Classic ignorant Trump hater...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I was enjoying an ice cream treat in a fast food place today when this woman sat down a few tables from me and loudly proclaimed after seeing CNN on the TV... "Trump is such a jerk"!
I was really offended because I am a Trump supporter so she by association would think I'm a "Jerk".
So I told her several FACTS about Trump like:
1) Trump like me believes America is exceptional and the main reason Trump like me KNOW that America's exceptionalism comes from "legal immigrants" like my daughter-in-law who became citizens LEGALLY!
2) I also told her that what she was hearing/reading from the MSM was biased and that much of it was not honest.

We discussed further and being 80 years old she said FDR was a great president. To which I advised
her FDR deported illegals and put into internment camps Japanese. She didn't know.

I further went on to try to influence her opinion regarding the bias of the MSM and asked if she'd heard
of the SDS/Weathermen. Of course she didn't! I explained how journalism has been so corrupted by
socialists teaching in schools that Kindergarten students from PS75, a public school in New York City, recently took part in a class project in which the children were made to create an American flag with the flags of other 22 other nations superimposed over the stripes. Below the flag read the words "We pledge allegiance to an International Flag."

Read more: Outrageous! Public School Students Taught To 'Pledge Allegiance To An International Flag' | The Sean Hannity Show

The whole thing can be summed up though by her comment after I told her I spent hours every day
reading material about politics, our country and the massive problems. Her comment..." I don't have time to do that"! Right! She doesn't have the time....YET she calls Trump a Jerk after watching CNN and all the other biased MSM network/newspapers continually tear apart our country with their biased and totally subjective reporting!

What a shame our country is so really based on this ignorant woman's comment the same WAY!
Your experience perfectly illustrates the huge problem we have. The "average American" is just not very well read or knowledgeable and relies on media specifically network TV news to spoon feed them information. So when MSM which now includes Fox News runs anti-Trump spots 24/7 you get Aunt Maude screaming "Trumps a jerk!". If Trump makes it to the WH it will be the most remarkable political achievement in American history given his own party and the media have made him Public Enemy Number One. It is a disgraceful spectacle and not what America is about.
Yo, Conservative here, voting "Ted Cruz" all the way! You might want to get the image out of your head? Your Fired! This is a T.V. Show, not the real World!

If Cruz is the nominee I'll vote for him as I would for Rubio. As someone on the board posted I would vote for a flaming bag of dog crap before Hildebeast. What I am saying is that this political and media assassination of Trump is wrong and un American.
Your experience perfectly illustrates the huge problem we have. The "average American" is just not very well read or knowledgeable and relies on media specifically network TV news to spoon feed them information. So when MSM which now includes Fox News runs anti-Trump spots 24/7 you get Aunt Maude screaming "Trumps a jerk!". If Trump makes it to the WH it will be the most remarkable political achievement in American history given his own party and the media have made him Public Enemy Number One. It is a disgraceful spectacle and not what America is about.

Everybody is used to "Putin is aggressor!" after hearing it 24/7 from their TVs also. But when Trump's countrymen and his party members say "Trump is a jerk!" and other crap like that just because they are afraid he may win the presidency, it's just a shame. BTW, their "not jerks" nominees lost to a clown in 2008 and 2012, why do they think anybody even cares about their opinion.
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So you bullied an 80 year old woman. What a perfectly Trump like thing to do.

To be fair, he felt offended that not everyone shares his enthusiasm for Trump and he had to hear such filth while enjoy an ice cream treat in this scenario he made up.
So you bullied an 80 year old woman. What a perfectly Trump like thing to do.

To be fair, he felt offended that not everyone shares his enthusiasm for Trump and he had to hear such filth while enjoy an ice cream treat in this scenario he made up.

"Made up"?? :disbelief:

B-but but... it's posted on a message board on the internets! How much more real can it get?
So you bullied an 80 year old woman. What a perfectly Trump like thing to do.

To be fair, he felt offended that not everyone shares his enthusiasm for Trump and he had to hear such filth while enjoy an ice cream treat in this scenario he made up.

"Made up"?? :disbelief:

B-but but... it's posted on a message board on the internets! How much more real can it get?

Hey, he didn't even defend Trump's penis size so as far as I'm concerned it didn't happen.
I was enjoying an ice cream treat in a fast food place today when this woman sat down a few tables from me and loudly proclaimed after seeing CNN on the TV... "Trump is such a jerk"!
I was really offended because I am a Trump supporter so she by association would think I'm a "Jerk".
So I told her several FACTS about Trump like:
1) Trump like me believes America is exceptional and the main reason Trump like me KNOW that America's exceptionalism comes from "legal immigrants" like my daughter-in-law who became citizens LEGALLY!
2) I also told her that what she was hearing/reading from the MSM was biased and that much of it was not honest.

We discussed further and being 80 years old she said FDR was a great president. To which I advised
her FDR deported illegals and put into internment camps Japanese. She didn't know.

I further went on to try to influence her opinion regarding the bias of the MSM and asked if she'd heard
of the SDS/Weathermen. Of course she didn't! I explained how journalism has been so corrupted by
socialists teaching in schools that Kindergarten students from PS75, a public school in New York City, recently took part in a class project in which the children were made to create an American flag with the flags of other 22 other nations superimposed over the stripes. Below the flag read the words "We pledge allegiance to an International Flag."

Read more: Outrageous! Public School Students Taught To 'Pledge Allegiance To An International Flag' | The Sean Hannity Show

The whole thing can be summed up though by her comment after I told her I spent hours every day
reading material about politics, our country and the massive problems. Her comment..." I don't have time to do that"! Right! She doesn't have the time....YET she calls Trump a Jerk after watching CNN and all the other biased MSM network/newspapers continually tear apart our country with their biased and totally subjective reporting!

What a shame our country is so really based on this ignorant woman's comment the same WAY!

The whole thing can be summed as the thread premise is as moronic as it is ridiculous.
Ignorant? All you need to know about you can't believe a word he says because he might say the opposite tomorrow. How can you fools trust this guy?
If Cruz is the nominee I'll vote for him as I would for Rubio. As someone on the board posted I would vote for a flaming bag of dog crap before Hildebeast. What I am saying is that this political and media assassination of Trump is wrong and un American.

Maybe if he'd stop the name calling and stop changing his positions all the time, he could be taken more seriously.
If Cruz is the nominee I'll vote for him as I would for Rubio. As someone on the board posted I would vote for a flaming bag of dog crap before Hildebeast. What I am saying is that this political and media assassination of Trump is wrong and un American.

Maybe if he'd stop the name calling and stop changing his positions all the time, he could be taken more seriously.

That's what republicans want. It's why he has been in the lead for so long.
If Cruz is the nominee I'll vote for him as I would for Rubio. As someone on the board posted I would vote for a flaming bag of dog crap before Hildebeast. What I am saying is that this political and media assassination of Trump is wrong and un American.

Maybe if he'd stop the name calling and stop changing his positions all the time, he could be taken more seriously.

That's what republicans want. It's why he has been in the lead for so long.

Really, where has Trump gotten a majority of the vote? That would be 50+%.
If Cruz is the nominee I'll vote for him as I would for Rubio. As someone on the board posted I would vote for a flaming bag of dog crap before Hildebeast. What I am saying is that this political and media assassination of Trump is wrong and un American.

Maybe if he'd stop the name calling and stop changing his positions all the time, he could be taken more seriously.

That's what republicans want. It's why he has been in the lead for so long.

Rump is to political positioning as alternating current is to a battery.
If Cruz is the nominee I'll vote for him as I would for Rubio. As someone on the board posted I would vote for a flaming bag of dog crap before Hildebeast. What I am saying is that this political and media assassination of Trump is wrong and un American.
I agree, whole heartedly! The mainstream GOP is terrified of Trump and what he represents (i.e. the FACT that the Republican base does not agree with the GOP main line BS.) So far, Trump has managed to withstand the standard political GOP line of bs directed against those candidates who do not buy into their line of PC crap.
If Cruz is the nominee I'll vote for him as I would for Rubio. As someone on the board posted I would vote for a flaming bag of dog crap before Hildebeast. What I am saying is that this political and media assassination of Trump is wrong and un American.

Maybe if he'd stop the name calling and stop changing his positions all the time, he could be taken more seriously.
I have to agree that I would support any candidate who graduated 3rd grade lunch room and left the petty personal insults behind in order to discuss issues of importance.
Yo, Conservative here, voting "Ted Cruz" all the way! You might want to get the image out of your head? Your Fired! This is a T.V. Show, not the real World!

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If you think Ted Cruz will be anything like Ronald Reagan, you are delusional. He uses Reagan's name only to legitimize his sales pitch.
What kind of jerk would enter into a political lecture to an 80-year-old women in an ice cream parlor? Oh, ya, a Trumpian.

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