Come Now and Let us Reason Together, Saith the Lord

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
From Daily Readings in Spiritual Warfare - William Gurnall - Reconciliation is Essential -

It is plain to see today that many who pursue peace expect God to pardon them, although they care nothing for his honor and remain totally ignorant of Him and His Son Jesus. They want God to make peace with them while they make war with Him and His Word.

Like a thief at a bar, this kind of person implores the judge to spare his life by whatever means, right or wrong, legal or illegal. What difference does it make as long as he is pardoned?

Does this man consider the honor of the judge? Well, do not be deceived because God will not make war among his own attributes to make peace with you.

Reconciliation must seek to have fellowship with God. Suppose God should confide, I am your friend - I have commanded that you never go to hell. And my hand holds your discharge so you can never be arrested for indebtedness to Me. But as for fellowship, do not expect any, I am through with you now and you will never know me better. If you heard the Father say this, how excited would you be about your peace? Even if the tormenting fires were put out, the anguish of a hell would remain in the dismal darkness without God's presence.

Absolom saw no middle ground between his father's face and being killed. "Let me see the king's face; and if there be any iniquity in me, let him kill me" ( 2 Samuel 14:32 ) "If I am not worthy to enjoy my father's love and presence," he pledged, "I don't want to live."

On the other hand an ungodly heart gropes for peace without any longing after fellowship with God. Like the traitor, he is ready to promise the king anything, if only he will save him from execution. God will not talk with you as long as your sword is in your hand.

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" ( Isaiah 1:18 )
True religion, taken from Isaiah, first chapter:

...When you spread out your hands,
I will hide my eyes from you,
no matter how much you pray,
I won't be listening
because your hands are covered with blood

"Wash yourselves clean!
Get your evil deeds out of my sight!
Stop doing evil, learn to do good!
Seek justice, relieve the oppressed,
defend the orphans, please for the widow...

Come now, says the Lord,
let us reason together,
Even if your sins are like scarlet
they will be white as snow.....
Yes, there are pre-requisites for the prayer that is to prevail with God, to be heard of God and moved upon by God. Loa, there is a certain prayer warrior - a man who is now in heaven that had one of the most powerful prayer lives I have ever heard story.. a families daughter died and was in the room dead on the bed when they sent him a telegraph of communication ( believe it was a telegraph) asking for prayer... he prayed and God raised the girl from the dead and brought her back to life. Without his even being in the room with her.. His prayer life was so powerful that his prayers shook the very gates of hell. This type of prayer life is available to any believer who desires it - but first - you have to be willing to pay the price. The price? EVERYTHING.
........ there is no limit to what prayer can do.. we are not beating the air here - hoping and wishing.... we are moving in great spiritual authority through the mighty name of Jesus Christ and by the power of The Holy Spirit who leads, guides, and prays through - it is not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit sayeth the Lord!

There is only one pre-requisite to the recipient of prayer - Have faith in God.
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At first I thought the thread title said "...Sith Lord" :lol:

However the Lord got you to open the thread, Steven? I am thrilled! :eusa_angel: I hope you have an awesome day! I believe you are going to make a great man of God! I can already see it with the eyes of my faith! I like the name Steven. It means "Crowned" and the spiritual connotation is "Blessed". As you chose to use that name I believe this is for you.. Do you know what the scripture is for the name Steven?

Timothy 2:5 - Also if anyone competes as an athlete, he does not win the price unless he competes according to the rules.

The Lord named us before he placed us in our mothers womb...

The name Chuck means: Strong
Spiritual connotation is : Genuine

Scripture Mark 12:30 And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.

From Daily Readings in Spiritual Warfare - William Gurnall - Reconciliation is Essential -

It is plain to see today that many who pursue peace expect God to pardon them, although they care nothing for his honor and remain totally ignorant of Him and His Son Jesus. They want God to make peace with them while they make war with Him and His Word.

Like a thief at a bar, this kind of person implores the judge to spare his life by whatever means, right or wrong, legal or illegal. What difference does it make as long as he is pardoned?

Does this man consider the honor of the judge? Well, do not be deceived because God will not make war among his own attributes to make peace with you.

Reconciliation must seek to have fellowship with God. Suppose God should confide, I am your friend - I have commanded that you never go to hell. And my hand holds your discharge so you can never be arrested for indebtedness to Me. But as for fellowship, do not expect any, I am through with you now and you will never know me better. If you heard the Father say this, how excited would you be about your peace? Even if the tormenting fires were put out, the anguish of a hell would remain in the dismal darkness without God's presence.

Absolom saw no middle ground between his father's face and being killed. "Let me see the king's face; and if there be any iniquity in me, let him kill me" ( 2 Samuel 14:32 ) "If I am not worthy to enjoy my father's love and presence," he pledged, "I don't want to live."

On the other hand an ungodly heart gropes for peace without any longing after fellowship with God. Like the traitor, he is ready to promise the king anything, if only he will save him from execution. God will not talk with you as long as your sword is in your hand.

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" ( Isaiah 1:18 )

It's the FLESH of man that contains his enemy. As soon as God destroys all the flesh of this world, there won't be any enemies for man to be deceived by. His new flesh in Paradise will never deceive God's created men or servant again.

As long as you Christians keep focusing on the flesh and "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil", you will never understand the invisible Kingdom of God that us saints understand very well.

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