Colorado Secretary of State And Dominion ‘Destroyed’ Election Data

Election data should be held for 22 months. This law is there for a reason. Why would the SOS and Dominion try to destroy these records? The answer is obvious. Not a conspiracy, this is a fact.

Send in the Marshalls and if they disobey, they get shot like Ashli Babbitt, right?
Election data should be held for 22 months. This law is there for a reason. Why would the SOS and Dominion try to destroy these records? The answer is obvious. Not a conspiracy, this is a fact.

If they did not cheat, why are they destroying the data....

They are behaving like climate "scientists."

Colorado was another that voted GOP state house and senate....
Election data should be held for 22 months. This law is there for a reason. Why would the SOS and Dominion try to destroy these records? The answer is obvious. Not a conspiracy, this is a fact.

More of your horseshit!


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Election data should be held for 22 months. This law is there for a reason. Why would the SOS and Dominion try to destroy these records? The answer is obvious. Not a conspiracy, this is a fact.

ow here is a dose of reality

Two weeks after the 2020 election, a team of lawyers closely allied with Donald J. Trump held a widely watched news conference at the Republican Party’s headquarters in Washington. At the event, they laid out a bizarre conspiracy theory claiming that a voting machine company had worked with an election software firm, the financier George Soros and Venezuela to steal the presidential contest from Mr. Trump.

But there was a problem for the Trump team, according to court documents released on Monday evening.

By the time the news conference occurred on Nov. 19, Mr. Trump’s campaign had already prepared an internal memo on many of the outlandish claims about the company, Dominion Voting Systems, and the separate software company, Smartmatic. The memo had determined that those allegations were untrue.
Fake news!

No it isn't.

You're projecting, you know it, and you know that we know it. You need to clear the strudels from your noodle. Because all the projecting in the world is not going to stop what is about to come back to you and your partners in vast governmental crime. I'm just trying to be kind enough to let you know the shenanigans your leader partners have brought upon you and everyone else in this country that isn't going to take it any longer. No hard feelings, but crime doesn't pay. And the false witnesses, Mmes. Pelosi, Clinton, Waters, Schumer, et al the deep state haters are going to have to face the crimes against hard-working Americans which requires serious payback not to mention reclamation of the recent stolen election. Got an alternate site where you can pretend you didn't know the big girls club pulled a fast one on God and everybody?
No it isn't.

You're projecting, you know it, and you know that we know it. You need to clear the strudels from your noodle. Because all the projecting in the world is not going to stop what is about to come back to you and your partners in vast governmental crime. I'm just trying to be kind enough to let you know the shenanigans your leader partners have brought upon you and everyone else in this country that isn't going to take it any longer. No hard feelings, but crime doesn't pay. And the false witnesses, Mmes. Pelosi, Clinton, Waters, Schumer, et the deep state haters are going to have to face the crimes against hard-working Americans requires serious payback not to mention reclamation of the recent stolen election. Got an alternate site where you can pretend you didn't know the big girls club pulled a fast one on God and everybody?
Election data should be held for 22 months. This law is there for a reason. Why would the SOS and Dominion try to destroy these records? The answer is obvious. Not a conspiracy, this is a fact.

This is a lie. All that Dominion shit is a lie. The trump campaign was busted about that.
You're free to explain it.
You are free to see it. Opposing right wing racism and the draconian policies they propose does not make one a left wing fundie.
You are free to see it. Opposing right wing racism and the draconian policies they propose does not make one a left wing fundie.
It's not what you're doing, it's how you do it. I say the same thing to Trumpsters.

Truth is, I don't even know what the goal is of fundamentalists. It appears to be "beating" the other tribe more than about actually improving anything. All I see that doing is making things worse.
It's not what you're doing, it's how you do it. I say the same thing to Trumpsters.

Truth is, I don't even know what the goal is of fundamentalists. It appears to be "beating" the other tribe more than about actually improving anything. All I see that doing is making things worse.

Mac you are confused. You think both sides are fundamentalists when one side is actually proposing solutions while the other sides only objective is to troll and own the libs.
Mac you are confused. You think both sides are fundamentalists when one side is actually proposing solutions while the other sides only objective is to troll and own the libs.
I think that both ENDS are fundamentalists. They represent a minority of the populace but cause a majority of the problems with their rigid fundamentalism.

What exactly is your goal with your all-or-nothing, everything-is-their-fault approach? What does the end result look like?
For Four years the Democratic Party and their Deep State allies lied to Americans and falsely accused Trump of being a spy or colluding with Russia, but they refuse to even look at obvious suspicious and questionable evidence surrounding the 2020 elections.

Clerk Tina Peters reappears, sends report from anonymous experts


Mesa County Clerk and Recorder, Tina Peters has returned to the Western Slope. Upon her return, she hand-delivered a report to Mesa County Commissioners from who she claims are anonymous cybersecurity experts.

Peters delivered the analysis of two forensic images, allegedly documenting data deconstruction during the May 25 Trusted Build. Along with the over 70 pages of analysis, Peters attached a signed letter stating the documents presented are legal documents and therefore should be kept confidential and exempt from the Colorado Open Records Act.

In the signed letter, Peters claims, the forensic examination determined the Dominion Voting System and procedures, “cannot meet the certification requirements of the state of Colorado.”

Peters continues with her resistance towards Dominion Voting Systems and says her goal is to preserve the integrity of Mesa County elections.

Mesa County clerk's legal defense fund could violate Colorado ethics rules, experts say

The gift ban described in a voter-approved constitutional amendment and a series of rulings by Colorado's ethics commission allows public officials to raise funds to cover some legal expenses, but the rules prohibit accepting donations over $65 and forbid soliciting money from lobbyists or others doing business with the official's agency. In addition, any fundraising must meet strict oversight and disclosure requirements.

Secretary Of State Proceeds With Lawsuit To Remove Mesa County Clerk And Recorder Tina Peters As Designated Election Official

Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold has proceeded with a lawsuit to remove Mesa County Clerk and Recorder Tina Peters as the Designated Election Official.


Her and her idiot partner in crime are headed up river.
You’re not alone, of course – far from it; your fellow dishonest rightists do the same thing: cite unreliable sources propagating nothing but fake news and lies; what’s bizarre is that you think anyone is going to believe the lies and nonsense you post.
What is truly bizarre is that liars like you can’t ever refute the actual source or the facts, so you have to try to smear the publisher of said facts. See, nobody believes you, Moonie, dr. Derp, Penelope, or any of you loons who run away at the first sign of your lies falling apart.

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