Clean energy makes big gains.

What's ridiculous is that OUR coal plants use "air scrubbers" and other tech to limit emissions while the Chinese could care less! So we shut down our "clean" coal fired plants while we let them build dirty coal fired plants for the next two decades? Who are the morons that thought that was going to do ANYTHING to clean up the environment?

Who are the morons that thought that was going to do ANYTHING to clean up the environment?

The greens.
Pure BULLSHIT from an unknown and unverified source.

The only reason why "clean energy" is outpacing fossil fuels this year, that the author nor OP fail to mention is because Biddum has just dumped half a trillion dollars into leftwing owned green energy companies while standing on the heads of the oil and gas companies! So of COURSE they are doing well!

Meantime, he also makes no mention of all the pollution and environmental damage done developing this "clean" energy.

As soon as the Biddum government money runs out, so will the "profitability" of green energy.

Renewable energy costs has outpaced fossil fuels across the globe. Is Biden responsible for that as well?? That's some feat! You couldn't possibly be a bigger sucker for dumb right wing talking points and propaganda.
Renewable energy costs has outpaced fossil fuels across the globe. Is Biden responsible for that as well?? That's some feat! You couldn't possibly be a bigger sucker for dumb right wing talking points and propaganda.
There is no proof the cost is less. An article found with a democrat website is not proof.

End the subsidies, the feed in tariffs, the rule laws and regulations what utilities must do and pay, then we can see if solar will stand on its own.

Yes, all across the world governments have rigged and fixed the price.

Can Biden, or the US government which is the largest market in the world manipulate and effect other countries, of course we can.

IMF and World bank, the Federal Reserve, have no power to influence the world?

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