Civil war from a left and right perspective.

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Most of your fantasy confederates see themselves as the general, never the foot soldier who would have to actually fight. Wars are fought by the young who for some reason don't give a damn about the entitled complaints of a bunch of spoiled geezers.

Science fiction..and not even good sci-fi!

High desertion rates..our military?

He's drunk. The US military takes their oaths far more seriously than he believes.

I have heard this bs for years now..and i get a kick out of it every time. 4G warfare...rendering heavy weapon meaningless?

Never really seen a ToT barrage before..or understand that artillery is an area denial weapon?

There no such thing as the Conservative army! No Liberal counter-forces!

Just s shop-worn fantasy of some dystopian end of days they call SHTF! Not going to happen least not with some civil war twixt the cons and the Libs..

Now is you're talking the coming resource wars..when water and power will dwindle---might need a gun or some areas.

but in that case..the military would be in there helping..stem the tide of hungry people.

So while they're stemming the tide of hungary people who's doing their fighting?

And no the military will not fire on American citizens.
They had no problem at Kent State.

Aaaaah thanks bodey!!!
Thats the one I was waiting for. And who were they shooting?
Not a good example for you--they shot law-abiding Americans exercising their constitutional rights. yeah, they were throwing rocks and acting the fools....but the shooting was deemed as egregious by most.

Better for your example would be any of the numerable times the army was used to break strikes..killing workers and upholding the sacred right of Ownership.

Oh it's a great example.
They were shooting leftist hippies.
AKA college students...many of whom were on their way to class.
This is the most comprehensive analyses of what would happen if civil war were to break out in America I've come across...and it paints a very bleak outcome for the left.

A lot of these points have been brought up here but this guy really nails it down.

Almost 1 hour of video? What are the highlights?
So while they're stemming the tide of hungary people who's doing their fighting?

And no the military will not fire on American citizens.
They had no problem at Kent State.

Aaaaah thanks bodey!!!
Thats the one I was waiting for. And who were they shooting?
Not a good example for you--they shot law-abiding Americans exercising their constitutional rights. yeah, they were throwing rocks and acting the fools....but the shooting was deemed as egregious by most.

Better for your example would be any of the numerable times the army was used to break strikes..killing workers and upholding the sacred right of Ownership.

Oh it's a great example.
They were shooting leftist hippies.
AKA college students...many of whom were on their way to class.

While throwing rocks and bottles.
Maybe they should have just went to class.
High desertion rates..our military?
You actually believe that a high percentage of military personnel will fire on their own people?.

I believe (based on the violence against the right that the left seems to condone) that anyone in the military who's brain is mangled like many of the Leftists at this forum would not only fire upon their fellow Americans, but relish the chance.

The vast majority wouldnt.
And those that did might just find themselves a target of those that wouldnt.
They had no problem at Kent State.

Aaaaah thanks bodey!!!
Thats the one I was waiting for. And who were they shooting?
Not a good example for you--they shot law-abiding Americans exercising their constitutional rights. yeah, they were throwing rocks and acting the fools....but the shooting was deemed as egregious by most.

Better for your example would be any of the numerable times the army was used to break strikes..killing workers and upholding the sacred right of Ownership.

Oh it's a great example.
They were shooting leftist hippies.
AKA college students...many of whom were on their way to class.

While throwing rocks and bottles.
Maybe they should have just went to class.

The more I look back on history, Kent State should have already been repeated a couple times.

Stupid fucking leftists.
Most of your fantasy confederates see themselves as the general, never the foot soldier who would have to actually fight. Wars are fought by the young who for some reason don't give a damn about the entitled complaints of a bunch of spoiled geezers.

The Left also starts their filthy revolutions and the young and old both die. Just saying.
This is the most comprehensive analyses of what would happen if civil war were to break out in America I've come across...and it paints a very bleak outcome for the left.

A lot of these points have been brought up here but this guy really nails it down.

Almost 1 hour of video? What are the highlights?

You can read most of what he says and fast forward.
It's been a couple days since ya'll jerked off over the idea of killing your fellow American.*

*ThEy ArE nOt mY FeLloW AmERicANS!

Well, those who still support delegitimizing a duly elected President 3 years out, I'm sad to say, are not MY fellow Americans, any longer.

They've gone bonkers rogue.

I am not sure how duly elected President Trump is? I've never seen a legitimate birth certificate. You're going to be standing in the middle of the civil war aiming in both directions. :lol:

:rolleyes: Not sure if serious.
This is the most comprehensive analyses of what would happen if civil war were to break out in America I've come across...and it paints a very bleak outcome for the left.

A lot of these points have been brought up here but this guy really nails it down.

Interesting video. However, I do not believe America is headed or even close to a shooting civil war 2.0. Rather, I think we've been (the U.S.A) engaged in a full blown cultural and technological cold civil war for about six or seven decades, a war fought through the entertainment industry and academic ideology on and from campuses across the country. Further, I do believe that the ultimate aim of Democrat majority controlled states such as California and Washington is secession. Yes, I predict such states will either actually secede from "the Union" or at least threaten secession as extortion to gain more power and advance cultural war objectives.

Now, speaking to what an actual shooting civil war 2.0 might look like, well . . . in my opinion, the opinion of a twenty-seven year Army veteran . . . what we'd at most see is as follows. We'd see governors and mayors of sanctuary states and cities using the combined might of their police and national guard forces to sort of keep out the Feds, and protect their rule and the rule of their ultra-liberal policies in those places. We might also see something very similar to the Paris Commune during the French Revolution in cities such as LA and Portland, where essentially those metropolitan centers of radical liberal culture become micro-nations unto themselves. As for regular US Military forces, I highly doubt they would be used domestically beyond a very basic crowd control and anti-insurrectionist/terrorist capacity. No sitting President, again in my opinion, would authorize use of heavy air bombardment against domestic population centers, unless the imminent danger was great enough to threaten the seat of our federal government itself. Mass desertion from regular, active duty forces for ideological purposes? The chances of that are very, very low.

The biggest fault I see in your hypothesis is the state of California using it's Nat Guard.
They like most Military personnel are right wing,and the vast majority of those troops in California dont even come from there,they're just stationed there.

I agree with you, academically and ideologically speaking. However, unit cohesion could very well rule the day if for instance say Governor Gavin Newsom called up whatever guard unit and set them to blockading LA from encroaching federal forces. I believe individual members of such units would follow orders for the deployment and be more concerned with protecting their fellow squad and platoon members than Googling the ideological-political motivations of those orders. This explanation would also hold water if whatever Governor effectively spun the reason for their deployment from say rebelling against the federal government, to protecting their homes and businesses and families from some kind of supposedly threatening or illegal encroachment of federal forces. The view up from boots on the ground is much different from the view down, particularly if your fellow troops' lives are under imminent threat.

What federal forces?
The defenders of the Constitution are not going to be federal forces.
As the guy stated in the video this isn't going to be a conventional war.
It will be a war of attrition,all you have to do is stop the flow of goods into the cities,in the day and age of daily shipment of food they'll be killing each other in a few weeks for a week old loaf of bread.
Cut the power and that exacerbates the situation.
Once the rioting starts they'll be to busy dealing with that.

Seems to me you're viewing a civil war 2.0 from an apocalyptic angle where society instantly breaks down all at once, less than a more realistic one, and I am not out to insult your take on the matter, but to rather provide what could be a more grounded view of the issue or possible scenarios. Indeed, regular military forces (federal forces, that is) are tasked with defending our Constitution and ensuring the continued function of federal political machinery. Viewing this from a ground up perspective, if some kind of division occurred within either our federal or state government branches, conflict could ignite on many fronts in many areas or pockets around the nation, but above all else, it is simply not possible in our modern America for such a division to occur in a geographically similar manner to 1862 with today's technology. Unless . . . unless states such as California, Washington, etc. either secede in an effort to form their own government, or cities within those states declare themselves independent city-states.

In the even that happens, secession in some form, the federally controlled military will not be ordered roll our armor divisions to either reverse secessionist states/cities or to breakthrough secessionist forces and arrest governors/mayors. The price would be too incredibly high in American lives, as would be use of regular Army/Air Force assets to bomb urban targets in these "rebel" areas. At most, the regular Army, etc. might be used to contain secessionist areas, but I doubt it, unless they'd be used maybe to protect D.C.

What you seem to be considering, speaking to a second civil war, is some sudden nationwide outbreak of shooting hostilities between ideologically divided American Citizens. That's just not gonna happen. Why? Because the moment armed Antifa or Patriot groups begin openly fighting each other, Federal Law Enforcement will put them down, and if the Feds can't do it, the regular Army will be called in to back the Feds up. Any such open fighting between those groups would immediately be deemed an insurrection, no matter who the government considers right or wrong ideologically, and stopped immediately.

The other scenario I haven't time to get in to is the geographic locations of regular military installations, nuclear weapons and other such federally controlled assets, which in the event of secession or some kind of open revolt would never be permitted to fall into the hands of secessionists, we'd better hope, which would present a whole new set of problems for D.C. and which I suppose if seized could be used as bargaining chips.
Most of your fantasy confederates see themselves as the general, never the foot soldier who would have to actually fight. Wars are fought by the young who for some reason don't give a damn about the entitled complaints of a bunch of spoiled geezers.

The Left also starts their filthy revolutions and the young and old both die. Just saying.
Right or wrong "the left" at least knows how to conduct an insurgency. Rightists do not have revolutions, they have military coups and quickly find themselves absolutely screwed. It's why I find all this civil war talk so comical. Rightists are cowards who always look to others to do their fighting for them.
This is the most comprehensive analyses of what would happen if civil war were to break out in America I've come across...and it paints a very bleak outcome for the left.

A lot of these points have been brought up here but this guy really nails it down.

and after you've slaughtered millions of Americans for being gay, atheist, liberal, muslim, different, rational, sane.....

what then?

A CHRISTIAN NATION in which no liberals are allowed?
no gays are allowed?
no feminists?
no muslims?

is THAT the conservative's idea of FREEDOM?
In certain situations our Military will intercede to stop a civil insurrection, whichever side, whatever state or region. Would they get involved in an all-out civil war of some duration....I don't believe so. After a time, shooting fellow Americans would disgust the majority of our Troopers and they'd refuse the orders, shoot the officers who persisted. The left doesn't have the stomach to take us would be carnage and they'd paint their asses white and run with the antelopes.

Consider the following:

THE LEFT tell us every single day how they are the educated, university-bred, science-orientated and progressive, their best friends are the textbook, computer and slide rule. Their idea of a bad day is their mocha latte being served cold at Panera Bread.
View attachment 264887

And by their definition, every day the Left tell us that THE RIGHT are backward hillbillies, crazed gun nuts, who live in swamps and live on roots, bugs, swamp water and dirt, paranoid sociopaths who think nothing of slaughtering illegals as they cross the border with no regard for civility or human decency. Their idea of a bad day is shooting one of their own hunting dogs by mistake while aiming for a pack of rabid wild wolves in the outbacks of Montana.
View attachment 264888

WHO you going to bank on again in an all out civil war?

^anti-intellectualism. Gosh, when has that ever gone wrong?
That's when Islam started going south....when the far right reactionary imams took over from the scientists and mathematicians at the end of the Islamic Golden Age.
This is the most comprehensive analyses of what would happen if civil war were to break out in America I've come across...and it paints a very bleak outcome for the left.

A lot of these points have been brought up here but this guy really nails it down.

Interesting video. However, I do not believe America is headed or even close to a shooting civil war 2.0. Rather, I think we've been (the U.S.A) engaged in a full blown cultural and technological cold civil war for about six or seven decades, a war fought through the entertainment industry and academic ideology on and from campuses across the country. Further, I do believe that the ultimate aim of Democrat majority controlled states such as California and Washington is secession. Yes, I predict such states will either actually secede from "the Union" or at least threaten secession as extortion to gain more power and advance cultural war objectives.

Now, speaking to what an actual shooting civil war 2.0 might look like, well . . . in my opinion, the opinion of a twenty-seven year Army veteran . . . what we'd at most see is as follows. We'd see governors and mayors of sanctuary states and cities using the combined might of their police and national guard forces to sort of keep out the Feds, and protect their rule and the rule of their ultra-liberal policies in those places. We might also see something very similar to the Paris Commune during the French Revolution in cities such as LA and Portland, where essentially those metropolitan centers of radical liberal culture become micro-nations unto themselves. As for regular US Military forces, I highly doubt they would be used domestically beyond a very basic crowd control and anti-insurrectionist/terrorist capacity. No sitting President, again in my opinion, would authorize use of heavy air bombardment against domestic population centers, unless the imminent danger was great enough to threaten the seat of our federal government itself. Mass desertion from regular, active duty forces for ideological purposes? The chances of that are very, very low.

The biggest fault I see in your hypothesis is the state of California using it's Nat Guard.
They like most Military personnel are right wing,and the vast majority of those troops in California dont even come from there,they're just stationed there.

When, in the history of this country, has the military refused to go against its citizens?
This is the most comprehensive analyses of what would happen if civil war were to break out in America I've come across...and it paints a very bleak outcome for the left.

A lot of these points have been brought up here but this guy really nails it down.

Odd thing about conservatives......when they aren't thinking of gay sex they are thinking of killing vast numbers of liberals.
This is the most comprehensive analyses of what would happen if civil war were to break out in America I've come across...and it paints a very bleak outcome for the left.

A lot of these points have been brought up here but this guy really nails it down.

Interesting video. However, I do not believe America is headed or even close to a shooting civil war 2.0. Rather, I think we've been (the U.S.A) engaged in a full blown cultural and technological cold civil war for about six or seven decades, a war fought through the entertainment industry and academic ideology on and from campuses across the country. Further, I do believe that the ultimate aim of Democrat majority controlled states such as California and Washington is secession. Yes, I predict such states will either actually secede from "the Union" or at least threaten secession as extortion to gain more power and advance cultural war objectives.

Now, speaking to what an actual shooting civil war 2.0 might look like, well . . . in my opinion, the opinion of a twenty-seven year Army veteran . . . what we'd at most see is as follows. We'd see governors and mayors of sanctuary states and cities using the combined might of their police and national guard forces to sort of keep out the Feds, and protect their rule and the rule of their ultra-liberal policies in those places. We might also see something very similar to the Paris Commune during the French Revolution in cities such as LA and Portland, where essentially those metropolitan centers of radical liberal culture become micro-nations unto themselves. As for regular US Military forces, I highly doubt they would be used domestically beyond a very basic crowd control and anti-insurrectionist/terrorist capacity. No sitting President, again in my opinion, would authorize use of heavy air bombardment against domestic population centers, unless the imminent danger was great enough to threaten the seat of our federal government itself. Mass desertion from regular, active duty forces for ideological purposes? The chances of that are very, very low.

The biggest fault I see in your hypothesis is the state of California using it's Nat Guard.
They like most Military personnel are right wing,and the vast majority of those troops in California dont even come from there,they're just stationed there.

I agree with you, academically and ideologically speaking. However, unit cohesion could very well rule the day if for instance say Governor Gavin Newsom called up whatever guard unit and set them to blockading LA from encroaching federal forces. I believe individual members of such units would follow orders for the deployment and be more concerned with protecting their fellow squad and platoon members than Googling the ideological-political motivations of those orders. This explanation would also hold water if whatever Governor effectively spun the reason for their deployment from say rebelling against the federal government, to protecting their homes and businesses and families from some kind of supposedly threatening or illegal encroachment of federal forces. The view up from boots on the ground is much different from the view down, particularly if your fellow troops' lives are under imminent threat.

What federal forces?
The defenders of the Constitution are not going to be federal forces.
As the guy stated in the video this isn't going to be a conventional war.
It will be a war of attrition,all you have to do is stop the flow of goods into the cities,in the day and age of daily shipment of food they'll be killing each other in a few weeks for a week old loaf of bread.
Cut the power and that exacerbates the situation.
Once the rioting starts they'll be to busy dealing with that.

Seems to me you're viewing a civil war 2.0 from an apocalyptic angle where society instantly breaks down all at once, less than a more realistic one, and I am not out to insult your take on the matter, but to rather provide what could be a more grounded view of the issue or possible scenarios. Indeed, regular military forces (federal forces, that is) are tasked with defending our Constitution and ensuring the continued function of federal political machinery. Viewing this from a ground up perspective, if some kind of division occurred within either our federal or state government branches, conflict could ignite on many fronts in many areas or pockets around the nation, but above all else, it is simply not possible in our modern America for such a division to occur in a geographically similar manner to 1862 with today's technology. Unless . . . unless states such as California, Washington, etc. either secede in an effort to form their own government, or cities within those states declare themselves independent city-states.

In the even that happens, secession in some form, the federally controlled military will not be ordered roll our armor divisions to either reverse secessionist states/cities or to breakthrough secessionist forces and arrest governors/mayors. The price would be too incredibly high in American lives, as would be use of regular Army/Air Force assets to bomb urban targets in these "rebel" areas. At most, the regular Army, etc. might be used to contain secessionist areas, but I doubt it, unless they'd be used maybe to protect D.C.

What you seem to be considering, speaking to a second civil war, is some sudden nationwide outbreak of shooting hostilities between ideologically divided American Citizens. That's just not gonna happen. Why? Because the moment armed Antifa or Patriot groups begin openly fighting each other, Federal Law Enforcement will put them down, and if the Feds can't do it, the regular Army will be called in to back the Feds up. Any such open fighting between those groups would immediately be deemed an insurrection, no matter who the government considers right or wrong ideologically, and stopped immediately.

The other scenario I haven't time to get in to is the geographic locations of regular military installations, nuclear weapons and other such federally controlled assets, which in the event of secession or some kind of open revolt would never be permitted to fall into the hands of secessionists, we'd better hope, which would present a whole new set of problems for D.C. and which I suppose if seized could be used as bargaining chips.

Maybe I didnt make myself clear and thats on me but I figured the video would explain the situation.
This is about America going to socialism and the right never gaining any meaningful positions of power to effect policy due to massive immigration.
The Constitutionalist will eventually have their backs against the wall. The question is what will they do about it and what percentage will fight back?
It wouldnt take many thats for sure.
Let them break bad! I'd love to off all those unAmerican pieces of shit.

No, bitch! Pa-tow! Bye! Founding Fathers, not Communism, fuck you and the horse you rode in on!

Science fiction..and not even good sci-fi!

High desertion rates..our military?

He's drunk. The US military takes their oaths far more seriously than he believes.

I have heard this bs for years now..and i get a kick out of it every time. 4G warfare...rendering heavy weapon meaningless?

Never really seen a ToT barrage before..or understand that artillery is an area denial weapon?

There no such thing as the Conservative army! No Liberal counter-forces!

Just s shop-worn fantasy of some dystopian end of days they call SHTF! Not going to happen least not with some civil war twixt the cons and the Libs..

Now is you're talking the coming resource wars..when water and power will dwindle---might need a gun or some areas.

but in that case..the military would be in there helping..stem the tide of hungry people.

So while they're stemming the tide of hungary people who's doing their fighting?

And no the military will not fire on American citizens.
They had no problem at Kent State.

Aaaaah thanks bodey!!!
Thats the one I was waiting for. And who were they shooting?
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