private conversation in the Oval Office with the President spark the fraudulent appointment of a special counsel in the absence of a crime?
Comey on Friday asked us all to believe that the man who remembered enough to write a book suddenly had total memory loss, saying “I don’t know” or the equivalent some 245 times. Comey claimed little knowledge of the Steele dossier yet h signed a FISA warrant based on it to spy on candidate and then President Trump all while he knew it was a fraud. His defense in front of Congress on Friday was that he didn’t know it was a fraud or he forgot.

Unfortunately, Comey can’t hide behind his lies because there is evidence he did know the FISA warrant was a fraud:

Comey told investigators that the anti-Trump dossier authored by longtime British intelligence agent Christopher Steele was largely unverified before and after a FISA warrant was obtained to surveil Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, according to a report.
The Hill’s John Solomon reports:

The towering ex-FBI boss confessed that the FBI had not corroborated much of the Steele dossier before it was submitted as evidence to a secret court to support a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to spy on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page in the final weeks of the election.And Comey admitted much of the dossier remained uncorroborated more than six months later when he was fired by President Trump.

The original FISA warrant application submitted in October 2016, along with the three 90-day renewal, were labeled “Verified application. “The FBI has reviewed this verified application for accuracy in accordance with its April 5, 2001 procedures, which include sending a copy of the draft to the appropriate field office(s),” the applications read. Along with being unaware of the dossier’s veracity, Comey did not know that Bruce Ohr, the Justice Department’s fourth-highest ranking official before his demotion last year, was a go-between for collecting so-called intelligence from Steele after the FBI terminated its relationship with the agent for alleging leaking information to the media. Further, Solomon reports that Comey could not recall that Steele’s relationship with the bureau had even been terminated.

“His memory was so bad I feared he might not remember how to get out of the room after the interview,” an unnamed congressman told Solomon. “It was like he suddenly developed dementia or Alzheimer’s, after conveniently remembering enough facts to sell his book,” said another.

Indeed, if the Steele dossier was “salacious and unverified” when he briefed the new President, it was also salacious and unverified when the FISA warrants he signed off on incorporating it were issued, with Comey an active participant on committing a fraud upon the court.
Perhaps the most interesting dip into dis-ingenuousness was Comey’s insistence that the man who made him a multi-millionaire, Robert Mueller, was merely a passing acquaintance:

“Are you best friends with Robert Mueller?” Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, asked Comey, according to a transcript of the hearing released Saturday by Goodlatte and Oversight Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.).
“I am not,” Comey said. “I admire the heck out of the man, but I don't know his phone number, I've never been to his house, I don't know his children's names.”

Comey added: “I think I had a meal once alone with him in a restaurant. I like him. I am not a — I'm an associate of his who admires him greatly. We're not friends in any social sense.”

Again Comey is lying, their “long-standing relationship” confirmed by that Trump-loving vast right-conspiracy rag called the Washington Post:

Your time is gonna come
If you really think you ready to die, with nines
This is what I’ma bout, nigga the time is now!

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