College Degrees No Longer Needed for Jobs

The piece says, “This is a significant change.”

I think it’s huge. An acknowledgment that either the universities are not turning out what the big companies need or they don’t need what they’ve required in the past.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Big companies like Google, Apple, and IBM are no longer requiring applicants to hold a college degree.

This is a significant change. Historically, employers have required a college degree whether or not it was necessary to do the job.

Is this because colleges are no longer teaching the needed skills, or because there are so many job openings to fill that standards are dropping? Could it be that vocational training and self-taught skills are enough for certain jobs in the modern-day economy?

IBM is now looking at candidates with experience in non-traditional education, such as coding boot camps or industry-related vocational classes.

Glassdoor compiled an August list of 15 big companies that no longer require a degree to apply:


Ernst & Young

Penguin Random House

Costco Wholesale

Whole Foods






Home Depot


Bank of America



When Universities like Boston U turn out morons like Occasio-Cortez who though awarded an economics degree know not the first fucking thing about the subject and are graduated purely based on Social Justice standards, then using degrees to hire is worthless.

Sadly most Baccalaureates are great if you want to stage a riot, but not much good for getting a job done.
Yes, smart move conservatives. Stop sending your kids to college, but the Chinese, Asians, Indians and every other group on the rise will continue to send their kids to college. Good news is I am sure your children will be given the jobs they deserve, such as dishwasher and other jobs these immigrants groups do not want. Good thinking, Dumbasses.

College expense is a barrier to upward mobility.

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