Come on logical rational people -- Obama is destroying America!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama is destroying America industry by industry.. Obamacare -decimate health insurance companies and Obama said he prefers that to happen!

Obama destroying Coal industry and here is the proof!

The founder and CEO of the nation’s 12th largest coal producer told Human Events in an exclusive interview that President Barack Obama’s war on coal has done permanent damage to America’s competitiveness.

Obama is planning to close 175 power plants by 2020, roughly equivalent to 83,000 megawatts, he said. Most of the plants will go off the grid by 2014.

“Barack Obama and his appointees and his political supporters are destroying the United States’ coal industry deliberately,” Murray said.

When he was running for president, Obama vowed to bankrupt any new coal-fired plant with regulations, :
Obama "So, if somebody wants to build a coal[electric utility] plant, they can it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"
Obama: We’ll bankrupt any new coal plants « Hot Air

“While Joe Biden said he wanted ‘No coal in America,’” he said.

“Coal-fired electrical generation has historically been $0.04 per kilowatt hour,” he said.
“Wind and solar power that Obama promotes is $.22 per kilowatt hour.”

WHEN there was NO MORE WIND!!!

In 2011, there was major flooding in Ohio, and the power was not available, and the utility commission required American Electric Power, the country’s largest coal-fired producer of electricity, to stay connected to 3,800 megawatts of wind power on their system,” he said.

“When the floods were on, and they needed the power, he drew on his wind power and he had 18 megawatts — ‘cause the wind wasn’t blowing,” said
Robert E. Murray, the CEO of Murray Energy, a privately-held coal producer based in Pepper Pike, Ohio.

Read more about Obama's WAR ON COAL!!!
Obama's war on coal can be stopped, not reversed, says CEO of coal company - Conservative News
The fact remains that Obama is much more preferable than anyone from the far, far right.

That is why I am so relieved Romney is the candidate. He can stop Obama's stuff and prevent the far righties in Congress from running America farther into the ground.
:( somebody took the prize out of the box of hyperbole was a roll of tin foil too dagnabbit!

And lemmings like you will follow Obama over a cliff!

Obviously you believe the same as Obama in that you have no problem destroying America!

He said it ! I want to bankrupt utility companies!
I don't like health insurance companies and prefer one payer.. the government!

YET YOU and Obama and his idiots!!!

Explain to me where the TAX revenues will come from when there are no more businesses employing people. No more businesses PAYING social security and Medicare? No more businesses paying Federal/State/Local and most likely some business in your town are paying property taxes.. which guess what you idiot... HOW WILL your firemen, police get paid? RAISING YOUR TAXES cause the businesses are out of business!

In the eternally funny quote from Buckaroo Bonzi (John Lithgow's character)
" Laugh all you want, monkey boy! -
Obama is destroying America industry by industry.. Obamacare -decimate health insurance companies and Obama said he prefers that to happen!

Obama destroying Coal industry and here is the proof!

The founder and CEO of the nation’s 12th largest coal producer told Human Events in an exclusive interview that President Barack Obama’s war on coal has done permanent damage to America’s competitiveness.

Obama is planning to close 175 power plants by 2020, roughly equivalent to 83,000 megawatts, he said. Most of the plants will go off the grid by 2014.

“Barack Obama and his appointees and his political supporters are destroying the United States’ coal industry deliberately,” Murray said.

When he was running for president, Obama vowed to bankrupt any new coal-fired plant with regulations, :
Obama "So, if somebody wants to build a coal[electric utility] plant, they can it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"
Obama: We’ll bankrupt any new coal plants « Hot Air

“While Joe Biden said he wanted ‘No coal in America,’” he said.

“Coal-fired electrical generation has historically been $0.04 per kilowatt hour,” he said.
“Wind and solar power that Obama promotes is $.22 per kilowatt hour.”

WHEN there was NO MORE WIND!!!

In 2011, there was major flooding in Ohio, and the power was not available, and the utility commission required American Electric Power, the country’s largest coal-fired producer of electricity, to stay connected to 3,800 megawatts of wind power on their system,” he said.

“When the floods were on, and they needed the power, he drew on his wind power and he had 18 megawatts — ‘cause the wind wasn’t blowing,” said
Robert E. Murray, the CEO of Murray Energy, a privately-held coal producer based in Pepper Pike, Ohio.

Read more about Obama's WAR ON COAL!!!
Obama's war on coal can be stopped, not reversed, says CEO of coal company - Conservative News

If you listened to the man before he was elected and before the web was scrubbed of many of his statements, you'd have known what to expect.
He DID say that he foresaw a transition period of "10 to 15, maybe 20 years" after which there would be no private insurance.
He DID promise to bankrupt the coal industry.
He DID imply that the poor and middle class may be forced to chose between being warm and eating when he said, "Under my plan for a cap and trade system, energy prices will necessarily skyrocket..."

Yet if you were so "racist" as to raise any of these statements leading up to or during the immaculate inauguration, you were marginalized and dumped in with the MASSIVE pile of suddenly blatantly racist Americans who surly opposed the man for the color of his skin.

Keep listening as he's promising more of the same punitive leadership against a bunch of "arrogant, racist, always had it too good, American colonialist enemies".

If you didn't build it, you certainly have no claim to it. And you'll know what a "fair share" is when you're no longer being beaten up for being so damn successful and greedy.
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Obama is destroying America industry by industry.. Obamacare -decimate health insurance companies and Obama said he prefers that to happen!

Obama destroying Coal industry and here is the proof!

The founder and CEO of the nation’s 12th largest coal producer told Human Events in an exclusive interview that President Barack Obama’s war on coal has done permanent damage to America’s competitiveness.

Obama is planning to close 175 power plants by 2020, roughly equivalent to 83,000 megawatts, he said. Most of the plants will go off the grid by 2014.

“Barack Obama and his appointees and his political supporters are destroying the United States’ coal industry deliberately,” Murray said.

When he was running for president, Obama vowed to bankrupt any new coal-fired plant with regulations, :
Obama "So, if somebody wants to build a coal[electric utility] plant, they can it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"
Obama: We’ll bankrupt any new coal plants « Hot Air

“While Joe Biden said he wanted ‘No coal in America,’” he said.

“Coal-fired electrical generation has historically been $0.04 per kilowatt hour,” he said.
“Wind and solar power that Obama promotes is $.22 per kilowatt hour.”

WHEN there was NO MORE WIND!!!

In 2011, there was major flooding in Ohio, and the power was not available, and the utility commission required American Electric Power, the country’s largest coal-fired producer of electricity, to stay connected to 3,800 megawatts of wind power on their system,” he said.

“When the floods were on, and they needed the power, he drew on his wind power and he had 18 megawatts — ‘cause the wind wasn’t blowing,” said
Robert E. Murray, the CEO of Murray Energy, a privately-held coal producer based in Pepper Pike, Ohio.

Read more about Obama's WAR ON COAL!!!
Obama's war on coal can be stopped, not reversed, says CEO of coal company - Conservative News

If you listened to the man before he was elected and before the web was scrubbed of many of his statements, you'd have known what to expect.
He DID say that he foresaw a transition period of "10 to 15, maybe 20 years" after which there would be no private insurance.
He DID promise to bankrupt the coal industry.
He DID imply that the poor and middle class may be forced to chose between being warm and eating when he said, "Under my plan for a cap and trade system, energy prices will necessarily skyrocket..."

Yet if you were so "racist" as to raise any of these statements leading up to or during the immaculate inauguration, you were marginalized and dumped in with the MASSIVE pile of suddenly blatantly racist Americans who surly opposed the man for the color of his skin.

Keep listening as he's promising more of the same punitive leadership against a bunch of "arrogant, racist, always had it too good, American colonialist enemies".

If you didn't build it, you certainly have no claim to it. And you'll know what a "fair share" is when you're no longer being beaten up for being so damn successful and greedy.

Couldn't agree with you more and if more people had been like you and me READ about Obama especially his "Dreams of My Father" Autobiography..

"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered
young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."
Obama is destroying America industry by industry.. Obamacare -decimate health insurance companies and Obama said he prefers that to happen!

Obama destroying Coal industry and here is the proof!

The founder and CEO of the nation’s 12th largest coal producer told Human Events in an exclusive interview that President Barack Obama’s war on coal has done permanent damage to America’s competitiveness.

Obama is planning to close 175 power plants by 2020, roughly equivalent to 83,000 megawatts, he said. Most of the plants will go off the grid by 2014.

“Barack Obama and his appointees and his political supporters are destroying the United States’ coal industry deliberately,” Murray said.

When he was running for president, Obama vowed to bankrupt any new coal-fired plant with regulations, :
Obama "So, if somebody wants to build a coal[electric utility] plant, they can it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"
Obama: We’ll bankrupt any new coal plants « Hot Air

“While Joe Biden said he wanted ‘No coal in America,’” he said.

“Coal-fired electrical generation has historically been $0.04 per kilowatt hour,” he said.
“Wind and solar power that Obama promotes is $.22 per kilowatt hour.”

WHEN there was NO MORE WIND!!!

In 2011, there was major flooding in Ohio, and the power was not available, and the utility commission required American Electric Power, the country’s largest coal-fired producer of electricity, to stay connected to 3,800 megawatts of wind power on their system,” he said.

“When the floods were on, and they needed the power, he drew on his wind power and he had 18 megawatts — ‘cause the wind wasn’t blowing,” said
Robert E. Murray, the CEO of Murray Energy, a privately-held coal producer based in Pepper Pike, Ohio.

Read more about Obama's WAR ON COAL!!!
Obama's war on coal can be stopped, not reversed, says CEO of coal company - Conservative News

You think he's destroying it now, you wait untill he gets a second term and doesn't have to worry about re-election.

Last week, Boettner reported that West Virginia Workforce agency numbers showed nearly 22,700 mining jobs statewide in 2011, the most since 1995. If support industry jobs were added, the 2011 employment was 24,500, again the most since 1995.

Figures show W.Va. coal jobs up under Obama

Coal production in Colorado and Utah rose 25 percent in the third quarter of 2011, compared with the same period a year earlier, according to a November 2011 Denver Post article.

Romney Blasts Obama Coal Policy in State With Rising Production

And here's Willard, Reversible Mittens, Romney on a Coal Plant in MA...

[ame=]Romney in 2003: "I Will Not Create Jobs That Kill People" - YouTube[/ame]

Last week, Boettner reported that West Virginia Workforce agency numbers showed nearly 22,700 mining jobs statewide in 2011, the most since 1995. If support industry jobs were added, the 2011 employment was 24,500, again the most since 1995.

Figures show W.Va. coal jobs up under Obama

Coal production in Colorado and Utah rose 25 percent in the third quarter of 2011, compared with the same period a year earlier, according to a November 2011 Denver Post article.

Romney Blasts Obama Coal Policy in State With Rising Production

And here's Willard, Reversible Mittens, Romney on a Coal Plant in MA...

Romney in 2003: "I Will Not Create Jobs That Kill People" - YouTube

The implication being that if Romney is supportive of "CLEAN" coal as opposed to eating the children of the poor, clubbing baby seals and spilling oil just for the fun, he's as bad as Obama with his ANTI DOMESTIC ENERGY agenda, as illustrated by his own words? Huh?

Appalachian Coal Exports: 9 Million Tons To Be Sent To India
Liberals like what obama is doing. It is exactly what they intended he do when they voted for him.
Liberals like what obama is doing. It is exactly what they intended he do when they voted for him.

I believe in many cases that's right.
However in many more cases, it's simply a matter of ideological fools making conscious decisions to remain stupid.

Mindless drivel about tinfoil hats and "RACISM" are great shortcuts around rational thought. But they've also become canned responses for anyone who doesn't like where they know the facts lead.
See: Seawytch
Obama is destroying America industry by industry.. Obamacare -decimate health insurance companies and Obama said he prefers that to happen!

Obama destroying Coal industry and here is the proof!

The founder and CEO of the nation’s 12th largest coal producer told Human Events in an exclusive interview that President Barack Obama’s war on coal has done permanent damage to America’s competitiveness.

Obama is planning to close 175 power plants by 2020, roughly equivalent to 83,000 megawatts, he said. Most of the plants will go off the grid by 2014.

“Barack Obama and his appointees and his political supporters are destroying the United States’ coal industry deliberately,” Murray said.

When he was running for president, Obama vowed to bankrupt any new coal-fired plant with regulations, :
Obama "So, if somebody wants to build a coal[electric utility] plant, they can it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"
Obama: We’ll bankrupt any new coal plants « Hot Air

“While Joe Biden said he wanted ‘No coal in America,’” he said.

“Coal-fired electrical generation has historically been $0.04 per kilowatt hour,” he said.
“Wind and solar power that Obama promotes is $.22 per kilowatt hour.”

WHEN there was NO MORE WIND!!!

In 2011, there was major flooding in Ohio, and the power was not available, and the utility commission required American Electric Power, the country’s largest coal-fired producer of electricity, to stay connected to 3,800 megawatts of wind power on their system,” he said.

“When the floods were on, and they needed the power, he drew on his wind power and he had 18 megawatts — ‘cause the wind wasn’t blowing,” said
Robert E. Murray, the CEO of Murray Energy, a privately-held coal producer based in Pepper Pike, Ohio.

Read more about Obama's WAR ON COAL!!!
Obama's war on coal can be stopped, not reversed, says CEO of coal company - Conservative News

You believe you appeal to logical and rational people? You are one funny dude. Better stick to a dumbed down approach you cocroach. THAT is your audience..seriously.
You believe you appeal to logical and rational people? You are one funny dude. Better stick to a dumbed down approach you cocroach. THAT is your audience..seriously.

Love people who believe the world should cater to them specifically.
The Coal Miner's Union won't endorse obama and has urged its members not to vote for obama.
The Coal Miner's Union won't endorse obama and has urged its members not to vote for obama.

It's a hard line to walk between pandering to those killing private industry on one hand and regulating those industries out of existence on the other.
Obama is destroying America industry by industry.. Obamacare -decimate health insurance companies and Obama said he prefers that to happen!

Obama destroying Coal industry and here is the proof!

The founder and CEO of the nation’s 12th largest coal producer told Human Events in an exclusive interview that President Barack Obama’s war on coal has done permanent damage to America’s competitiveness.

Obama is planning to close 175 power plants by 2020, roughly equivalent to 83,000 megawatts, he said. Most of the plants will go off the grid by 2014.

“Barack Obama and his appointees and his political supporters are destroying the United States’ coal industry deliberately,” Murray said.

When he was running for president, Obama vowed to bankrupt any new coal-fired plant with regulations, :
Obama "So, if somebody wants to build a coal[electric utility] plant, they can it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"
Obama: We’ll bankrupt any new coal plants « Hot Air

“While Joe Biden said he wanted ‘No coal in America,’” he said.

“Coal-fired electrical generation has historically been $0.04 per kilowatt hour,” he said.
“Wind and solar power that Obama promotes is $.22 per kilowatt hour.”

WHEN there was NO MORE WIND!!!

In 2011, there was major flooding in Ohio, and the power was not available, and the utility commission required American Electric Power, the country’s largest coal-fired producer of electricity, to stay connected to 3,800 megawatts of wind power on their system,” he said.

“When the floods were on, and they needed the power, he drew on his wind power and he had 18 megawatts — ‘cause the wind wasn’t blowing,” said
Robert E. Murray, the CEO of Murray Energy, a privately-held coal producer based in Pepper Pike, Ohio.

Read more about Obama's WAR ON COAL!!!
Obama's war on coal can be stopped, not reversed, says CEO of coal company - Conservative News

You believe you appeal to logical and rational people? You are one funny dude. Better stick to a dumbed down approach you cocroach. THAT is your audience..seriously.

Well at least I know how to spell cockroach!
I am loving watching the Republicans bitch while the middle class gets their due for once. Watching what you cry about is interesting. I didn't know it would hurt in a lot of matters, I guess ego's are shattering nation wide.
I really struggle to understand why universal healthcare is so unpopular amongst the American right. The USA is the only western democracy without it, the one that is in operation isn't that good. It's great if you're rich, but for the rest it's just not that good. When the UN did a league table of different countries health systems, the USA came in 38th below countries such as Cuba and Costa Rica. If you want I will try and find the link. These lies how it damages an economy, the EU has universal healthcare and a bigger GDP than the USA.

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