Clinton Global Initiative closing on 4/15/17 - 96 employees laid off.But,Hillary said CGI was great!


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015


The closing of the CGI SURELY has nothing to do with not being able to BUY POLITICAL FAVORS or BILL CLINTON'S INVOLVEMENT in TENEO. See this article from the NYT in 2013.

Unease at Clinton Foundation Over Finances and Ambitions

"Mr. Clinton ended his advisory role with Teneo in March 2012, after an article appeared in The New York Post suggesting that Mrs. Clinton was angry over the MF Global controversy. A spokesman for Mr. Clinton denied the report. But in a statement released afterward, Mr. Clinton announced that he would no longer be paid by Teneo.

He also praised Mr. Band effusively, crediting him with keeping the foundation afloat and expressing hopes that Mr. Band would continue to advise the Global Initiative.

“I couldn’t have accomplished half of what I have in my post-presidency without Doug Band,” Mr. Clinton said in the statement.

Even that news release was a source of controversy within the foundation, according to two people with knowledge of the discussions. Mr. Band helped edit the statement, which other people around the Clintons felt gave him too much credit for the foundation’s accomplishments. (The quotation now appears as part of Mr. Band’s biography on the Teneo Web site.)"

SO, CGI is closing, but look at all these WONDERFUL quotes from CGI:

10 Great Quotes From Clinton Global Initiative

1. "We live to prove that cooperation works better than conflict." ~President Bill Clinton

2. "True transformation only comes from sustainable strategies." ~Hillary Rodham Clinton during her Special Remarks. She goes on to say "When more women enter the workforce, it spurs innovation, increases productivity and grows economies. Families then have more money to spend, businesses can expand their consumer base and increase their profits; in short, everyone benefits."

3. "I don't think I'm in the basketball business, I think I'm in the business of helping families break generational we lift, we create joy and hope." ~John Calipari, Men's Head Basketball Coach at the University of Kentucky

4. "I think Africa is one of the parts of the world that I'm most optimistic about. I think there is a genuine prospect of change...Today, what African countries need is partnership, they need good governance, they need quality investment, they need to move out of aid dependency. Aid has played a great part in helping those countries in many ways...[but] today, it's about Africa doing it for itself. What they need is for us to be their partners and not their donors." ~Tony Blair (Excerpts from Charlie Rose's interview with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair)

5. "Today, we face a world with unprecedented challenges and complexities...But we come together knowing that the bitterness of hate is no match for the strength of love." ~Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney in his Special Remarks

6. "Our message the millions around the world, is we see you. We hear you. We insist on your dignity and we share your belief that if just given the chance, you will forge a life equal to your talents and worthy of your dreams. Our fight against human trafficking is one of the great human rights causes of our time and the United States will continue to lead it, in partnership with you." ~President Barack Obama in his Special Remarks

7. "Optimism is a mix of pragmatism, focused on real solutions, like what we spend a lot of time here at CGI discussing, and also big dreams and radical ideas." ~Chelsea Clinton while moderating a breakout session called "The Case for Optimism"

8. "We're seeing a technological innovation that is only accelerating, and we're seeing the power of the Internet to tap the vast human potential to solve these great problems. I look at platforms like Kiva, which have channeled $300 million into micro-finance. Kickstarter put more money into the arts than the National Endowment of the Arts last year." ~Billy Parish, President of Mosaic

9. "Teachers should act more like a moderator, teaching kids how to think and how to innovate. We have access to thousands of bits of information, millions, but why memorize something that you can just look up in 3 seconds? No, you should know how to use that's regurgitation that is kind of killing us." ~Jack Andraka, 15-year-old cancer researcher known for developing new method for detecting pancreatic cancer

10. "Participants in CGI don't accept poverty and other plagues as inevitable. We look for ways to achieve what others say can't be done. Instead of placing our fingers in the air to determine which way the wind is blowing, we enlist the help of others to change the direction of the wind." ~Madeleine Albright

ALL BULLSHIT......CGI is only open for 9 more weeks.
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My point is...

...CGI is corrupt as shit. It was a way for donors to pay the Clinton's for access to American government decision makers.

With Hillary NOT winning the WHITE HOUSE, there is no need for the sham charity...because there are no favors to sell.


The Clinton's do not give a SHIT about AIDS in AFRICA...they care about POWER AND MONEY FOR THEMSELVES.

It's surprising they didn't keep it open for a little while longer if for nothing else but the optics.
Another reason CGI is closing is that it's being investigated by the DOJ.

I'm pretty sure JEFF SESSIONS will not be meeting with Bill Clinton for an OFF THE RECORD 45 minute meeting on a airport tarmac during the investigation.
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