Civilian death count

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guys i just read from an official site that the US has killed close to 13000 civilians in Iraq. so where is the liberty for those people? how do you have the conscience to support this war?

even Jesus would be angry.. to the iraqi people, it would be like saddam is gone, but now the americans are here and they are killing our people and what more, they are also stealing our oil..

i would like to see some replies to this topic..
klusener said:
guys i just read from an official site that the US has killed close to 13000 civilians in Iraq. so where is the liberty for those people? how do you have the conscience to support this war?

even Jesus would be angry.. to the iraqi people, it would be like saddam is gone, but now the americans are here and they are killing our people and what more, they are also stealing our oil..

i would like to see some replies to this topic..

Well gee, here's a reply. How about a linky to the official site?
When were you appointed the mouthpiece for Jesus?
How about another linky for the oil charge?
What official site? Where the heck IS all that stolen oil anyway?
i am just saying about Jesus, cause bush wears his religion on his sleeve..

right from jfk's speech.. :bye1:
don't be mad at me guys, i am just saying..

there is all this talk about freedom and then you see the truth about the American army killing all these civilians...
klusener said: they account for all the deaths too...

Won't open, I'll try it later. You still have the Jesus and Oil to account for. As long as we're on the question phase, how do you answer the Iraqis that don't feel as you do?


It’s always dictatorship. We all know that it’s the reason behind all evil things on earth but we still deal with it in the same old way.
Dictators are the ones we must fear when they possess WMDs which are the common goal for them.
Actually dictatorships are the real WMDs. Every now and then they commit massacres worse that the ones WMDs can cause. Dictatorship is a corrupt fountain of poverty and human sufferings and it’s the mother of terrorism and fundamentalism.

Where do terrorism come from and where do we find such crimes? Simply in countries like Sudan, Iran, Egypt, Algeria, Yemen, Libya and Syria. These countries are the source of terrorism and the common factor among them is the wretched dictatorship.

I doubt that many will support repeating the unique courageous action that took place in Iraq. Although it’s the best choice, they will focus on the bad sides and turn their backs to the big deal which is the fact that there’s no way what happened in Darfur can happen in Iraq. In spite of the war we’re fighting against terror and in spite of the exaggerated media reports about the casualties, the last report for the international organizations said that the number of victims in Iraq due to terrorist attacks and violence is around 12 000 in one year. Yes, we’re fighting in a fierce battle but nothing can match the massacres we had suffered in Saddam’s days and we will never wish those horrible days return and in the future we will never experience something like what happened in Darfur where tens of thousands of people were slaughtered in a record interval as a part of an organized action planned for and supported by the government.

Our battle will end soon and then we will be the best in the region but what happened in Darfur will happen again and again in other countries led by dictators.
It’s now obvious that the world needs guts like the US and her allies have and the agreement to eradicate dictatorship must become on the top of the world’s priorities because it’s the origin of all evil.

Don’t think of me as a war fan. I’m not enjoying the noise of jet fighters or the destruction car bombs leave behind or the militants who try to terrorize me. I’m still dreaming of living like other people who live in London, Sydney, New York or Stockholm but I accepted to take this choice, the choice of war because it’s the only way to reach my dreams.
My people accepted to give what it takes to build our better future.

By Mohammed.
you want me to accept a whole another view based on the view of one man...

no, the majority of iraqis don't want us there...

that's like saying that the whole US is racist cause there is KKK...
klusener said:
you want me to accept a whole another view based on the view of one man...

no, the majority of iraqis don't want us there...

that's like saying that the whole US is racist cause there is KKK...

You're being troll like. I provided the link because if you read, you'd find more than this 'one man'. D'oh!

Moving along to the other questions your original post generated???
I have to disagree with your statement that the majority of Iraqis dont want us there. Anecdotal evidence from people I know who live and work in Iraq currently suggests just the opposite.

I also take umbrage with your statement about the US Army killing all those civilians. I do believe that if you take tally of those killed in the past by Saddam's regime, and now those Iraqi civilians being blown up by terrorists, the count FAR exceeds what the US military has done. I would also point out that the US military does not intentionally target civilians. It does its very best not to target schools, churches and national historical sites.

I find it incongruous that that the terrorists and some nations become so outraged when a single bullet inadvertantly strikes a mosque, yet feel no compunction about attaqcking Christian churches.
well all i can say is anecdotal evidence from people I know who live and work in Iraq currently suggests just the opposite.

also take umbrage with your statement about the US Army killing all those civilians. I do believe that if you take tally of those killed in the past by Saddam's regime, and now those Iraqi civilians being blown up by terrorists, the count FAR exceeds what the US military has done. I would also point out that the US military does not intentionally target civilians. It does its very best not to target schools, churches and national historical sites.

so are you comparing US to saddam, this means you accept that both of you are on the same level.. wait a minute.. aren't you supposed to be the liberators, you are not supposed to kill people?
the following picture may be offensive, but if the truth is offensive, it is not my fault..
i will give some space and then post the picture so you can choose not to see it...

** extreme graphic removed by moderator**

what will you say to this child and what will you say to his parents?
Nice pic from AL Jazeera....and I am sure they have tons more. War is a nasty business. The question I have about that picture is this: was that a death caused by the US or is the victim one of those people killed by terrorists?

As for comparisons to Saddam's Iraq and the US, your statement is misleading. Comparison does not imply equality. Nice try, though.

While you have made some statements and implied much criticism of the US and its policies, I see no suggestions for a solution. Got any besides the US should go away and stay out of international politics?
how dare you accuse me of my honesty? you try to blame others for your own stupidity..

that was a result from an US and British airstrike, you dumbo..

i am sorry for my remarks about you...
stop wagering war, bring in other countries and give the iraqis aid..

you put sanctions on iraqis after the first war, 500,000 iraqis died from that....

that's the true amount, just incase you blame me for your stupidity again..

and besides that, stop supporting the war if you can't handle the truth..
Name calling is frowned upon. The choice here lacks creativity to say the least. Settle down.
how can you expect me to calm down when thousands of children are dying..

anyway, i apologize to the guy who i insulted...
How dare I?

Because I am a US citizen that's why, and when a person makes a specious comment I have the right to question not only the person who made the comment but also their motive for making it.

I also have the right to question the validity of the photo you posted which is sourced from a known propaganda machine. I ask that you somehow validate that the photo is a genuine depiction of the result of any military action. How do we know it is not a photo of an unfortunate accident? The last statement is an exaggeration of course, but there is no way to verify the circumstances under which the photo was taken.
klusener said:
how can you expect me to calm down when thousands of children are dying..

anyway, i apologize to the guy who i insulted...

I suggest you read the rules about flaming, trolling, and taking moderator direction.
I also have the right to question the validity of the photo you posted which is sourced from a known propaganda machine. I ask that you somehow validate that the photo is a genuine depiction of the result of any military action. How do we know it is not a photo of an unfortunate accident? The last statement is an exaggeration of course, but there is no way to verify the circumstances under which the photo was taken.

for your information, i got that picture from Robert Fisk's site..

now if you have done your homework, you should know who that is..

how if you challenge the validity of this picture you are challenging the validity of Mr. Robert Fisk

{wrong information removed}
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