CNN always hits Democrats when aiming at Trump


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
This time the bumbling hate mongers really did a number on their own affiliation party after saying FALLACIOUSLY there is no evidence of Trumps claims on wire Tapping (then what did they report all that stuff on Flynn with Duh); they continued to trip up further by saying "how can foreign powers trust or rely on what Trump proposes to them or in negotiating deals with them".
Why this inadvertantly attacks Dems is because it is the left that is known as the habitual liars that are not trustworthy as even proven by the exposed emails and nature which they were supressed and lied about. The broken promises to their party, to the Feds, to the American people, every foreign leader knows the left is the political party they can not trust. The people here & foreign entities saw the difference between Hillary's canned speaches, cheating, and lying and the Administration we have now that are straight shooters, told it like it is without political cliches. If the other Gov'ts liked or trusted Clinton then why did CNN themselves admit she was hated by a
couple of countries leaders including declaring Putin despising her. If that's the case, then CNN is admitting it was Clinton and the Democrats who had the distrust of the foreign leaders.
Thank you CNN, everytime you open your mouth to attack Trump you end up attacking the Dems & prove why we voted them out was in our best interest. Now listening to the CNN and MSNBC rants we need to heed their deflection and vote the rest of the swamp out.
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You seem to follow the fallacy of pigeon holing millions of people, and when did all democrats become the left?

Go watch the Veritas videos. I mean really watch it. Pause it, think.....back it up......replay......mkey? Start with season 1.

Or watch an Acorn sting? I really don't care.
This time the bumbling hate mongers really did a number on their own affiliation party after saying FALLACIOUSLY there is no evidence of Trumps claims on wire Tapping (then what did they report all that stuff on Flynn with Duh); they continued to trip up further by saying "how can foreign powers trust or rely on what Trump proposes to them or in negotiating deals with them".
Why this inadvertantly attacks Dems is because it is the left that is known as the habitual liars that are not trustworthy as even proven by the exposed emails and nature which they were supressed and lied about. The broken promises to their party, to the Feds, to the American people, every foreign leader knows the left is the political party they can not trust. The people here & foreign entities saw the difference between Hillary's canned speaches, cheating, and lying and the Administration we have now that are straight shooters, told it like it is without political cliches. If the other Gov'ts liked or trusted Clinton then why did CNN themselves admit she was hated by a
couple of countries leaders including declaring Putin despising her. If that's the case, then CNN is admitting it was Clinton and the Democrats who had the distrust of the foreign leaders.
Thank you CNN, everytime you open your mouth to attack Trump you end up attacking the Dems & prove why we voted them out was in our best interest. Now listening to the CNN and MSNBC rants we need to heed their deflection and vote the rest of the swamp out.
View attachment 116475
dude, "your guy" has nothing but social plans instead of the fine capital plans, he should have.
You seem to follow the fallacy of pigeon holing millions of people, and when did all democrats become the left?

Go watch the Veritas videos. I mean really watch it. Pause it, think.....back it up......replay......mkey? Start with season 1.

Or watch an Acorn sting? I really don't care.
I know you don't care, it is evident...Yet the videos do not contain 60 million people..
You seem to follow the fallacy of pigeon holing millions of people, and when did all democrats become the left?
Agree we generalize, and when we do those not in the scope of those generalizations should take it with a grain of salt and know it's not about them. What you'll notice is many people weave in and out of issues, some more liberal on certain issues and some more conservative positions, and affiliations to party only confuses and assumes stances. This means my teachings in the Theology section on affiliations and pride of affiliations and group behavior goes into politics as well as religious.
My team against your team does not work in religion or politics and one day this checks and balance system which only causes sabotage of sucess and stale mates, will be replaced by individual issue voting with no affiliation to taint our pendulem views.
We now have the technology for such voting systems and checks and balances can be worked out within that updated system of governance. =more practicle realistic democracy.
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This time the bumbling hate mongers really did a number on their own affiliation party after saying FALLACIOUSLY there is no evidence of Trumps claims on wire Tapping (then what did they report all that stuff on Flynn with Duh); they continued to trip up further by saying "how can foreign powers trust or rely on what Trump proposes to them or in negotiating deals with them".
Why this inadvertantly attacks Dems is because it is the left that is known as the habitual liars that are not trustworthy as even proven by the exposed emails and nature which they were supressed and lied about. The broken promises to their party, to the Feds, to the American people, every foreign leader knows the left is the political party they can not trust. The people here & foreign entities saw the difference between Hillary's canned speaches, cheating, and lying and the Administration we have now that are straight shooters, told it like it is without political cliches. If the other Gov'ts liked or trusted Clinton then why did CNN themselves admit she was hated by a
couple of countries leaders including declaring Putin despising her. If that's the case, then CNN is admitting it was Clinton and the Democrats who had the distrust of the foreign leaders.
Thank you CNN, everytime you open your mouth to attack Trump you end up attacking the Dems & prove why we voted them out was in our best interest. Now listening to the CNN and MSNBC rants we need to heed their deflection and vote the rest of the swamp out.
View attachment 116475
dude, "your guy" has nothing but social plans instead of the fine capital plans, he should have.
My Guy because I call what I see?
He's our guy, if you were a Patriot you'd want to help us RESTORE (HaShev) America to where it could and should be and distance yourself from those seeking to destabilize and hinder the function of Gov't.
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