CO cops looking for man who wore KKK hood into store

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

Colorado police are looking for a man who wore a Ku Klux Klan hood into a grocery store.

The currently unidentified man walked into a grocery store in Dillon on Thursday and proceeded to shop before he was asked to leave. When the man refused to do so, store employees called the police. The man fled before officers arrived.

The police are working to identify him and his vehicle using surveillance footage.

"Right now, they're trying to identify him, contact him, and take it from there," said a spokesperson for the grocery store. "Obviously, we take this kind of action very seriously."
The store said it values "diversity and inclusion," in addition to respect for every customer.

"We ask our customers to respect these values as well when in our stores," the store said in a statement. "Our store leaders are empowered to swiftly and respectfully address anyone who disregards these values, which includes blatant symbols of hate and intolerance."
A similar incident happened earlier this month in Santee, California. The man eventually took off his hood while shopping after he was asked several times by clerks and a supervisor.

Its a manhunt ....we live in a police state ...and it's only getting worse ....ya think

Probably a channer going for top keks!
Doesn’t a KKK hood qualify as a Wuhan virus mask?

I think its an acceptable and effective face mask...ya know to protect .02 percent of the population who might die from your spittle

In these difficult times We're all in this toooogheatherrrrr

Guess Colorado has no understanding of the Constitution...........and how someone is mocking their asses more than likely over the Kung Flu..........

I'd wager he did this to protest the Corona virus BS..................Not that I'd do that.........kinda radical but in no way in a Free Nation should the person be arrested for it.

Freedom is the right to offend someone.
Great. Now Democrats are going to be our fashion police. It's pretty obvious what this new Democrat party wants for the American people and it doesn't include personal freedom. The Democratic socialists are showing exactly how close to communism they are.
There is nothing illegal about wearing kkk gear.
It doesn’t represent good judgment but it’s not illegal. Anyone who acts on the belief that it is illegal are the ones acting illegally.
I agree. Making the big deal that has been made about the appearances only brings more attention to whoever it is that you don't care for and since when do they deserve such a thing especially when attention may be just the thing that whoever it is that you don't care for may be wanting? Do they really deserve it at all regardless of whether or not it is delivered to them on a silver platter?

God bless you always!!!


Colorado police are looking for a man who wore a Ku Klux Klan hood into a grocery store.

The currently unidentified man walked into a grocery store in Dillon on Thursday and proceeded to shop before he was asked to leave. When the man refused to do so, store employees called the police. The man fled before officers arrived.

The police are working to identify him and his vehicle using surveillance footage.

"Right now, they're trying to identify him, contact him, and take it from there," said a spokesperson for the grocery store. "Obviously, we take this kind of action very seriously."
The store said it values "diversity and inclusion," in addition to respect for every customer.

"We ask our customers to respect these values as well when in our stores," the store said in a statement. "Our store leaders are empowered to swiftly and respectfully address anyone who disregards these values, which includes blatant symbols of hate and intolerance."
A similar incident happened earlier this month in Santee, California. The man eventually took off his hood while shopping after he was asked several times by clerks and a supervisor.

Its a manhunt ....we live in a police state ...and it's only getting worse ....ya think

Probably a channer going for top keks!
So much for the First Amendment's shredding by a police state mentality.
Great. Now Democrats are going to be our fashion police. It's pretty obvious what this new Democrat party wants for the American people and it doesn't include personal freedom. The Democratic socialists are showing exactly how close to communism they are.
Ya know, I read that post three times..and nowhere were Democrats mentioned, even in passing.

Has it occurred to you that the Democratic party has become conflated with the will of the majority of Americans? In your mind, as it were.

You rep the KKK and you get what you get....I feel the same way about swastikas. First Amendment violation....or "fire in a crowded theater" exception?

I dunno...but I do know that if you deliberately incite deserve what you get--and I'll waste no tears...and no money for the inevitable legal defense fund...LOL!
I think the people doing this stuff are asking for trouble. Yes, it is absolutely their first amendment right to wear anything they please. But it doesn't mean they won't get beat up somewhere along the way. It's almost a "keeping the peace" argument that allows police to intervene on the public's behalf.
Great. Now Democrats are going to be our fashion police. It's pretty obvious what this new Democrat party wants for the American people and it doesn't include personal freedom. The Democratic socialists are showing exactly how close to communism they are.
Ya know, I read that post three times..and nowhere were Democrats mentioned, even in passing.

Has it occurred to you that the Democratic party has become conflated with the will of the majority of Americans? In your mind, as it were.

You rep the KKK and you get what you get....I feel the same way about swastikas. First Amendment violation....or "fire in a crowded theater" exception?

I dunno...but I do know that if you deliberately incite deserve what you get--and I'll waste no tears...and no money for the inevitable legal defense fund...LOL!
Or Malcolm X hats and Black Lives Matter t-shirts

Colorado police are looking for a man who wore a Ku Klux Klan hood into a grocery store.

The currently unidentified man walked into a grocery store in Dillon on Thursday and proceeded to shop before he was asked to leave. When the man refused to do so, store employees called the police. The man fled before officers arrived.

The police are working to identify him and his vehicle using surveillance footage.

"Right now, they're trying to identify him, contact him, and take it from there," said a spokesperson for the grocery store. "Obviously, we take this kind of action very seriously."
The store said it values "diversity and inclusion," in addition to respect for every customer.

"We ask our customers to respect these values as well when in our stores," the store said in a statement. "Our store leaders are empowered to swiftly and respectfully address anyone who disregards these values, which includes blatant symbols of hate and intolerance."
A similar incident happened earlier this month in Santee, California. The man eventually took off his hood while shopping after he was asked several times by clerks and a supervisor.

Its a manhunt ....we live in a police state ...and it's only getting worse ....ya think

Probably a channer going for top keks!
Tax dollars hard at work...
Great. Now Democrats are going to be our fashion police. It's pretty obvious what this new Democrat party wants for the American people and it doesn't include personal freedom. The Democratic socialists are showing exactly how close to communism they are.
Ya know, I read that post three times..and nowhere were Democrats mentioned, even in passing.

Has it occurred to you that the Democratic party has become conflated with the will of the majority of Americans? In your mind, as it were.

You rep the KKK and you get what you get....I feel the same way about swastikas. First Amendment violation....or "fire in a crowded theater" exception?

I dunno...but I do know that if you deliberately incite deserve what you get--and I'll waste no tears...and no money for the inevitable legal defense fund...LOL!
Or Malcolm X hats and Black Lives Matter t-shirts
Well, let's examine this for a second or two: Malcolm X did believe in Black Nationalism, but he didn't advocate lynching white people or burning crosses (like the KKK espouses). Black Lives Matter shirts? So you don't believe (or maybe just you don't like) black people standing up for the rule of law?
Great. Now Democrats are going to be our fashion police. It's pretty obvious what this new Democrat party wants for the American people and it doesn't include personal freedom. The Democratic socialists are showing exactly how close to communism they are.
Ya know, I read that post three times..and nowhere were Democrats mentioned, even in passing.

Has it occurred to you that the Democratic party has become conflated with the will of the majority of Americans? In your mind, as it were.

You rep the KKK and you get what you get....I feel the same way about swastikas. First Amendment violation....or "fire in a crowded theater" exception?

I dunno...but I do know that if you deliberately incite deserve what you get--and I'll waste no tears...and no money for the inevitable legal defense fund...LOL!
The only thing that occurred to me was how quick oversensitive Democrats are to ignore our first amendment. Political correctness isn't a reason to abridge our first amendment. Sticks and stones.
When you walk into someone's private business, the Constitution does not apply.

Besides incitement, they cannot see the person's face at all.

The store has the right to ask you to remove it or leave
Freedom is the right to offend someone.
Right? It's puzzling to me why so many conservatives are opposed to masks when they've been wearing them for a long time already.


Gun nutters

American Nazis, 2018


White Nationalists, Washington DC, February 2020

Tards and their selective outrage!


There is nothing illegal about wearing kkk gear.
It doesn’t represent good judgment but it’s not illegal. Anyone who acts on the belief that it is illegal are the ones acting illegally. people get upset at this kkk guy doing NOTHING illegal...but they are ok with Ahmaud Arbery actually DOING something illegal and looking like he might be stealing
..the blacks are UPSET with a white wearing a hood--which is legal--but are upset someone goes after Arbery who is doing something illegal
Freedom is the right to offend someone.
Right? It's puzzling to me why so many conservatives are opposed to masks when they've been wearing them for a long time already.


Gun nutters

American Nazis, 2018


White Nationalists, Washington DC, February 2020

1. if blacks/asians/latinos can have groups that promote their race, then whites can to...there is nothing wrong with that
2. white '''nationalists'' [ hahahahah ]/white surpemacists murder less than 10 people per year
blacks murder over 3000 per year
3. blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
4. blacks about 13% of the population..whites 67%--YET:
white on black murders 229
black on white murders 500
I've linked all of this many times on USMB
can't wear a kkk hood--but you can go on private property looking for something to steal!! can actually STEAL - like Mike Brown--and assault a cop--but no wearing hoods
that's the liberal and black logic

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