Comey: FBI Investigation Was Based Around Getting Hillary Elected

Comey: I Announced The Hillary Investigation Because Polls Showed Her Ahead.

Everyone thought she was in for an easy win. If the polls were close he would have not announced it shows he needs to go to prison.

Comey, McCabe, Rosenstien, Mewler-Torquemada, 100% Corrupt.
all screwed hillary from here to high heaven(but Mueller).....she would have beaten Trump by 10 to 20 million if they had not gone out and damaged her....

Don't haven't started to think. An original thought would likely cause you to stroke out. Run off and get your Kremlin talking points.

Are you a Russian spy Comrade? I hear that Putin seeks to cause strife, and NOTHING is as disruptive as the treason you scum are engaged in with this attempted coup.

You know if you somehow pull off your coup, this become a shooting war, right?
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Comey: I Announced The Hillary Investigation Because Polls Showed Her Ahead.

Everyone thought she was in for an easy win. If the polls were close he would have not announced it shows he needs to go to prison.

Comey, McCabe, Rosenstien, Mewler-Torquemada, 100% Corrupt.
all screwed hillary from here to high heaven(but Mueller).....she would have beaten Trump by 10 to 20 million if they had not gone out and damaged her....


Yeah, screwed the Cartel Boss by declaring her innocent before the investigation began.

The lies you Stalinists tell are truly funny.

Sadly, some ignorant people believe some of your outright lies.
Comey: I Announced The Hillary Investigation Because Polls Showed Her Ahead.

Everyone thought she was in for an easy win. If the polls were close he would have not announced it shows he needs to go to prison.'re indignant that Comey helped Hillary lose? That's very patriotic of you. I thought you folks would want to give him a medal. It's nice to see you siding with your country over your party leader.
I helped her lose too. I voted for Trump.
Comey has never even met a regular American, he has no idea what America thinks. He assumed all of America would do as the Oligarchy commanded, just as he did.
Yeah he sabotaged Hillary to get her elected :rofl:

Say traitor, Andy McCabe is going to prison. 99% chance Comey, who has bragged that he engaged in a half-dozen felonies and compromised national security will join McCabe in prison. Strzok may very well get the needle when this is all done.

Is this the outcome you Stalinists thought would happen when you started the witch hunt? :dunno:

Lol what a totally nonsensical post that was

In what way Traitor?

100% chance McCabe is going to prison.

Do you EVER navigate away from the Stalinist hate sites to find out what is going on in the world?

DOJ IG releases explosive report that led to firing of ex-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe
^ :cuckoo:
Comey has never even met a regular American, he has no idea what America thinks. He assumed all of America would do as the Oligarchy commanded, just as he did.
Yeah he sabotaged Hillary to get her elected :rofl:

Say traitor, Andy McCabe is going to prison. 99% chance Comey, who has bragged that he engaged in a half-dozen felonies and compromised national security will join McCabe in prison. Strzok may very well get the needle when this is all done.

Is this the outcome you Stalinists thought would happen when you started the witch hunt? :dunno:

Lol what a totally nonsensical post that was

In what way Traitor?

100% chance McCabe is going to prison.

Do you EVER navigate away from the Stalinist hate sites to find out what is going on in the world?

DOJ IG releases explosive report that led to firing of ex-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe
^ :cuckoo:

Yes, you are crazy traitor.

But it still fails to support your idiocy and lies.

McCabe is headed for prison - fact. Nothing you lie will change that now. Sessions has indicated that Comey admitting to leaking and lying under oath are criminal acts he intends to move on.

Peter Strzok engaged in treason and was stupid enough to leave an airtight trail of text messages proving his intent and actions.

You're a traitor, and probably a Russian, but even you can't be so stupid that you don't grasp this. Perhaps you are so stupid that you think you can lie it away - if so you really are a fucking retard.
Yeah he sabotaged Hillary to get her elected :rofl:

Say traitor, Andy McCabe is going to prison. 99% chance Comey, who has bragged that he engaged in a half-dozen felonies and compromised national security will join McCabe in prison. Strzok may very well get the needle when this is all done.

Is this the outcome you Stalinists thought would happen when you started the witch hunt? :dunno:

where is the evidence of leftist thought that you refer to?
Comey: I Announced The Hillary Investigation Because Polls Showed Her Ahead.

Everyone thought she was in for an easy win. If the polls were close he would have not announced it shows he needs to go to prison.

There is no doubt Comey broke long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occasions. Unbelievable he would make a comment like that. Harry Reid wrote a letter to Comey after the election, and accused him of breaking the Hatch Act in the Constitution. It's clear by his statement that he did, and he knew he did. He does deserve to go to jail.
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey's 'breach of protocol'
'None of it makes much sense': Experts are baffled by Comey's use of a fake Russian document to skirt the DOJ


This is why I will not buy his book. I don't give a rats ass how loyal he thinks he is to this country, I am not going to participate in funding his retirement. The most abhorrent, incompetent FBI director in the history of this nation. That has an ego that matches Trump's.

There is a better book out there anyway.

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Yeah, screwed the Cartel Boss by declaring her innocent before the investigation began.

You Stalinist traitors are such scum.

{"According to the unredacted portions of the transcripts, it appears that in April or early May of 2016, Mr. Comey had already decided he would issue a statement exonerating Secretary Clinton. That was long before FBI agents finished their work. Mr. Comey even circulated an early draft statement to select members of senior FBI leadership. The outcome of an investigation should not be prejudged while FBI agents are still hard at work trying to gather the facts," Grassley and Committee member Lindsey Graham wrote in a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray last month. }

Katie Pavlich - New FBI Documents Further Prove Comey Planned to Exonerate Hillary Before Criminal Investigation Was Complete

Lie all you want Commie, the facts have long ago escaped.

The FSB never conducted an honest investigation, it was a sham to appease the Americans, whom they so deeply hate, just like you.
Yeah, screwed the Cartel Boss by declaring her innocent before the investigation began.

You Stalinist traitors are such scum.

{"According to the unredacted portions of the transcripts, it appears that in April or early May of 2016, Mr. Comey had already decided he would issue a statement exonerating Secretary Clinton. That was long before FBI agents finished their work. Mr. Comey even circulated an early draft statement to select members of senior FBI leadership. The outcome of an investigation should not be prejudged while FBI agents are still hard at work trying to gather the facts," Grassley and Committee member Lindsey Graham wrote in a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray last month. }

Katie Pavlich - New FBI Documents Further Prove Comey Planned to Exonerate Hillary Before Criminal Investigation Was Complete

Lie all you want Commie, the facts have long ago escaped.

The FSB never conducted an honest investigation, it was a sham to appease the Americans, whom they so deeply hate, just like you.
Yeah, screwed the Cartel Boss by declaring her innocent before the investigation began.

You Stalinist traitors are such scum.

{"According to the unredacted portions of the transcripts, it appears that in April or early May of 2016, Mr. Comey had already decided he would issue a statement exonerating Secretary Clinton. That was long before FBI agents finished their work. Mr. Comey even circulated an early draft statement to select members of senior FBI leadership. The outcome of an investigation should not be prejudged while FBI agents are still hard at work trying to gather the facts," Grassley and Committee member Lindsey Graham wrote in a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray last month. }

Katie Pavlich - New FBI Documents Further Prove Comey Planned to Exonerate Hillary Before Criminal Investigation Was Complete

Lie all you want Commie, the facts have long ago escaped.

Why are you insulting pond scum and small C communists?
Comey: I Announced The Hillary Investigation Because Polls Showed Her Ahead.

Everyone thought she was in for an easy win. If the polls were close he would have not announced it shows he needs to go to prison.

Comey, McCabe, Rosenstien, Mewler-Torquemada, 100% Corrupt.
all screwed hillary from here to high heaven(but Mueller).....she would have beaten Trump by 10 to 20 million if they had not gone out and damaged her....

If you truly believe that you'll grab ocean front property outside Phoenix.
Comey: I Announced The Hillary Investigation Because Polls Showed Her Ahead.

Everyone thought she was in for an easy win. If the polls were close he would have not announced it shows he needs to go to prison.

Comey, McCabe, Rosenstien, Mewler-Torquemada, 100% Corrupt.
all screwed hillary from here to high heaven(but Mueller).....she would have beaten Trump by 10 to 20 million if they had not gone out and damaged her....

If you truly believe that you'll grab ocean front property outside Phoenix.
Every leftist screaming about rising oceans went out and bought multi million dollar homes on the beach.

They don't believe their own BS either.
Hilarious reveal in the Comey book: instead of getting search warrants for Clinton lawyers' laptops that had held her classified emails before deletion, the DOJ "negotiated" access over a period of weeks out of concern for attorney-client privilege.

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