CNN Can't Figure Out Chattanooga Shooter's Motive


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Really, CNN?!

About 11 minutes in to the July 17 edition of CNN's 11 a.m. Eastern At This Hour with Berman and Boulduan program, during a story on yesterday's fatal spree shooting at a U.S. military recruiting facility in Chattanooga, Tenn., the lower-thirds graphic on screen read: "4 Marines Killed in Shooting; Motive Still a Mystery"

Mystery?! The Merriam Webster dictionary defines it as "something not understood or beyond understanding."

While the motive in yesterday's shooting has not been officially established by investigators, mystery seems an ill-fitting descriptor, to put it rather kindly.

- See more at: CNN Chyron Chattanooga Shooter s Motive Still a Mystery

Like the good little Obama propagandists....CNN can't figure out what motivated this Muslim asshole to shoot up two U.S. Armed Forces recruiting stations in Chattanooga TN this week.

Really, CNN?!

About 11 minutes in to the July 17 edition of CNN's 11 a.m. Eastern At This Hour with Berman and Boulduan program, during a story on yesterday's fatal spree shooting at a U.S. military recruiting facility in Chattanooga, Tenn., the lower-thirds graphic on screen read: "4 Marines Killed in Shooting; Motive Still a Mystery"

Mystery?! The Merriam Webster dictionary defines it as "something not understood or beyond understanding."

While the motive in yesterday's shooting has not been officially established by investigators, mystery seems an ill-fitting descriptor, to put it rather kindly.

- See more at: CNN Chyron Chattanooga Shooter s Motive Still a Mystery

Like the good little Obama propagandists....CNN can't figure out what motivated this Muslim asshole to shoot up two U.S. Armed Forces recruiting stations in Chattanooga TN this week.

He was a muslim and very likely committed this atrocious crime in the name of that fake god Allah.

He is now a dead muslim who took 4 very good Americans with him. I hope he rots in hell and that each of the 72 virgins has 13 inches.

Any other questions?
I don't know that Obummer sent them orders specifically.

More like he and his cronies set a stage and a narrative, which could be looked at as "marching orders" and that side just took the que.
ndrea Mitchell to Terrorist's Classmate: 'Did He Hunt? Did He Shoot?'
By Matthew Balan | July 17, 2015 | 6:06 PM EDT

Andrea Mitchell wondered if Chattanooga terrorist Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez's "small-town Tennessee" upbringing had anything to do with his slaughtering of four Marines. Mitchell interviewed a high school classmate of Abdulazeez on the Friday edition of her MSNBC program and asked, "Were guns a big part of activity – social or other activity?...Did he hunt? Did he shoot? I mean, was that just part of small-town Tennessee activity?" She later inquired if "there [was] prejudice against him because of his ethnicity" after 9/11. [video below]

The NBC/MSNBC journalist brought on Valery Levitt, who knew the mass shooter from Red Bank High School, which is near Chattanooga. Mitchell led the interview by asserting that "this has to be very painful – indeed, shocking for people who knew him as a young man." Levitt replied, in part, that she "had many classes with him, and we've joked around. And it's just – you don't expect something like this." The anchor followed up by asking how her former classmate acted during their high school years.

Mitchell then asked her gun question. Levitt replied that "he wasn't one of the guys that I ever heard about...going hunting," and added that "he also didn't really tell a lot of people about his personal life." The journalist later wondered about Abdulazeez's "my name causes national security alerts" yearbook quote, before continuing with her "prejudice" question about his ethnic/religious background.

The transcript of the relevant portion of the Valery Levitt interview from Friday's Andrea Mitchell Reports on MSNBC:

ANDREA MITCHELL: Right now, investigators are digging into the past of the Chattanooga shooter, 24-year-old Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez, who – how do you reconcile a young man, described by friends as quiet and friendly, with the person who shot up two military facilities – killing four and injuring more?

Joining me now from Chicago is Valery Levitt, a former high school classmate of the gunman at Red Bank High School. Valery, thanks very much for joining us today. This has to be very painful – indeed, shocking for people who knew him as a young man.

VALERY LEVITT, FMR. CLASSMATE OF GUNMAN: Of course – I mean, you don't expect it to happen in your community. Our high school was only 1,500 people, and everyone knew each other. And I had many classes with him, and we've joked around. And it's just – you don't expect something like this.

MITCHELL: Tell me about him – Mohammod – in high school.

LEVITT: I mean, he was quiet. He had a sarcastic sense of humor. He didn't seem to have a ton of friends outside of school. I know he did wrestling. And he just seemed like a normal guy. Obviously, he was devout in Muslim (sic). And I played soccer with his sister, and she was a really nice girl – and always talked about religion.

MITCHELL: Were guns a big part of activity – social or other activity?

LEVITT: Was what?

MITCHELL: What about guns? Did he – did he hunt? Did he shoot? I mean, was that just part of small-town Tennessee activity?

LEVITT: Actually, he wasn't one of the guys that I ever heard about – you know, going hunting or – he wasn't really that kind of guy. But he also didn't really tell a lot of people about his personal life. I don't think very many people knew much about him. He just was very reserved, and kept to himself mostly.

MITCHELL: And his yearbook quote has drawn a lot of attention, because it said, 'My name causes national security alerts. What does your do?'

LEVITT: Of course – yeah. I mean, at the time, it just seemed like a joke. It – it seemed a little sarcastic – and maybe, a little dark humor – but it didn't seem like something that anyone had to be concerned about. Obviously, it made the cut into the yearbook.

MITCHELL: But – and after 9/11, as you were growing up, was there prejudice against him because of his ethnicity?

LEVITT: Oh, I'm sure there was. And I've seen people posting on Facebook about Muslim people, and how all the stereotypes are true. And, I mean, there's – there's always going to be people like that. But it is the South, and there's more prejudice than – there's not a ton of Muslim families that I knew growing up. I mean, his family is one of the only ones that I personally knew, so a lot of people, I think, are just, kind of, jumping to arms, and just making rush judgments.

- See more at: Andrea Mitchell to Terrorist s Classmate Did He Hunt Did He Shoot

Really, CNN?!

About 11 minutes in to the July 17 edition of CNN's 11 a.m. Eastern At This Hour with Berman and Boulduan program, during a story on yesterday's fatal spree shooting at a U.S. military recruiting facility in Chattanooga, Tenn., the lower-thirds graphic on screen read: "4 Marines Killed in Shooting; Motive Still a Mystery"

Mystery?! The Merriam Webster dictionary defines it as "something not understood or beyond understanding."

While the motive in yesterday's shooting has not been officially established by investigators, mystery seems an ill-fitting descriptor, to put it rather kindly.

- See more at: CNN Chyron Chattanooga Shooter s Motive Still a Mystery

Like the good little Obama propagandists....CNN can't figure out what motivated this Muslim asshole to shoot up two U.S. Armed Forces recruiting stations in Chattanooga TN this week.
Mentally unstable? Crazy? Hates America? Hates U.S. military personnel? On hard drugs? Got tired of living? Wanted his name in headlines? Thought that he was making a statement? Maybe his girl friend had just broken up with him? His gay lover betrayed him? Lost his fortune in the stock market? Charles Manson told him to do it? No one liked or loved him? He was depressed over the Confederate Flag issue? He was afraid that Trump might get elected? He didn't win the Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstake? Cher wrote him a dear John letter?
Appearing on Friday's Wolf show on CNN to discuss the motivations of Mohammed Youssef Abdulaziz's attack on a military recruitment center in Chattanooga, Tennessee, CNN global affairs analyst Kimberly Dozier -- formerly of CBS -- fretted that the American "public" will perceive the rampage as a "Muslim militant attack," feeding more "anti-Islamic sentiment" which could lead to Muslims committing even more terrorist attacks. Dozier:

What worries me is that -- how this will be perceived by the public, though, is a Muslim militant attack. And I'm already seeing among friends in the national security community a rising sense of anti-Islamic sentiment. I'm worried that that will feed into more attacks like this and undercut the efforts to reach out to the American Muslim community and include them rather than make them feel isolated, as it seems this young man felt.

A few minutes earlier, Dozier had hinted that anti-Muslim experiences in America may have played a role in Abdulaziz deciding to turn to terrorism:

CBS Anti-Muslim Propaganda To Blame for U.S. Homegrown Terrorism

KIMBERLY DOZIER, CNN GLOBAL AFFAIRS ANALYST: When you look at some of the blog posts which haven't been definitively proven to belong to Abdulaziz, but they are carefully talking about Islam in general terms and following jihad in an active way. They talk about the followers of Mohammed taking up arms and actually bringing about the caliphate on the ground.

So he's left us clues to what might have been motivating him. Also, look back to his yearbook posts when he talked about his name causing national security alerts. This is a kid that from a young age has had issues with being singled out for being Muslim, and if your dad had been on FBI terrorist watch list and had been questioned by the FBI, you can bet that that was a subject of household discussion that stayed with him.

WOLF BLITZER: I'm sure it had an impact on him as well.

In her days at CBS, Dozier similarly pushed suggestions that anti-Muslim sentiment in the U.S. was partly to blame for young Muslims turning to extremism. From the December 12, 2009, CBS Evening News, Dozier:

But Muslim community leaders here say young people are also being driven to extremes by post-9/11 anti-Muslim propaganda like this [CLIP OF VIDEO] and rising incidents of genuine anti-Muslim discrimination. Civil rights complaints have jumped 10 percent in just the past year, according to the Council on American Islamic Relations.


We can't have the public thinking for themselves!!!

Wolf Blitzer
- See more at: CNN s Dozier Worries Public Will Perceive Muslim Militant Attack
Last edited:
Shooter's motive stumps Obama, FBI, media
Rush: 'Must avoid bigotry, racism, prejudice and, obviously, the truth'
Published: 15 hours ago
Garth Kant About | Email | Archive

WASHINGTON – The nation’s top talk-radio host, Rush Limbaugh, says parody becomes real life when the Obama administration tries to respond to Islamic terrorism in America.

  • President Obama said it was a “lone gunman.”
  • White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the FBI was “looking at a variety of possible motives.”
  • U.S. Attorney Bill Killian said “it’s premature to speculate on the motives of the shooter.”
  • FBI Special Agent-in-Charge Edward Reinhold said he “no idea” what the shooter’s motive was because because, “There is nothing that ties him to an international terror organization.”
Given those statements, Limbaugh observed that life seemed to be imitating art, as the nation’s top investigators claim to be stumped as to what possibly could have prompted Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez to murder four Marines in broad daylight in Chattanooga, Tennessee, on Thursday.

On Friday, Limbaugh dug up a comedy skit from 2007 that he said “parodies exactly what’s happening in the Drive-By Media this moment, today and last night.”

The eight-year-old skit on Fox News Channel’s “1/2 Hour News Hour” included dialogue that Limbaugh suggested was a mirror of the real-life reaction to Thursday’s shooting:

Female anchor: Six men have just been charged with conspiracy to murder in connection with a plot to blow up buses and subway cars in London during the summer of 2005.

Male anchor: The six would-be suicide bombers charged are Muktar Said Abraham, Ramzi Muhammed, Yasin Omar, Manfu Asiedu, Adel Yahya and Hussain Osman.

Female anchor: Since their capture, the big question for Scotland Yard has been, “What exactly is it that links these six individuals? What common denominator motivated this seemingly random group of young men?”

Male anchor: It is puzzling, isn’t it?

“Yes, it was, very puzzling,” Limbaugh jested sarcastically. “That was parody in 2007, eight years ago. Today it’s the news.”

Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez

If the administration, the FBI and the media were stumped, a group that monitors online posts by radical Islamists was on the case.

A picture of Abdulazeez had already begun to emerge on the day of the massacre, after the SITE Intelligence Group discovered a blog post from the shooter extolling the virtues of fighting “Jihad for the sake of Allah.”

On July 13, Abdulazeez wrote, “Don’t let the society we live in deviate you from the task at hand. Take your study guide, the Quran and Sunnah, with strength and faith, and be firm as you live your short life in this prison called Dunya.” In the context of the post, Dunya apparently signified the world, as opposed to the afterlife.

Limbaugh also observed how readily the media parroted the Obama administration’s line that investigators were still searching for a motive in Thursday’s attack.

Shooter s motive stumps Obama FBI media
CNN knows, they just can't bring themselves to admit it
They're on orders from the WhiteHouse to act like they don't know.

Sounds like another conspiracy theory from simple minds.
So, what do you think was his MAIN motive?
His religion?
Gee, that's SIMPLE!
I wish reality reflected such simple thinking, like first-graders do.

Who the hell are you and why should I care?

I don't care if you care.
I am scratching my head at the stupidity in this thread.
CNN knows, they just can't bring themselves to admit it
They're on orders from the WhiteHouse to act like they don't know.

Sounds like another conspiracy theory from simple minds.
So, what do you think was his MAIN motive?
His religion?
Gee, that's SIMPLE!
I wish reality reflected such simple thinking, like first-graders do.

Who the hell are you and why should I care?

I don't care if you care.
I am scratching my head at the stupidity in this thread.

I shove off

Really, CNN?!

About 11 minutes in to the July 17 edition of CNN's 11 a.m. Eastern At This Hour with Berman and Boulduan program, during a story on yesterday's fatal spree shooting at a U.S. military recruiting facility in Chattanooga, Tenn., the lower-thirds graphic on screen read: "4 Marines Killed in Shooting; Motive Still a Mystery"

Mystery?! The Merriam Webster dictionary defines it as "something not understood or beyond understanding."

While the motive in yesterday's shooting has not been officially established by investigators, mystery seems an ill-fitting descriptor, to put it rather kindly.

- See more at: CNN Chyron Chattanooga Shooter s Motive Still a Mystery

Like the good little Obama propagandists....CNN can't figure out what motivated this Muslim asshole to shoot up two U.S. Armed Forces recruiting stations in Chattanooga TN this week.
Yesterday msnbc anchors mused that he might be a redneck's all so perplexing lol. What could possibly have driven a Kuwaiti Muslim with strong middle east ties, who had previously tried to get a job at a nuclear plant...what could possibly have motivated this guy??? The media and pogo are mystified. There's just no apparent reason!
CNN knows, they just can't bring themselves to admit it
They're on orders from the WhiteHouse to act like they don't know.

Sounds like another conspiracy theory from simple minds.
So, what do you think was his MAIN motive?
His religion?
Gee, that's SIMPLE!
I wish reality reflected such simple thinking, like first-graders do.

Who the hell are you and why should I care?

I don't care if you care.
I am scratching my head at the stupidity in this thread.

I shove off

What can you contribute here?
They're on orders from the WhiteHouse to act like they don't know.

Sounds like another conspiracy theory from simple minds.
So, what do you think was his MAIN motive?
His religion?
Gee, that's SIMPLE!
I wish reality reflected such simple thinking, like first-graders do.

Who the hell are you and why should I care?

I don't care if you care.
I am scratching my head at the stupidity in this thread.

I shove off

What can you contribute here?

I did, I just don't have any patience for un American assholes such as yourself. Have a nice day :)
Oh wait...he's a southerner. That's what it is. Those Tennesseeans are just batshit crazy, someone needs to lock them up because....the Crusades!

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