Clinton Emails ‘So Classified’ That Congressional Oversight Committee Can’t View Them


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
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Sin City

My God! Why isn't this woman in jail? She's committed high treason and is being considered for the highest position in this nation? What have we come to?

I was an intelligence analyst for the bulk of my Army career. I had a TS/SCI clearance. If I had done a fraction of what this scrunt has gotten away with, I’d have been Court Martialed, given a dishonorable discharge, and thrown under Leavenworth.

I too had a Top Secret and was never, for one minute, left without some warning about the importance of securing classified material.

And The Sleaze Queen wasn't?
That's the Clinton Crime Machine. Their tentacles are long and useful. that's why they haven't gone down in flames. Here's hoping.
Well, ya see, she bumped her head and it wasn't serious until it was useful for it to be serious.

then it just knocked all knowledge of what the proper protocols were clean out of her head and, gosh, gee, golly even what the letter c meant.

but she was fine too, ya see, and she did mega awesome stuff too cause she's just sooooo talented that she could do it with, like, a brain that didn't even work, but that busted noodle still managed to spit out a defense that saw her walking off with no responsibility for her own actions, cause it didn't work right.....then, when she says it didn't.....but then later it did.......when she says it did again.....
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