CNN Hires Conservative Republican To Lead Politics Coverage - Liberals Go Nuts

Of course I can, just about every show I see on CNN has a Trump rep on it. Here’s a list of some.

Rick Santorum
Michael Caputo
Matt Whittaker
Steve Cortez
Scott Jennings
Jack Kingston
Ken Cuccinelli
Ben Ferguson
Andre Bauer
Alice Stewart
David Urban
John Phillips

Plus several who were regulars that no longer work there... here are a few

Corey Lewendowski
Kayleigh Macenany
Paris Denard
Jeff Lorde

"Of course" you CAN'T. I'm talking about STAFF (anchors & reporters). I gave you a list. Pick from it and show one conservative. You can't, because not one single name you mentioned is on CNN's staff list >> CNN Anchors, Reporters and Staff - CNN

This is why Fox News is respected and watched. It is well balanced, and pays for it's respect, by employing many liberals, who appear regularly, while CNN has no conservatives, no balance. no respect, no ratings.
Most of those are paid staff. They may not be anchors or reporters but so what? They represent a voice and point of view on most of the CNN shows that is the balance that you are speaking of. Yes it leans left as they are often out numbered but its the same thing with Fox.
You take a sentence of mine and ignore the rest of the conversation where I explained what I was talking about. Nice little trick but don’t try and play me with those petty games.
No trick. You are responsible for what you post. Every sentence. Every word.

If you can't stomach being held accountable, don't post.
Most of those are paid staff. They may not be anchors or reporters but so what? They represent a voice and point of view on most of the CNN shows that is the balance that you are speaking of. Yes it leans left as they are often out numbered but its the same thing with Fox.
I see NOTHING showing them as being staff (in any capacity) at CNN, and that's because you haven't shown any evidence of it. No source, no link, nothing.

Or any evidence of what their political affiliations are either. Santorum and Lewandowski are well known. Others are not.
You take a sentence of mine and ignore the rest of the conversation where I explained what I was talking about. Nice little trick but don’t try and play me with those petty games.
No trick. You are responsible for what you post. Every sentence. Every word.

If you can't stomach being held accountable, don't post.
Im fine with all my words and sentences. But your taking it out of context to win some petty victory because I’m calling you an over dramatic cry baby. Take the victory if you need it I don’t really care, your OP is a joke.
Most of those are paid staff. They may not be anchors or reporters but so what? They represent a voice and point of view on most of the CNN shows that is the balance that you are speaking of. Yes it leans left as they are often out numbered but its the same thing with Fox.
I see NOTHING showing them as being staff (in any capacity) at CNN, and that's because you haven't shown any evidence of it. No source, no link, nothing.

Or any evidence of what their political affiliations are either. Santorum and Lewandowski are well known. Others are not.
Well look them up. I see them on cnn all the time so I am well aware of their pro trump stances. You obviously don’t watch CNN or know who these guys are so what right do you have to make statements about how unbalanced CNN is?! That’s just ingnorant blather. Is this a joke?
Im fine with all my words and sentences. But your taking it out of context to win some petty victory because I’m calling you an over dramatic cry baby. Take the victory if you need it I don’t really care, your OP is a joke.
No context. You said what you said. Forget it. Just watch what you type, that's all.

As for the OP, many liberals aren't considering it a "joke" (including 3 in the OP itself) They need CNN in a big way. If they lose it's favoritism and propaganda, that will be a big loss for them.
Well look them up. I see them on cnn all the time so I am well aware of their pro trump stances. You obviously don’t watch CNN or know who these guys are so what right do you have to make statements about how unbalanced CNN is?! That’s just ingnorant blather. Is this a joke?
I won't look them up. When you post it's YOUR responsibility to provide evidence to back up what you say, not my responsibility to go chasing after it.

When you post without evidence, you're just singing into the wind.

I stand by what I said. CNN doesn't have conservative staff, and you admitted their anchors and reporters aren't conservative. So who is ? File clerks ? The guy who sweeps up ?
So far its working, we're talking about them.

Also consider, just because an organization doesn't agree with you (or I) it doesn't mean something is wrong with them.

But NEWS networks aren't really supposed to agree or disagree. Technically, they are supposed to just report the news, and let us decide for ourselves. Of course Fox nd CNN both do much more.

Oh, we're talking about them all right. And once the word gets around, this may be the biggest talk of the town for quite a while.
Who made the rule that media should only report the news?
It was bound to happen. And now it has. CNN has just hired a Republican, Sarah Isgur, a former colleague of Jeff Sessions and Ted Cruz, to be at the top of their political coverage. So just as the 2020 election campaign is getting underway, with a very contentious Democratic primary, CNN will have somebody who was, until recently, a spokesperson for the Trump administration Department of Justice, calling the shots for an election that will involve Trump.

Sounds like a bit of a conflict of interest, but on the other hand, CNN entirely has been one big conflict of interest with crews of left-wing reporters and anchors, spending about 90% of their time bashing President Trump. With CNN struggling to match the ratings over at Fox News and MSNBC, it looks like upper management decided something had to be done.

Apparently, CNN's head honchos have done some constructive criticism of their network and didn't like what they saw. Having suffered one fake news embarrassment after another, the network has become a political no man’s land, pretending to be objective. At least MSNBC has the decency to admit what they are. CNN is still trying to get people to believe that it has no agenda.

Making this new hire all the more controversial, and unendurable to liberals, is that Sarah Isgur has been a relentless attacker of the the media for their one-sided coverage of the Trump presidency. Time will tell how this will work out at CNN. Have they decided "If you can't beat them (Fox News), join them" ? Will more Republicans fill slots at CNN now, and it's news coverage shift to the right ? That's exactly what many liberals are saying, and they are about flipping their lids over it.

Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. “Are we still pretending that hires like these are evidence of a meritocracy?”

“You just gave every Democrat in the country a reason to doubt your objectivity,”
wrote former Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor, apparently without any sense of irony whatsoever.

ThinkProgress writer Ian Millhiser. said "I cannot understand why CNN would undermine itself this way,”

Well, I can. However one may see CNN and define it, it still fundamentally is a business. And from a business standpoint, one can only withstand getting their brains beat in by their competition for so long. If conservatism is what sells, maybe it's time to move in that direction, and then give Fox News a run for its money.

Liberals Throw Tantrum as CNN Hires Republican to Lead Politics Coverage

Why would they hire this woman?

Sarah Isgur Flores, a GOP operative who has never worked as a journalist, will be joining CNN as one of the network’s political editors. The exact contours of Isgur’s role remain unclear ― in part because of CNN’s lack of transparency in discussing her position ― but it appears she will be helping to shape the political coverage of an outlet whose agenda-setting power plays a part in determining which stories receive national attention and how they are covered.

The arguments against CNN’s bizarre move are legion: Isgur is a longtime Republican political operative who most recently served as a spokesperson for former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a position she gained after personally pledging her loyalty to the president. She has no experience in journalism, yet her job will now be helping to guide its production, and she previously denounced the network as the “Clinton News Network.” In her role at the Justice Department, she defended the administration’s war on leakers — and now will be working with reporters who have confidential government sources; her variety of conflicts of interest have forced CNN to silo her off from vast swaths of political news.

For CNN, though, the appeal is simple: It “strongly suggests that the network’s big thinkers — including head honcho Jeff Zucker — are aiming for a kind of false fairness: a defensive, both-sides-are-equal kind of political coverage that inevitably fails to serve the voting public,” The Washington Post’s Margaret Sullivan wrote last week.

CNN has consistently failed to grapple with its unique vulnerability to this form of false balance. The coverage favors stories about optics, scandal and the political horse race over policy.

Liberal media my ass.

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