CNN: Death Threats Against Obama Increase By 400 Percent

check out the responses! very first one..

Laura says:
August 28, 2009 at 8:02 pm

I blame McCain and palin. They ran an abhorrent champagne and someone should have reigned them in.
They riled up their base by calling Obama a terrorist, and did nothing when their audience said kill him, off with his head etc. If anything happens to Obama, McCain/palin will have blood on their hands.

dayuuum! I didn't know McCain and palin served champagne,, even if it were abhorrent I would like to have had some. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

and there she is spreading lies again,, the FBI and the secret service both found no evidence of someone in the audience saying "kill him"" Sigh
I doubt the accuracy of the figure.

400 percent since when? Since he was a little mutt in Kenya/Hawaii or wherever he was whelped?

From where are the figures obtained?

WHO is cooking the books?
Anyone with common sense clearly understands that this is just another feeble attempt by the Left to scare & intimidate anyone who dares to disagree with their Hopey Changey. CNN (Communist News Network) should be ashamed of themselves. The Liberal Media has lost all credibility at this point.
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400 percent since when? Since he was a little mutt in Kenya/Hawaii or wherever he was whelped?

Class...real class

glad to see you holding up the values of the republican party
Anyone with common sense clearly understands that this is just another feeble attempt by the Left to scare & intimidate anyone who dares to disagree with their Hopey Changey. CNN (Communist News Network) should be ashamed of themselves. The Liberal Media has no credibility anymore.

i have to give you credit... you have chutzpah saying that when you're ok with people running around saying obama is going to kill your granny. :thup:
Anyone with common sense clearly understands that this is just another feeble attempt by the Left to scare & intimidate anyone who dares to disagree with their Hopey Changey. CNN (Communist News Network) should be ashamed of themselves. The Liberal Media has lost all credibility at this point.

Anyone who dares to challenge Obamaism is a threat to the presidency, the president, and the WORLD! BEWARE! BEWARE!
uh, isnt this OLD info?
i'm pretty sure we already had a thread on this some time ago

since when do people here worry about having multiple threads on a subject?

we must have had at least a dozen when Obama went to see a Broadway show. I'd think people threatening to kill the president is at least as important as whining about that.
but i mean wasnt this current like several weeks ago?

Probably was...but after stuff drops off the radar screen for a while the libs like to rehash and throw shit right back up in your face....basically acting like henpecking women especially when their tired ass talking points are shot full of holes..
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I'd think it's 400% over those in the Bush years....

I have no reason to think that' not pretty close to the mark...just look at the nutters here who keep yelling about armed insurrection...

Yeah. Nuts invoking the words of that famous kook, Thomas Jefferson.

Methinks that references to the prospect of the possibility of armed resistance to an illicit government is a different matter than threatening the life of the duly elected President of the United States.

I do not know who is making such "threats," but whoever they are, they are assholes. I dislike the policies of President Obama quite a great deal. But I even more strongly and vehemently loathe those who think that they have some "right" to threaten to harm or kill our elected officals. We have a perfectly viable non-violent and non-criminal alternative to violence, and we need to embrace that alternative and cherish it and respect it.

It's the ballot.
I'd think it's 400% over those in the Bush years....

I have no reason to think that' not pretty close to the mark...just look at the nutters here who keep yelling about armed insurrection...

ya it is 400% more than bush and averaging 30 a all must be bummed that all you all could only muster 7-8 a day for bush.....:lol:
I'd think it's 400% over those in the Bush years....

I have no reason to think that' not pretty close to the mark...just look at the nutters here who keep yelling about armed insurrection...

ya it is 400% more than bush and averaging 30 a all must be bummed that all you all could only muster 7-8 a day for bush.....:lol:

Yeah....30 a day is a real target to shoot pun/threat implied or intended.
I'd think it's 400% over those in the Bush years....

I have no reason to think that' not pretty close to the mark...just look at the nutters here who keep yelling about armed insurrection...

ya it is 400% more than bush and averaging 30 a all must be bummed that all you all could only muster 7-8 a day for bush.....:lol:

Yeah....30 a day is a real target to shoot pun/threat implied or intended.

what can you do......did anyone really not see this comming.....8 years of venom and hate chucked at bush and the gop....and he is african american to boot....bush was just stupid....obama is seen as stupid and african american by the nutters.....
ya it is 400% more than bush and averaging 30 a all must be bummed that all you all could only muster 7-8 a day for bush.....:lol:

Yeah....30 a day is a real target to shoot pun/threat implied or intended.

what can you do......did anyone really not see this comming.....8 years of venom and hate chucked at bush and the gop....and he is african american to boot....bush was just stupid....obama is seen as stupid and african american by the nutters.....

When you make assumptions about a particular group of people...doesn't that make you prejudiced? What or who else are you prejudiced against?
A CNN source with very close to the U.S. Secret Service confirmed to me today that threats on the life of the president of the United States have now risen by as much as 400 percent since his inauguration, 400 percent death threats against Barack Obama — quote — “in this environment” go far beyond anything the Secret Service has seen with any other president.

CNN: Death Threats Against Obama Increase By 400 Percent | The Public Record


well if the secret service says it in a press release it must be true so clearly we must have more restrictive and evasive security measures placed upon any of the dissenting populace to keep us safe...sometimes liberty needs to be sacrificed to secure our freedumbs those terrorist hate us so much for...
A CNN source with very close to the U.S. Secret Service confirmed to me today that threats on the life of the president of the United States have now risen by as much as 400 percent since his inauguration, 400 percent death threats against Barack Obama — quote — “in this environment” go far beyond anything the Secret Service has seen with any other president.

CNN: Death Threats Against Obama Increase By 400 Percent | The Public Record


well if the secret service says it in a press release it must be true so clearly we must have more restrictive and evasive security measures placed upon any of the dissenting populace to keep us safe...sometimes liberty needs to be sacrificed to secure our freedumbs those terrorist hate us so much for...

Id-EOTS is fluent in babble.
I'd think it's 400% over those in the Bush years....

I have no reason to think that' not pretty close to the mark...just look at the nutters here who keep yelling about armed insurrection...

Yeah. Nuts invoking the words of that famous kook, Thomas Jefferson.

Thomas Jefferson's words are meaningless to the left...unless of course they are quoted from a letter to the Danbury Baptist Association...THOSE are chiseled in STONE.
and your insinuation that only the "right winger" whackos are getting out of control is simply not true....I recall a left wing whacko murdering an abortion protester only a few days ago.

Except, you know, that didn't happen. An pro-life protester was murdered, but there isn't any evidence at all connecting the killing to his political views.
Yeah....30 a day is a real target to shoot pun/threat implied or intended.

what can you do......did anyone really not see this comming.....8 years of venom and hate chucked at bush and the gop....and he is african american to boot....bush was just stupid....obama is seen as stupid and african american by the nutters.....

When you make assumptions about a particular group of people...doesn't that make you prejudiced? What or who else are you prejudiced against?

you should look up the definition of prejudice......

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