COMEY Lawyers Up!

I honestly never thought these words would come out of my mouth, but I can’t say that James Comey, the former head of the FBI and one of the top law enforcement officials in our country, was not a homosexual prostitute in Arlington Virginia for the past 20 years, illegally blowing truck drivers and crack heads for $5 a squirt.

I cannot say that. It is possible. Think about that. It is stunning. Simply stunning.

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............COMEY LAWYERS UP................

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"Fired FBI Director James Comey has retained former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald as one of his personal attorneys, bringing in a heavy-hitting former prosecutor, close friend and longtime colleague to help him navigate his dramatic role as a potential witness in the investigation of President Trump’s campaign and potential obstruction of justice."

Every time the Democrats tried to throw
another accusation at Trump it just kept
coming back around and hitting them! :p

View attachment 189822

"I bet Comey never saw THIS coming!"

EXCLUSIVE: Comey Has Brought On Former U.S. Attorney Pat Fitzgerald As One Of His Lawyers

So, Trump being desperate enough to hire Giuliani is not newsworthy but Comey getting a lawyer is?

Could you be any more of a sycophant if you tried?

Giuliani Is there to help Muller preserve his legacy, nothing more. 6.7 million dollars and two years and what does Muller have to show for it? One dude sentenced to 30 days . If Muller were any other prosecuted he would be the laughing stock of his peers. A noise violation carries more consequence then his one conviction. So Muller is likely making deals to bow out and save what remains of his reputation.

Mueller was hired in June of 2017 so it’s not 2 years. It’s less than one year. 75+ charges, 19 defendants, 5 guilty pleas and 4 cooperating witnesses so far.

The Watergate Investigation took 2 years. Ken Starr investigated Clinton for 4 years.

What are you so worried about? This investigation is proceeding at record pace and it’s been WAY more productive than either of the other two, so far. Only Iran Contra produced more charges and Mueller isn’t done yet.
I never thought I could say this but, it is quite possible, that James Comey, the former head of the FBI, was getting peed on by cheap Transvestite Russian hookers in a cheap motel in Maryland. I can't say it didn't happen. That is stunning. He was one of the top law enforcement officers in our country and we can't rule out that possibility. It is simply stunning.

I honestly never thought these words would come out of my mouth, but I can’t say that James Comey, the former head of the FBI and one of the top law enforcement officials in our country, was not a homosexual prostitute in Arlington Virginia for the past 20 years, illegally blowing truck drivers and crack heads for $5 a squirt.

I cannot say that. It is possible. Think about that. It is stunning. Simply stunning.


this was stupid the first time you posted it.

did you think repeating it would make it better?
View attachment 189819

............COMEY LAWYERS UP................

View attachment 189818

"Fired FBI Director James Comey has retained former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald as one of his personal attorneys, bringing in a heavy-hitting former prosecutor, close friend and longtime colleague to help him navigate his dramatic role as a potential witness in the investigation of President Trump’s campaign and potential obstruction of justice."

Every time the Democrats tried to throw
another accusation at Trump it just kept
coming back around and hitting them! :p

View attachment 189822

"I bet Comey never saw THIS coming!"

EXCLUSIVE: Comey Has Brought On Former U.S. Attorney Pat Fitzgerald As One Of His Lawyers

So, Trump being desperate enough to hire Giuliani is not newsworthy but Comey getting a lawyer is?

Could you be any more of a sycophant if you tried?

Giuliani Is there to help Muller preserve his legacy, nothing more. 6.7 million dollars and two years and what does Muller have to show for it? One dude sentenced to 30 days . If Muller were any other prosecuted he would be the laughing stock of his peers. A noise violation carries more consequence then his one conviction. So Muller is likely making deals to bow out and save what remains of his reputation.

Mueller was hired in June of 2017 so it’s not 2 years. It’s less than one year. 75+ charges, 19 defendants, 5 guilty pleas and 4 cooperating witnesses so far.

The Watergate Investigation took 2 years. Ken Starr investigated Clinton for 4 years.

What are you so worried about? This investigation is proceeding at record pace and it’s been WAY more productive than either of the other two, so far. Only Iran Contra produced more charges and Mueller isn’t done yet.

One sentancing= 30 days in jail. Any prosecutor who brags about that is a clown. You, like the other libtard will need to square yourself with the fact that all your hopes and wet dreams about a Trump impeachment just aren’t going to come true. You just look like a weird Alex Jones type crazy when you act like this.
View attachment 189819

............COMEY LAWYERS UP................

View attachment 189818

"Fired FBI Director James Comey has retained former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald as one of his personal attorneys, bringing in a heavy-hitting former prosecutor, close friend and longtime colleague to help him navigate his dramatic role as a potential witness in the investigation of President Trump’s campaign and potential obstruction of justice."

Every time the Democrats tried to throw
another accusation at Trump it just kept
coming back around and hitting them! :p

View attachment 189822

"I bet Comey never saw THIS coming!"

EXCLUSIVE: Comey Has Brought On Former U.S. Attorney Pat Fitzgerald As One Of His Lawyers

So, Trump being desperate enough to hire Giuliani is not newsworthy but Comey getting a lawyer is?

Could you be any more of a sycophant if you tried?

Giuliani Is there to help Muller preserve his legacy, nothing more. 6.7 million dollars and two years and what does Muller have to show for it? One dude sentenced to 30 days . If Muller were any other prosecuted he would be the laughing stock of his peers. A noise violation carries more consequence then his one conviction. So Muller is likely making deals to bow out and save what remains of his reputation.

Mueller was hired in June of 2017 so it’s not 2 years. It’s less than one year. 75+ charges, 19 defendants, 5 guilty pleas and 4 cooperating witnesses so far.

The Watergate Investigation took 2 years. Ken Starr investigated Clinton for 4 years.

What are you so worried about? This investigation is proceeding at record pace and it’s been WAY more productive than either of the other two, so far. Only Iran Contra produced more charges and Mueller isn’t done yet.
The entire Witch Hunt has been going on towards 2 years now. For all their scheming, Obstruction, lying, sedition, and treason they have several 'Scooter Libby' indictments to show for it.

Two of their proudest indictments are of a self-important unpaid Trump campaign worker being set up by a Clinton supporter, indicted for his overheard drunken conversation in a British Pub's bathroom...that had nothing to do with Trump or non-existent Russian Collusion....the other was the indictment of a guy whose only crime was that he was stupid - he was so stupid he lied about something that wasn't even illegal. (Flynn was indicted for being stupid while committing a crime....Comey refused to recommend Hillary for indictment because he said although she broke laws she was too stupid to know she was doing it.)

The REAL show is now beginning, though....

In recent weeks THE HUNTERS have suddenly become the HUNTED.

- Comey, Obama's Director of the FBI, was fired, is being probed, and is likely to be indicted soon for Lying to investigators, leaking classified, and Obstruction (and quite possibly 'Conspiracy', 'Sedition', and / or 'Treason' for his part in the 'Secret Society')

- McCabe, Obama's Deputy Director of the FBI, was fired, and is about to be indicted...and is pissed at being thrown under the bus by his boss, so he is eager to roll on Comey if he goes down.

- Lynch, Obama's US AG, is being investigated now after Comey told of how she was guilty of Obstruction after directing the FBI Director to treat the Hillary investigation as a 'matter' not an investigation and after colluding / collaborating with the FBI to write Hillary's exoneration letter before the investigation was over.

Others will fall, indicted and sent to prison, others like Strzok.

And before you snowflakes start whining and screaming, 'Uh-UH", just know that it is is all unraveling. In the news today:

Katie Pavlich - Judicial Watch Finds New Classified Emails, Others Confirm Collusion Between State Department and Clinton Foundation

"Government watchdog Judicial Watch has found a series of new emails belonging to former Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton that contain classified information. They were stored on her unsecured server. Further, they show collusion between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department.

Out of 281 pages of new emails, ten contain classified information and "appear to be among those that Clinton had attempted to delete or had otherwise failed to disclose."

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