Clinton Campaign / Associates Pushed A SECOND 'Dossier', Discarded As A 'RUSE'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Yeah, it is coming out that THE Steele 'Dossier' was not the ONLY 'Dossier' Clinton and her associates tried to push to / through the FBI who, it is obvious now, was working for Hillary.

The 2nd 'Dossier' claimed the Russians were blackmailing Trump to get 'tapes' back, tapes that showed him in 'compromising sexual positions' during his trip to Moscow / Russia. When asked to present the tapes or evidence the tapes existed / the claim was true the story fell completely apart. 'Ummm, the Russians have it, deny it, and won't give them out.'

SSDD (Same $h!t Different Day)

'In Summer 2016, Blumenthal shared Shearer’s documents with a friend, a State Department official named Jonathan Winer. At the time, he was serving as special envoy to Libya, provided the Shearer reports to Steele, who he had known since 2009.

Steele gave the Shearer reports to the FBI. The London-based Steele first contacted the bureau in July 2016 to share his information on Trump. He continued meeting with investigators through that October.'

Hillary pays $12 million to a foreign spy who is working with Russians, Russians who give him a 'Dossier' of 2nd-hand-account propaganda, that she illegally uses in a US election....and gives it to the FBI who then illegally uses it to acquire warrants to spy on the GOP candidate and his team during an election, a crime dwarfing Watergate.
- The FBI is working for Hillary / the Hillary campaign.

Hillary associates go to the foreign spy and provide him with BS information which the spy then turns around and gives to the FBI, meaning the information given to the FBI - again - came from 'Team Hillary'. This time, however, the BS report is so outlandish and un-supported that even the Co-conspiring 'Secret Society' members in the FBI disregard it.

The pattern is exposed - BS opposition 'research' from 'Team Hillary' is continually flowing through a foreign spy working with the Russians, Russians who are feeding Team Hillary (and the FBI, through Steele and Hillary) propaganda in an attempt to help sway the election in HILLARY'S DIRECTION'.

...and the hate-driven sheep keep their eyes closed while repeating the mantra the real traitors whisper to them: 'Trump is the Traitor' ... when the whole time it is obvious it was Hillary, her associates, and the Obamacolytes in the DOJ and FBI.

Clinton Fixer’s ‘Second Dossier’ Was Met With Skepticism
"Clinton operatives pushed a dossier during the 2016 presidential campaign that appeared to be a classic “rope-a-dope” scheme being peddled by purported Russian spies, according to a person who was briefed on the documents by one of the Clinton insiders during the 2016 presidential campaign.

The dossier in question was written by Cody Shearer, a notorious Clinton fixer. It was passed to the Department of State by Sidney Blumenthal, a friend of Shearer’s and another Clinton operative.

The eight-page document eventually made its way to the FBI through Christopher Steele, the former British spy who wrote a dossier of his own.

While the FBI is reportedly investigating the claims made in the Shearer memos, one person who discussed the document with Shearer during the campaign says it appeared at the time to be a ruse."
Easy, how many people don't already know this stuff and are willing to examine the evidence? And what is the probability that someone that meets those requirements is on this message board?

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