Clinton's firewall of black voters is crumbling

Now where is NYC when you need him? Yesterday he declared this never happened and called board members liars for saying it did. He owes some apologies...that will never come.

I have a feeling that I know which position he is occupying.

It is less about those who support him than it is about the media bullshit that is used to slander those supporters.

Hillary now claims that the "Alt Right" are racists, but who are they? They are Republicans that have rejected the GOP Establishments idiotic approach to politics and there are a great many of them, so according to Hillary they are all racists.

Laura Ingram is racist?

Ann Coulter is racist?

Jeff Sessions is racist?

Rick Perry is racist?

Rudy Giulliani is a racist?

Of course not, none of these people are racists and the neocons will find their asses handed to them in a bout a year after Trump is President.
I think you're right. The Left is going to throw the "racist" term around at absolutely every opportunity, stipulated. It's what they do. It's dishonest, but it still works.

From my perspective, though, the Alt Right (while clearly ALSO including ACTUAL racists who support Trump, such as David Duke) is a group of people whose opinions and perceptions have been so badly distorted by conservative talk radio (such as Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin & Jones) and whacked-out conservative internet (such as Brietbart, WND, Newsmax, InfoWars and many others offered on USMB as "news sources") that they have created their own little isolated alternative universe, an intellectual vacuum from which no light either enters or escapes.

I listen to conservative talk radio (specifically Rush, Hannity, Levin & Hewitt) for at least a little bit every day. And it's as clear as a bell - the terms, opinions and thought processes that I hear on the radio every day are essentially regurgitated here and when I speak to conservatives in "real life". It's unmistakable and obvious.

I'm sincerely not meaning that as an insult, Jim, although it may seem as one. I don't like seeing this play out because as an Independent I think the country needs two strong parties, and the Alt Right is ripping one of them to shreds. That's not a good thing.
Alt-Right is term invented by the Clinton campaign. It's nothing more than a smear. It's an attempt to associate normal conservatives with wacko fringe groups. It's a well practiced tactic of the Democrat party, and especially the Clintons. Slick Willy, if you don't recall, tried to blame the Oklahoma bombing on Rush Limbaugh.

These people are scum bags.
Okay, let's say that true. Here's the problem: You're making it easy for them to do this.

The current iteration of the GOP is running a guy who is a gaffe machine of historic proportions. Take Hillary and Biden and Sharpton and multiply them by a hundred, and you still won't have a list of dumb comments as long as the one Trump has compiled over the last 12 months. If his fans want to celebrate these dumb comments as "politically incorrect", whatever, they're still really dumb comments.

And no one can deny that Trump has attracted people like David Duke and other white nationalists (The White Nationalists Who Support Trump) who so helpfully play into this narrative. These are just facts, it is what's happening, right now.

AND we've been treated to this bizarre string of attacks this group has launched at traditional Republicans, slamming them as RINOs (a talk radio term, of course), liberals, radicals, on and on. You're playing right into the hands of your opposition.

Even if it's true that this stuff is being made up by the media, they sure are getting a lot of help from the Alt Right.

Sorry, but you're just regurgitating media spin. Trump has committed any more gaffs than Hillary. The difference is that the media makes a major issue out of every little thing Trump says while they let Hillary slide. The media is in the tank for Hillary. They are doing everything in their power to destroy Trump. That's all you're seeing.
So white nationalist groups are NOT siding with Trump?

Is the media lying about how Trump has:
  • Talked about the size of his dick during a major party debate?
  • Said that John McCain is not a hero, because he got caught?
  • Said "blood coming out of her, whatever"?
  • Said "thousands and thousands of people were cheering" on 9/11?
  • Said "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States", only to now soften that stance?
  • Said "I could shoot people and not lose voters"?
  • Said "Obama is the founder of ISIS"?
  • Said "Second Amendment people, maybe there is something you can do"?
  • Said at a rally "Maybe he should have been roughed up"?
  • Refused to immediately rebuke David Duke's endorsement, and lying by saying "I don't know anything about him"?
  • Said about a Hillary debate bathroom break, "I know where she went. It's disgusting, I don't want to talk about it No, it's too disgusting. Don't say it, it's disgusting"?
  • Said "I'll get 95% of the African American vote"?
  • Said "there's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am"?
  • Said "I have a good brain"?
  • Said "I have the best words"?
  • Said at a rally "Knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, OK? Just knock the hell — I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise"?
  • Talked about "the old days" at a rally, saying that demonstrators would be carried out on a stretcher"?
These are things he has said. They're not things the media has made up. The white nationalist groups that support him, really support him. That's not something the media has made up.

I don't have any problems with hyperbole. If it works, go for it... as for the support for nationalist groups, did you really think they are going to support someone who has basically promised to build a bridge all the way to Syria, and the world beyond where punishment for being gay is death. To be fair, only an insane person would support that. Hillary herself knows that as her property is completely walled off to fend off such threats.

Now, rather than Trump's hyperbole and support base, Hillary's scandalous actions actually concern me.
Blacks will continue to be enslaved by the dems and vote for the candidate who put them there.
Why are you concerned about how Blacks vote?

Im concerned with the delusion that the dems have ensnared them with. Its appalling.

Giving poor kids Medicaid is appalling? What's your alternative?

Thats the simpleton response. The problem is with how the dems have exploited poor people and promised them a better life while delivering squalor, lies, and a couple of pills all while racking up an astounding 25 trillion dollars worth of debt. And....the problem is worse now than it was 50 years ago. It really is amazing to watch such ineptitude in action repeated over and over again.
Blacks will continue to be enslaved by the dems and vote for the candidate who put them there.

Whatever .. it's not your problem whatever we do.

You just run along and vote for your great white hope and see if that works without us.

Neither candidate has anything substantive to offer.

From my perspective, one candidate serves a purpose, the other doesn't.

I'm talking about a purpose as defined by the people who vote for her, not by those who don't.

If your purpose is to keep the flow of government freebies coming to your doorstep....I would agree.
And who says that people are going to vote contrary to what they've answered in polls in favor of Trump. Remember, there was a bias in the 2012 election: toward Romney. 19 of 23 polls has a bias toward Romney, some by as many as 5 to 7 points.
Lol, there you go with the straw man arguments.

Dont you ever tire of lying to yourself? you haven't claimed that Trump's actual support is 5 to 10 points higher than it is reported in the polls? Because I can quote you doing just that.

What I'm asking you to do is provide us with a rational basis for those assumptions. You simply beg the question, assuming it must be so. But you've provided no evidence that it is.

You're literally offering us your belief as your sole basis of evidence. And your belief isn't actually evidence.

At one point you tried to offer us an argument based on conservative support for trump. But when I demonstrated that Trump has among the lowest satisfaction ratings of any GOP candidate in about 20 abandoned it. And as the 2012 election demonstrates, the 'liberal bias' you assume didn't exist. A conservative bias did. By a ratio of about 6 to 1.

So what do you have but naked belief and quietly desperate hopefulness that Trump is doing *better* than the polls indicate? If 2012 and your own standards of 'conservative support' are any standard, he's likely doing significantly worse than the polls indicate.
mrs. clinton needs to start playing the saxaphone. That's what pushed bill over the top with the black folk. Of course, bill went after the blacks right away once he was prez. Welfare reform, which cut government aid to blacks, and from the hood to the prison drug laws that saw the huge rise in blacks being incarcerated. Then of course, Nafta and other trade giveaways that got rid of lots of industries that put blacks, as well as whites, out of work.
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I think you're right. The Left is going to throw the "racist" term around at absolutely every opportunity, stipulated. It's what they do. It's dishonest, but it still works.

But the diminishing rate of return is leaving that slander a shelf life of maybe only a few weeks of life left, and then what?

From my perspective, though, the Alt Right (while clearly ALSO including ACTUAL racists who support Trump, such as David Duke) is a group of people whose opinions and perceptions have been so badly distorted by conservative talk radio (such as Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin & Jones) and whacked-out conservative internet (such as Brietbart, WND, Newsmax, InfoWars and many others offered on USMB as "news sources") that they have created their own little isolated alternative universe, an intellectual vacuum from which no light either enters or escapes.

Well this is an example of how to group and not group people together. No one among the names I listed would say that David Duke is among their fellows that they respect and quote from as they would say Thomas Sowell or William F Buckley or Craig Paul Roberts. While they might cite WND or Breitbart they would almost never cite Infowars.

That is why the "alt Right" label represents an undefined group of people whose composition depends on who the author is trying to slander and largely the creation of neocon mouthpieces like Charles Krauthammer and Bill Kristal not Laura Ingram and Senator Jeff Sessions who are in the group discussed. Which is what makes the label a lie instead of an accurate description of those who accept the alt right label for themselves and others.

That is like including among a reference to liberals a pretense that Fidel Castro, Chairman Mao and Joseph Stalin is among them or pretending that all forms of socialism are some variation of Marxism. I.E. it is total bullshit.

I listen to conservative talk radio (specifically Rush, Hannity, Levin & Hewitt) for at least a little bit every day. And it's as clear as a bell - the terms, opinions and thought processes that I hear on the radio every day are essentially regurgitated here and when I speak to conservatives in "real life". It's unmistakable and obvious.

Yeah, some conservatives do that, and I understand what you mean, but that doesnt mean that they are ipso facto wrong. It just means that they have a common clone heritage that is not robust and is vulnerable to all the same weaknesses. One must still prove them wrong point by point, no? They arent wrong simply because Hannity also said it.

I'm sincerely not meaning that as an insult, Jim, although it may seem as one. I don't like seeing this play out because as an Independent I think the country needs two strong parties, and the Alt Right is ripping one of them to shreds. That's not a good thing.

I think those that the Alt Right defines as their own, and excluding those that the neocons and liberals are trying to lump in with them like poison pills, are SAVING the Republican Party and reinvigorating the two party system by bringing them both back to the control of rank and file Americans instead of the Edward Bernays style establishment.

Take a peek at what Ingraham says about the Alt Right vrs Conservatives Inc. debate, i.e. what Alt Right people say about themselves and who they are instead of taking it from their enemies and rivals.

Alt-Right vs. Conservative Inc.

Establishmentarians, eager to quash the notion of staying power for Donald Trump’s populist platform, have developed a special tagline for the conservatives who reflect the interests and demands of the Republican base: the “Alt-Right.”

These Establishment Republicans claim the Alt-Right is a perversion of traditional conservative values — values they keep enshrined. Whenever possible, these GOP elite play into the liberal media narrative that conservatives standing with the interests of the people are somehow white nationalists playing identity politics.

In truth, it is the Establishment GOP elite — who profit in both power and dollars by pushing a globalist economic agenda — who have strayed farthest from the tenants of traditional conservatism. These elites have actually created a for-profit structure. This “Conservative Inc.” dupes the base of the party into handing more power and campaign cash to an Establishment network that operates primarily against their interests.

That is not to say the rising populist wing of the party is any more pure in its adherence to traditional, intellectual conservatism. Neither factions is a pure embodiment of what early conservative thought leaders envisioned — but before determining why, one must first define what is conservative.

In his 1953 book, “The Conservative Mind,” Russell Kirk — widely considered the grandfather of the modern conservative movement — identified 10 principles that define authentic traditionalist conservatism, or true conservatism:

First, the conservative believes that there exists an enduring moral order. That order is made for man, and man is made for it: Human nature is a constant, and moral truths are permanent.

Second, the conservative adheres to custom, convention, and continuity. It is old custom that enables people to live together peaceably; the destroyers of custom demolish more than they know or desire.

Third, conservatives believe in what may be called the principle of prescription. Conservatives sense that modern people are dwarfs on the shoulders of giants.

Fourth, conservatives are guided by their principle of prudence. Burke agrees with Plato that in the statesman, prudence is chief among virtues.

Fifth, conservatives pay attention to the principle of variety.

Sixth, conservatives are chastened by their principle of imperfectability … Man being imperfect, no perfect social order ever can be created.

Seventh, conservatives are persuaded that freedom and property are closely linked. Separate property from private possession, and Leviathan becomes master of all.

Eighth, conservatives uphold voluntary community, quite as they oppose involuntary collectivism.

Ninth, the conservative perceives the need for prudent restraints upon power and upon human passions.

Tenth, the thinking conservative understands that permanence and change must be recognized and reconciled in a vigorous society.

In a hysterical screed entitled “The Breitbart Alt-Right Just Took Over The GOP,” Ben Shapiro writes that “constitutional conservatives can’t stand the alt-right. Conservatives — real conservatives — believe that only a philosophy of limited government, God-given rights, and personal responsibility can save the country. And that creed is not bound to race or ethnicity.”

But what Shapiro describes as the beliefs of “real conservatives” are no such thing. In his criticisms against the French Revolution, Anglo-Irish statesman Edmund Burke, Kirk’s biggest influence and the recognized godfather of conservatism, attacked the abstract nature of the revolutionaries’ “rights of man.”

Burke argued that men are not born with inherent abstract rights to which they are entitled. Instead, he highlighted the ancient inherited rights and liberties of the English people, the result of a specific set of historical circumstances and political and social developments unique to the English nation.

Kirk stressed that, despite Jefferson’s flowery abstractions about natural rights, these ancient English rights and liberties are the same rights and liberties to which Americans are entitled — being a nation founded by Englishmen and established upon those very principles.

This principle was echoed by Savoyard philosopher Joseph de Maistre in his critique of the French revolutionaries’ ideology:

The constitution of 1795, like its predecessors, has been drawn up for Man. Now, there is no such thing in the world as Man. In the course of my life, I have seen Frenchmen, Italians, Russians, etc.; I am even aware, thanks to Montesquieu, that one can be a Persian. But, as for Man, I declare that I have never met him in my life. If he exists, I certainly have no knowledge of him.

… This constitution is capable of being applied to all human communities from China to Geneva. But a constitution which is made for all nations is made for none.

The mainstream conservative movement in America has forgotten this entirely. It is why it supports nation-building and mass migration without any serious attempt at assimilation, things all true conservatives find abhorrent.
Why would you FREE Blacks from themselves? They ARE Democrats
Lol, and for a century they were Republicans.

What in your befeebled mind makes you think that they are not born with the capacity for political choice like every other human being?
And who says that people are going to vote contrary to what they've answered in polls in favor of Trump. Remember, there was a bias in the 2012 election: toward Romney. 19 of 23 polls has a bias toward Romney, some by as many as 5 to 7 points.
Lol, there you go with the straw man arguments.

Dont you ever tire of lying to yourself? you haven't claimed that Trump's actual support is 5 to 10 points higher than it is reported in the polls? Because I can quote you doing just that.

What I'm asking you to do is provide us with a rational basis for those assumptions. You simply beg the question, assuming it must be so. But you've provided no evidence that it is.

You're literally offering us your belief as your sole basis of evidence. And your belief isn't actually evidence.

At one point you tried to offer us an argument based on conservative support for trump. But when I demonstrated that Trump has among the lowest satisfaction ratings of any GOP candidate in about 20 abandoned it. And as the 2012 election demonstrates, the 'liberal bias' you assume didn't exist. A conservative bias did. By a ratio of about 6 to 1.

So what do you have but naked belief and quietly desperate hopefulness that Trump is doing *better* than the polls indicate? If 2012 and your own standards of 'conservative support' are any standard, he's likely doing significantly worse than the polls indicate.
You are making a Straw Man argument by saying my argument about the polls is the same as the one conservatives made for Romney in 2012, which they are not.

Conservatives then argued that the pollsters were deliberately rigging the polls out of malice for Romney, and I do not claim that.

My explanation for the distortion in the polls is based on subtle errors and subtle bias based on world view, and not a deliberate skewering of the polls.

Hilary is both a criminal and she is incompetent, 6 Billion dollars in contracts from State is gone.

I have explained this to you many many times already and yet you persist in repeating your lies, i.e. acting like a Democratic Party shill which you are.

Now you may go back to your donkey porn.
Alt right makes up maybe 1 % of the population... why focus on them, when Trump is not associated with them in any way?
Not only do you have the popularity of the views of Laura Ingraham and Rick Perry down completely wrong, but you do not seem to realize that they openly support Trump and he accepts that endorsement and often appears on stage with these people.

What on Earth are you talking about?
Milwaukee was a war zone...not a smart move at the time. Plus what you want them to do round up blacks and force them to the damn rally?

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