Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
CNN is regretting doing a live focus group poll after the third debate. It was a focus group of undecided voters. The voters said the third debate helped them decide by a rate of 10-to-5 to vote for Trump instead of Hillary. Wow that's 2/3 that are going with Trump.
Haha, and CNN thinks they're fooling everyone in their other polls where they always poll more Democrats to favor Hillary.
Wow, they couldn't fix this one, egg on their faces!!!
CNN Instantly Regrets Asking Group of Undecideds who They’ll Vote for in Live Post-debate Poll
Haha, and CNN thinks they're fooling everyone in their other polls where they always poll more Democrats to favor Hillary.
Wow, they couldn't fix this one, egg on their faces!!!
CNN Instantly Regrets Asking Group of Undecideds who They’ll Vote for in Live Post-debate Poll