Clapper, Brennan To Testify Before House Weaponization Probe on Hunter Biden letter signed by 51 intelligence agents, including...Clapper & Brennan!

It’s a 36 page memorandum of slander innuendo, and lies made up by the Republican committee. There is nothing in the memorandum that Woods suggested any of these payments are improper or illegal.

In fact, the EEIG memo planning memo Indicates Support from around the world through various connections within various nations. The highlighted portion says USA Hunter Biden “to obtain support from family and friends”.

That tends to support Hunter Biden’s version of things where, and he says that he encouraged family and friends to invest in the Chinese company, and that the checks they were receiving were simply returns on their investment.

There is absolutely nothing in that memorandum to support the idea that these payments were corrupt or fraudulent. Not one single document.

There is no “there” there. This is Peter Swietzer’s book “Clinton cash” all over again.

Given the complexity of these investments, and the necessity to shield the failure of one of these investments from taking down all of the, it is not unusual to incorporate an LLC for every investment that you make.

It also appears that the Hunter Biden was wearing more than one hat and some of these ventures. He was on the board at Burisma but one of his companies was also consulting with Burisma and receiving payments for the consulting work.

When I look at this memo, I see a bunch of people getting together to invest in opportunities that Hunter Biden was finding on account of his name. Various people had various rules in these investments in various skills and connections to provide. But I don’t see, is any evidence crimes or even criminal activity.

This memo jumps to a LOT of conclusions but has absolutely nothing to back any of these claims up.

There's plenty of evidence now to file charges. But again, the Rs are spineless cowards so I wouldn't worry too much about them becoming serious in pursuing this.
There's plenty of evidence now to file charges. But again, the Rs are spineless cowards so I wouldn't worry too much about them becoming serious in pursuing this.

There’s no evidence whatsoever. Nothing. There isn’t a single thing in that memo that they could use to file charges.

They don’t even have a corporate flow chart to show how the money was being dispersed. They literally have nothing but a bunch of accusations and not one document to support them.
What money???? Hunter’s payments from Burisma. When you work for overseas companies, you get paid by overseas companies and the payments are reported to the Treasury Department.
There are literally thousands of these reports on the Trump family during the same time frame but nobody suggested any of these payments were bribes or illegal. Even as the Trump family were openly accepting bribes from the Chinese and the Saudi’s.
The Trump’s were taking in billions and not a peep from you guys. Junior got a $500 million loan from Xi and Trump lifted Chinese sanctions 3 days later. But let’s look at that $35,000 payment that Halle Biden got from a Chinese energy company.
These Biden kids sell out cheap!! Jared got $2 billion. But then he covered up a murder.
1. The money as shown in the bank records.
2. Hunter flunked out of the Navy, was a drug addict, and today is worth $230,000,000.
Nice work for a druggie with no skills or qualifictions, other than being Joe's bagman, huh.
3. Links to Trump bribes from Chinese and Saudis.
4. Link to Jarad's $2b bribe.
The only “Big Guy” I know is God

Giving ten percent to God is very common among deeply religious people like Hunter Biden
There is no big guy. Biden's investment such a Metabiota, is more important than Hunter's drug eating or addiction to religious drugs.

Why would the Chinese link a new virus, closest yet to SARS2, if not to reinforce the Metabiota link? This looks more like communist distancing from Biden DNA. There is no doubt that it does reinforce the Metabiota link.; All Homo sapiens must now think about a new genus of bats carrying this virus rather than the one the media Puppetmasters have gotten them to remember up until now.

We can thus include Hunter's low-IQ investments in the category, "financial corruption." We can also include as dangerous, your lack of education in the matter.
This is all I found? Back to work. Wake me if anyone gets handcuffed.

1. The money as shown in the bank records.
2. Hunter flunked out of the Navy, was a drug addict, and today is worth $230,000,000.
Nice work for a druggie with no skills or qualifictions, other than being Joe's bagman, huh.
3. Links to Trump bribes from Chinese and Saudis.
4. Link to Jarad's $2b bribe.

1. Deposit entries and check entries on bank accounts are not evidence of anything at all without supporting documentation on the nature and the purpose of such payments.

This report speculate on the nature and the purpose of such payments, but provides no evidence to support any their claims.

2. Where is the supporting evidence to show that Hunter Biden is currently worth $230 million? When I googled Hunter Biden’s net worth, I got a whole bunch of fake news sites claiming he was worth $200 million in making $20 million a year. But I couldn’t find a real news source To back it up

3. The links to the Chinese bribes, and the Saudi bribes have been posted multiple times. New York Times uncovered Trump supersecret Chinese bank account which he took $11 million out of shortly after the election.

This is just proof positive that nobody ever reads the links that I post, especially those on the right. I’m not only read the links you fools post, I read the underlying documents that are linked to in the links that you post. That’s why it’s easy to blow your stuff right out of the water.

The US Senate is currently investigating the payments from the Saudi’s to Kuchner in the Mulvaney
1. Deposit entries and check entries on bank accounts are not evidence of anything at all without supporting documentation on the nature and the purpose of such payments. This report speculate on the nature and the purpose of such payments, but provides no evidence to support any their claims.

2. Where is the supporting evidence to show that Hunter Biden is currently worth $230 million? When I googled Hunter Biden’s net worth, I got a whole bunch of fake news sites claiming he was worth $200 million in making $20 million a year. But I couldn’t find a real news source To back it up

3. The links to the Chinese bribes, and the Saudi bribes have been posted multiple times. New York Times uncovered Trump supersecret Chinese bank account which he took $11 million out of shortly after the election. This is just proof positive that nobody ever reads the links that I post, especially those on the right. I’m not only read the links you fools post, I read the underlying documents that are linked to in the links that you post. That’s why it’s easy to blow your stuff right out of the water. The US Senate is currently investigating the payments from the Saudi’s to Kuchner in the Mulvaney
1. The House investigation uncovered evidence of selling influence by the Biden Crime Family. The only question is will the FBI & DOJ follow-up and indict.

2. You can google Hunter's net worth. MSN is hardly a conservative fake news site and ABC is a news outlet.
$230,000,000 must be close since he pays $20,000 a month in child support. The recent Arkansas child support case really dug into Hunter's finances.

3. Yadda yadda yadda total bullshit. NO CREDIBLE LINKS for Trump or Jarad. Thanks for playing.
Hunter is a man of God. His favorite book is the Bible.
Just like Trump

Both contribute heavily to their church
His favorite then, is one of the world's most dangerous pieces of self-glossing literature, so is anyone surprised that Joe says Hunter is the smartest man he knows?

'With the profits from Simexco 'Kent' was able to move from Emile Beco to a magnificent 27-room apartment on the Avenue Slengers, where he set up home with the by now jewel-laden Margarete Barcza, becoming the centre of an exclusive society of conservative right-wing Catholic fops -- the perfect cover for a GRU agent. By this time the Grand Chef had moved his centre of operations tp Paris and 'Kent' was thereby appointed petit chef (Little Chief), responsible for supervising the Belgian apparat, based on the group of agents operating from the Rue des Atre'bates.'
(Tarrant, The Red Orchestra: The Soviet Spy Network Inside Nazi Europe, p. 113)

Suggested reading is also Uki Goni's The Real Odessa: Smuggling the Nazis to Peron's Argentina.

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