Clear BIAS of MSM... COVID spread by Churches, concerts... BUT NOTHING about the protests!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Watching ABC news tonite very anxious discussions about large groups and spread of COVID... like a church group in California or a free concert on East Coast. Rising COVID cases... oh my... anecdotal stories of COVID cases... Oh my!!!

BUT NOT ONE comment about the "protests"! Where is that coverage?
Why doesn't the MSM make a big deal about the protests that have 1,000s of people in major cities? Where is the responsible
Again, there will be some spread in these protests. That's inevitable. But again, most of the protesters I've seen are wearing masks. Sure, not the greatest because of no social distancing. But better than nothing. There's a reason the virus spreads in a setting like a church or a concert. Hundreds of people packed into tight spaces or into a building. No masks, no social distancing. Singing, yelling, and talking at the tops of their lungs (church), hopping up and down, slamming into each other, and yelling and singing at the top of their lungs (concert). That's not a petri dish. That's a Super Soaker. There's a lot of press coverage about the protests. But almost no data that suggests that the COVID surges are attributed to them.
That utter piece of shit Cuomo blasted the Chainsmokers concert as ILLEGAL for violating Wu flu rules,BUT HE DOESNT SAY THE SAME THING ABOUT RIOTERS.

Again, there will be some spread in these protests. That's inevitable. But again, most of the protesters I've seen are wearing masks. Sure, not the greatest because of no social distancing. But better than nothing. There's a reason the virus spreads in a setting like a church or a concert. Hundreds of people packed into tight spaces or into a building. No masks, no social distancing. Singing, yelling, and talking at the tops of their lungs (church), hopping up and down, slamming into each other, and yelling and singing at the top of their lungs (concert). That's not a petri dish. That's a Super Soaker. There's a lot of press coverage about the protests. But almost no data that suggests that the COVID surges are attributed to them.

But the two events I referenced were held OUTSIDE....

Just a little search ...

Officials in Los Angeles, Seattle, and Miami-Dade County, Fla., have acknowledged that anti-police protests and riots may have led to increased spread of the coronavirus, according to a Fox News report.
Watching ABC news tonite very anxious discussions about large groups and spread of COVID... like a church group in California or a free concert on East Coast. Rising COVID cases... oh my... anecdotal stories of COVID cases... Oh my!!!

BUT NOT ONE comment about the "protests"! Where is that coverage?
Why doesn't the MSM make a big deal about the protests that have 1,000s of people in major cities? Where is the responsible
Of course the virus is being spread through crowded protests. I imagine the lack of emphasis in the coverage comes from support of the social justice movement and not wanting to paint it in a negative light.
That utter piece of shit Cuomo blasted the Chainsmokers concert as ILLEGAL for violating Wu flu rules,BUT HE DOESNT SAY THE SAME THING ABOUT RIOTERS.

Or a coward... Take your pick.
That utter piece of shit Cuomo blasted the Chainsmokers concert as ILLEGAL for violating Wu flu rules,BUT HE DOESNT SAY THE SAME THING ABOUT RIOTERS.

Or a coward... Take your pick.


Calling a concert illegal, but not calling riots illegal is just fucking retarded.

No wonder he has an 80% approval rating in New York. New Yorkers are fucking morons.
Watching ABC news tonite very anxious discussions about large groups and spread of COVID... like a church group in California or a free concert on East Coast. Rising COVID cases... oh my... anecdotal stories of COVID cases... Oh my!!!

BUT NOT ONE comment about the "protests"! Where is that coverage?
Why doesn't the MSM make a big deal about the protests that have 1,000s of people in major cities? Where is the responsible

It would be fantabulous if the few respected people left in the Blob's administration (Fauci, Brix) would get up and say something about the protesters and COVID19.

If the Media didn't cover it (and perhaps they did and the media hasn't)'d have a story. Please link to it if you can.

The media most often reports what the Administration and newsmakers give them. The blob touting the findings of some quack in Houston who believes in demons is news because the blob gave this moron a megaphone.
The left can't blame Trumps covid policy for the uptick in new cases because I read his covid policy and there is nothing in there about protesting and rioting without a mask.....they rioters are to blame for the resurgence...we almost had this thing beat.....and they had to go and spread it around by rioting....shame on the media they have completely lost control of themselves....and we are paying the price....
The socialists DemonRats and their lapdogs, the MSM, don't care anymore about being bias....they will let the whole world know that they are bias!

If you don't like it, it's too bad, that's how it is . Period. :mad-61:

I have no doubt that some is being spread that way....but do we yet have evidence of a rise in covid cases in Portland?

So why are schools still be closed?
CDC's National Center for Health Statistics now reports a total of 188 COVID-involved deaths among people age 24 and younger -- or 0.154 percent of the total 121,374 COVID deaths reported to CDC from early February through the week ending July 11.

NOTICE of the 14 below Deaths... all but two were over age 64....
The OHA released the following information about the people who died.
  1. A 77-year-old male in Multnomah County who tested positive on June 19 and died on July 22 at Portland Adventist Medical Center. He had underlying conditions.
  2. A 79-year-old male in Multnomah County who tested positive on July 3 and died on July 20 at Portland Adventist Medical Center. He had underlying conditions.
  3. A 77-year-old female in Jefferson County who tested positive on June 30 and died on July 23 at St. Charles Medical Center in Bend. Presence of underlying conditions is being confirmed.
  4. A 94-year-old female in Clackamas County who tested positive on July 19 and died on July 26 in her residence. She had underlying conditions.
  5. A 54-year-old male in Malheur County who tested positive on June 24 and died on July 15 at St. Luke’s Nampa Medical Center. He had underlying conditions.
  6. A 26-year-old male in Yamhill County who died in his residence on July 10. The death certificate listed COVID-19 disease or SARS-CoV-2, as a cause of death or as a significant condition that contributed to his death.
  7. A 91-year-old female in Clackamas County who became symptomatic on July 22, after close contact with a confirmed case, and died on July 26. Location of death and presence of underlying medical conditions are being confirmed.
  8. An 88-year-old male in Deschutes County who tested positive on July 23 and died on July 25 at St. Charles Medical Center in Bend. He had underlying conditions.
  9. A 78-year-old female in Deschutes County who tested positive on July 12 and died on July 23. Location of death is being confirmed. She had underlying conditions.
  10. A 64-year-old female in Jefferson County who tested positive on July 14 and died on July 27. Location of death and presence of underlying conditions are being confirmed.
  11. An 82-year-old female in Jefferson County who tested positive on July 20 and died on July 26. Location of death is being confirmed. She had underlying conditions.
  12. An 87-year-old male in Marion County who tested positive on July 14 and died on July 26 at Salem Hospital. He had underlying conditions.
  13. A 66-year-old female in Marion County who tested positive on July 14 and died on July 24. Location of death is being confirmed. She had underlying conditions.
  14. An 84-year-old female in Umatilla County who tested positive on July 22 and died on July 25. Location of death is being confirmed. She had underlying conditions. Oregon reports single-day record 14 new COVID-19 deaths
If you are "righteously" outraged and looting and burning, you are immune.

GOOD: Judge Once Again Refuses To Shut Down In-Person Worship At Los Angeles County Church.


Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California and Pastor John MacArthur’s battle with the county and the state over holding in-person, indoor services at his church. Judge Mitchell L. Beckloff ruled in favor of the church based on the fact that there were “no previous court rulings” forbidding the church from holding such services. But at the same time, the judge left open the question of whether or not the county could impose fines of up to $20,000 on the church for violating executive orders issued by the county government regarding large assemblies during the pandemic.

The County/State came at Grace Community again, and again, Judge Beckloff is content to allow things to continue as they have been thus far. The county demanded a restraining order on the pastor, preventing him from continuing to hold indoor services. The judge shot them down yet again, but he still failed to rule on the larger question of whether or not the county’s rules violated the church’s First Amendment rights. Instead, he went with yet another technical argument.
The county wants its executive dictates enforced, but they don’t want to be responsible for the headlines and video of law enforcement dragging Pastor MacArthur out of his church in handcuffs. They would prefer to have the court issue an injunction and then ask the state to do the dirty work if the Pastor remains in defiance of its rules. Pastor MacArthur originally went after Governor Newsom in his lawsuit, but the Governor doesn’t want to touch this hot mess with a ten-foot pole.
Again, there will be some spread in these protests. That's inevitable. But again, most of the protesters I've seen are wearing masks. Sure, not the greatest because of no social distancing. But better than nothing. There's a reason the virus spreads in a setting like a church or a concert. Hundreds of people packed into tight spaces or into a building. No masks, no social distancing. Singing, yelling, and talking at the tops of their lungs (church), hopping up and down, slamming into each other, and yelling and singing at the top of their lungs (concert). That's not a petri dish. That's a Super Soaker. There's a lot of press coverage about the protests. But almost no data that suggests that the COVID surges are attributed to them.
So you think ALL people who go to church are "Singing, yelling, and talking at the tops of their lungs (church), hopping up and down, slamming into each other, and yelling and singing at the top of their lungs (concert).
What a racist statement! ALL Church people? Really? ALL!!!

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