Its always dictatorship. We all know that its the reason behind all evil things on earth but we still deal with it in the same old way.
Dictators are the ones we must fear when they possess WMDs which are the common goal for them.
Actually dictatorships are the real WMDs. Every now and then they commit massacres worse that the ones WMDs can cause. Dictatorship is a corrupt fountain of poverty and human sufferings and its the mother of terrorism and fundamentalism.
Where do terrorism come from and where do we find such crimes? Simply in countries like Sudan, Iran, Egypt, Algeria, Yemen, Libya and Syria. These countries are the source of terrorism and the common factor among them is the wretched dictatorship.
I doubt that many will support repeating the unique courageous action that took place in Iraq. Although its the best choice, they will focus on the bad sides and turn their backs to the big deal which is the fact that theres no way what happened in Darfur can happen in Iraq. In spite of the war were fighting against terror and in spite of the exaggerated media reports about the casualties, the last report for the international organizations said that the number of victims in Iraq due to terrorist attacks and violence is around 12 000 in one year. Yes, were fighting in a fierce battle but nothing can match the massacres we had suffered in Saddams days and we will never wish those horrible days return and in the future we will never experience something like what happened in Darfur where tens of thousands of people were slaughtered in a record interval as a part of an organized action planned for and supported by the government.
Our battle will end soon and then we will be the best in the region but what happened in Darfur will happen again and again in other countries led by dictators.
Its now obvious that the world needs guts like the US and her allies have and the agreement to eradicate dictatorship must become on the top of the worlds priorities because its the origin of all evil.
Dont think of me as a war fan. Im not enjoying the noise of jet fighters or the destruction car bombs leave behind or the militants who try to terrorize me. Im still dreaming of living like other people who live in London, Sydney, New York or Stockholm but I accepted to take this choice, the choice of war because its the only way to reach my dreams.
My people accepted to give what it takes to build our better future.
By Mohammed.