Clinton Couldn’t Win Over White Women...issues, not vaginas win votes!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Suffragette white....Mrs. Trump wore it so much better, and didn't look like a BAG LADY!!!


Hillary Clinton wore it in the biggest moments of her campaign: when she clinched the Democratic primary, when she accepted her party’s nomination, when she made her final debate appearance. The subtle sartorial symbolism was paired with the more explicit campaign message of Clinton as a tireless striver for women and families. Throughout these many months, the Clinton team made it clear that they believed her historic candidacy had the potential to sway portions of the electorate, most especially women voters. They were counting in no small part on the support of sisterhood.

But Clinton’s stunning loss Tuesday night showed that issues of culture and class mattered more to many American women than their gender. The sisterhood, as real sisterhood tends to be, turned out to be riddled with complications.

Preliminary exit poll results show that while she won women by 12 points overall (Trump won men by the same margin, a historic gender gap),1 Clinton lost the votes of white women overall and struggled to win women voters without a college education in states that could have propelled her to victory. I wrote Tuesday night about Clinton’s collapse in the Midwest — she saw Ohio, Wisconsin and probably Michigan slip away, all states President Obama won in 2008 and 2012 — and this appears to be in part because of her performance among voters who don’t have a college degree, including women.

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But to make it easier for the truly stupid...

13% of illegal aliens ADMIT they vote. (About Clinton's national vote total)
CA Political Review ^

As we always knew, California and American elections are filled with fraud and corruption. Thanks to a new poll, we now know that approximately 13% of illegal aliens vote. Since they are already criminals, stealing ID’s or using phony ID’s. lie to get welfare, steal jobs—why not vote as they to lose. Since they can not be deported or jailed, they have nothing to lose. Obama is protecting these law breakers.

Could this be why real citizens don’t vote—the illegal aliens outvote them? Worse, in close elections illegal aliens can make the difference. Corruption? Look at the ballot box. In fact, they could have elected a President and Senator!

“Since 80 percent of noncitizens vote Democratic, according to the study, noncitizen participation could have “been large enough to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College votes [in North Carolina in 2008], and Congressional elections” such as the 2008 race in Minnesota in which Al Franken was elected to the U.S. Senate, giving “Senate Democrats the pivotal 60th vote” to pass Obamacare. The Old Dominion/George Mason study was sharply attacked by progressive critics, but the mounting evidence makes clear this is a real problem.”
Ever notice how Ivanka is always having to avoid his groping and full on kisses in public? She even had to stop him after his acceptance speech.
Why did Hillary get more votes than Trump?

I'd say more people stayed home (or voted Libertarian) instead of voting for Trump
compared with people who stayed home instead of voting for Clinton.

Makes you wonder who won or lost
the stay at home / none of the above

But I'd say the people who understand the candidates enough to deliberately stay home and not vote at all were likely lost votes for Trump. The ones waffling over Clinton don't to tend to be the type to take such a hard stance they won't vote at all. Their peers who are sympathetic are more likely to convince them go ahead, while on the right the people mad about Cruz and Trump are more like the type who refuse to vote at all. Just what I observed.

I talked with someone who changed their mind about Clinton and didn't want to vote, but said it was important to take responsibility for what that vote means to you, and do with it what you could honestly face the candidates and party and explain why you voted as you did. If you can honestly tell them I voted for you because I support prison reform so I expect you to support these projects that need funding, vote for them. If you're like me I would say the Democrats don't deserve my vote till they agree to clean up the messes made with corrupt wasteful policies and canpaigns. I don't believe in liberals teaching anyone to depend on courts to decide conflicts over beliefs, so we need to appt. Constitutionalist who distinguish beliefs and keep those out of govt. So that's what my vote means and I expect courts to uphold the Constitution and quit party pandering. I would tell Trump and Clinton to their faces what my vote means and commit to work with both parties to protect their interests and representation from infringement by the other by stopping the abuse of govt and media for bullying to censor others.

But the people on the right had a harder time getting objectors to vote if they had issues with Trump.

So if there was a drop there, they either stayed home or the conservative votes went to GARY JOHNSON.

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